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The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

LMAO I remember being told you gotta lick it before you stick it when it comes to the radio connectors, but that was just lick your finger and rub it around on the pieces. Not tongue loving it.


The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

The French playing themselves out of spite is really the most French thing they could possibly do.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

They had a whole para regiment revolt and start planning a drop on Paris too. Didn't happen of course, but imagine that happening in the US military.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

The French had torrid nasty affairs with it that ended quickly and badly. We decided to drag it out onto loveless, sexless marriages of convenience.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

And even if he did, his officers probably would have shrugged and gone on an existentialist rant about the meaninglessness of existence while smoking a cigarette and staring off into the distance.

It's the FFL after all.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

What's a Shorim patrol?

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

^^ He misspelled it first then, I was just going off of his text :v:

Smiling Jack posted:

The one time I got called a "goyim motherfucker" I was physically throwing members of the Shorim patrol out of a building.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

One time I let out a silent but deadly in the gym on Camp Stryker and some NCO walking through the area a few minutes later exclaimed loudly SMELLS LIKE SOMEONE poo poo THEY PANTS

I felt a little proud.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

I wonder if media plays a part too. Like, a lot of war movies have some scene about soldiers being horrified at the civilian casualties and whatnot. By contrast, in all the copaganda shows I've seen, non-criminal civilians are usually just victims. The shows focus on the crimes done to them in almost a sadistic way, but the crimes done are by criminals, not the cops. They're just there for the cops to have someone to rescue, or as a prop to start off the chase on some criminal. The cops exist as the good guys, with no moral gray area.

Kind of a rough train of thought, but hopefully y'all understand the gist of what I'm getting at.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Yeah, and it works both ways since art and life both continue.

I've seen the same thing at times with regards to veterans and PTSD. Guy grows up seeing in war movies that PTSD equals having been in the poo poo, and being in the poo poo equals being a manly man, therefore PTSD equals being a manly man. Then after they leave the service they cling to that PTSD aspect, hence those stupid rear end dysfunctional veteran brands and the like.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

The VA gave me a referral and a local non-VA clinic did it a couple years ago. Wasn't any worse than a flu shot, and that was just the anesthetic injections. Didn't take valium or anything. Didn't pay a cent. Took a week off from PT and after that it was back to normal.

The doc explained that in addition to the cauterization, they also added titanium clamps on the vas just to make extra sure. So now it's like I'm a cyborg, right? :awesomelon:

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Titans, you say

e: I am greatly amused that the body's white blood cells start eating sperm after you've been snipped a while, so it's very literally like the Goya painting

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

UCS Hellmaker posted:

Lol I had mine done and never shot red.


The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Well let's be real here, he does sound like a Marine

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

One time I was hiking and had to duck off into the woods to take a dump and as I was wiping I was squatted too low and my knuckles touched the poop.

At first I thought aw dang it, but then I thought if it were an RPG, it would be a mixed status buff.

Poop knuckles: -1 CHA, +1 poison damage in melee combat.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Vengarr posted:

Looking in the job listings, one popped up for "Data Entry Specialist". I click on it and


Anyone here in the ELITE SQUAD of Excel Commandos?

Literally this guy

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.


The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Stolen from TFR, this belongs here

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Wibla posted:

Or torpedo tubes... As a former colleague of mine found out on patrol in the med.

His wedding band rests off the coast of Egypt somewhere, and his marriage ran aground not long after.

At least they ended it and didn't stay in denial


The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Remember in the film Fight Club where Brad Pitt is going on about how they have no great war, no great depression?


The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.


It really is truly amazing he didn't die out there.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Wasn't he also only eating trail mix?

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

aphid_licker posted:

Managing to get your enemy to closely examine any rat cadaver they come across definitely seems like a win

Sounds like my experience with dating apps :haw:

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

madeintaipei posted:

Poor date, thought of rat carcasses and rolled her ankle.

Nah that case was a bimalleolus fracture that required surgery :suicide:

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

I worked with a Utah NG unit in Iraq in 2011 and it was like the reverse bizarro Army. Like, a squad leader would say "cover your virgin ears!" and half of the squad would obediently cover their ears and look away.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Nick Soapdish posted:

I guess that's true if you're somewhere other than Kabul. It was fun watching traffic jams turn into traffic accidents turn into a fistfight. And I say fun since the other times was usually when something blew up or attacks on buses so some regular rear end road rage was a good thing to have a laugh at

I only ever saw two acts of violence on the BETSS-C camera in 2011 when I was operating one.

One, an Iraqi kid was beating another one with a sandal.

Two, a real live cockfight.

Was a pretty nice job at the time.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

How does that compare to the guys who bought a bunch of Iraqi dinars? It always seemed like a bad idea to me, but more than a few guys on my former contracts dumped cash into them.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Guest2553 posted:

Heh, I have a 25 saddam dollar bill stuff in a book somewhere. Memory behind it is fuzzy because alcohol was involved, but it was supposedly seized in a cache during early OIF. One or some of the guys who found it kept a couple stacks as souvenirs and slowly gave them away as an icebreaker or whatever at parties. It's spent the past decade as a bookmark so that when the 3000% gains materialize I'll have a collector's piece because I move too often to keep track of that poo poo.

Oh this was in 2010-11, so it wasn't even the historical Saddam dinars, it was what the current regime was issuing.

Still seemed like a bad idea to me.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Can't forget his lovely garden.


The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

This guy also had a scandal several years ago where he was doing a shoot house and didn't verify that it was all clear. One of his assistant instructors was still in the shoot house. This guy shoots him several times before realizing he's not a target.

Shot him several times AND didn't kill him. That's like, double incompetence.

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