Seems like the thread for it https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3924308
# ¿ Nov 11, 2020 06:16 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 01:46 |
Memento posted:Doing (game) instead of doing (duty) is a hell of a drug My last year in, in a TRADOC cadre unit, we had an E-3 that had literally been sent across Barton Field to us right after AIT. I didn't know they did that until I met him. Seems like a real way to ruin someone from the start, eh? He was put on my team my last six months in, and one Monday morning unit run he made like 500 yards before staggering and dropping out. PSG noticed and was pissed, I pulled out and said "I got it Sergeant". I wasn't in the mood to yell at anyone, so I just asked him what the gently caress, are you hungover? You've still got to put out more than that. He said he had been up all weekend on WoW and hadn't slept since Thursday night. So I made him do interval runs with mountain climbers inbetween, half so the PSG could see he was being smoked and half because he actually did piss me off saying that. I told him I'd actually have more respect for him if he showed up stinking of whiskey and told me he was drinking all weekend. He told me much later that bothered him for months. I think that's the only time I ever actually smoked someone. He was a decent kid, I hope he pulled it out, but knowing Fort Gordon he probably didn't.
# ¿ Nov 15, 2020 22:24 |
rifles posted:I did AIT with a dude that got this at Gordon. He packed his bags and.. walked to his new barracks on the other side of Barton. Aside from the "what the gently caress are you going to teach anybody" part of things, I literally can't think of a worse first post for a servicemember than a TRADOC unit. Even compared to the stinkers like Polk.
# ¿ Nov 16, 2020 02:34 |
Internet Wizard posted:I went straight from 2.5 years in the DLI/SIGINT pipeline to a TCOM post in 29 Palms at a unit that didn’t have a SCIF. As an E-3 I was filling an E-5+ billet and was supposed to teach SNCOs and Os about the capabilities of units that can’t be discussed outside of a SCIF. Needless to say most of my time was spent grappling with isolation and worsening clinical depression instead of any actual work. jesus christ remind me not to complain
# ¿ Nov 16, 2020 06:05 |
It's a chaplain. They're barely in the military, and only technically even an officer. And that's even if he was Active.
# ¿ Nov 18, 2020 21:40 |
bulletsponge13 posted:I don't give a gently caress. That rear end in a top hat wanted to play gently caress-gently caress games, and poo poo like that is the exact reason why morale plummets with every interaction with the fecal entities known as Senior Enlisted. Oh trust me, this is not a defense of Sar Major Dumbfuck. "Post CSM in Kuwait enforcing PT rules with MPs" is just solid multilayered gently caress offfffffffffffffff
# ¿ Nov 18, 2020 23:16 |
rifles posted:In 2016 you had to sign a counseling statement and sign out with 2 others to be able to leave the post, and only gained the privilege after like 12 weeks being there. Couldn't leave for any reason (even on post) before noon on a weekend, had to be back before 5, and you weren't supposed to be using uber, just the lovely taxis. Had to wear a phase badge at all times on post. In 2003 my wife, against my wishes, moved to Augusta and got a job and an apartment there while I was in AIT. It ended up being really nice, because once I made Phase V, we'd get dismissed in the afternoon, and I'd walk 50 feet over to my idling El Camino and drive out to eat home-cooked dinner in front of 200 jealous privates. I had to be back by 9, but it was still nice. (Never bothered putting in an off-post packet- the drills laughed about the timeline and said unless I got recycled, I'd be approved after I was already gone) It made the weekend parties as a V+ nice too. Nobody had to rent a hotel room. We didn't invite known shitheads. And we didn't care if anything got wrecked, because the whole apartment was like 100 bucks of thrift store furniture. One of my favorite memories is a really nice kid in my class who had medical issues and had been at Gordon wayyyyy longer than he should have been getting his badge, going to a party of ours, and celebrating so much he puked in the stairwell outside. Then the next morning, taking a taxi off post to our place to clean it up because he felt bad about leaving it there. RIP Shawn. Only man our unit lost in Iraq in OIF2.
# ¿ Nov 21, 2020 00:32 |
That's some E7 poo poo right there
# ¿ Dec 1, 2020 20:03 |
Thump! posted:I learned a lot of ways to not treat people, if that makes sense. A lot of this (a lot of it), but on the positive side I learned the value of training (initial but especially periodic refresher), established (and taught) standards and procedures, and a bottom-line emphasis on getting the job done. Any of those points can (and are) obviously taken to ridiculous levels by idiots, but with perspective they're valuable lessons. Back to how not to treat people, I learned by experience do not, do not, DO NOT be the person who takes from subordinates.
# ¿ Dec 13, 2020 04:22 |
If you think about it, being stuck at NTC and looking down the barrel of a deployment, it's not a bad way for a person with the right amount of intestinal fortitude to get his chapter
# ¿ Dec 13, 2020 23:34 |
Imagine the UXO someone will find one day on the beaches near Savannah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1958_Tybee_Island_mid-air_collision
# ¿ Dec 16, 2020 22:50 |
Fun fact- so many fuckin' people want their ashes scattered at Disney on one of the rides (Disney is firmly against it btw) that their code for it is a "HEPA Alert". It basically means bring the vacuum, someone scattered Grandpa Spokker over It's A Small World
# ¿ Dec 17, 2020 05:06 |
stealie72 posted:That led me to a tweet about marine spouses and drill instructor spouses that ended with "stand at parade rest when talking to a spouse." What in the everliving gently caress? Gimmick poster. That's his longtime schtick.
# ¿ Dec 17, 2020 15:26 |
What E-9 could resist the opportunity to kick the bumper on that thing to make a point, and then blame the resultant damage on the idiot lower enlisteds? I always heard in Signal the tale of the apocryphal E-9 that liked to yank on ground straps to catch joes that we lax in properly grounding their shelters, until he became the shortest path to ground
# ¿ Dec 31, 2020 08:23 |
Wasabi the J posted:Goddamn a no bullshit article 15 for loving eating some hooah bars are you loving kidding me? TRADOC loves some ticky-tack NJP. Truthfully, a company grade in Basic has very little in the way of future consequences. You're all E1s (or close enough to them, unless your dumb rear end enlisted with a degree), it's not setting back your progression very much.
# ¿ Jan 3, 2021 18:33 |
EBB posted:i saw that lane as my first real trust exercise in the army I made sure to buddy up with the other guy in his mid-20s and we both made sure to let each other know we weren't storming loving Normandy. I'm glad I got the same guy for Combatives in Week 9 because down the line, some tryhard got his arm broken. He was a split option (ie, high school junior doing basic over his summer break) up against his drop-dead date. So he went home. And had to start Basic from day one a year later after graduated from high school.
# ¿ Jan 4, 2021 04:46 |
Nystral posted:This sounds like a dude from my HS. Was this 97-98ish? summer/fall '02 at Relaxin' Jackson.
# ¿ Jan 5, 2021 08:02 |
MA-Horus posted:there's no loving way they lay in 180 degrees off the direction of fire. that would be an absolute incredible mistake on all levels of leadership. (points to thread title)
# ¿ Jan 6, 2021 13:42 |
The NYPD adopted the old Soviet motto when it came to marksmanship of "quantity has a quality all its own"
# ¿ Jan 6, 2021 17:15 |
Itchy_Grundle posted:Bill Murray looks like he's been hitting the gym. I thought it was one of those Ted Cruz photoshops where they try to make him look cool with tats and cigarettes
# ¿ Jan 6, 2021 21:38 |
VanSandman posted:I hear that a lot of Air Force guys get radicalized because the bases are near really lovely churches that control the social life of the folks there. Is that true? The Evangelical movement explicitly made converting the officer class of the Air Force a priority decades ago. Not for nothing is Colorado Springs a huge evangelical center, near USAFA. So they're getting it from leadership too
# ¿ Jan 9, 2021 23:07 |
Mr. Nice! posted:I've known only maybe half a dozen mormons in my life and they were all great people that would give you the shirt off their back. I met several in the Army and was always impressed how they managed to be religious, not a dick, and understanding of where and where not it was acceptable to proselytize, unlike Evangelicals who are complete pieces of poo poo. I don't have any good bible thumper stories from uniform. My father had one on a sub that everyone hated. They used to gently caress with him on deep dives and tell him "God's only good down to 200 feet"
# ¿ Jan 11, 2021 06:00 |
Godholio posted:And the AF got to do IT'S thing for the first time ever. And they immediately started crowing about not needing much of an Army after that, because their future opponents will always stop at a border, dig in, and let themselves be bombarded for two entire months before the fighting starts. Seriously, if you're not up on Desert Storm, we were running 24/7 sorties for months before tanks rolled. The only boots that actually hit the ground in Iraq before that were forward air controllers or rescue for downed pilots.
# ¿ Jan 13, 2021 01:06 |
ghost story posted:It was military police. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news...police/2405118/ lol what kind of hosed up white woman Ellis Island bullshit is Magovern
# ¿ Jan 20, 2021 21:19 |
bulletsponge13 posted:I have an old friend who joined the Army as an Intel nerd. The only good "my drill sergeant said" story I remember someone telling was when someone asked about if the Geneva Convention banned shooting paratroopers while they were still parachuting in. The DS told him "You sit there and ponder that, I'll be hauling rear end because if I see men in parachutes it's at least a brigade-strength attack"
# ¿ Jan 22, 2021 06:52 |
Platystemon posted:The difference is that paratroopers intend to do you harm once they’re on the ground. The difference is that the pilot is an officer, let's be real
# ¿ Jan 23, 2021 09:33 |
It takes a special dumb to pour perfectly good hooch into antifreeze bottles. Hell, the moonshine business in central Alabama was practically destroyed 10 years ago after a shitload of people got sick off a batch that turned out to be distilled in an old truck radiator. Practically everything's bootlegged over from Mississippi now.
# ¿ Jan 29, 2021 21:14 |
Absurd Alhazred posted:They do know they can just buy nonlethal alcohol for drinking, right? If you don't understand the appeal of good moonshine, I'm not sure I can explain it. Half of it is the "this is still actually illegal" thrill. Half of it is that if you get some really good stuff, it is....really good. maffew buildings posted:is it Alabama where they say at least we aren't Mississippi or vice versa, or more likely does that go both ways Southern states are all about crab logic. As long as Mississippi is 50th in education, we're ok with being 49th.
# ¿ Jan 30, 2021 02:27 |
Stravag posted:Its the same logic i use with ecstasy basically God do I miss ecstasy. Or cocaine. I hate being old with square friends.
# ¿ Jan 30, 2021 02:54 |
bulletsponge13 posted:There are anecdotal accounts of Russian Tankers taking brake fluid and doing the same, but I believe they are apocryphal. If it was in The Beast, it was truth. I will fight over this
# ¿ Jan 30, 2021 06:34 |
My father did one of his 2 Vietnam tours on a sub, and he said that by that time the only people that still remembered that poo poo happening were crusty old WWII holdovers. Electric torpedoes ended the need for the stuff.
# ¿ Jan 30, 2021 08:49 |
The Rat posted:How does that compare to the guys who bought a bunch of Iraqi dinars? It always seemed like a bad idea to me, but more than a few guys on my former contracts dumped cash into them. Silver is still a traded commodity when you go to sell it, although at a loss. Unlike trying to arbitrage currency, which is something left by the rest of the market to hyperspecialized investors, most of which would never touch hyperinflationary currencies like the dinar from a provisional government that does currency changes almost annually. Where Eagles Dare
# ¿ Feb 1, 2021 17:49 |
In 2004, one of the local carpenters built beds for the GIs as a sideline. 50 bucks for a really well made frame (out of admittedly garbage wood), which was a huge relief from cots. About a month after I got mine, he disappeared. He showed up again a month later with the $5 a day laborers; I asked the translator and he said that Sadr followers beat the poo poo out of him and stole all his tools, and told him if he went back to work on base they'd kill him. He disappeared again a few weeks later. I found out later from a UAV pilot I befriended on guard duty that he was found floating in the Diyala River. Just a poo poo hand for everyone there.
# ¿ Feb 2, 2021 01:39 |
I felt bad for soldiers who never got to have an overseas tour, but I have nothing but contempt for the people who couldn't crawl out of the bubble in OCONUS. We got lucky enough to get an offpost apartment in Bavaria, and we immersed ourselves in that poo poo for 3 years. I'd have stayed in if I could have stayed there. Buddy of mine's wife wanted none of it. We took them to a fantastic Greek place in our town, she bitched that the menus weren't in English. She bitched that she couldn't get a hamburger. My wife ended up telling her off, she huffed away with husband in tow. Someone else in the restaurant anonymously bought us two glasses of wine after that
# ¿ Feb 2, 2021 06:56 |
That's awesome, and 100% not a mistake on their part
# ¿ Feb 2, 2021 07:40 |
I had the Typical Tourist Experience in Paris before I joined, so when we were stationed in Germany we did southern France (not the Riviera, but the rural areas inland) instead, and had a fantastic time. Some of the nicest people I ever met. Someone put Paris into perspective for me; they said every tourist has to do Paris because they've heard like three things about it (Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and maybe the Left Bank), and many come back disappointed and say "France sucks". But it'd be just like someone spending a two week vacation within one 10 block radius in NYC, and coming back saying "America sucks". Although I thought Paris was more like LA, with the smog and traffic. So do Grenoble and Lyons. They're Alps-adjacent, with beautiful scenery, the requisite cathedrals, super-nice people, and the best goddamn cheese and foie gras you'll ever eat.
# ¿ Feb 2, 2021 17:28 |
LingcodKilla posted:Thankfully my wife saw the humor in it too. A coworker of mine, lovely Panamanian lady that just retired and moved back there, has a husband named Pablo, who went blind about 10-15 years ago (he was retired USAF). We had them over for dinner once and he was a character. He'd pull this routine a few times where he'd palm her rear end and go "Dina, is that you?". She rolled her eyes and said she was so sick of that gag. He pulled me aside and told me "One time it wasn't her."
# ¿ Feb 3, 2021 13:59 |
My brother in law, Mr. bigshot TS/SCI, got his fanny pack (yes) swiped by a couple of gypsy kids on the Paris train. They were loving good- cute little girl ran a distraction, her brother got his wallet. Spent most of a day in Paris with him on the phone to his unit. I mean, they were good. I was watching both of them the whole time and didn't catch it.
# ¿ Feb 4, 2021 21:14 |
bob dobbs is dead posted:americans do this because they get no vacation but vacations are the time to have no work ethic. american work ethic is totalitarian so most americans who earn enough to go to other countries don't do this I have a weird vacation ethic. When I'm in an exotic place I feel like every second is precious and I want to see every possible sight I can cram into the time. I can sustain this pace for about 3-4 days, then I hit the wall and it's always a "gently caress it" day where I say poo poo like "oh, this hotel has a spa" lol. I just flat don't understand people who go on vacation and don't want to grab it with both hands. If you're rich enough to be like "we can always come back to Seoul next month", sure I guess. If not, go make some fuckin' memories
# ¿ Feb 4, 2021 22:47 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 01:46 |
Never ever ever ever do group tours. Beyond the big fat target you present, you're on someone else's timeline. Someone recommended once that I hire a tour guide just for me and the wife, and it was like a goddamned cheat code. Got to see the parts of Prague I was interested and glossed over the rest, had a fantastic time, it felt like vacationing like rich people. Highly recommend it. Much more fun because you get to have a discussion with the person too instead of them just being on broadcast. I think every guide I've hired enjoyed it more than having a big group too.
# ¿ Feb 4, 2021 23:24 |