My maternal grandfather was an XO on a floating drydock for the USN in the Pacific for WWII. The only real idiot stories I know of from his service were rolling a Jeep after leaving the officer's club on Guam, and someone (not sure who) getting the geometry wrong for a ship they built a temporary bow for to get it back to Norfolk. They made it fit and the ship made it back, but....oops.
# ¿ Aug 21, 2019 18:56 |
# ¿ Sep 19, 2024 02:58 |
My favorite Clancy-verse item is now a "truth is stranger than fiction" piece where Jack Ryan becomes president after running a large hedge fund. He literally says "If I ran my business the way this government is run, I wouldn't have a business!" Then he proceeded to lower taxes on the rich.
# ¿ Feb 14, 2020 20:28 |
CainFortea posted:The Frankfurters would like to have a word with you. How on Earth do they screw up Frankfurters?
# ¿ Feb 20, 2020 18:00 |
It has a double hand grip to accommodate people of various arm lengths.
# ¿ Mar 10, 2020 05:09 |
Imagined posted:It's almost funny that pretty much the only population vulnerable to this thing (olds) are also the ones most likely to think it's all hype, no big deal, etc. I guess they have to think that way or the cognitive dissonance of their years of voting against any socialized healthcare or worker protections and for cutting all government funding and safety nets will catch up to them. I think it's more a mentality of "I survived the Cold War/AIDS epidemic/Cuban Missile Crisis/Vietnam War/whatever so this doesn't scare me."
# ¿ Mar 17, 2020 22:24 |
nullscan posted:
I'd take my chances running from the cops for a kebab right now.
# ¿ Mar 28, 2020 15:21 |
To be fair, spinach fettuccine doesn't look particularly appetizing even at the best of times.
# ¿ Apr 4, 2020 17:58 |
Didn't someone here accidentally invade Syria?
# ¿ Jun 13, 2020 18:43 |
Milo and POTUS posted:I'd have joined the military if I knew I could have been hide the turd champion
# ¿ Jul 20, 2020 01:33 |
poo poo, I'd be willing to bet it's either totaled or repo'd within 90 days - almost certainly totaled.
# ¿ Aug 4, 2020 19:50 |
Wild T posted:As a part of the East Coast snobby elite I can prove that Royal Farms chicken blows anything Chick Fil A makes out of the water while also being dirt cheap. I feel like every region has a chain or local group for fried chicken that blows away the national chains. In Houston we have Frenchy's, which is fantastic. Same is true for burgers, pizza, etc - the thing you get with the major franchise chains is an expectation of consistency. That's of course never true, but I can understand why people would still want the relative safety in knowing what they're getting from Chick-fil-A vs. rolling the dice on *insert fried chicken place here*
# ¿ Sep 29, 2020 02:19 |
Wild T posted:That's a big assumption that he'll get four years after that dumbassery. Yeah, it's been pretty great to see the number of bigots and fascists that have been getting outed because they believe the world agrees with them. Funny how their bosses usually don't.
# ¿ Oct 9, 2020 13:57 |
Dick Burglar posted:Yeah, it's not about bosses' personal beliefs, it's about what they think will make--or lose--them the most money. A few years ago(?) Chik-fil-A had their most profitable day ever when they got outed for funding anti-gay legislation (again) and people called for a boycott, because bigots (also called "evangelicals") flooded their stores to give them business. This was 2013 or so, I think? I remember where I was living at the time, and there was a Chik-fil-A right by my apartment. As soon as the news broke, the one by me immediately hung a rainbow LGBT flag from the building and changed up their sign to say "Corporate doesn't speak for us, we support equality!" or something along those lines. Maybe they were just being opportunistic and trying to run some local PR, but I don't think so. Seems like a lot of effort to go through if you're just trying to make some extra money - especially at the risk of pissing off the evangelicals.
# ¿ Oct 9, 2020 14:53 |
Dick Burglar posted:Apparently there was not only a Fight Club 2 comic miniseries, but a Fight Club 3 comic miniseries. Good god. Just read the synopsis of Fight Club 2 and....wow. Palahniuk was really a one trick pony, basically nothing in there is new.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2020 04:25 |
Wild T posted:Invisible Monsters was good and honestly I liked it better than Fight Club. No way any reputable director is taking that project on. Supposedly Survivor was going to be a movie but then 9/11 happened and a film about a crazed religious figure's plan to slam an airplane into the ground was no longer considered acceptable. Survivor is still the most interesting books of his that I've read, but it's probably been 8-10 years or more.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2020 17:34 |
Stupid_Sexy_Flander posted:Random question since we are talking about gunsmithing, how much would it be to have a custom revolver made? I know the answer is "a lot", but I'm wondering what range that lot can be. Think the revolver from Trigun. I'd imagine that would be almost a complete custom build. As was mentioned, Mateba is your best bet for something out of Trigun but good luck finding one. If you want a unique starting point that's well regarded, check out Korth. No idea what wait times are like (I'd expect quite long, but they're supposed to be some of the best revolvers available in the world today. Spendy though, $4k I believe gets you into a relative base model.
# ¿ Dec 10, 2020 02:26 |
Phanatic posted:OTOH I think I've seen that before, and if I recall someone claimed it was airsoft. Otherwise, ouch.
# ¿ Apr 24, 2021 19:06 |
I hope you don't mind that I pass on this story and call you my friend. This is way too funny not to share.
# ¿ May 9, 2021 22:37 |
According to a buddy of mine, that is actually for a VW Tiguan.
# ¿ Jun 17, 2021 22:00 |
CommieGIR posted:It's speed isn't worth it and doesn't make it less vulnerable, it's range is for a mythical mission it will never fulfill, and it's cargo capacity doesn't beat stuff like the Chinook which is more reliable and kills less crews. What? It created jobs for a lot of senators and helped them get reelected, it served its mission honorably.
# ¿ Jun 20, 2021 15:44 |
Wrr posted:I remember learning about this from the first Watch Dogs; makes sense in a way because how do you push new firmware or making setting changes or get info from it without it? Surgery? What's wrong with Watch Dogs? I never played the first one but the second was fine, albeit very much an Ubisoft game.
# ¿ Jul 11, 2021 22:54 |
Vindolanda posted:Just refit AWACS planes to use the big circly chap on top as a landing pad and add a stepladder so someone can fuel up a chopper with jerry cans. Give him a rope or something to hold onto with the free hand if it’s windy. I foresee a bright future for you heading up a joint Lockmart/Boeing project.
# ¿ Aug 27, 2021 00:27 |
MrUnderbridge posted:They ended their careers after bragging about it. They could have gotten away with it, but couldn't keep quiet. What's the story here?
# ¿ Aug 28, 2021 05:06 |
Wrr posted:Those have to be some sort of like, "Captain Libtard!" """funny""" strawman persona for fake rants, right? I actually took a minute to look and they look like stock photos. You can license them but I can't even find them for free online in better quality.
# ¿ Sep 17, 2021 20:42 |
This reminds me of a story I read awhile back about a group theorizing about what the results would be if a MEU was inserted into ancient Rome and ordered to go for it against the whole Roman military.
# ¿ Sep 24, 2021 01:33 |
GD_American posted:Saw that all over Twitter, lots of people dunking on what is basically a very good point Clearly those people have never been to a tech conference in Vegas.
# ¿ Oct 19, 2021 23:23 |
What is Babylon 5?
# ¿ Nov 6, 2021 23:59 |
The metaverse is becoming real a bit too fast.
# ¿ Nov 30, 2021 16:16 |
BIG HEADLINE posted:Poseidon lost his fifth-generation fighter: https://www.businessinsider.com/f-35-that-crashed-off-uk-carrier-has-been-recovered-2021-12 SMEGMA_MAIL posted:so instead of being normal they did the Navy thing
# ¿ Dec 11, 2021 05:50 |
A Festivus Miracle posted:
Christian Scientists don't have an official stance on vaccines - they leave it up to the individual. Among major religions, I believe every single one actively encourages vaccination. Maybe the strictest orthodox sects don't, but religions are generally not suicide pacts.
# ¿ Dec 21, 2021 14:55 |
Wasabi the J posted:Ah yes Texas. That VICE piece got him killed? I've never heard that in the past - I know the guy was scared of talking to the press because he was afraid the police would go murder him (which is what happened), but I don't recall it being connected to the VICE piece at all. Could be wrong, and wouldn't be the first time a journalist's fuckup got someone harmed/killed.
# ¿ Mar 4, 2022 15:11 |
BIG HEADLINE posted:I have a feeling Community Colleges are going to end up being inundated over the next decade as they're used as a de facto second and third "senior year" for the "Kovid Kidz" who got too far behind on academic development. There is already a push happening to get rid of the SAT as a standardized test to get into undergrad. The U of California system has already abolished it.
# ¿ Mar 10, 2022 15:54 |
CainFortea posted:When I did phone support our system would auto populate a customer's account. And doctors always had DOCTOR!!! in bold letters at the top because if you didn't say "doctor" they would lose their poo poo and take what should have been a 3 minute call and turn it into an 8 minute call. When bars started scanning credit cards to populate a name for a tab within their POS, a lot of banks were at the time using [first initial][middle initial] [last name] - which worked out great because my first and middle initials are DR. I went a few years getting regularly called "Dr. [last name]" at bars.
# ¿ Mar 31, 2022 02:44 |
Dick Burglar posted:I mean, we're talking about muscle bros. They're basically TCC weirdos ordering "research chemicals" from China except, instead of getting high, their goal is to get ripped as gently caress. Breast milk isn't really that far out. It's all natural.
# ¿ Apr 14, 2022 03:24 |
NightGyr posted:Speaking of unpiloted vehicles... I would *love* to listen in on the call to the insurance company for this one.
# ¿ Apr 22, 2022 20:28 |
Jimmy Smuts posted:What's that one Army CBT for pre-deployment training where it's literally a Choose Your Own Adventure (with videos) in a FOB? And at one point, you could choose to sexually harass women and such? Was this the US Army or Canadian Army?
# ¿ May 5, 2022 05:02 |
GD_American posted:Must be a hell of an MRI to rack the slide. https://www.ajronline.org/doi/full/10.2214/ajr.178.5.1781092
# ¿ Jul 2, 2022 03:38 |
Inquiring minds want to know - was the rocket motor for that missile liquid fueled or solid fueled?
# ¿ Jul 7, 2022 02:17 |
bennyfactor posted:I think North Korea is currently the only military with TEL-launched liquid fueled ballistic missiles. As long as a nation has (or, had) industry to make large solid fuel rockets, carrying around a bunch of liquid oxidizer in a war zone is, uh, a thing to be avoided. That was my thought, I'm just surprised that SRBs being fielded today are still so susceptible to accidental ignition.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2022 02:56 |
# ¿ Sep 19, 2024 02:58 |
Platystemon posted:[US/Military/Virginia] I received a phone call this morning telling me I’m being investigated for fraudulent enlistment. (self.legaladvice) Is this copied from somewhere, or is this about you? If it's about you, this sounds like a HIPAA question almost immediately, that would be where you want to start looking. If it's copied from somewhere, I'm not sure this counts as an idiot move - HIPAA is not an easy law to wrap your head around, and I'm not even sure how it applies to the military compared to the civilian world. That's a relatively narrow field of inquiry.
# ¿ Sep 7, 2022 16:20 |