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The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Flashing back to gunchat for a moment, why haven't any manufacturers introduced a new low-pressure .50 cartridge? Idiots would be able to say "It's fifty-cal :smug: :badass:" while having something with manageable recoil and you'd be able to use lighter/cheaper components in the gun (pure profit).

Sure nerds would be all 'feet per second' this and 'foot-pounds' that, but Real Men would know that it's fifty calibre and just the shockwave of it going past will blow a man in half.


The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

ponzicar posted:

Those same idiots would load regular .50 cartridges into the guns designed for the light version.

I don't mean making soft-loaded .50 AE rounds, O mean creating the new .50 Asskicker cartridge with unique case dimensions.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Phanatic posted:

Isn't that just .50AE? Or .50 Beowulf? Or .510 Whisper?

My thought was: Start with .50 AE. Remove half the powder, seat the bullet a bit deeper so the overall cartridge length is a couple of mm shorter and can't be interchanged. Write some marketing guff about your proprietary Turbomurder projectile ("the lovely secondhand tooling we bought can't cut rifling worth a drat" -> "the projectile tumbles inside the target creating a unique curved wound profile for enhanced lethality "). Come up with a suitably ridiculous name - .50 Bullfucker or .50 Spartan-Patriot or something. Profit.

Edit: Ideally it would be .55 calibre, but I think that's illegal in the US.

The Lone Badger fucked around with this message at 04:49 on May 13, 2021

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

goatsestretchgoals posted:

E: re neodymium: how many debit cards do you go through in an average week?

Nobody uses the magstripe any more.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Wrr posted:

Bland game with the usual awful Ubisoft writing, entire mission arc in the middle that leads to nothing and kills pacing, unlikable scumbag protagonist who is both the source of all his own problems in the game and yet utterly convinced he is the victim, weird ableism around a dude putting an evil master villain cause his one leg got busted and now he needs a leg brace, general aura of racism, weird sex-trafficking plot that goes nowhere and becomes just another collectable, privacy invasion mission that just reveals everyone in the city is a monster and consistently has at least one foot in Dark and Edgy poo poo Man, main character very clearly used to be an estranged husband instead of a brother leading to weird poo poo with his son-nephew, uuuuuuuh bland gameplay whose hacking is just a general fancy use button, etc.

Chip Cheezum has an excellent LP of the first game if you're curious.

Sometimes the game seemed to be joining me in bagging on him for pretending to be batman rather than dealing with his problems like an adult. Other times it took itself entirely seriously.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

GD_American posted:

He's Australian.

We have a major problem in our special forces at the moment.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Casimir Radon posted:

I’m guessing CIA isn’t Central Intelligence Agency in a his case, and probably Culinary Institute of America.

Or they're still working on ways to assassinate Castro.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

MarcusSA posted:

He can probably get the religious exemption :shrug:

That’s what a lot of people seem to be going for at this point but I have no idea how that is actually going to legally play out.

Is Trumpism a legally valid religion already?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Not enough silver lame.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Scratch Monkey posted:

Let's give the Space Force a chance to suck before we abolish it. But while we're on the subject let's do something we can all agree on and get rid of the Marines. Or at least restrict them to naval guard duty and occasional amphibious invasions where their only job it to secure a beachhead for the army (who could have done it themselves anyway)
I'm afraid the Marines have a superior branding presence. We're going to have to get rid of the army instead.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

bulletsponge13 posted:

Everyone else become Space Marines.
USMC becomes Sea Marines.

Land Marines, Sea Marines, Space Marines.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Wrr posted:

And Air Force :)

They don't count.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Memento posted:

do these come with knöpfle and speck? Sounds like a hearty breakfast

Unfortunately due to material shortages we were only able to produce one wunderwaffle for the entire nation. As it was made using slave labour it may contain ground glass and/or razor blades, the user is encouraged to inspect carefully before consumption.
The wunderwaffle is too large for any of our serving plates and so we cannot transport it from the kitchen to the table at this time, please instead enjoy this pleasing propaganda description of it.

The Lone Badger fucked around with this message at 01:22 on Sep 24, 2021

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Looks more like a closed sphincter to me.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Just give everyone a Hilux.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Whats an ACH?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

The filming was happening in America wasn't it? They have ammunition and sometimes entire firearms just kinda lying around, rattling at the back of drawers and in between seat cushions.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Casimir Radon posted:

Right now it looks like the AD is probably most culpable, especially since he’s been removed from a previous movie for unsafe firearm handling. But there’s plenty of blame to go around.

I want to see the actual director take heat for not shutting everything down when it was proved to be unsafe, and in fact using scabs to continue working in face of proven unsafe conditions.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Bum the Sad posted:

Keanu Reeves literally got 97 counts of man slaughter making John Wick.

Isn't Keanu noted for being a safety nut?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Shooting Blanks posted:

What is Babylon 5?

It's a port of call, home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs and wanderers. Humans and aliens wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal .. all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last, best hope for peace.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

GD_American posted:

Picture Deep Space Nine with a mega-chud CO

That was the security guy, not the commander.
And yes, his character was as bad as the actor.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Would it be possible to make a breaching round for an underslung 40mm? Replace the grenade with fine powder like they use in breaching shotgun shells. Or is the max pressure on the launcher just too low for that?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

According to the red army (who I consider reasonably expert on the subject), the best infantry weapon for house-to-house fighting is a shitton of grenades.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Casimir Radon posted:

Toxic gas and flamethrowers are the key to a successful hostage situation according to Spetsnaz.

Step 1 of a hostage situation: make it stop being a hostage situation.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Both of these are lobbing explosive munitions. I was thinking of something like the M576, but using a pressed-powdered-metal projectile instead of lead balls.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Aren't you supposed to eat someone's face as well?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

GotLag posted:

That seems unsanitary, I think ink would be safer

Yeah but we've got plenty of blood just lying around all over everything.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

What's the oblong shroud thing on the first half of the barrel? Is it just to make it look future-y?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007


It's a "dynamic versatile warfighting system for multiple battlefield paradigms." :colbert:

It's a tracked Stryker with a 120mm instead of a 105. The mention of "fire support" means "can't take a hit."

So it's a light tank?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

ded posted:

not a tank but everyone on the battlefield will call it a tank and it will 100% eat anti-tank in all of its various forms and the crew shall be turned into goo

IIRC one of the problem with 'not tanks' is that inevitably an officer will use them like tanks and they get predictably annihilated.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Duzzy Funlop posted:

I assume this exact situation may quite possibly happen in the boardroom at Rheinmetall. Guy stumbles in mumbling about .50BMG, realizes it's the wrong room before leaving, and six months later, the Lynx 120 has another turret mounted M2

Replace with 120 with a twelve-barreled rotary .50

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

bulletsponge13 posted:

The Russians issue a buttpad, as do Ukrainians. It's a useful piece of kit for the Infantry and motorized Infantry.

Presumably not in neon green though.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

I heard that Hilary was designing a lubricated launch rail system for aircraft carriers. The Butter EMALS, they called it.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

bulletsponge13 posted:

The only people who should wear dress uniforms are ceremonial dudes like Sentinels. And then I want the most pompous, overdone, powdered wig tricorner bullshit. With Sabers and flintlock pistols and poo poo. I want Central African Dictators to look at them and go, "gently caress, that's a little much".

Gold-plated M4 as an official issue item?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Proposal to replace all handguns in service with cap-guns. If you have to shoot someone with your sidearm you're probably hosed-up beyond saving anyway, and it would reduce accidents.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

GD_American posted:

Everyone. Everyone who re-enlists for this is an idiot.

I saw this tweet and thought "my god, if I stayed in I'd still be two years away from retirement, and dealing with this"

Is this making sure the shocks etc are in-spec and not worn out, or is there something much stupider I'm missing?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Note that a firearm in the grip of an MRI may discharge despite all modern safeties, because the magnetic fields bypass them and manipulate internal components directly.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

bulletsponge13 posted:

I think cross posting would be best. I make jokes, but troops make impossible happen.
Mk19 mounted on a Gator.
M2 with tripod jammed into a window.
The Gun Trucks of Death in Vietnam.
Technicals of Syria and Libya.
Aircraft weapons mounted on minivans.

You give a trooper a task, little guidance, and no adult oversight, they'll surprise you

Especially M2s. Any vehicle left around troops of any nationality for an extended period will end up covered in M2s. It's like some kind of natural phenomenon.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

The 'meta' since the 1940s has been "gently caress the rifle, an infantryman is a means of transporting a pair of eyeballs and a radio."


The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Nystral posted:

It wouldn’t surprise me if in 50 years we find the toxicity of the land was one of the factors in determining what bases were closed in the 90s.

But did they close the most toxic ones or the least toxic ones?

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