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Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.

CommieGIR posted:

I was out with a group of guys as we headed to deployment, we had stopped in Germany, one of the guys goes on a rant about vaccines and goldbuggery. The look our water gave us was....concerning.

My understanding is that internationals often view Americans with some trepidation. Not every American is a lunatic - lots of them are just a bit arrogant from the implicit understanding that their country is better than everyone else's - but a moderately online Trumper is liable to be the craziest motherfucker you meet that year.


Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.
Teenagers are adults only in the legal sense and if their parents failed then in some basic way, many of them won't have the life experience to realize it. Not saying you gotta just accept Private Pigsty the way they are, but you can at least start out being constructive.

Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.
I haven't met an English speaker who wouldn't.

Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.

FrozenVent posted:

Like sure if you get someone with the most cockney accent ever and send them to California they’re gonna have a hard time but it’s not the end of the world.

Speaking from experience, a thick Geordie accent is indecipherable to Americans who haven't acclimated.

Imagine one of them talking to a Cajun.

Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.
Can you explain the severity of this to a civilian? Are these guys career administrative staff whose careers just completely ended?

Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.
You can get them retail for like $10, so honestly, a state actor buying a pallette of them and mailing them out to a bunch of lower enlisted doesn't seem like an unreasonable investment.

Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.
Having my crimes.txt be hosted on your cloud account so it's on an accessible database rather than at home on your personal device is a nice 21st century twist to the old classic.

Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.

Discussion Quorum posted:


No genocide or banana companies involved, so it's probably still one of the most honest MoH awarded 1870-1917

Was gonna say, if every MoH from that era has been awarded fraudulently the world would have been a better place.

Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.
I am, in fact, gonna hand it to whoever slipped SENPAI past whatever boomer was overseeing the process.

Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.
Well that seems loving insane.


Voyager I
Jun 29, 2012

This is how your posting feels.

Keru posted:

They were two lines next to eachother, I just picked the wrong one, but turned on the right output at least, rather than flood the ship's freshwater tank with the oil for the engines.

You hosed up, but the designer is still extremely culpable for designing such an easy mistake into a system designed to be operated by the dumbest people on earth.

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