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Jun 4, 2011

Did he make enough breakfast for the homeowner?


Jun 4, 2011

Could have been worse.

Jun 4, 2011

Magic Stick Mk2, now with cluster opiate injector technology

Jun 4, 2011

Is this before or after he threw an Uzi(?) magazine at TF’s car?

Jun 4, 2011

Alan Alda made a documentary about one brave man’s attempt to quit the Korean War, I think it was called MARSH or MARCH.

Jun 4, 2011

I got shot out of a fighter jet and all i got didn’t even get this crappy watch.

Jun 4, 2011

iwentdoodie posted:

Military punishment is cyclical.


Jun 4, 2011

Doc Hawkins posted:

is "goose" cool?

IRL Goose would have gotten named at Tailhook or something.

Jun 4, 2011

FrozenVent posted:

My first car would let you pull the key out in any position, poo poo was great.

Current car requires you to push the brake pedal as you push the on button or it just tells you “HOLD DOWN BRAKE TO START” on the driver’s screen. And it won’t turn off unless it’s in park.

My first car was stick and it always amazes me that you can start (most) autos without a foot on the brake.

E: re neodymium: how many debit cards do you go through in an average week?

goatsestretchgoals fucked around with this message at 06:29 on Jul 10, 2021

Jun 4, 2011

The last time we sent helicopters into Pakistan it was somewhat embarrassing for them.

Jun 4, 2011

A person who is somewhat functional at loving point 39 is probably better at .1-.15 than they are at .00. Less shaky at least.

Jun 4, 2011

ded posted:

and light bulbs up your butt

Kids today with their LED bulbs.

Jun 4, 2011

Hyperlynx posted:

Well, better design a printer that doesn't need toner, then.

Oh, and while you're at it, make it mine resistant. And not show up on radar. And add anti-aircraft capabilities. And antisubmarine capabilities. And carry a full platoon.

HP Laserjet 4 is close on mine resistant and full platoon.

Jun 4, 2011


Also when she randomly came across her husband's ex on the road she chased her down and rammed her car multiple times.

Jun 4, 2011

Were they out of Camaros that day?

Jun 4, 2011

Yeah I’ve had to explain this to a few people. Alec Baldwin the actor is largely blameless*, Alec Baldwin the producer should be brought up on loving manslaughter charges.

*This is assuming they were getting a shot where he points the gun at the camera as he pulls the trigger. It gets super grey area if he was just loving around with it between takes. Then again, same dude, so throw the loving book at him.

Jun 4, 2011

canyoneer posted:

In case of fireteam, use stairs

Jun 4, 2011

shame on an IGA posted:

TCC does have a steroids megathread and it's deeply entertaining

I was wondering what happened to the cop megathread.

Jun 4, 2011

Gorilla Radio posted:

I vaguely remember a scenario in my Army NCO training where a soldier talks about hooking up with someone else and you can offer a threesome. I think I chose that option just for shitz and it ended the training immediately.

You didn’t have to tell if the balls didn’t touch.

Jun 4, 2011

Also they had an extended firefight with a boat

Jun 4, 2011

What happened to Jim Breuer? Last I checked he was doing standup and good AC/DC impressions. (I have not checked lately.)

Jun 4, 2011

Half Baked! It’s the movie about stoners who get one over on the government for good weed!

*25 years later*

We regret to inform you the stars are chud assholes now.

Jun 4, 2011

Dude looks like create a character where the face size slider is on minimum and head is at max.

Jun 4, 2011


Neighbours told authorities they saw U-Haul removal trucks outside the property in which Francis was held in the days leading up to his escape, Castillo said, according to the report by the San Diego Union-Tribune. “He was planning this out, that’s for sure,” Castillo added.


Jun 4, 2011

You should have transferred into the PJs. pajamas

Jun 4, 2011

Can you get demoted for hygiene? Like he got busted back to E2 because he smelled really bad and refused to take a shower for months?

E: The “brawl” was everyone he had to share a room with hauling him into the shower.

Jun 4, 2011

He said “the backyard”, not “his backyard”. Victimless crime if you don’t know the people who own the hot tub.

Jun 4, 2011

Can you steal valor if it’s worth $0?

Jun 4, 2011

Scratch Monkey posted:

This is from the sentencing docs for that former Air Force LtCol who took part in the Jan 6 insurrection.

"In order to protect American democracy we need to round up and eleminate our political opponents and those we feel are their supporters, starve over half of our population out of spite, start military occupations in states we feel aren't loyal enough, and hand dictatorial power to a single individual."

Truly a patriot.

What is it with right wing idiots and the file name mycrimes.txt. Same poo poo with Fox News vs Dominion. There are so many emails/texts that are basically “uh should we be saying this poo poo on air?”

Jun 4, 2011

Jun 4, 2011

It has happened repeatedly but the cop union was like “hey don’t upload this.”

Jun 4, 2011

`Nemesis posted:

edit: the leakers actual bedroom, teixiera or however it's spelt

he should do something about that big rear end hornet nest

Jun 4, 2011

shame on an IGA posted:

they cherry on top of this is that your dad was still trolling him if he had answered because neither of those dimensions is even close to 4" on a 4" pipe

2nd operation lathe programmer checking in. OD and ID are loving always “within the error bars, barely.” I write my programs assuming parts are between min and max, 15 or 30 degree entrance angle to edge blend on a number I don’t control myself.

E: Xorigin + radius * sin(angle) is now burned into my brain.

goatsestretchgoals fucked around with this message at 16:56 on Jun 3, 2023

Jun 4, 2011

lightpole posted:

Until things change and you start working on a scale where that tiny amount matters. It would also expand a bit depending on the temperature.

This is no poo poo. We had to throw away a shitload of non-aerospace parts because we were testing internal diameter hot (literally) off the lathe. Fucker closed in by .001” when cold.

Jun 4, 2011

lightpole posted:

I looked at a lot of stuff in grad school to understand this and look for a way to break people free. Only if you are in slow thinking mode and putting in a lot of effort will you really be able to see it, once you put it in mental cruise control its extremely difficult to switch back. And trying to stay in slow thinking mode has its own issues like mental fatigue. I assume its tied in with stuff like lateral thinking as well, it worked last time or in a different situation so I'll just assume everything is going to work the same way again.

Normalization of deviance is a fucker of a thing. We are trying to get better at this at my shop but there are a bunch of old heads who have been doing this (badly) for years. I don’t care how long you’ve been machining, someone else needs to check your parts because a 2nd pair of eyeballs is going to see something you missed.

E: Don’t get me started on putting bad parts in a labeled scrap bucket. Motherfuckers leave 10s of parts on their cart and clock out. Are the parts good or bad? gently caress if I know.

goatsestretchgoals fucked around with this message at 20:27 on Jun 4, 2023

Jun 4, 2011

EvenWorseOpinions posted:

I've had many German foods such as Döner, Currywurst, and hamburgers

I had the benefit when I was there that I apparently sound Norwegian instead of American when I speak German so everyone assumed I was just a different type of doof. If she's trying to speak German by word for word substitution I could see that getting irritating quick though; conjugation and declension are important.


Jun 4, 2011

Dillbag posted:

My friend worked on a Snipes film in Bulgaria in the mid 2000s, before he went to jail but after he had hosed up his career by being a lunatic. The production wanted to pickup or reshoot a scene but he didn't want to work that day or whatever. They reminded him of his contractual obligations in order to get paid so he did the scene, but he did it in a Jerry Lewis impersonation so the footage was unusable.

Owns imo. Release the Blade heyyyy pretty ladyyyy cut.

Jun 4, 2011

Medical people need an equivalent to fire fighters running a hose through that one rear end in a top hat’s car

Jun 4, 2011

Dick book part 2: it turned out they were good at shading and perspective. Not Hitler 2.0.


Jun 4, 2011

Wasabi the J posted:

Dennis Rodman is black though???

How tall is kid and how many nose rings/tattoos? This may be some Hitman level poo poo where the Dennis Rodman stand in gets him to stand near a rocket launch.

*rocky voice* Nedeliiiiiiin

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