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Jun 25, 2011

My maternal grandfather ran a small family hotel in Glasgow in the 30's. My mom told stories about how they would have to hide in the tin bomb shelter in the back yard, and that during one raid the house across the street got destroyed by a German bomb. I'm pretty sure that's why they decided to move to East Anglia to start another small hotel, and he got a job at one of the US bomber bases nearby. Of course, the war followed them and mom would talk about hearing buzz bombs flying over. I once looked up airstrikes on that area and found a V2 hit less than a mile from their house there.

My mom's grandfather was a German immigrant around the turn of the century, and so got put in a camp on some island to farm when WW I broke out. Apparently he and the others didn't care for being rounded up like that, so they cut all the eyes out of the seed potatoes so nothing grew. They got sent home pretty quickly after that.

My paternal grandfather got drafted for WW I and was sent to the front during the second battle of the Marne at Belleau Wood. He never talked about any of the combat stuff. The only stories I've gotten were how he left his rifle somewhere and had to walk back miles to get it, and how he and another soldier got demoted for stealing some honey from a farm. Like many of his generation, he became pretty pacifist. Ironically, one of his sons became a colonel and the other enlisted and went on to be a four star.


Jun 25, 2011

He needs to start prowling around the local pawn shops for all the engagement rings that have been sold to get some cash. Pawned for some mysterious reason in great numbers around military bases with lots of enlisted.

Jun 25, 2011

EBB posted:

My old CO used to say that tanks kill, and they don't care who they kill. Same goes for most dangerous equipment.

When I lived at Fort Hood, some dumbfuck drove an M60 through a bivouac area without a guide. At night. Some poor fucker got squished, but survived. As half a guy. They even had to take out most of his pelvis, since that was ground up. The story was in the post paper as a cautionary tale, with an interview with the squished guy. Don't recall what happened to the driver, but I doubt it was good.

Jun 25, 2011

Soooo..... we decisively beat them, but we'd have to send in thousands of troops to re-beat them?

Guess the first beating didn't take.

Jun 25, 2011

Huh. Wonder what party passed the law capping the House at 435....

Jun 25, 2011

MomJeans420 posted:

That makes sense, none of the Great Danes I've had ever wanted to get dirty after a bath, but they're too lazy to hunt.

Tell that to Ohio Lady....

Jun 25, 2011

Are you saying there weren't good people on both sides?


Jun 25, 2011

Nah, he'll just beat himself up.

Ooo-rah! Semper fi!

Jun 25, 2011

Yeah, Cardinal in the Kremlin had the world's worst lesbian. Started me thinking, maybe this guy's not that good a writer? Further reading confirmed it.

Jun 25, 2011

My wife actually prefers "dear" or "honey" in public. It's "poopie" that would get me killed if it's said outside the house.

Jun 25, 2011

Ah, Bob! A true classic from the wild days of alt.tasteless on usenet! :corsair:

Jun 25, 2011

They're gonna have a hard time finding him.

I heard he got your girl and gone.

Jun 25, 2011

mllaneza posted:

I see an empty storefront. Have Patience everyone else in your unit has.

What shift does she take the main stage?

Don't forget to tip your waitresses, "gentlemen"!

Jun 25, 2011

Well, he probably got yelled at by a few sergeants, so....

Jun 25, 2011

Cyrano4747 posted:

Oh and if you were in the military between iirc 1976 and like the mid 00’s your SSN is all the gently caress over the place. Like, literal lists of name, rank, SSN for entire units. Or just if you come up in a thing. “Petty Officer Goony McGoon SSN 111-11-1111 bumped his head and got checked out by the ship’s Dr, he’s ok” type stuff.

Yes many of these are in the National archives why do you ask?

I was going through my Dad's papers a few months ago, and came across lots of ERs of people he had rated. Like, hundreds of them, boxed in with correspondence, orders, clippings and so on. They all went into the shred pile. Every single one had full name, SSN and enough info to steal a crapton of identities.

Had to deal with a lot of his bills and finances for the past few years, but I had memorized his ssn because it was on my mildep card. The Army was pretty casual about throwing ssn's around.

Jun 25, 2011

Ugly In The Morning posted:

They couldn’t have thrown a misspelling or two in there?

Well, it's Marines, so they probably thought there were.

Jun 25, 2011

I think that's the 2/123rd Keyboard Battalion - "The Fighting Fingers".

Jun 25, 2011

No, you don't get any.

Jun 25, 2011

No poo poo. I'm sick of all the dipshits flying a big Ol' Glory off their compensation mobile where it's gotten shredded from being driven around at highway speeds for months and leaving it up in all weather and at night.

Burning a flag as a political statement = bad!
Flying a flag to literal ribbons for months = OK!

Jun 25, 2011

All I know is this:

is what I want looped in my coffin.

Jun 25, 2011

Thump! posted:

How do you get an STD from a handjob? :confused:

Just gotta keep tryin', bud! Your best bets will be near large military bases.

Jun 25, 2011

MazelTovCocktail posted:

I wonder if Edward Luttwak gave him a copy of his book (which is actually a legit cool read). Ironically and Luttwak has mentioned this, the one dude who tried using didn’t end well.

I hadn't heard of Luttwak since '90, when he was all over the news shows warning us of 100,000+ casualties if we went up against the massive, experienced Iraqi Army.

Jun 25, 2011

I'm one of those mildeps that got to spend a poo poo ton of time overseas. Dad was Army, but he got a nation swap position at Sandhurst. We were the only Americans there, so we went to English schools, had English friends, and my sister was born there. She passed on her dual citizenship option at 18, I don't know why. Since I was there from age four to six, by the time we went back to the states I was culturally English. Had the Surrey accent, school uniform, fondness for Maltesers (see above) and everything. The accent change from there to central Florida was quite a shock, and I did poorly in spelling because I couldn't understand the spelling teachers thick southern accent. I also missed out on getting into sports. When I went to my new school all the boys were talking about was Johnny Unitas this, Johnny Unitas that, and I was mocked for not knowing who the hell he was. We traveled all over there, including a trip to Bavaria. Going through Neuschwanstein I was gazing at all the gold everywhere and went to take my dad's hand. I looked up and this old German guy was smiling puzzled down at me. Oops. Lesson learned - don't grab the nearest likely looking hand. Check the face.

Later on we got posted to VII Corps HQ, which was a teeny post. Two years there and we again took trips all over. Maybe because mom was British we never acted the ugly Americans. We'd eat at local places, go to the fests. I picked up enough German to get around. But only really big posts had American TV, so again I missed out on two years of American culture, except what I could pick up from magazines and the radio. Yes, I know, I'm :corsair:.

Next up was almost a year in the Philippines, living in Manila. We would take occasional runs to Subic or Clark for grocery runs, but the local Unimart was a regular stop, too. From there we got a space a trip to Japan for a week, riding an ambulance plane there and a C-141 full of ammo back. Also got to learn diving and do some amazing dive trips. On the other hand, it also exposed me to what abject poverty so many people had to live in, and what life and an "election" was like under a dictator.

My last trip was right before my mildep status ran out - a summer trip to see my family in Germany again. This time I was old enough to drink, so the joys of fresh German beer were welcome. Not just the mains, I also tried weissbier, rauchbier, Dunkel and books.

All that fortunate travel has given me a much wider perspective on the world, so I was never a "best, only country in the world!" kind of person. When traveling now, I always try to at least learn a few words of the local language and open with that, and knowing that different ways of doing things doesn't automatically mean worse. Except baluts - gently caress that poo poo was nasty! And while I'm a fairly picky eater, I will try anything at least once. So I've had bear, emu, crocodile, kangaroo, Guinea pig, jellyfish, all kids of stuff. I may not end up liking it, but I'll give it a shot. On a trip to New Zealand, another tour groups kids refused to eat much at the Maori hanggi feast, asking if the hotel had hamburgers. Why the gently caress would you go half way round the world to have the same drat thing you can get at home?

On the other hand, it also meant the answer to the question "where are you from?" is "The Army", and having had to change schools every year from first through fifth grade with not much chance of ever seeing my friends again has made it really hard for me to keep up with people that move or change jobs. Out of sight, out of mind was deeply etched in me from that.

Jun 25, 2011


between this and the wife being a Texas textbook person

That's double textbook Texan, right there!

Jun 25, 2011

Treasure trail.

Jun 25, 2011

I'm still looking for a new supply of relative bearing grease. Amazon doesn't carry it, apparently.

Jun 25, 2011

Wrr posted:

why don't people have weird and funny lookin faces like that anymore

Turn off your monitor and look again.

Jun 25, 2011

"Honey, I had a long day in the field and it's crayons again? Fine."

Jun 25, 2011

My most fun one is a WW II Philippino handmade resistance pistol. Looks like a .45, but it's a break open and takes a 20 gauge shell. More of "gun you use to get a real gun". Why, no, I've never fired it - I enjoy having two hands.

Dad had a .38 deagle given by the Isrealis, in addition to his old service .45 and 9 mm. Sadly, my dick of a brother snagged them all when dad started declining from Alzheimer's, and never said anything until we had to search for them for Dad's safety. Fucker.

Jun 25, 2011

Didn't even have to hit it. Just the blast wave from the round going by cracked the concrete.

Jun 25, 2011

CainFortea posted:

Yea, trucks have been doing the Georgia Gusto for a long rear end time.

Is that like the Cleveland Steamer?

Jun 25, 2011

CainFortea posted:

Are there even IoT things you can implant?

Implant, insert, it's all in how much you want it.

Flared bases not required.

Jun 25, 2011

Hah. More clever than that - he was returning south after having taken the hash north!

Jun 25, 2011

Yeah, I don't think that needs much context.

Jun 25, 2011

You're in an ANG setting in Wyoming.

Don't think it's "cool"

Jun 25, 2011

Humbug Scoolbus posted:

I've staged off of every parachute rated helo in the US Army inventory from 1988-1995 and I still love to fly in them. I can't hear worth a poo poo anymore, but I love riding in helos.

Hope you're not one of the guys who did a Cobra jump at Benning.

Jun 25, 2011

They ended their careers after bragging about it. They could have gotten away with it, but couldn't keep quiet.

Jun 25, 2011

Shooting Blanks posted:

What's the story here?

Since Benning has the airborne school, a couple of instructors decided to jump in a way nobody else had. So they geared up and with a willing Cobra pilot, got into the empty ammo bays. This was early 80's before extra electronics got wedged in there. They went up to jump altitude, rolled out and got picked up by another accomplice after landing.

Command knew about it, but weren't going to do anything until the guys decided to tell everyone what they'd accomplished. Once word got out, command cracked down, the two jumpers had their careers cut short, and I didn't hear about the pilot and the get away driver, but doubt it was a pleasant experience for them either.

Not just a barracks tale, as I heard about it from Dad, who was in the command chain when it happened.

Jun 25, 2011

boop the snoot posted:

Is this actually a drill

“stand in one spot and use each other as cover targets”



Jun 25, 2011

Pretty sure that's the Philippines. The guard has a Philipino flag patch.

And gun laws are way looser there. Mall security can tote submachine guns, and New Year's isn't complete without the sounds of full auto being shot into the air all around at midnight.

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