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LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
There is absofuckinglutely nothing wrong with the word Goy. It is not a bad word. It literally just means “Not Jewish” it is no more or less offensive than Gentile.

Goddamned idiots.


LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

Kinda like Pakeha meaning Not Maori then

Sorta, but Pakeha is more broadly meant as white New Zealander, while Goy just denotes the individual is not Jewish. Not exactly apples to apples but close enough for government work maybe?

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

I had to double check who posted this, I wasnt expecting you to know the intricacies of kiwi slang

We had a Kiwi exchange student when I was a kid. He taught me a lot of stuff. We actually had a bunch of exchange students- one from Germany lived with me for 2 months. Kinda wild since the school was 100 kids, K-12. Having 7 exchange students a year was huge. We never sent anyone to foreign countries as an exchange student from our school. But we always had very happy exchange students opening up the world to that tiny little town.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
I generally frown on furries but that’s loving hilarious.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
You idiots are missing the forest for the tree. It’s WHO had that card. He was a mobster.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Absurd Alhazred posted:

US Army has a small (now declassified, although its missions aren't obviously) autonomous space shuttle that they could probably use to try and reorbit a bunch of them, but I'm not sure it won't just draw attention to itself and to whatever changes they made.

The X-37 is most assuredly not an Army asset. The army is more of a space customer, than operator.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Icon Of Sin posted:

That thing also had enough delta-v to go to the loving moon and back, which makes it one of the most powerful spacecraft since the Saturn V roared off the pad.

That’s not exactly how it works. It is launched by conventional launchers, none even approaching the Saturn V. It has a tremendous Delta-V budget because it’s got large fuel reserves and is relatively lightweight.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

FrozenVent posted:

What the gently caress is that thing for?

Nobody who isn’t in the program knows for sure. And they’re not talking.

It’s some interesting tech.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
When I was junior enlisted before I ever became an NCO I bought a brand new car with a sub 5% 5yr loan for all of 19k. (Mazda 3) and I still felt loving miserable going into debt for the vehicle. I had just done an 8 month deployment, and my wife needed her own vehicle.

It’s now many years later, my wife makes good money in her career, and my pension plus GI Bill happily pays all our bills. That Mazda 3 made it to close to 200k miles before the tranny went out. Wife bought herself a fully loaded brand new Subaru SUV, only brought me along to help her pick her favorite.

This brand new very nice Subaru costs significantly less than that dudes 21% financed ride, and she got 0% on the drat thing. How do you think you can afford a 40K anything as a junior enlisted service member? That’s nuts. The money ain’t there.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

shame on an IGA posted:

Beyond the one in the article?

Yeah Ok.


That’s loving great.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Some commands will specifically ban travel to some places. The DoD, and the Department of the Navy haven’t banned travel to Mexico, but lower echelons May have their own rules. I’m talking about this being federated down to the company commander level.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Poor kitty :(

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Is funny, idiot, war crime the new “Marry, gently caress, kill.” ?

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

No goddamn way.

No loving way.

Just loving no.



LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
For real.

I hear things have changed, but some poo poo never changes.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Spine problems at an unusually young age?

gently caress, I had no idea Lowtax was a Gipper.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Booger Presley posted:

I've always wondered if we, as the US, have always been this stupid. Is technology causing stupid or merely exposing it?

We have been waaaaaaay dumber historically. I don’t know about relatively, but we’re absolutely smarter than the Americans of 200 years ago.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Was our shark bitten Gettysburg survivor a confederate or was he Union?

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
I specifically never had kids while I was in because I knew I could be a good dad or a “good” Airman but almost certainly couldn’t be both at the same time.

Both of my folks were military, full on kool aid drinkers but back waaaaaaaaaaay before the GWOT. They were both poor kids who got their leg ups in life by serving.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Beef Stew with lots of hot sauce is serviceable. It’s not good, but it’s not as bad as a veggie omelette.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Goddamn goons.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Been calling it the Kung Flu since it was only in the PRC. Nothing racist about it, that joke is 100% meat and no fat.


LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

McNally posted:

As far as the term "kung flu" goes, President Trump just defended his use of the term so I think we can very clearly and definitively categorize it under "racist; do no use"

Hey, I know when to admit I’m wrong, and being on the same side as Trump on something potentially racial is horrible. I hadn’t seen it used anywhere else, as I live in a media bubble, and I stand completely corrected.

My bad, folks.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Who the gently caress worries about their barista job at Starbucks once they’ve joined the military? This person is being given a ladder and is sliding down it like a pro when they should be climbing it.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

canyoneer posted:

It's a cultural thing there. She may have been listening to compare the sound of your farts and trying to match it to someone else.
In ancient and modern Egypt it's considered good luck to have a toot-in-common.


This is 99.9% pure un-cut straight from the source dad poo poo. Cut that poo poo down man, we’re used to a product that’s been stepped on by half of Twitter before we put it up our noses or in my case rear end (Never done a cocaine enema? Your not living your best life.).

You got a good product though, I know how we can move some serious dad jokes in bulk to a select high level group of social media influencers and we could be set for life and have to only deal with the top, and not distribution.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

pantslesswithwolves posted:

Because of a haircut memo to his company, right?

Also didn’t Martello later become a cop and end up facing charges from an incredibly bad shooting?

Yes to both. His posts on SA showed up in his leaderships hands, and later when he was a civilian cop he killed a guy in an epically bad use of lethal force. Like textbook bad.

I’ve got the local newspaper that’s been covering his story bookmarked, but sharing that ties his real name to his SA name and I’m not trying to doxx anyone. Suffice to say, life hasn’t been going great for Martello. Going worse for the guy he killed, but still.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
We need to do another run of the dick book, updated with new dick art but also keeping the classics. I bought a book each time we did a run of them.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

If memory serves me correctly that guy got punished for that prank. The USMC may be the funniest branch but I’ll be damned if their senior leaders have a sense of humor.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

iwentdoodie posted:

Military punishment is cyclical.

Wingnut Ninja posted:

Only because the Geneva convention bans collective punishment.

Just close GiP now, we hit our peak.


LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Kith posted:

I have to ask - what gave it away?

Know how you can tell the smell of poo poo, but can’t really describe it? That’s USAF Intel Ops.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

CainFortea posted:

I mean, I got mine through a voluntary sterilization program put on by my state so I paid literally nothing, but I was a bit miffed that my request for some kind of sedative was met with "nah you'll be fine"

Which state state has this program?

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Imagine paying that much money for A) A vehicle and B) A dodge

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

CainFortea posted:

All Crayons are edible though.

Smeper Fi

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

shame on an IGA posted:

I’m one of these people, we don't change. Focus your energies on one-upping BeatMasterJ's Doom bathroom, maybe go for the Xen aesthetic.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
IANAL is the best/worst loving acronym.


LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Mr. Nice! posted:

Unless they're the chop. Being a nuke is miserable regardless of location. Being a non-nuke officer on a sub is considerably less miserable.

Huh, I thought all Sub officers were nuke officers and start out their careers in the Reactor Department. I honestly didn’t know there were non-nuke sub officers.

Learn something new everyday.

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