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Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

SpaceSDoorGunner posted:

Is the barstool guy memeing or just a chud?

He's definitely a chud, he's very open about his anti-union views and barstool sports is pretty cringey in general.


Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti


Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
No context provided

Zipperelli. posted:

Dunno how OSHA this is, but it fits the thread title to a T.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
From Elviscat in the meme thread

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Defenestrategy posted:

ALL lives matter :smugbert:


Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
A guy I know got stung on vacation and asked on Facebook if the piss thing was real and a bunch of people said no. He still got someone to piss on his leg though anyways.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
My go to is for that sort of thing.

It’s not always on there, but if it is, it’s a good starting point for further research.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Caconym posted:

The US doing it to VC in Vietnam perhaps? I can't recall.

The US did do similar in Vietnam, though instead of a supply chain attack, they would tamper with VC supplies they found in connection with a bunch of faked paperwork and coms to imply that the Vietnamese higher ups knew the poo poo was defective but didn’t want to confront China about it. Sounded more bark than bite, but I didn’t look that deeply into it back when I saw it.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
I’d be interested in a 2nd printing

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Lead out in cuffs posted:

What ... do you *need* radioisotopes for?

makes geiger counter go click at different rates

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti


A group of more than 100 retired generals and admirals who have accused President Joe Biden of being a communist have been pranked by a faux flag officer going by the nom de guerre “Rear Adm. Jack Meehoff.”

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
how is his name tape and poo poo backwards but the paper text oriented correctly?

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Godholio posted:

He might be smarter than the joke implies.

i figured it would of been easier to film it not reversed instead of writing it backwards (or it was edited? idk), just curious really

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
QCS is a magnet for the most maladjusted people on the forums, kind of amazing and sad at the same time

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

GD_American posted:

See, I left for the first time right after QCS started, literally as a "ask me about how the forums work" forum.

How the gently caress did it it turn into HelldumpFYADLFwhatever?

politics broke people's brains

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

CainFortea posted:

Are there even IoT things you can implant?

no, the closest you can get right now is a modern pacemaker. doctors can connect to them wirelessly, but they don't talk to the internet at all. as to how robust the security is for that connection may be a matter of concern, but probably not a realistic one for the average person.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Lead out in cuffs posted:

IIRC Dick Cheney's doctors / security experts deliberately disabled the wifi on his pacemaker.

that's a shame

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
i'm guessing said idiot died of the rona

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
the full quote is better than the snippet imo


When it came to politics, Jerry Doyle and I disagreed on, well, pretty much everything. Politically, Jerry was just to the right of Attila the Hun. There is a line in Babylon 5 where his character, Michael Garibaldi, suggests that the way to deal with crime is to go from electric chairs to electric bleachers. That line is quintessential Jerry Doyle. I say this with confidence because I overheard him saying it at lunch then stole it for the show.

J. Michael Straczynski

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

someone died in buds and another was in the hospital. i read this press release as a huge cya thing. thoughts?

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
I leased a car way back in 2000 and when i returned it to the bank three years later i just went in to their lease office and handed over the keys. i asked about a receipt or any other paperwork and they were just like nah have a good day bye. Again this was with a legit major bank and it seemed absolutely insane to me but never heard a thing about it ever again.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Crab Dad posted:

Uh… that sounds awfully like entrapment.

Still an idiot but being goaded on by the informer?

entrapment requires inducement to commit a crime the person otherwise would not have committed, so probably not (legally speaking).

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
well they're trying it, at least 6 were charged with sedition, not sure when the trials are though.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Crab Dad posted:

He hid behind a wall. Seems safe enough.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

MarcusSA posted:

I want him to spend the money then burn Twitter to the ground

his version of burning twitter to the ground is making it a fascist/alt right safe haven

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
it's not an ai voice

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Mr. Nice! posted:

I don't know I stopped playback the moment he started reading to me. I much prefer to read things rather than have them read to me.

that's totally fine, it's just his actual normal speaking voice. that's all.

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
yeah it's fake, but amusing

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti
AFL reversed its no police union position in 1919 and gave a union charter to the Boston policemen's organization. The Fraternal Order of Police was founded in 1915 due to the lack of acceptance by the major organized unions.

My city's police are unionized, part of the "International Union of Police Associations", and when the republicans in the statehouse abolished all public sector unions, they excluded the police and firefighters, so now the only government employees in the state and in a union are the cops and firefighters.


Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

edit: the leakers actual bedroom, teixiera or however it's spelt

`Nemesis fucked around with this message at 13:47 on Apr 28, 2023

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