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Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Softface posted:

In other SCIF idiocy, last week someone got their badge pulled for typing in their team's chats "They won't be laughing when I bring a bomb to the ops floor."

But they would be laughing, which makes it funnier.


Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
His fault for not signing the cat up for Tricare.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Godholio posted:

Citadel cadets kicked off the Civil War.

Uh, correct? 9 January 1861 Citadel Cadets under the command of the college's Superintendent, Col. Peter Stevens, fired what many consider to be the first shots of the War Between the States when the battery at Morris Island opened fire on the federal ship Star of the West that had been ordered to re-supply the federal garrison manning Ft Sumter in Charleston harbor.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

bulletsponge13 posted:

Buffalo Soldiers is a totally underrated movie.

And the book is spectacular as welll.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Guessing that wasn’t a union cameraman.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
Wow, brings back a memory of a cop that thought a great second date would start with HIS kids serenading my friend with PA and sirens. It turned out GREAT, a touching ending!

She had enough connections to make sure that he never contacted her again.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

bulletsponge13 posted:

I worked a gun range that had a rental Deagle in Gold Tiger Stripe. After being a Range Safety for a renter firing it, I told them to quit charging by the box, because nearly no one fired more than a mag through it.

We went from charging 30$ a box to 20$ a mag.

Still rented so much it was clapped out within 2 years.

Was this the one at Don’s with the bitemarks?

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

FrozenVent posted:

Did five years plus my cadet time.

Everything except my licence is expired right now and I intend to keep it that way so I don’t get press ganged.

Oh this sounds like a good story.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

CommieGIR posted:

Wow, that's a mortgage for a decent sized medium house.

Can a house rot in a parking lot while you're on deployment for a year? No, so clearly this this is a better buy.

Remulak fucked around with this message at 22:15 on Jun 17, 2021

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Midjack posted:

They're the short guys in flying saucers who are into butt stuff.

Kidding aside, "grey man" is an aspirational goal for all kinds of soi-disant ~*aMeRiCaN :bAdAsSeS*~ who like to think they look unremarkable while going about their Very Important Bad rear end Business. I first encountered the term reading an interview some retired CIA-gull gave about his career where he said that was what all the spies were like. Sure, the 30-year old Ivy League frat bro who doesn't know any local language besides "one more" absolutely can't be picked out of the crowd.
Aha, the only actual actual PI that (I know) I’ve met was a slightly attractive, slightly fat back woman, and and she was amazing at fading into the background. I called her a bullshitter on this, as it was a neighborhood bar (one of two then, one of one now) and for a couple of years she took great amusement in tapping my shoulder and saying hi, even after I obviously scanned for her every time I entered the place.

Yes, her wig game was part of this, even so it was pretty fun. She told me she could be ignored anyplace, and then took cellphone pics of every couple in the place. I took one then got threatened, lol. I should drop by that place again, it’s been a long time.

Terrible bar otherwise, except for her having the only pinball machine within 5 min of my house. Oh, it had that guy named ‘Dave’ that could have won a David Cross lookalike contest. He never knew why I remembered his name, as he had no idea who David Cross is.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

not caring here posted:

I was told going low key was the goal in basic, but I got hosed immediately by the first sergeant. He was retiring, and the first afternoon just as he was knocking off he asked for me by name, and said he was going to Australia for 3 months during terminal and he wanted to talk to me while we were all getting smoked so... gently caress me I guess.

Oh poo poo now I know how my Viet Nam novel is starting.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Crab Dad posted:

Language nerds in the milhist discord says it’s legit Chinese.
It's literally one of like 3 Chinese phrases I still remember, along with the close 'kiss my rear end' and my fave from any language 'gently caress your mother's pussy'.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
This wasn’t technically a rematch, it’s just that he lost the debate first.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
Imagining the bloodhound guy trying out rhymes with the names of every popular pornstar at the time.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
Why am I unsurprised that the first decorated female marine (no, I won’t capitalize it) was a duck?

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

maffew buildings posted:

Remember when the United States executed it's traitors? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Lol, like the officers that ‘resigned their commissions’ to fight against the Union? Or the ones that sent all the arms the confederates couldn’t make themselves to the south before the war? Yeah, we sure hanged them good.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
Go nuke.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

mllaneza posted:

I've got some really bad news about why kids might employ "smelling bad" as a defensive strategy.
Goddamn death to the human race.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Scratch Monkey posted:

When I think of “brilliant but utterly stupid” Ben Carson jumps to mind. Amazing brain surgeon. Dogshit in every other way.
I’d dispute this, you would think that a brilliant surgeon would care more about what happens during the full period of care not just the time under the knife, but he didn’t seem to. Even the German conjoined twins that made him famous, somehow, never had normal lives, due to bungled post-surgical care.

Dude is like an AL* pitcher that never had to bat, but also never knew how to handle a bunt, a dropped pitch, or a pop fly.

*Yes, 2022 rule change I know.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
Prednisone absolutely gives me rage control issues. I can recognize it now, and do some breathing exercises to calm down. Because I’m on Prednisone A LOT unfortunately.

When I was in my early 20s I lost a job because I was so insane on it, and for decades I avoided it.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Vincent Van Goatse posted:

More accurate bumper sticker: "I'd stand with Israel but they won't let me near them."

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
“Well they haven’t said anything so I guess I’m in the clear, might as well go to nocal for a wine tasting.”

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
If you attack America it’s terrorism. If you’re attacked by America you’re a terrorist.

This poo poo isn’t difficult. Don’t make it difficult.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

bulletsponge13 posted:

We've bombed more, and the Chinese embassy wasn't an accident. We hit it with multiple GPS guided munitions in an attempt to destroy or force return of downed F117 material.
Was that actually confirmed? I mean I have no problem believing it was the cause but did the US ever admit it?

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
Johnnie was also the KKK in “The KKK Took My Baby Away” and IIRC the only Ramone that could stand him was CJ, whom he hired, and even he remained bitter about merch sales.

Johnny was also a fan of the second Bush, which is frankly insane. Unfortunately, it’s on-par for Ramon’s insanity in general.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

bennyfactor posted:

Everyone in this story sounds like an idiot, up to and including Jay Leno, so I think it belongs here:
So he's mad that he didn't get to buy a car at $50,000 over list?

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Steezo posted:

1. an idiot missionary gets splattered after being told not to go there to preach.
2. the "inscrutable, hive like mind"
I got #2 but #1 I completely missed, goddamn. Edward Neumeier even leaned HARD on this, but even I didn’t get the John Birch society reference until now. Despite reading and taking I got this poo poo since I read None Dare Call Conspiracy when I was 12 or whatever since it was a book in every garage sale and I love books.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
I’ve been doing embedded software for a long damned time and I’ve been lucky enough to avoid gigs where my work kills or hurts people when it’s correct, aka “defense”, or when it isn’t: health, vehicles, aerospace, “defense”. Because the number of comprises required to get a product out the door may be reduced in these industries but not nearly enough.

Google hasn’t turned up a follow-up from that 90’s article on quality software.

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
When I was a kid it was possible to drive through the local Army base, the now-closed Fort Benjamin Harrison, accidentally. I talked to a dude that told me got a DUI there and because he was a civilian on a military base it hosed his life even more than a normal DUI.


Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan
Aha, this made me remember my dad, with the whole family, in a red station wagon in the late 70s or early 80s trying to enter some base to ‘see the planes’ and his utter humiliation that [tmi].

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