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Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

new friend from school posted:

But why is the rifle filthy, that’s what I want to know. And why tf is her ejection port cover open?
I thought the E-6 inside me died many years ago, but this photo is making me furious.


Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Scratch Monkey posted:

Franklin was certainly a good, well respected diplomat but the French desire to gently caress over the British was more about hard feelings after they lost the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War. The funniest part of the whole deal was that the French king was basically responsible for radicalizing and training up the same people who would eventually cut his head off. Probably not the outcome he envisioned.

Let them eat cake stoke revolt in the British colonies!

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Flikken posted:

You must have seen "A very secret service" on Netflix

There's a film (Farewell) about the time French intelligence managed to snag a KGB operative which laid bare the USSR's dependence on industrial espionage from the West, which might also have lead to the belief that they could not win the Star Wars arms race.

A Bad Poster posted:

I'm bemused that he didn't face any punishment from the FFL for intentional fratricide, but the IDF gave him a year in prison for deserting to get revenge on the concentration camp guard who killed his family. Like, what the gently caress Israel? You should have thrown the man a parade in Tel Aviv.

He didn't tell the FFL about it and they had thought Stănescu had died in combat. In Israel, he was given the minimal sentence for desertion due to his story.

It's interesting that one of the stories linked in Israeli Wikipedia, from an opposition paper in 1959, says that he was given three months by the IDF tribunal, not a year. But they might have conflated all the time he served for other crimes in civilian prison.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Maybe he had three months left with time served? I'm really not sure. Here's the article if you want, it's in Hebrew.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Huh, I didn't realize there was a military connection.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Liquid Communism posted:

So some dumbass Marine thought it'd be a good idea to send Max Uriarte, who does Terminal Lance, a picture...

He's a private now.

Terminal Private

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos
I don't think most Jews would use the term "goyboy". That sounds a lot like "soyboy", an alt-right/MRA term.

"Goy" is not how I would call a non-Jew, it does have some pejorative connotations, despite originating from an archaic term for "people" (Abraham being promised that he will become "goy gadol", "a great people".) But maybe most American Jews treat it differently. :shrug:

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

The Rat posted:

What's a Shorim patrol?


Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

SpaceSDoorGunner posted:

I’ve heard they’re super racist and have a long history of harassing women, blacks and Latinos in their areas. Basically just thugs that happen to be Orthodox Jews

There are similar organizations in Israel, just as nasty.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Smiling Jack posted:

He has a 24 hour all access to the docks for "duties".

Guys looking at the photographer like he's working out how to steal the camera when he's done.

"That's a nice suit you got there. Mind if I... borrow it?"

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos
Ain't no grift like the war grift 'cause the war grift don't stop.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Midjack posted:

“their families can get hosed though.”

"also them once we've wrung everything out of them"

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos
US Army has a small (now declassified, although its missions aren't obviously) autonomous space shuttle that they could probably use to try and reorbit a bunch of them, but I'm not sure it won't just draw attention to itself and to whatever changes they made.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

The X-37 is most assuredly not an Army asset. The army is more of a space customer, than operator.

I could swear it was the Army, not sure why.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos
Friends. Soldiers. Officers. Please. This is DoD classification we're talking about. You're expecting it to make sense? You're expecting its enforcement to make sense?

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Stravag posted:

That was the justification of why it was ok for him to give 5i Intel to putin right?

"I am literally a Russian asset and you can't do poo poo."

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Guest2553 posted:

No wasn't a very good order, but it was an order all the same.

If the thread hadn't already had the best possible title...

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos


Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

EBB posted:

I have quite literally sat in a classified briefing where they took great care to confiscate everybody's cell phone, but still had to confiscate handwritten notes at the end because we are required to have paper and pencil as part of the uniform. This was years before I ever saw The Wire or the criminal conspiracy scene. I even had a moment where I turned to one of my brother LTs who pulled out his notepad to ask him why he was taking notes when they just yanked our phones.


Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Memento posted:

Sitting in the foyer at a court I guess you *could* be there for a non-dumb-decisions reason.


Anyone want half a dozen Bradleys? Yours for the taking but you have to pick up.

Aren't Bradleys those deathtraps no other country would buy without structural modifications? I'll pass.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

MRC48B posted:

I understand what you are saying, but I disagree. There are far too many idiots who don't know they are idiots, and incapable of figuring out what wohl truly is.

His actual effect is immeasurable, but every bit counts in the right-wing media machine. Wohl is the blond kid in the "I'm doing my part" in starship troopers.

Everyone laughs, but there are many who don't get the joke.

Just compare the responses between him and the Larouchite nutbag who crashed AOC's town hall with a fake message about eating babies. The latter actually got traction among the lunatic base, while the former is basically getting most of his attention from liberals laughing at him at this point.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Volmarias posted:

I'm a little disappointed the wheels weren't made into dicks.

The wheels are dicks viewed head-on.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Nyyen posted:

You might want to have your urethra check out bro.

They look sound to me.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

redreader posted:

She said that the Trump administration had banned travel for all parts of the armed forces to Mexico because of the wall or something. I was like 'WHAT? REALLY?'. I suppose her son is lying to her about the reasoning or whatever, then. I think she just hears what he says about it. She did mention Tijuana too. (She's not a Trump supporter). Thanks for the info! I though it was too weird to be true.

Look, you want to play dumbass telephone, you go ahead.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos


It's simple, place President Smoothbrain's live speeches on a five minute delay. When he says something classified, just play Yakety Sax until he's back to talking about himself and his ~tremendous~ properties.

Just replace all of his speeches with Yakety Sax.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Internet Wizard posted:

Wyoming disenfranchises California in the same way LA, SF, and SD disenfranchise the entire rest of the state, or Chicago disenfranchises everybody else in Illinois.

Getting rid of the senate might solve some problems but the whole “only coastal cities matter” thing would rapidly eclipse that.

A state with less people having more power than places with more people is exactly the same as regions with more people having more power than regions with less people. I am very smart.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Liquid Communism posted:

I mean we could go back to the Senate having members assigned by the State-level assemblies rather than popular election. That'd be closer to representative, if still super vulnerable to gerrymandering on the local level.

Why would that be better? Instead make the Senate national proportional with party lists.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Is this PTSD?

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos
Soldiers with top-secret clearances say they were forced to use an app that could endanger them


In late October, the commander of Fort Hood’s 504th Military Intelligence Brigade told her soldiers a new app could solve a lot of their communication issues.

It could relay information on weather, training changes and other logistics, Army Col. Deitra L. Trotter said. She then told the soldiers to download it onto their personal smartphones, according to the Texas-based soldiers in the unit.

But the soldiers — many of whom hold top-secret clearances with jobs in interrogation, human intelligence and counterintelligence — soon noticed that the app’s terms of service said it could collect substantial personal data and that the developer has a presence overseas.

That prompted concerns that sensitive data of intelligence soldiers could be harnessed by adversary governments, putting individuals and missions worldwide at risk, soldiers in the unit told The Washington Post.

“We do top-secret work,” said one noncommissioned officer, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution by their chain of command. “If our personal information is being put out there to a foreign power, what can they get from our brigade?”


The concern among service members circulated on Reddit and the Army WTF! moments Facebook page, a popular digital hangout for soldiers. Soldiers deleted the app in revolt. Trotter called another formation Wednesday to address the controversy, admonishing whomever talked about the issue online, soldiers in the unit said.


Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

shame on an IGA posted:

This guy having a loving three page meltdown that his D&D dice aren't manufactured with the same exacting statistical process control typical of aerospace bearings

I didn't bother looking too far into the thread beyond the first page but somebody working for a dice company saying he has no idea how fair they are sounds really dubious. Like, yeah, you need to do some quality control even for dice that determine whether or not your orc missed, not just whether or not you've won this round of craps.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

LingcodKilla posted:

Sounds to me a perfect business opportunity to charge an extra $100 for certified tested dice.

Casinos do pay a markup to have highly accurate dice for craps.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Lemniscate Blue posted:

The house isn't raking in tens of thousands of dollars a night at their D&D tables.

Maybe not in your D&D table. :smaug:

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos
Rolling dice, like moving actual minis on a map, is fun. It's a fun part of the tabletop experience.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos
Long-term idiocy.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Doggles posted:

I've only made it through the introduction and chapter 1 so far and knew I had to post it here.


A chief petty officer, responsible for training the sailors to use the navigation system, was charged with dereliction of duty. The chief petty officer had himself received less than an hour of instruction.


The IBNS was so complex that it overwhelmed the junior sailors who used it. Navy technicians would even disable the touch screen to avoid rudder changes caused by accidental taps, forcing sailors to use the manual wheel instead, according to a former Navy technician who worked on the system.


In 2014, Navy officials discovered a flaw in the IBNS. One component could not keep track of more than 150 ships at a time without malfunctioning, according to Navy investigators. The Navy’s solution? Sailors were told to delete tracked ships before the total hit the magic number.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Midjack posted:

Anybody who thinks touch screens should be on any kind of critical system anywhere has apparently never tried to use a smartphone anywhere besides inside their home or office.

If you're going to be influenced by sci fi, go BSG, not ST.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos
Anybody else watch the sort of prequel spinoff, Caprica? I liked it, despite the fact that it was very different in tone and probably not as good.

Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Stravag posted:

The spines stopped lighting up during sex almost immediately in the series conveniently

It was a firmware patch.


Absurd Alhazred
Mar 27, 2010

by Athanatos

Going by The West Wing is a bad idea, but especially with this President, the diametric opposite to Bartlett.

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