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Apr 2, 2003

How do people like hall not get marched to every suspected IED until nature takes its course, or just sent the gently caress back home roped up like a salami with a paper tag requesting he be physically removed from whatever facility he lands at.


Apr 2, 2003

A Bad Poster posted:

As hilarious as this is to know about her, and as much as I hate Dick Cheney, I'm not going to begrudge anyone on figuring out a way to get out of going to Vietnam, even if it is a bit classist. If I were facing down being drafted I'd fight tooth and nail not to get gang pressed into service.
It's the hypocrisy, not the draft-dodging. Keep up.

Apr 2, 2003

Stravag posted:

I never imagined how much of our government was founded on the principle that we have an adult incharge capable of discretion
It's based on the premise that congress would impeach such a person, which they won't do because senate is locked because state are gerrymandered to gently caress because courts are packed. There.

Apr 2, 2003

Internet Wizard posted:

Wyoming disenfranchises California in the same way LA, SF, and SD disenfranchise the entire rest of the state, or Chicago disenfranchises everybody else in Illinois.
P sure land or land ownership doesn't guarantee voting rights but do go off.

Apr 2, 2003

Syrian Lannister posted:

I have what's app installed, but have never used it. Current darling is signal app.
signal,wire kinda good, telegram v v bad

Apr 2, 2003

McNally posted:

The more I think about this post, the more alarm bells this sets off in my head.
The dude's idea of consent is "WHA?"

Apr 2, 2003

Vengarr posted:

Well, yeah. Certain offices and positions do come with restrictions on your freedom of speech and expression. It’s not controversial when cops get tossed for posting racist memes, right?
Man you're just full of spicy loving takes aren't ya

Apr 2, 2003

Midjack posted:

Sooner or later Disney’s brand protection machine will focus its eye on the punisher skull poo poo.
not while a single baby yoda meme still lives

Apr 2, 2003

Smiling Jack posted:

Oh yeah. Holidays are the worst, especially if the family is already struggling... I've seen the aftermath of some bad poo poo. Nothing like writing reports next to a cheap fake Christmas tree with two or three dollar store presents under it to get you in that holiday mood.


Apr 2, 2003

Chichevache posted:

People say deus vult in the football game day threads all the time. I never thought any of them were nazis because of it.
because chuds appropriate poo poo like their lives depend on it. pepe the frong was purely a gaming thing, finger ring was purely a prank, and deus vult had other uses. now they're all chud-stained.

Apr 2, 2003

CommieGIR posted:

Its on purpose too: The idea is to make everyday things part of being a White Supremacist in order to make it acceptable.
Oh absolutely.

Apr 2, 2003

canyoneer posted:

he's still yo president

Apr 2, 2003

canyoneer posted:

Erry weekday and weekend they starin' at meh NIPRs

Apr 2, 2003

Cyrano4747 posted:

GiP is basically the sleeper progressive forum on SA
The surprisingly low noble content, along with everyone being realistic about how enlisting hosed them over kinda set the tone.

Apr 2, 2003

CommieGIR posted:

Yeah Navy already released a statement saying they are less than pleased by this, but its some weird SEAL museum so it might not have any connection to the actual Navy
So the Navy is going to cut ties with that place then?

Apr 2, 2003

Don't be silly now, tenured white men are never punished for that poo poo.

Ugly In The Morning posted:

That must depend on the school, I had two professors and a TA get fired for banging students when I was in undergrad. And then another one got fired for his out of control alcoholism making the news twice.

Apr 2, 2003

pantslesswithwolves posted:

Looks like the epitome of a self-correcting problem right there
How the gently caress do you even draw from that?

Apr 2, 2003

Even if you paint it red or whatever there’s no telling whether you’ll notice once you get the battle rattle brain going.

If you need the zero fuses for making traps then just carry the fuses separately goddamn.

Apr 2, 2003

Platystemon posted:

That was load‐bearing flora.

Apr 2, 2003

Milo and POTUS posted:

I love this gun but what the gently caress is an autorevolver. I thought modern revolvers cocked themselves after firing anyway
Typical revolver triggers are long and heavy unless you can cock the hammer first. That's because the trigger pull itself needs to rotate the cylinder, cock the hammer then release it.
On autos some of the energy of one shot is used to feed/cock the firearm for the next.

Apr 2, 2003

Skelaboo posted:

My co-worker also has two pairs custom print ahegao Chucks in black and white and color with a matching hoodie, sweatpants, phone case, and pop socket on the phone. Thankfully he just wears the mask to work.
LMAO I work somewhere you probably couldn't get fired if you tried, but this would get you shitcanned same business day.

Apr 2, 2003

TK-42-1 posted:

Didn’t some nypd shoot like 100+ rounds at someone and not only miss the target implement but hit someone else?
Vast majority of pigs get near-zero range time and shoot guns with 6kg triggers to prevent them from ND'ing themselves so yeah.

Apr 2, 2003

Wasabi the J posted:

I just hope these stories aren't founded in racism.
Racism or not there's enough first hand accounts of batshit accomplishments to secure their reputation forever.

A friend of my parents was an admin type in Kabul for a year and he vastly preferred the gurkha PSD contractors to the former SAS/SBS ones. He said the gurkhas wanted you to get on with your poo poo, the brits just wanted to kill people. They were also much more pleasant to have around at home.

Apr 2, 2003

a lightweight m4-style rifle with a good 16/20” barrel and medium optic/LPVO is already astonishingly effective, i’d be really curious to see what they deem a worthwhile improvement.

With a moderate brake it’s got negligible recoil, it’s accurate to over half a click, weighs loving nothing and neither does the ammo, and if you’re feeding it m995 or dm31 you’ll zip through most body armor too.

evil_bunnY fucked around with this message at 19:03 on Jan 23, 2021

Apr 2, 2003


Apr 2, 2003

ughhhh posted:

My parents for the past decade have been posted around europe due to their work with the UN (germany, usa, italy, switzerland etc). Unfortunately they never really had good memories due to them not being white. They both speak fluent french, italian and English, so they often end up hearing things they would rather have not heard from their neighbors of passerbys. In Geneva my mother was constantly mistaken for domestic help, and in italy my father keeps getting harassed by cops. They love all the places they visit and live in, it's just there is an extra barrier and hurdle they have to pass before they can do so.
I grew up in that region and the only fights i've ever gotten into were with assholes taking the piss out of our one black friend. It's p bad.

Apr 2, 2003

bulletsponge13 posted:

If you are driving, you loving drive.
Don't come barging in here with your common loving sense please.

Apr 2, 2003

Stravag posted:

Did the middle get stuck or something or bad grip or what? Either way that's terrifying
Munition stuck in tube, sustainer motor ignited, hilarity ensues.

Apr 2, 2003

CommieGIR posted:

"Whatever, put your safety on, moron"

Apr 2, 2003

Ya M4 actions won't go on safe with a dropped hammer, but you just loving safe it then clear it, it's not rocket science.

Apr 2, 2003

hypnophant posted:

I think the concern is that body armor proliferation is going to make all that ammo useless anyway

Yeah the weapons being considered now have truly staggering energy.

Apr 2, 2003

Stupid_Sexy_Flander posted:

Bonus fun of potentially losing fingers if you fire it and have your hands near the cylinder.
That's all revolvers p much.

Apr 2, 2003

Volmarias posted:

Is there a link for this?

Apr 2, 2003

loving lmao

Apr 2, 2003

Humbug Scoolbus posted:

V-22 Crashes

42 fatalities in 26 years

UH-60 crashes

The Blackhawk had 49 fatalities in its first 12 years...
Unless you pro-rate this to miles flown or rotations it doesn't mean poo poo

Apr 2, 2003


Should be by flight hours


Apr 2, 2003

Wasabi the J posted:

Not sure why not try an airframe parachute at some point.

Like even if it's a 25% shot it would sure be nice to know it was there.
And compromise payload? do you hate america so much?

Apr 2, 2003

Midjack posted:

I love what poo poo like this implies for credential theft when someone wants your access badly enough.
What did we say about mossad threat modelling?

Apr 2, 2003

Vengarr posted:

Swolen Valor?

dats right


Apr 2, 2003

Casimir Radon posted:

Our old group commander got profiled in some local women’s magazine. She’s been retired for about 5 years at least. The cover of the magazine has a picture of her in her blues out in front of the static display at our entrance. Her hair is overly permed, the hat was so far back on her head you almost can’t see it, and her ribbon rack is upside down.
I'd have that poo poo printed 3x in my office.

"see if I GAF"

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