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May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Schneider posted:

Duty sucks, gently caress duty.

This thread is now about funny or hosed up duty stories.

Once upon a Saturday night, I was touring my post as any squared away DNCO should do when I heard a noise, a very particular noise, coming from one of my grandboot's rooms. His door was ajar and the noise coming from within sounded suspiciously like a female getting smashed out. A FEMALE, WHO WAS NOT PROPERLY CHECKED IN WITH THE DUTY NCO, IN MY BARRACKS? gently caress. NO. Why do I even care about this, you ask? I guess I'm just a prick. I guess it pisses me off that some dumbass 18 year old PFC is bringing his little teenage tramps back to the barracks to smash them out while I'm walking around the barracks with a loving logbook under my arm yelling at idiots to pick up their cigarette butts. Additionally, I didn't like this particular Marine.. he was kind of a turd and sucked at life and whined a lot.

My mind raced, scrambling to find the most absurd and offensive insults I could muster as I prepared to kick the door open and deliver rear end-chewing to end all rear end chewings. My corfram came up and I spartan-kicked the door open, face twisted in fury, spittle flying as my mouth formed the first syllable of what was to be the magnum opus of my asschewings.

What I beheld was not PFC Fuckknuckles simply loving some skank, oh no.

On one of the racks were four of my Marines going family style on some chubby unattractive blonde girl with a tramp stamp. I'm pretty sure the balls touched.

I stopped in the doorway as my tiny TBI-ridden rifleman brain attempted to process the scene before me. They all stopped their frantic humping for a moment and stared at me. I didn't know what to loving say at this point.. I mean, what can you say to that, really. I just asked if she was of age and upon receiving a valid photo ID from the girl, muttered "very well, carry on" and continued my tour.


May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.


i had a spillage incident when i was attached to a marine sigint battalion and created a product on sipr that referenced selector names that apparently could not be used on sipr. i specifically asked the class level and if i could do it on sipr cause my jwics machine sucked and he said yes. and that was the last time i ever listened to a marine

What’s that in English?

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Cheese eating surrender monkey started around the time before Iraq 2: This Time We Mean It, when Americans started buying champagne to pour it down the sewers.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.


May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
@stoolpresidente is a great handle though.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

CainFortea posted:

I'm sure the design was very mature for it's age.

It’s actually a very old design in a young body.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.


Y'all are a bunch of dumb nerds if an access card is the height of cool

Christ you’re boring, have you ever left home?

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Dude has an Italian name too, was mobbed out as gently caress, I thought everyone realized that.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Fearless posted:

Luciano did have something worked out with the US government in which mobsters were tasked with port security during the war. I wouldn't be surprised if that card was connected to that.

That was mostly stateside, to make sure there were no labor disruptions on the docks.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
So how worthless is that satellite now?

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
What the gently caress is that thing for?

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Be best cyber bully you can be.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Wagner loves the flight of the Valkyries.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Absurd Alhazred posted:

They look sound to me.


May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

EBB posted:

That man is holding a copy of I'm In Love With My Car, the Worst Song on the Best Album.

Isn’t Bohemian Rhapsody on the B-side?

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Mind you not being able to track multiple ships above a certain number is not an uncommon issue amongst navigation software and equipment.

The SOLAS ARPA standard is something ridiculous like eight targets.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Dollar to donuts that poo poo has some cringe poo poo on the front.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Anybody who thinks touch screens should be on any kind of critical system on a ship has never tried to steer one through a storm.

Also, night vision motherfuckers.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

McClusky, if I get one more complaint against you, you’re off the muffin top squad!

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Stravag posted:

Made out of the finest titanium depleted uranium!

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
This is only vaguely military adjacent because the dude is merchant marine but anyway.

There’s this ship engineer I know who’s a bit... unlucky. Engines catch fire around him, power circuits fry themselves, just loving bad luck.

Anyway he’s way into disasters documentaries and stuff because it’s basically his day to day life. So he’s really into the TV show Chernobyl, and for some ungodly reason some guy decided to send him a dosimeter in a secret Santa exchange.

Dude starts messing around with his dosimeter, and realizes it may be out of calibration. Since he lives in New Zealand, a place where they’re not too too down with the atom, there aren’t exactly Geiger counter calibration shops on every blocks so he just calls the national nuclear institute or whatever.

“Hey so I got this Geiger counters and the readings I’m getting are way too high”
“Hold please, I’ll transfer you.”
“National nuclear institute, how can we assist?”
“Yeah my Geiger counter Kees giving me readings that seem high so I was wondering...”
“Alright sir stay calm. Where did you get those readings, and what were they?”
“Well at work...”
“And where do you work?”
“But I mean the meter hasn’t been calibrated in thirty years.”
“Oh thank loving God.”

Turns out the dude had been patched through to the national atomic emergency center or whatever.

And that’s how GIP Secret Santa 2019 caused New Zealand’s first IAEA incident.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Smiling Jack posted:

Username/post combo here is amazeballs

How do you think he got the name?

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Didn’t he claim to have Native American heritage at one point?

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
The plot is straightforward.

An environmentalist billionaire employs the resources of his biotech empire to develop a virus that will kill everyone who isn’t vaccinated, in order to reduce the world’s population and save the planet.

He hires an ex-KGB guy to organize a bunch of terrorists attacks (which back then meant hostage taking), in order to raise awareness of the need for security, so that his buddy can get the contract for security at the 2000 Sydney Olympic.

They’re planning to use the stadium’a HVAC system to distribute the virus at the closing ceremony so that everyone goes home and spreads the virus in their respective country.

At some point in there though a shadowy parajudicial group starts offing freedom fighters.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Cyrano4747 posted:

Isn’t that the one with the awkward HJ?

My favorite weird Clancy sex thing is the cat fishing subplot in Teeth of the Tiger which is just... gross and pointless.

Pedo terrorist cybers with a fat dude y’all.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Y’all ever heard of the Detroit Mail Boat? Google it.

We had that thing pull up alongside with a god drat US mail bag, the big ones, full of porn. This one dude owned a gigantic amount of porn, like a cabin full.

He was down to share too, which... pass.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Milo and POTUS posted:

Did you then turn your monitor on


May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

EvenWorseOpinions posted:

That's why I like AKs, they never jamb


May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
“This person had their pick of the available genitalia.”

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Welp the forever wars have been going on long enough that we now have dad stories from the war.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Platystemon posted:

That speech is like four loving hours in the audiobook.

Way to out yourself.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
We had a few Gurkha security guards when I was on the cruise ship. Absolutely lovely people. Just don’t... piss them off.

I will never forget the sight of a 90lbs Nepalese woman choke slamming a large American frat bro into a wall and politely going “sir please calm down, or I will need to call my supervisor.”

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
You’re not safe at sea until you’ve sank a ship.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Well you never did successfully sink one.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Absurd Alhazred posted:

I feel like there's a story here I haven't read/forgot. :munch:

Comrade Blyatlov is a merchant marine engineering officer, which is to say he operates and maintain the engines on ships. Think Scotty in Star Trek, or Laforge, except not nearly as lucky.

Ships he’s working on tend to spontaneously spring leaks, have oil where it doesn’t belong, vibrates where they shouldn’t and not where they should, or have electrical issues.

Un ironically if they sank it may be safer because then you wouldn’t go to switch on a light only to have an electric arc flash, the entire ship going offline and a raccoon infestation.

Dude’s not a bad engineer, he’s just unlucky. One time someone gave him a Geiger counter and he almost shut down New Zealand, a notorious nuclear free zone, because of a radiation emergency. That’s how unlucky he is.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
I remember the time the classification society dinged your boat for having somehow expired main switchboard breakers, you replacing them then like six months later on another boat the same breakers showing up as used spare parts.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Volmarias posted:

Is there a link for this?

The government swept it under the rug so there’s nothing public but:

Edit -

FrozenVent fucked around with this message at 00:52 on May 6, 2021

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Would you know how to calibrate it?

Asking for a friend.


May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Wasabi the J posted:

How did it get it up there in the first place?

Secret Satan 2019

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