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joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.


He emptied his MAT-49 magazine into the dude after confirming his identity in the middle of a firefight.

An excerpt from Fall’s Street Without Joy that has the story


joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.
If you wanted to be offensive you'd use shegetz.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

aphid_licker posted:

Two thirds of the cargo of Walter Raleigh's largest prize was stolen in port

£360,000 worth in 1592, or 98 million today at the lowest estimate.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Tias posted:

Well, it's not like Richard Spencer, who sat in on the NSC board meetings used to it to greet fellow nazis or anyth.. oh.

Fine! Currently goons are marching space peasant levies into machine gun fire with gusto

Are you getting Gorka and Spencer mixed up?

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Please read the embedded Task and Purpose article and not the tweet. The article is correct in all the important details. The tweet is not.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

CainFortea posted:

How is the citizenship of the servicemember in question an important detail?

If the servicemember isn't a US citizen, they can't confer birthright US citizenship to their biological child when the child is born.

Or I may be misunderstanding the question.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Lemniscate Blue posted:

Up until now, non-citizen US servicemembers and their families living overseas have automatically counted as "residing in the US" when their children were born (like all servicemembers overseas), conferring citizenship.
(But only after a parent gains citizenship)

Lemniscate Blue posted:

Servicemembers who are citizens confer citizenship on to their children no matter whether they are counted as "residing in the US" or not.
Because that law says that being a service member/govt employee overseas counts as residing in the US.
Unfortunately, the "Children of newly naturalized citizens born outside the United States and residing permanently in the United States" law above does not have that same language in the law itself - it was supplied by an agency interpretation that the agency has now taken back.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.


Okay, so the loophole for this is that a lovestruck grunt or Noble will just sneak their girlfriend on base when she goes into labor, endangering both of them needlessly, simply so the child will be born on sovereign US soil and thus have birthright citizenship. Cool. :suicide:

There's no such thing as overseas bases are sovereign US soil (?) for geographical birthright citizenship.
Unless :thejoke:

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.


only US consulates and embassies are sovereign US soil.

Not even them. They have some sovereign-like immunities (Articles 21-25), but they are not US sovereign soil/territory. Babies born in US Embassy bathrooms do not get geographic birthright citizenship.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Icon Of Sin posted:

I didn’t really want to say it, but you could glean that data from known satellite orbits/positions referenced against the local time of day to get a reasonable guess. If you knew the height of the tower, you could work the trigonometry to get an exact angle that would probably point at a single satellite when combined with the other data.

Exactly (part of) the problem.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

canyoneer posted:

"Or in other words, the breach turned his face into jelly but a helmet prevented his entire head from pink mist-ing"

The breech breached his face.

Breach comes from break
Breeches are pants (britches is an American form)- clothes that cover your rear end. The breech is the rear end end of a gun.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

ulmont posted:

If they did that people might report heatstroke before being half dead, though.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Ugly In The Morning posted:

Have you ever slept in a jack shack?
Do you desperately hope all these things would wash away, like tears in the rain?


joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Hyperlynx posted:

Read the link.

e: ok, technically, the civilian isn't violating the Geneva Convention. They're violating a law that the country they are a citizen of must have enacted in order for that country to not be in violation of the Geneva Convention.

Yep, it would be the citizen's country that would in violation of the Convention.

Redcrossgamergate and their cry for ethics in humanitarian organizations is about the silliest reference possible.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.


joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.
I'm glad we're getting this list flushed out.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Scratch Monkey posted:

I thought being an army brat was a thing to be suffered until you could get out of your parents house

It's sure as hell not something to build your adult life around.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Doc Hawkins posted:

it could be a gopher tortoise, which are at risk of becoming endangered, which would really gently caress training exercises in their habitats

e: beaten, but, it's good

It's a desert tortoise, which is federally threatened, which gets it protected on bases. The gopher tortoise has been proposed to be listed as threatened in Florida, which would mean similar protections on bases in FL (on top of all the other threatened and endangered species there)
Just to make things coal clear, the gopher tortises are also the name of the genus that includes the desert and gopher tortises.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

I've seen Roni, which would be racist against Italians and San Franciscans.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

canyoneer posted:

Everybody was named flu fighting


joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Kawasaki Nun posted:

Is gash a banned word? The probation reason doesn't really clarify things and it's not a gendered insult afaik

Can you say pussy?

Phone your Mom. Call her a gash. Introduce your girlfriend to someone as your gash. Let us know if they feel insulted.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

MA-Horus posted:

Did you ever think that maybe sending out a MASS EMERGENCY ALERT saying


might lead to problems WRT reporting while the law enforcement agencies of the entire province were driving around hell's half-acre?

We need to ban the RCMP so tragedies like this can't happen anymore.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

McNally posted:

It's not something that really comes up often, but I'm not going to probate anyone for using the word in its entirety for its actual meaning.

A man whose wife is unfaithful is a cuckold.

See? No probation.

Only probating people who lazily misuse words to hijack the words' emotive force?

You fascist.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

Milo and POTUS posted:

Wasn't he a pog to boot or is that just the rumor.

Platoon leader and Company commander in two different infantry divisions, though I suppose they could have been H&S units. I don't think he saw any combat, though.


joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.
And the asbestos ones give you +2 against fire.

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