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Apr 23, 2014


Apr 23, 2014

Liquid Communism posted:

I'm just imagining the fun when someone gets reassigned back to the states and can't take their kid because they don't have citizenship. Imagine the paperwork.

I'm sure they'll be all white.

Apr 23, 2014

What's OPSEC?

Apr 23, 2014

He got tired of directly telling Russian agents and decided to just let the free market decide.

Apr 23, 2014

Guest2553 posted:

I remember being ordered not to read wikileaks or the snowden dump stuff, does that apply in this instance? Keyhole discussions in the smoke pit like it ain't no thang?

Wikileaks is public. If a Google search can find it, read it.

Apr 23, 2014

Drunk Florida Marine breaks into house to cook breakfast, tells owner to just go back to sleep

Apr 23, 2014

MRC48B posted:

The intention isn't to win opposition voters, the point is to energize the base, spread misinformation and muddy the waters for the general election.

Wohl is a brokebrain idiot, but he makes a good pawn.

The problem is there’s no evidence that anything he’s done has worked even indirectly. He’s so dumb and unwilling to believe that he’s dumb that everyone knows him for how dumb he is. Even his Wikipedia page classifies his occupation as “fraudster”. The only people with any positive opinion of him at this point are so far gone into crazyland that they don’t need additional energizing to vote for Trump again.

Apr 23, 2014

Doc Hawkins posted:

oh so when the guns get smaller they become more dangerous? :rolleye:

Apr 23, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

Volmarias posted:

The solution to that is impeachment and removal, but here we are I guess.

Yeah, this is the main problem. All of the legislation you'd need to deal with Trump is predicated on "What if a senile narcissist with a long criminal history and designs on fascism was compromised by Russia and became the president?" There's a lot of problems before the point of revealing classified intel if someone like that can get to that level of authority.

Apr 23, 2014

Stravag posted:

I never imagined how much of our government was founded on the principle that we have an adult incharge capable of discretion

The entire existence of the Electoral College comes from a belief that the fair and intelligent electors would never elect someone like Donald Trump, even if it went against the will of the people.

Apr 23, 2014

Nystral posted:

Isn’t it something like an State having outsized influence relative to its population? Montana being another one?

Gerrymandering is redrawing districts in a way that manipulate how your vote within the state counts.

You can turn a majority into a minority and vice versa by drawing districts in such a way that each district has as many people as your party needs to win it. The GOP is especially notorious for this, to the point where several states (like South Carolina) would be far more left-wing if they weren't gerrymandered to hell. To give a real world example, this is what Republicans in Texas did:

With Wyoming, the problem is that every state has to have a minimum of 2 senators to "ensure equality", because some states are so empty that they'd have fewer than 1 vote. But this results in rural areas having their votes counted disproportionately more, giving them far greater influence than they should have in the population. When you do the math, a Wyoming resident has their vote count 57 times more than a resident of California.

chitoryu12 fucked around with this message at 12:52 on Oct 30, 2019

Apr 23, 2014

Internet Wizard posted:

Wyoming disenfranchises California in the same way LA, SF, and SD disenfranchise the entire rest of the state, or Chicago disenfranchises everybody else in Illinois.

Getting rid of the senate might solve some problems but the whole “only coastal cities matter” thing would rapidly eclipse that.

Coastal cities are where the people are. What you’re actually complaining about is the population disenfranchising dirt.

Apr 23, 2014

Flying_Crab posted:

Can we stop with this tired narrative?
See also the urban parts of Texas, Atlanta, etc.

Yeah, west of the Mississippi is like 95% desolate, but there’s a poo poo ton of people and cities that aren’t on the east/west coasts.

And every single one of those people are equal and should receive equal representation.

Apr 23, 2014

shovelbum posted:

The Senate was intended to keep powerful rural interests safe from the urban masses, which if you're building a republic by/of/for wealthy gentleman plantation owners is pretty reasonable, but in our day and age the ultrarural states are essentially rotten boroughs controlled by the same old Wall Street billionaire types.

I don’t think we need to pretend any more that the obsession over rural voters is anything but regressive politicians taking advantage of a “downtrodden farmers” narrative to gain power before loving them over.

Apr 23, 2014

After 9/11, are we all not veterans of the War on Terror?

Apr 23, 2014


She signed a contract and conduct unbecoming exists for a reason.

Maybe we should make it easier for a single mom to survive on her work paycheck without needing to sell nudes and then simultaneously tell her she can't do that.

Apr 23, 2014

Vengarr posted:

Well, yeah. Certain offices and positions do come with restrictions on your freedom of speech and expression. It’s not controversial when cops get tossed for posting racist memes, right?

Yeah because cops reinforcing the racist status quo in the police force is the same as women legally selling nudes to make ends meet. You absolute twat (which I would not pay to see).

Apr 23, 2014

I just showed that video to two coworkers on Thursday and we were in hysterics.

Apr 23, 2014

I just talked to a customer at the USMC and I want to know if he's bullshitting me.

Is there any truth to a claim that they aren't allowed to access .net URLs on a base?

Apr 23, 2014

It was specifically .net domains, which as far as I know have no functional difference to any other URL. And we've done testing for the Air Force just fine (minus their awful infrastructure causing constant Internet outages).

Apr 23, 2014

Godholio posted:

He's full of poo poo.

Thought so. He has to make the request for paper tests in writing so I can identify him and call him on it.

Apr 23, 2014

Dingleberry posted:

How do the basement dwelling diceboyz feel about digital dice rolling?

Depends on how willing they are to believe that it's truly been programmed to be random and how much their obsession with dice is part of having physical dice brainworms instead of actually just caring about it being random.

Apr 23, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

Ken Bone Comeback posted:

What is this miniature AK?

omg so adorable

That's a Norinco Type 79 in 7.62mm Tokarev.

Apr 23, 2014

Asehujiko posted:

I've had a Muslim tell me that guest customs > food rules, at least within his school of law. If he's at somebody's else's house and the host unwittingly offers him a ham sandwich, the correct course of action is to accept it and wash his hands after dinner.

This also applies for kosher Jews. Only the most radical Jews and Muslims actually demand that you engage in starvation rather than violate dietary restrictions if it comes down to that. Eating taboo food as a last resort for your own survival or safety is acceptable in God's eyes.

Apr 23, 2014

MA-Horus posted:

Oh we haven't even discussed Mack Maloney and the Wingman series.

Because that's full on whackadoo bananas poo poo right there.

Makes Dale Brown look like high art.

At least it was good crazy.

Apr 23, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

Conveniently, this just showed up on my YouTube:

Apr 23, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

aphid_licker posted:

It's a bit of the gun that isn't getting hot, which must've been a concern in something like an MP40

You can also hold that behind the magazine.

Apr 23, 2014

VBIED check!

*shoots you*

Apr 23, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

So a couple things about that gear in the pictures. A fellow gear nerd (xthetenth) and I were looking over what they had.

First, those plate carriers are almost definitely extremely cheap airsoft stuff. Combined with the lower face masks and the fact that a later smuggler was arrested with more equipment on its way that only had three Crye PCs, I wouldn't be surprised if these guys were going in with basically $20 Evike poo poo.

Second, those "stocks" on the AR-15s look like they're actually pistol braces of the kind used to skirt the NFA. These guys were making sure their rifles were civilian legal in the United States for doing a coup as mercenaries.

Apr 23, 2014

not caring here posted:

Mafia 2 at launch was red hot garbage. There was DLC that came out that completely changed the nature of the game, and apparently it became quite good but it was so annoying at launch I never bothered playing it again.

Mafia 3 has a similar issue. The storyline and story missions are very good, but the majority of the gameplay consists of repetitively doing the exact same things over and over until you fill a meter that lets you do the next story mission. The DLC missions are structured like sensible games and are way more interesting.


Apr 23, 2014

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