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Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Gorilla Radio posted:

I don't know if it's a real saying but my actually-combat-deployed leadership always told me that the more hosed the mission was, the more/higher up the medals were. To cover up leader incompetence.

Like, leadership actively ignores intel suggesting there's a battalion or more of Taliban in the area, inserts a 14 man Special Forces ODA who quickly get overwhelmed/killed. Everyone gets at least a silver star, at least one survivor and KIA get MOHs as a "please don't tell anyone what we did"

See: Pat Tillman.


Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Last night I dreamt I'd enlisted in the Navy and most of the dream was this thread mocking me. Realistic, except for the enlisting part.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Scratch Monkey posted:

This is from the sentencing docs for that former Air Force LtCol who took part in the Jan 6 insurrection.

"In order to protect American democracy we need to round up and eleminate our political opponents and those we feel are their supporters, starve over half of our population out of spite, start military occupations in states we feel aren't loyal enough, and hand dictatorial power to a single individual."

Truly a patriot.
If he thinks cutting off California from the rest of the US is going to make Californians starve, he hasn't looked at an agricultural map recently.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Wibla posted:

Cut off their water, that'll teach em :colbert:

Possible on the day when the Colorado River starts flowing upstream.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

It's not so much that we've all seen a moose (I haven't), it's that the people who have moose stories have stories.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

lightpole posted:

I don't get it

When you turn the mast sideways, its height is now whatever the width was before, and what used to be the height is now the length.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

A.o.D. posted:

You know, depending on the exact shape of the antenna mast, laying it down on its side may not give you an accurate height by measuring its length.
Also it's bound to compress some when supporting its own weight vertically, no? Tiny amounts, but it's the thought that counts.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

SerthVarnee posted:

Goon consensus ended up somewhere between "get the commander down there ASAP if you think he can be trusted not to throw you under the bus", "get a shovel and a truck and then bury them all in the desert" and "get the commander, then get two shovels and a truck and help the commander bury that poo poo in the desert".

I've never seen so many goons agree on something so fast before.
Is it known which option(s) they chose?

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Phanatic posted:

- Admiral James Stavridis, USN, Ret. Vice Chair,The Carlyle Group; Chair, Rockefeller Foundation Board; PhD; ADM, USN(Ret.) fmr Supreme Allied Commander at NATO.
Well, somebody doesn't understand ballistics, clearly.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Maine doesn't have a "red flag" law, so there would have been no way to take away his guns.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

MarcusSA posted:

God drat lol

like every other state does.

Only 20 states do.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

MarcusSA posted:

Well it should be more!

drat straight, but :bahgawd: my FREEEEDOM. Right-wingers are very angry that some of these laws apply to people who have a protection order against them.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Mustang posted:

My Vietnam veteran uncle was an armor officer and he hates the movie Fury because according to him the greatest generation didn't swear that much.

Tell it to Kurt Vonnegut, James Michener, and Joseph Heller.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

Steezo posted:

Davis and Lee should have been publicly hanged. Forrest should've been burned at the stake for fort pillow.

Finish the reconstruction Joe.

Still reeling (although I shouldn't be surprised) that Shelby Foote chose to be buried close to Forrest. I mean, that's why he chose the plot.


Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

When I had my first child, a preppy friend's immediate reaction was "her initials are going to be EEP!"

Which neither of us had remotely considered, because we don't do monograms.

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