Thank you thread for leading me to discover that there is a pool of human excrement in Afghanistan with 269 Google reviews, most quite positive. The world is an amazing place.
# ¿ Aug 4, 2019 10:48 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 14:56 |
PROTIP: if you own a gun over a year without disassembling it on watch at least once, you aren't cleaning it enough. getting NJPed is a natural part of ensuring your weapon's cleanliness and readiness for action when the need to use it arises.
# ¿ Jul 6, 2020 19:50 |
quote:Best research chemical for CSGO? (self.researchchemicals) drat i love reddit
# ¿ Jul 7, 2020 17:45 |
PookBear posted:I think germans and russians Russian ships are apparently masculine, but submarines are feminine.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2020 00:38 |
Wibla posted:https://twitter.com/GekiritZ/status/1416064126493810693 she's 25 according to twitch profile and im calculating poo poo... so she would have joined at min in 2014 and ended in 2018? dear god i feel old, forever war is so long
# ¿ Jul 19, 2021 01:49 |
Scratch Monkey posted:Don’t worry they’re pausing the forever war and resetting everything to the beginning so our kids’ kids can have a chance to fight it too "hold on kids, we gotta reset the fortnite map" i am now having waking nightmares of zoomers paradropping into cryptosyria to fight literal ISIS zombies, all screaming a "LETS WIPE OUT TOMATO TOWN AGAIN BESTIES. HOOAH. CHUG JUG"
# ¿ Jul 19, 2021 14:22 |
stinkypete posted:Hey am I the Idiot to try to ride an Amtrak cross country for 2 days? I keep hearing to have fun on the train or just go and fly across the country instead. it's worth doing once on some of the more scenic routes, if you like reading especially. like one of the other posters said, there's a lot of segments that are profoundly uninteresting scenery. my trip the first 2 days on the california zephyr were quite nice the first 2 days, but there was nothing at all worth seeing on the third (and then the fourth on the capitol limited) you may wanna put it off til later since im pretty sure they haven't started doing proper dining again, so you just get (bad) airplane food instead
# ¿ Jul 29, 2021 05:02 |
can we get a dedicated cyber force with the Tron morphsuit for a uniform
# ¿ Sep 22, 2021 02:23 |
pantslesswithwolves posted:Mitnick’s company bid on my organization’s security training and it was clear they didn’t understand the proposal (personal security vs infosec or whatever) as the material they sent us was full of references to Mitnick’s name, social engineering, Kevin Mitnick, this company founded by Kevin Mitnick and also some more Kevin Mitnick for good measure. we also got our mandatory IT security training through said grift factory and dear god it is some insufferable bullshit. nothing like forced playback LMS software making you sit through hours of slowly-narrated video padding out its content by covering phishing five times over with the only difference being the vector. who the gently caress cares if it comes in over email or SMS or whatever.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2021 01:29 |
i briefly worked at a small liberal arts college when the king of sweden came to visit (on account of said college being associated with the church of sweden) very weird having the secret service, an assortment of diplomats, and whatever the swedish equivalent of the secret service is descend on a 20k pop town in southern minnesota for a day
# ¿ Oct 13, 2021 07:40 |
Nuclear Tourist posted:My dad was a professional photographer before he retired, and in what I think might have been the early 90's or thereabouts was tasked to photograph the king of Sweden (assuming we're talking about the same one here, XVI Gustaf) during some sort of ceremony at his enormous swanky fortress-mansion in the middle of Stockholm. My dad later described the king as looking "very hung over". idk about this but he is quite majestic
# ¿ Oct 13, 2021 08:25 |
Salvia seems unlikely. IIRC it's not the easiest thing to smoke, it takes effort to cultivate (so it's probably more expensive than spraying bulk chemicals on random plant matter), and you'll trip balls if that's actually what you got. The issue with synthetic cannabinoids is that most are full agonists, whereas THC is a partial agonist. It has less effect on the target receptors and sorta works against itself after a point. Full agonists activate the receptor, well, fully, and the upshot is that you get really high on synthetic cannabinoids in an unpleasant way (ALL THE PARANOIA WOOOOO). Combined with poor quality control on both the vendor (the random leaf matter they spray it onto isn't getting a homogenized dose at all) and their suppliers (random Chinese labs are probably going to deliver what you ordered, but not to pharmaceutical specifications--you'll probably get some free industrial solvent residue in the mix too) and you get all sorts of fun results. The unpleasantness of full cannabinoid agonists made them a candidate for chemical warfare applications at one point, which I find amusing in light of their modern use.
# ¿ Nov 22, 2021 22:00 |
that reminds me of this gem of a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhlaHwnErBI ah yes, dumping out half my 250g order of generic powder straight onto my desk, making a giant line that i only snort half of, and stealing a single fry before i punch out my date at the bowling alley, all set to the hottest budget skrillex tunes. the bath salts experience
# ¿ Nov 22, 2021 23:35 |
i know that is some crazy wide angle distortion but that ground shot is positively comical. what a derpy looking plane. it's like a triangle with a dong.
# ¿ Nov 23, 2021 07:07 |
Godholio posted:When I was at Tinker (Oklahoma City), the entire city of Wichita Falls, TX was off limits to AWACS pipeline students (officer and enlisted) unless you were being sent to the altitude chamber at Shepherd AFB. wait, why? i have family there and i can't imagine what sort of trouble you'd get into other than dying of boredom
# ¿ Nov 23, 2021 21:14 |
is this a loving kojima plot or something
# ¿ Jun 8, 2022 01:57 |
SMEGMA_MAIL posted:Imagine that scene where skull face walks out of the helicopter in the trailer and instead it’s guy and the subtitle says “a man with strong opinions on age of consent laws” Skullface yells "Today is the day currency learned to WALK UPRIGHT!" as a giant version of that horrid CGI coin man from the Cryptoland trailer stomps out of a hangar
# ¿ Jun 8, 2022 07:54 |
watch out spetznaz america wont be outdone in the stupid drill department https://twitter.com/ALT_uscis/status/1549979218267758593 https://twitter.com/ALT_uscis/status/1549980944018411520
# ¿ Jul 21, 2022 18:52 |
> Johnson reportedly explained to authorities "he was told by the president" to warn "the government there was US aliens fighting with Chinese dragons." badass i would watch us aliens fight chinese dragons any day
# ¿ Jul 29, 2022 08:32 |
oh boy, let's see what we're up to in the central asian former USSR states: quote:The Central Asia group gained little traction on social media. Facebook posts keep fightin the good fight yall
# ¿ Nov 29, 2022 03:32 |
McNally posted:The Navy is Desperate: The True Story of MCPON Crab Dad
# ¿ Feb 13, 2023 05:12 |
pantslesswithwolves posted:Looks exactly like how I would anticipate the Special Forces of an army who lost 2/3 of the country and had to rely on Russian air support to take it back would perform. hence why they have a russian soundtrack!
# ¿ May 23, 2023 06:33 |
Shooting Blanks posted:Why did this article even get published? What value does it have to...anyone? Who is the intended audience? I feel like these are questions that should have been asked before publication. were you expecting businessinsider to be publishing nothing but hard-hitting investigative journalism scoops? i mean they have tried to, idk, level up from pure clickbait blog territory in the last few years, but still, this aint the fuckin new yorker here
# ¿ Jun 15, 2023 07:14 |
relevant xposting from the yospos hn thread:fritz posted:RyanAdamas 1 day ago | parent | context | prev | next [–] | on: Tuition costs have risen 710% since 1983
# ¿ Jul 27, 2023 21:55 |
ulmont posted:This happens if you visit more than like 2 foreign countries and can't list full names of everyone you talked to abroad, though. i am curious if my penchant for actually visiting places most americans don't would de facto disqualify me from employment in the sector. i found it a bit weird that the one diplobrat in our russia study abroad cohort specifically requested not to have a homestay at the time, but nowadays i can very much envision the various american foreign affairs bureaucracies being very up their own rear end about actual affinity for the people you're supposedly building relationships with
# ¿ Jul 31, 2023 00:09 |
Bum the Sad posted:Anyway I don't know of this goon saga but it seems really odd someone with a graduate degree would enlist. Maybe he was that desperate??? I don't know just strange. academia somehow has worse pay, working hours, and career prospects than being enlisted, and you still have to deal with a whole new crop of idiot kids straight outta high school every year
# ¿ Sep 13, 2023 22:36 |
# ¿ Sep 18, 2023 08:37 |
Liquid Communism posted:The saddest part is that kind of demo is pretty normal for aikido. the rolling bits when you get thrown are the more interesting parts of those styles, which is naturally the part he isn't doing at all
# ¿ Oct 24, 2023 08:54 |
can we use that logic to disallow any guns that aren't smoothbore black powder breech loaders founding fathers didn't have assault rifles and they defeated the british fine. why do _you_ need them?
# ¿ Oct 29, 2023 23:06 |
Guest2553 posted:I mean, isn't that more or less a pillar of Russian (dis)info ops? Id say they're doing pretty good on that front. only if standing around eastern ukraine in a big line and getting shelled repeatedly counts as winning a war which i guess it does if you get your war reportage from solovyov. ВСРФ на киев any day now
# ¿ Jan 25, 2024 19:11 |
goatsestretchgoals posted:Quark was 100% collecting compromat. all odo wants is some lovely abstract scultures to shapeshift into, you can get that anywhere he kept quark around because he got a justice boner from repeatedly investigating quark's minor crimes
# ¿ Mar 2, 2024 08:54 |
The Lone Badger posted:What the hell is a cryptolinguist? Translating deliberating-confusing conlangs? "translator" with a fancy job title because the DoD wants poo poo to sound cool
# ¿ Mar 4, 2024 06:30 |
hypnophant posted:language school is challenging and a lot of students wash out. It's doable for anyone who is reasonably good at academics but if you can be successful at academics you don't tend to join the military. i miss the DLI weirdos thread functional command over a foreign language is a cool skill to learn for your job but lol if you get stuck with something with narrow use like farsi or korean Qtotonibudinibudet fucked around with this message at 08:44 on Mar 4, 2024 |
# ¿ Mar 4, 2024 07:34 |
absent context of what constitutes normal discourse in #the_dregs idk what one is supposed to take away from that it'd hardly be unique for whatever discord that is to have a shitpost channel
# ¿ Mar 4, 2024 08:45 |
i love the "you are my secret agent" im imagining some GRU officer joking with colleagues like "no, he really is that oblivious, lemme show you"
# ¿ Mar 5, 2024 00:52 |
wtf is Opel doing in there. he woulda been like 8 when they stopped selling in the US
# ¿ Mar 6, 2024 02:07 |
Vincent Van Goatse posted:Think they'd hire Rittenhouse to do this? he can run with it into the line of line of contact yelling "hell yeah im gonna kill me some ch-" before getting shot i mean, i doubt he actually knows relevant racial slurs for the former soviet union, but if he did
# ¿ Apr 5, 2024 22:41 |
i think this counts https://bsky.app/profile/ca-dmv-bot.bsky.social/post/3kq7ogjlzr22a quote:
# ¿ Apr 16, 2024 03:17 |
man, back in the day NBC just paid Chris Hansen to go interview people with developmental disabilities
# ¿ Apr 26, 2024 09:27 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 14:56 |
Hyperlynx posted:https://reason.com/2024/06/03/the-viral-story-about-a-defendant-driving-with-a-suspended-license-was-fake-news/ reason dot com with the hot take that "akshually it was a clerical error and his license wasnt actually suspended" ignoring the hilarity of the clerical error happening and having an obvious meaningful real world impact and, even if we ignore that, the guy in question still dialing into a court date he was definitely aware of midway into some other appointment and all involved being hilariously confused it me, the very serious libertarian publication intern being utterly befuddled at the discovery of stupid human interest poo poo showing up in news media. SOMETHING IS _WRONG_ IN THIS COUNTRY GOD drat anyway vote rfk junior or something idk too busy getting eaten by bears
# ¿ Jun 4, 2024 05:14 |