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Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
A gift from PYF:


Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
Reckon the main difference is that soldiers assume that people may shoot back.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

ASAPI posted:

I had a few of my old soldiers go all CHUD on me, especially in respect to the BLM movement and the ongoing protests.

After going back and forth with them for a while I simply told them I was disappointed in them and that I thought better of them. I guess I had a better relationship/influence with them than I thought. 75% of them calmed down, listened to reason, and ultimately conceded. The other 25% are now blocked.

Since I've started treating the CHUDs like children that did something wrong I've been having more success.

Carth Dookie posted:


Mentally replace anti-Semite with chud, though there's a significant overlap.

Recent discussion has figured that 'ironic racism is just racism' is better as 'all racism is ironic'; they know it's irrational and don't care because it makes them feel good. Logic doesn't work, anger doesn't work, scolding can work if you are already a person (or hold a position) that they respect and want to please.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

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Time Crisis Actor posted:

Guys, it’s me: I’m the idiot

I live with my gf of two years, and she is kind of a slob. I can’t get her to clean up the kitchen at all with the gentlest suggestion, she’s had a pile of clothes in the same corner since last November (because she doesn’t have, and has no intention of purchasing a dresser), and it’s almost impossible to get her to do any chores during the day. I should note that she works from home, and almost never leaves the apartment unless it’s with me.

In a way, she kinda reminds me of myself at 19, except she’s 31 and won’t take responsibility for anything. Whenever I try to suggest some changes, it’s melt with either empty promises or a total meltdown. I feel like a total moron trying to train this grown woman how to live with another person.

GIP, what the gently caress do I do?

Barging in a bit here but this seems like a pretty likely standard case of depression (maybe even undiagnosed ADHD), :therapy: either way

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
There's probably military idiots stories about medieval knights out there somewhere. Certainly so many Arthurian tales would count. Knights are apparently all massive idiot drama queens.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

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Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Wrr posted:

No, as far as weird old timey faces go his is fairly normal.

Several of the rest of those suggestions fit in well with theories around the effects of Neoliberalism recreating every facet of its subjects' existence in its own image tho :tinfoil:

South Korea is probably Exhibit A for that one, hypercapitalist feudal nightmare and all, where plastic surgery has become routine.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
I did hear that Ospreys aren't necessarily terrible, but I imagine they're very difficult and unique to pilot, and best saved for uses that play to their strengths, but the Marines insist on using them all the drat time, and also insist on using live Marines on test flights instead of dummies or weight.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
The Mega Man Battle Network series is basically about the Internet of poo poo requiring everyone to have their own personal AI to clear out the viruses regularly. The first dungeon is to stop your oven from burning your house down.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Crab Dad posted:

oh no late 20's.

what a worthless piece of poo poo.

Watched too much anime.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Casimir Radon posted:

Did you never shut up about field camp like kids just out of basic training? I double majored in GIS & Anthropology so a lot of my classmates were Geology majors, and they’d all talk your ear off about “this one time in field camp!”

Only other Geology movie I can think of that I’ve seen is the ‘59 Journey to the Center of the Earth. The one I think Raiders of the Lost Ark stole the Boulder chase from, but executed so much better. It’s a decently fun movie despite starring arch-douchebag Pat Boone. We watched it in 8th grade Earth Science. The Core came out that year but I’ve never actually seen it.

The whole scene with the idol switching and boulder chase was actually stolen from an older source iirc; a Scrooge McDuck comic.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
A lot makes sense when you remember the set workers are on strike and the people handling the prop guns are random scabs.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
Thought of you lot for Veteran's Day.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Vengarr posted:

His insane mistress just posted a pic of herself in the memorial thread with her mouth literally full of Lowtax jizz. In order to…own the libs? :iiam:

Which one even is this?

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
This wasn't the obvious grifter he was obviously shacking up with earlier, was it? Or the other ex Helldumper and internet celebrity who'd apparently been helping him with his divorce.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
Pretty much every early 10s progressive darling turned out to be some mix of grifter, transphobe, and/or abuser.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
I'm willing to believe they're not a transphobe in a specific sense, just willing to allow trans people to get exposed to nazis and predators for money, clout or lulz

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Absurd Alhazred posted:

Related (link)
"We taught our Army unit's commander about DnD and started setting up a campaign. After a few schedule conflicts she realized she can just order us to show up lol"

Every DM dreams of this.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Wrong Theory posted:

Remember when weirdos online thought Russia had some super bad rear end military because they had tough guys looking tough in a commercial whereas the U.S. Army commercial had lesbians or something. Oh how wrong they were.

In both cases they're the kind of idiots who refuse to recognise that advertising isn't real.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

SavageMessiah posted:

Also the major effects of things put into place by his predecessor took a while to happen so he was substantially taking credit for work done by the people he shits on. A real piece of work, that one.

A shitload of what we 'know' about WW2 comes from uncritically accepting the accounts of Nazis. See: the Eastern Front.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
There is no absolutely good or trustworthy media. The idea of objective coverage has always been a total lie. Expect bias from every account and work through it. Some is worse than others, of course. Be most wary of media that tells you exactly what you want to hear.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
While you can't rely on the enemy being stupid, it never hurts to take advantage.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.


Hillary couldn’t figure out the technology through the proper method because olds and they hacked together some solution that might have worked if still been against regulations for someone who wasn’t a prime target of foreign hackers involving a private e-mail server.

Basically if a normal person did it they’d probably lose their clearance and get fired, maaaaaybe some sort of suspended criminal penalty but as far as powerful and rich people crimes it’s absolutely nothing compared to an average minute in Trump’s life or oh, stuff her and Obama ordered in the war on terror, but that that involves mostly killing people in the third world and most Americans are totally cool with torture, assassination, and war crimes so instead buttery males.

Supposedly a big part was that she refused to learn to use a smartphone or move on from her Blackberry.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Moon Slayer posted:

How does this keep happening?

Because it's literally always happened, nerds are eternal and universal.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

FrozenVent posted:

I’m in the shipping business, I deal with a gently caress load of “captains”, some people wrap their identity in that poo poo.

At least they’re not pretending to be doctors.

They had better drat be at least wearing the proper hat OR have a respectable graying beard.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Lemniscate Blue posted:

That's a hilarious power move, but it's definitely coming from someone who isn't expecting to get any more promotion ceremonies in their career.

If you're all but out though, what a "gently caress you" to everyone involved.

Maybe it was a really hot day?

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Vengarr posted:

Why wouldn’t you just…call someone to confirm the MOD90 works as ID? Kinda feel like there are two idiots in that story.

You say that like it'd change the idiot's mind.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

goatsestretchgoals posted:

What is it with right wing idiots and the file name mycrimes.txt. Same poo poo with Fox News vs Dominion. There are so many emails/texts that are basically “uh should we be saying this poo poo on air?”

They're very, very used to never having any consequences, and still usually never do.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Taerkar posted:

The lies run free while the truth is covered in secrecy.

That seems like a feature? If lies about what classified information supposedly is have gotten out, don't correct them!

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Absurd Alhazred posted:

Hamster wheel will be pushed faster until morale improves.

Would probably work on me, they look fun.

There was a science experiment where they put a hamster wheel in the wild and a bunch of different animals ran on it apparently for fun. Including a slug.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Valtonen posted:

I was 28 on mine, and both me and my other venerable boot friend looked like whitewashed anime characters in ours. I’ve literally seen eye colors redone on those pictures thanks to the filters.

I was gonna say that looked AI generated.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Fearless posted:

It looked young, some kind of sub-adult but not a calf.

Oh great, a teenage moose.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

GD_American posted:

Apologies for the clickbait, but it's hard to understate exactly how hosed that ship was

Kinda gotta give some props to that kamikaze pilot, all things considered.

It's like that ship was the setting of a sitcom.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

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Vincent Van Goatse posted:

It's Guy Mann/Sleeveless/Of Science, a noted furry stalker freak. Ask the PYF Sagas threads and the modmins within for more details. But like after being permabanned for being generally weird (including defending a dude banned because they enjoyed nude photos of underage teens) they re-regged just to mine info from the SAD thread about goons who died.

Are we talking a furry who stalks or a stalker of furries, though I'm aware it's probably both

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
Not sure how well this embed might work, but worth it.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

pantslesswithwolves posted:

Please tell me that’s not that Lujan e-girl weirdo who everyone thinks is a psyop

If it is, then I think by definition she probably is now.

Also for those without context; that character is the drunken commanding officer of child soldiers, at least one of which she is sexually inappropriate with. And the show does not treat this as a good thing.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

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hypnophant posted:

that had to be hazing, right?

In the IDF?

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
Picturing a stripper pole mounted on top of one of those coin spinner funnels.

Stravag posted:

Just how hot was this dolores chick they decided to name the money after her?

So hot you could see her lungs glowing.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.
Launchpad McQuack, who works for a trillionaire and crashes 500 assorted modes of transport a year (and occasionally himself) is an outlier and should not be counted.


Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

That dog had to have just been all like 'Whatcha doooin?' :3:

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