King of Bees posted:I just got around to watching They Shall Not Grow Old and what struck me was just how much of a children's war WW1 was. The second thing was how they were treated when it was over. Initially at least, it was far less so than the Second World War. Go through a British Empire or French cemetery and you will see a shocking number of privates and corporals in their late 30s.
# ¿ Aug 20, 2019 00:44 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 03:28 |
Smiling Jack posted:Those were the pros who got wiped out early. They really weren't. A lot of recent scholarship has done a lot to overturn many old myths and popular misconceptions about precisely who it was that fought the Great War-- Tim Cook springs to mind in Canada, for instance-- and that work has shown that the war directly involved a lot of people often assumed to be outside of fighting age, and not out of sheer desperation like the Volksturm a generation later. Jingoism and war fervour is a hell of a thing.
# ¿ Aug 20, 2019 05:12 |
Luciano did have something worked out with the US government in which mobsters were tasked with port security during the war. I wouldn't be surprised if that card was connected to that.
# ¿ Aug 23, 2019 02:42 |
MomJeans420 posted:Is wanting to be dirty a common pit thing? My pit mix will 100% make it a point to go roll in the dirt after a bath if you don't lock her inside, and she tried to jump and roll onto a piece of dog poo poo in the park the other day. It's a common dog thing, I think. The Ducktoller I had as a kid absolutely hated baths (to the point that it was a two-person job, one holding her in the tub and the other doing the washing) but loved nothing so much as diving headlong into a swamp, emerging covered in black muck.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2019 21:03 |
ultrafilter posted:It's a hunting tactic. A dog that's covered in something stinky doesn't smell like dog, so they won't alert prey with sensitive noses. Tollers are a breed of gun dog used for hunting ducks and they love going for swims. I think in my dog's case it had more to do with her semi-aquatic nature than anything else.
# ¿ Nov 5, 2019 03:29 |
Posting something horrid like that in a forum populated by a not inconsequential number of people dealing with trauma certainly qualifies as idiotic in my books.
# ¿ Jan 17, 2020 23:00 |
McNally posted:Yeah, but as I've said before this thread is for talking *about* idiots. Well, aren't we?
# ¿ Jan 17, 2020 23:03 |
I remember passing by a safety board in an armoury in Atlantic Canada and seeing a notice about why porta-potties and arty sims should never mix, and thinking to myself "That is so specific that some idiot had to have attempted it." Apparently some army reservists thought it would be funny to toss one down a shitter. Said shitter was absolutely shredded by the explosion.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2020 01:45 |
Icon Of Sin posted:That’s just a cover story for someone who had the worst case of MRE-shits this side of dying. Plausible, but a close friend of mine was teaching on the course that gave birth to that memo. It did indeed happen, and the culprits responsible were identified.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2020 02:02 |
bulletsponge13 posted:I thought I'd be a good Dad. Then I joined the military and learned how deeply hosed up I was. Then I came out hosed up differently, with the terrible coping skills I learned to deal with hosed Up Mk1, and I'm a terrible father and husband. I try, and Lord knows they love me and guide me and help me, but sometimes, it's hard to hear your kids saying things like, "Can you not be a douche bag tonight?" So I've worked in the past in my civilian life with military families, specifically with children placed into care because MCpls Dad and Mom couldn't manage the behaviour of the kids at home. I have had the exact same parents proceed to lecture me at great length on how to "correctly" raise children, while extolling the virtues of military service and bemoaning the fact that I will never know that experience, or outright making GBS threads all over the work I do because I'm a filthy civvie (usually right after I've pointed out that cursing like a sailor in front of one's children tends to encourage similar behaviour). Most of the cases I've been involved with are variations on this theme. It's hard as hell being a parent, especially in this day and age because it's so much harder being a kid than when we were growing up (the 80s, for me). That your kids feel comfortable enough with you to challenge on what they perceive your bullshit to be says some really positive things-- I've also worked with kids who survived incredibly abusive homes, and those are kids that won't speak up to anyone, out of mortal terror of the consequences. I get that it can be hard to hear that from them, because it's clear that you care. If for no other reason, this suggests that you're probably better at being a Dad than you might give yourself credit for by times.
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 08:42 |
aphid_licker posted:That reminds me that during the cold war the Bundeswehr mulled the idea of a one-man courier heli that was meant to be attached at I think the company commander level and piloted by conscripts and probably would have killed more Germans than Zhukov Or at least since the F-104.
# ¿ Feb 13, 2020 22:17 |
DarkDobe posted:Are there other Wainwrights or... There's a Fort Wainwright outside of Fairbanks, AK. That post probably does not refer to the base in Alberta.
# ¿ Mar 2, 2020 23:27 |
Doc Hawkins posted:what's the opposite of protected? deer are that, i think Civilians, apparently.
# ¿ Mar 11, 2020 23:28 |
Plating an MRE or IMP is never a great idea. I find eating out of the bag helps to obscure some of the nastier contents, and makes it easier to sustain the (admittedly false) hope that perhaps the next bite won't as vile.
# ¿ Apr 3, 2020 22:41 |
LtCol J. Krusinski posted:This is 99.9% pure un-cut straight from the source dad poo poo. Cut that poo poo down man, we’re used to a product that’s been stepped on by half of Twitter before we put it up our noses or in my case rear end (Never done a cocaine enema? Your not living your best life.). You've been watching The Wire during the quarantine too, eh?
# ¿ Apr 14, 2020 11:44 |
aphid_licker posted:Proud to serve on a forum that has to have a "don't make death threats you idiots" sticky, although I suppose it's mostly CSPAM I think a sizeable portion of it is coming out of D&D itself. The USPOL thread has been flying closer and closer to the sun for a while.
# ¿ Apr 22, 2020 23:24 |
Ugly In The Morning posted:Yep, packs per day and years smoked. That person's chest must be composed primarily of a mass of tar with some lung tissue suspended in it.
# ¿ Jul 1, 2020 22:01 |
https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2020/08/04/navy-seals-cut-ties-with-museum-over-colin-kaepernick-video/ So the SEAL museum no longer has the official support of the SEALs themselves.
# ¿ Aug 5, 2020 17:14 |
bulletsponge13 posted:Anything is a sounding rod if you are brave enough, I guess. Well, when you've eaten all of your crayons...
# ¿ Dec 8, 2020 19:30 |
Once I couldn't spell "infantry." Now, I are one!
# ¿ Mar 5, 2021 21:01 |
Really nice and refreshing to see so many people taking domestic violence seriously and recognizing the imminent risk the lady was in.
# ¿ Mar 9, 2021 11:01 |
bulletsponge13 posted:Yeah. That was unfair. The English had a head start on every other white person.
# ¿ May 30, 2021 00:36 |
McNally posted:GAR fuckin' ruled. It was also their stance that Confederate memorials had no place on any of the battlefields, because again gently caress 'em, right?
# ¿ Jun 17, 2021 08:10 |
Memento posted:Wait, you're selling them Ospreys? I thought the USA and Japan were allies? Allies are not the same as friends!
# ¿ Jun 20, 2021 08:05 |
Icon Of Sin posted:The amount of rage I got for forgetting to print out some slides ahead of a meeting back at Wainwright was incredible. I can still hear my commander’s voice hissing at me, “where are our slides, lieutenant?” and it felt like she was about to unleash the demons of hell itself upon me. Nothing sets the tone for a meeting or briefing like knowing that your commander is mad as hell because, god forbid, they have to take notes by hand instead of squinting at a horribly undersized and barely legible photocopy of a slide.
# ¿ Sep 13, 2021 23:30 |
Icon Of Sin posted:“Taking notes by hand? What else ya got, schoolboy?” Oh I know. It was/is a problem in the RCN too. I visited my parent's place a couple of weeks back and went through some of the poo poo I had in storage. I found an old briefcase, and came across a folder of printed slides from some bullshit I attended years and years ago. I don't know if I could read them easily back then; I certainly can't now. Death by PowerPoint comes from many directions in the CF!
# ¿ Sep 14, 2021 04:09 |
Pine Cone Jones posted:It's always a great day when they're delivered by A-10's. Is that what the USAF calls friendly fire now?
# ¿ Oct 14, 2021 03:56 |
What I am really struggling with here is why there was live ammo on the set in the first place. Blanks, I get. Dummies, I get. But why the christ was something with a bullet in it necessary?
# ¿ Oct 27, 2021 16:48 |
Scratch Monkey posted:
Good. The CF has proven it is incapable of doing it.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2021 21:33 |
bulletsponge13 posted:SeaQuest was my loving jam. Never got to watch SeaQuest because I had rural Canadian FarmerVision (two and a half channels!), but we got satellite when I was in high school and I watched the poo poo out of Babylon 5.
# ¿ Nov 6, 2021 02:40 |
This is literally the first I am hearing of a reboot, and this is fantastic.
# ¿ Nov 6, 2021 06:55 |
Crab Dad posted:Conversation at work. What’s the best way to cause complete chaos on a ship without damaging anything? Glitter.
# ¿ Dec 8, 2021 21:47 |
CainFortea posted:This is always the answer. The very last shift I worked at one of my old jobs, I got into my boss's office and filled the cold-air vent of his air conditioner with glitter. When he got in that morning and turned on his AC, he was engulfed in a cloud of fabulous and not long after had to go to a meeting with some fairly senior government officials looking like he'd been poo poo on by a unicorn. One of my very good friends that I met at that work place mentioned that having to vacuum our boss before that meeting was one of the more interesting events in her career to date. This boss was a good boss and had a good sense of humour-- he liked pranking us, and I gave it to him right back. A couple of years prior to my departure, I got into his office and fixed an air horn to the piston of his office chair. We had a staff meeting the following morning and I stayed a bit late to witness the chaos unfold. When I heard the HOOOOOONK!! followed by crashing, thrashing and cursing I laughed so hard I nearly fainted.
# ¿ Dec 8, 2021 21:54 |
BIG HEADLINE posted:I can't help but view Muskovites as anything other than Monarch henchmen without costumes. The Monarch and his henchmen aren't anywhere near as harmful or malicious.
# ¿ Dec 13, 2021 08:03 |
bulletsponge13 posted:Real talk- one of the issues im dealing with in therapy is the fact I tried so hard to treat the locals with dignity and respect, valuing their lives. My goals was everyone goes home whole- only escalating when needed. And every bit of good I did, every time I made them my friend, it was undone shortly after by some rear end in a top hat dressed the same. I can see how this dynamic could hurt a person deeply with feelings of futility, grief and intense anger (among other things) but I think it is worth pointing out that the wretchedness of others does not alter the basic decency of your actions. You chose to behave in that way, and it was a very conscious, deliberate decision-- and especially not an easy one given to hold on to considering the circumstances. It takes tremendous moral courage (the most important kind of courage) to refuse to follow the herd and that matters.
# ¿ Dec 17, 2021 20:59 |
movax posted:no, i am itchy grundle We are all itchy grundle.
# ¿ Jan 11, 2022 01:50 |
ded posted:More like grover energy That last bit is a required qualification to be a general in the CF.
# ¿ Jan 11, 2022 08:08 |
Jimmy Smuts posted:TIE Fighter is one of the greatest games ever made, and as far as I know, is still the only SW game in which you can only play as the empire Empire at War and Galactic Battlegrounds also allowed it as well. In fact, the former was oriented mainly on the Empire.
# ¿ Feb 21, 2022 22:14 |
There is a gender aspect to this as well-- my wife has a PhD and a shitload of people have been happy to refer to her male colleagues as doctor or professor, while calling her by her first name (and she is both a doctor and a professor in her own right!). Women in academia are not automatically accorded the same respect as their male counterparts so I think the person in that post is raising a valid point, and not just doing some weird nerd flex.
# ¿ Mar 30, 2022 22:56 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 03:28 |
Taerkar posted:I know of at least two couples where both have doctorates and they get stuff in the mail addressed to Dr and Mrs. Yeah, we've had occasions when we are out together and people assume that I am the doctor, which is simply a symptom of a lot of internalized assumptions about just who's supposed to be a doctor based off of traditional gender roles rather than active malice. The bullshit my wife (and a great many other women as well) has had to deal with within academia, however, is nowhere near so innocent.
# ¿ Mar 30, 2022 23:05 |