It's still the "Oh gently caress oh gently caress where is my cover I can't go out without it" anxiety dreams for me if I dream anything.
# ¿ Apr 21, 2020 19:39 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 10:57 |
Items unaccounted for in aviation are bad news. Every tool has a foam cut out it must be returned to at the end of every job. Every bolt/nut/screw must be signed in and out. Every thing done with either of them must be two-person integrity. Maintenance in aviation is serious loving business.
# ¿ Apr 22, 2020 08:19 |
That is a pretty righteous and well-earned nut shot, gotta give him props for that.
# ¿ May 21, 2020 17:19 |
So it's not a misspelling of 'moist'?
# ¿ Jun 15, 2020 14:09 |
Phanatic posted:One pack is a about 100 mBq retainer in your lungs and dose of roughly a microsievert. I have no idea what these unit labels are. How many roentgens are we talking?
# ¿ Jul 3, 2020 01:36 |
Silicon bands are non-conductive for people working with the wire-contained blue-smoke and if they get caught on something, like, ooooh, say, the gate on the back of a two-ton as you're jumping out, they just snap. Results from traditional rings in this situation are considerably more... messy.
# ¿ Oct 23, 2020 00:14 |
MA-Horus posted:He feels at home in brothels because he basically grew up in one. Amos has one hell of a backstory. The actor really grasps what makes Amos tick in the books and it shows. He's juuuuuust broken enough as a character.
# ¿ Nov 2, 2020 19:09 |
piL posted:You have to pick a different MOS and you lose access to all your qualifications in the first MOS until you reach an equal or higher rank in the second.
# ¿ Nov 19, 2020 04:15 |
Memento posted:maybe he'll be more careful about what he sticks down his pisshole in the future. There are many sentences that should not exist in this world. This is one of them.
# ¿ Dec 12, 2020 11:38 |
hannibal posted:armpits of the Air Force. So only, what, 50% better than the best the Army has or there abouts?
# ¿ Mar 7, 2021 02:40 |
Best way I found to gently caress with a CAC is to get some scotch tape and cut it to exactly the shape of the chip. Almost invisible, so usually takes a while to figure out, nothing to cause any damage or problems.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2021 12:18 |
Screw 11, it's just a pair of ones trying to act big and tough. Call it out on it's poo poo.
# ¿ Apr 11, 2021 16:21 |
I imagine all that dumb poo poo does wonders for the mileage, tire wear, all kinds of fun stuff like that.
# ¿ Jun 9, 2021 06:06 |
Notahippie posted:Didn't they administratively gently caress up the dude that was laughing about it too, for making the Army look bad? My understanding of the events was that the person taping that was either in on it or personally cut the straps and wanted to film it for laughs, or social media likes, or whatever. Investigation found the cut straps, found the one taping it, busted their rear end.
# ¿ Jun 22, 2021 18:24 |
MRIs are not always well planned out as in emergency situations the patient may not be conscious to give those kinds of details. Maybe they do a pre-screening X-ray that might catch it? I dunno, ER stuff happened after I was done with the patient.
# ¿ Jul 9, 2021 20:58 |
not caring here posted:Is... is neodymium toxic? Pure neodymium probably is I imagine. Rare earth metals in their pure form tend to do bad things with heavy metal toxicity. Neodymium magnets are a pretty specific alloy though that as far as I've seen is fairly chemically non-reactive as it tends to be coated with, uhh, nickel I think? Tend to shatter and break on impact or pinch/crush fingers all the way up to limbs depending on the size of the magnet mostly. I use them a lot for my modeling and those two along with never, ever heating them up are the only safety issues I'm aware of once it's alloyed as magnets.
# ¿ Jul 10, 2021 01:21 |
Well hey if this is what it takes to give the military an enema to clear out a big chunk of the fashy supporters I'm game. Will take out woo woo crystal healing anti-vaxxers as well which I'm indifferent about. It's the chance to flush out the people that have dived down the right wing media rabbit hole that I'm all in favor of.
# ¿ Aug 5, 2021 12:19 |
What in the blazing blue gently caress are they 'doing' even if they hadn't almost de-brained the skull of one of them?
# ¿ Aug 30, 2021 23:45 |
Are they going to get let off easy with other than honorable? I can maybe see how it would be an admin sep, but I'm thinking it's gonna be "gently caress you, disobeying orders, get wrekt"
# ¿ Sep 11, 2021 15:21 |
"Ideologically Marxist"? I'm surprised he can spell it, I'd love to see him define it.
# ¿ Sep 12, 2021 03:09 |
I only did 4 years then got out so I didn't get a chance to be institutionalized. My experience may not apply. My big thing was making a plan and not just being the lazy bump on a log I wanted to be, after the first few weeks of not shaving. Granted, my plan was about as complex as "use the GI Bill, figure the rest out later." but even that was enough to get me doing the paper work and moving towards something. All the rest was just doing whatever task was in front of me that I needed to do. Now it's just life.
# ¿ Sep 13, 2021 03:33 |
A battalion of tanks holding the line would get a half-hearted shrug before missiles come over the horizon from launch sites/vehicles that no form of existing technology of the time could even locate, much less stop. The only threat infantry formations equipped with infinite everything of the time would present is possible PTSD to the AC-130 crews that would be mowing them down by the bushel. God drat is that dude a perfect candidate for this thread.
# ¿ Sep 23, 2021 19:20 |
Those shots weren't trampling on their liberties by a commie usurper crypto-Marxist triple Hitler mega socialist antifa.
# ¿ Sep 28, 2021 00:27 |
There's a type of dyslexia where you can read words without any problem but numbers get all jumbled up and are difficult to process. Semi-close family member has it. Hand them War and Peace and they'll be fine. Show them the total on a cash register and they have to stop and read every single number individually, temporarily memorizing them, then specifically place them in order in their head before understanding what value is being displayed.
# ¿ Oct 1, 2021 13:17 |
Can't vouch for anything else on this site but for those who have absolutely no idea/context on the topic of the peanut butter shot this is a good rundown. https://militarytimeconverter.org/what-is-the-peanut-butter-shot/ Tracks with everything I dealt with. We never got to see the vials of what was being given though so I did not know that was one reason it was called the peanut butter shot. It just felt like a lump of peanut butter in my rear end cheek for a few days, and the name fit so I went with it.
# ¿ Nov 14, 2021 18:44 |
Phanatic posted:Wait, so the army just injects people en masse with antibiotics just because, even when there's no bacterial infection present? Present at that time. Weeks of physical and mental stress, with little-to-no sleep, in super close quarters with lots of people, in not super clean conditions. It's more of an admission that it absolutely will happen, so give them all the shot and get ahead of the infections. Even then it still doesn't work everyone I went through with got "the basic crud" at some point.
# ¿ Nov 14, 2021 18:50 |
Meanwhile my barracks in good ol' Hood had the fire alarm pulled about once every week or two. People got sick and loving tired of accountability formations at 2 loving AM when some drunk rear end in a top hat got back. So the obvious next step was for the CQ NCO to have the master room key on hand and go door-to-door after each one to find people that were doing the serious bad thing of getting sick of leadership bullshit. Priorities don'chaknow? Pretty sure that policy lead to at least one rape charge later on after I left given the stories I've read but hey we got those shitbags that weren't clean shaven and in formation on the weekend.
# ¿ Nov 30, 2021 19:32 |
Lead out in cuffs posted:“It’s so mind-bogglingly dumb that I thought it was misdirection,” Mattos said. Would be interesting/horrifying to hear what they have to say a year and a half later. Everything has just gotten dumber everywhere.
# ¿ Dec 17, 2021 03:42 |
Given how many times I've watched 11foot8 youtube clips I'm saying they're ahead of the pack by not having actually hit the bridge and tin-can-opener'd the plane's body.
# ¿ Dec 18, 2021 17:39 |
They're not against vaccination. It's blood that they're weird about. You can't do transfusions, you can't have your own blood stored before a surgery, stuff like that. You can receive lactated ringers for blood volume replacement no problem, just don't drink the blood of animals or get injections of blood to sustain your own life.
# ¿ Dec 23, 2021 02:24 |
That's US evangelicals in a nutshell. Idolatry is bad so here's why a literal golden statue of Trump is good.
# ¿ Dec 27, 2021 21:58 |
Steezo posted:I think sergeant majors like it for the episode where wesley gets sentenced to death for walking on the grass. *eye begins twitching* It's me, I'm the idiot who has been poisoned by the Army and cannot completely stop the reaction before it starts.
# ¿ Jan 25, 2022 14:11 |
The two VFWs I even went inside felt completely irredeemable and I haven't tried for the better part of a decade since. If they want to not collapse from younger generations fleeing their presence, they need to make that presence not be the worst examples of every right wing CHUD imaginable. This was in the before times, pre-escalator ride, but I have no doubts whatsoever that they all worshipped the ground Trump walked on and are bathing in ivermectin right now. gently caress them, the whole thing can burn for all I care. I wanted the community it purported to offer but the cost of entry was my morals.
# ¿ Feb 16, 2022 20:53 |
This is also one way authoritarian regimes operate. Blast propaganda identifying all the undesirables and telling everyone how much those targets are going to rape their daughters, kill their dogs and burn their houses down then pretend they had no idea those people would get murdered. Can't blame us we didn't do it stop criticizing us and making this political, besides that undesirable had it coming anyway.
# ¿ Mar 4, 2022 18:31 |
That video kills me every time. Lame rear end punches, wild swinging and flailing that manages to miss a tree, weird grappling thing he does and it's all on a completely rotted tree so it looks like he's doing something.
# ¿ Mar 20, 2022 18:59 |
quote:"I listened to him constantly using the n-word, that's the n-word, and he's constantly using it: the nuclear word," Trump said during an appearance on Fox Business
# ¿ Mar 22, 2022 16:49 |
I thought the "get rid of road signs so invaders have a hard time finding their way" thing would have stopped working in, like, World War 2 but I won't be surprised to find Russian preparedness makes me the idiot in this one.
# ¿ Apr 1, 2022 19:45 |
Wasn't it even more bullshit than that? I remember something like "we asked the IT guys for a solution to X, they gave us this. Someone else later made a recommendation of policy that it was non-compliant." or some other dry, administrative crap which then got laundered through the CHUD rage-o-sphere in to SHE EMAILED ALL YUR SEKRITS TO THE CHICOMMS SO THEY COULD PERFORM SATANIC SEX RITUALS ON YOUR CHILDREN.
# ¿ Apr 22, 2022 15:56 |
Sweet lassi or mango? There's a lot riding on this answer.
# ¿ Apr 24, 2022 02:59 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 10:57 |
Absurd Alhazred posted:How loving incompetent does medical screening have to be to miss epilepsy? Sounds like the surge to me. If it was, open question of whether it was missed or "missed".
# ¿ May 5, 2022 22:02 |