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90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
A real thing that some people are way too into.


90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Night10194 posted:

That Basilisk thing is a little too 'this is literally just that thing'.

I mean I'm all for making people aware of the fundamental beliefs of tech cultists, but that's just 'this is what tech cults believe, using the exact same mechanism and terminology, with no real twist or addition'
I can't not love a WoD book making fun of Big Yud. Sorry.

I don't usually talk like this, but I'm going to make an exception for this case.

Listen to me very closely, you idiot.


90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
Generate a character, then use the sheet as inspiration for freeform RP with occasional dice. Basically 3e D&D but with D6s.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
Thank you for introducing me to matrix 2: plane of dead lains.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Flail Snail posted:

New Horizon Part 5: Supplemental supplemental

There's an NPC creator. Roll 1d6 per column - name, gender, personality, body, country, and race. This is where we discovered Sha'Quita.
I feel like it's worth pointing out the content of the gender column here. Available genders (roll 1d6!) are: Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual, Transgender, Cisgender, and Confused.

I guess it's the one place the author kind of tried, even if he didn't get it at all? Probably giving him way too much credit there.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

That Old Tree posted:

Jesus at first glance I thought this was a dungeon map.
the new ares predator gyg-x comes with integral smartlink and underbarrel dungeon

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
Si, Elf, si.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
Elves being enormous assholes dates right back to Tolkien. Galadriel's husband Teleporno literally exists to get her across the ocean without being tainted by Fëanor's bullshit. That's his purpose. He's a hot bit of rough with a boat.

well, it depends which version you read

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

EimiYoshikawa posted:

Was he in the movies, the kind of prominent guy in Lothlorien who also showed up to lead the Elvish contingent at the siege? That guy always seemed, like, almost as important 'round those parts as Galadriel, but I honestly can't remember if he even had a name.
Yeah, he shows up (as Celeborn because Jackson was a coward and feared the name Teleporno), but I think you're thinking of someone else at Helm's Deep. Which didn't have elves helping out in the books.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

PurpleXVI posted:

Or at the very best you're "neutral" because you're doing it "for the cause of magic." Which in D&D feels a lot like doing it "for the cause of battlefield artillery."
I believe Tom Lehrer has a song about this.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
Too much good is nazis, what, how dare you accuse me of saying the Nazis are good, I'm just saying that you people trying to "do the right thing" are going too far and just as bad.

D&D is a land of contrasts, full of enlightened centrists and rabid ancaps and also genocidal monarchists.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Libertad! posted:

As someone who has yet to watch Blackadder, is this a good thing or a bad thing?
It would be good if they weren't done as a race.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

PurpleXVI posted:

I think this is probably just me, but one of my personal little petty grievances with fantasy writing is when authors take a perfectly normal Earth English term and flip a couple of letters or something to pretend they're a store-brand Tolkien who actually thought about any of their fantasy linguistics. Like, either you go full loving Tolkien and you give us a language, or you only make up/twist words to name stuff that has no exact real world analogue. Anything in the middle just tends to grate on me.
Yeah but you tell authors that and they start writing Thibbledorf Pwent or just go extremely generic with poo poo like Helm Hammerhand. I swear Tolkien stole that one from a time-travelling Elminster.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

PurpleXVI posted:

"you come across an inn run by a gelatinous cube and her husband, an iron golem. their clanking iron cube children play in the yard out front."
The cutest little d6s.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
d66 is technically a d36. It's good and cool. More entries than a d20, not as giant a list as a d100, usually presented as just 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, and so on.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Tuxedo Catfish posted:

Tolkien's elves should basically be understood as human beings without Original Sin (although they can be and frequently are huge loving assholes entirely of their own volition), and make zero sense outside of an extremely Catholic context.
Are you saying that Fëanor may have, perhaps, not done nothing wrong? And that the War of Teleri Aggression might have been some kind of unprovoked and unjustified brutal massacre of his Teleri kin, a kinslaying if you will?

But yeah, they're kind of humans except their fëar and hröar are properly in-tune, making them superhuman immortals who only started dying because of Melkor marring the world.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Nessus posted:

If you mean that JRRs elves weren’t that horny, I think you are correct. :chast2b:
We all know about the tentacles, yes. Thanks Elise. Thelise.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Gun Jam posted:

Their opening post says it's based on the books, and not the show, sooo
It just doesn't have an endgame?

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
It's time to bring back Angel Summoner & BMX Bandit references. You can't stop me. I cast protection from normal mods.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
Nuts are biggest because they come from trees. Berries are smallest, because they come from bushes that are smaller than grain stalks.

That writeup was disappointing but I am eager to see more Moles. Jesus though, detect evil?

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
Who needs sleep when you can get by on a cup of tea every eight hours for your entire life?

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

PoontifexMacksimus posted:

Wow, was not really expecting that. Is it being discussed elsewhere on the forums?
The SF/F book thread had a bit of it, mostly mentioning cool and good authors who were calling Rowling and Morgan poo poo.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
My mobile internet's trying to save me by not letting the twitter hellsite work right now but the tragic meat machine tweet seems relevant here.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

By popular demand posted:

Why does DnD even has such a hard-on for traps and locks? They were never a major part of western fantastic tradition.
Well, you see, the thief class *spits* was invented, so

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Glagha posted:

I feel like any Kender who has spent any time among humans is gonna figure out pretty quickly not to just grab their poo poo. It might still happen but like, it's like learning the local customs. Humans get offended when you Handle their stuff so don't do that. Otherwise it makes no sense anyone would ever associate with them. They can have a loose concept of ownership but they have to be intelligent enough to fit in with people who don't.
The "good" take I saw on this was that before they get to that stage, they ask permission for everything, because they know other people get weird about property but does that include their hats? The salt? A drink from the tray some servant's carrying around at the ball? The stick a party member picked up by the campsite but put down again? They might own that!

Everyone posted:

Except that ducks can be reasoned with, or at least trained in some ways. Kender can't.
Don't gently caress with the ducks.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

hyphz posted:

A very experimental F&F...

Fatal & Friends: Tokyo Coin Laundry
yo get me a jeff minter rpg, even if it involves laundry. a spinning washing machine is kind of a weird jeff minter tunnel...

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
Dragon dragon Dragon dragon dragon dragon Dragon dragon.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

BattleMaster posted:

That +7 may have been from OCRing gone wrong.
Some nerd at WotC found out their DM was going to be running it and offered to get them a nice new POD copy so they don't have to mark up their original, oh, and I'll be playing one of the pregens, that's OK right?

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Tibalt posted:

To point to d&d 3.5, the interesting thing about the Toughness feat isn't the +4 HP.
That's good, because you're remembering it as more powerful than it actually was.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
He can still end up as an ashtray, right?

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Night10194 posted:

Didn't he cause immense problems? I've never read the Simarillion but his name sounds familiar.
People say he "caused immense problems," but all he did was try to get his shiny rocks back. The War of Teleri Aggression wasn't his fault, just because literally everyone up to and including the Valar told him not to swear his oath doesn't mean that he was wrong, and Amrod wasn't an important Fëanorian.

I have have spent too long in silmarillionmemes.

Fivemarks posted:

Yes but that's besides the point of Feanor being elven doomguy.
People always ask if the Arkenstone was a Silmaril, but if it was, why wasn't there an extremely angry elf tearing his way out of the Halls of Mandos to take it back, huh?

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
They're foreign, which is an accent. Just speak louder at them.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
At least he can keep his arms on.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Mors Rattus posted:

I should correct myself.

A collection of tens of thousands of floating glass spheres full of fire that hates the basic concept of free will.
that is also their kink

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
I like the Gorkamorka stuff. I especially like the idea of human worshippers struggling with their base human natures, knowing intellectually that they shouldn't give in to hate but finding it awfully difficult to avoid.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
A d66 only has 36 outcomes, not 66.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006

Night10194 posted:

Right. Dangit. Still, it is a small fraction and the book is worth reading.

It is, but it's even more worth reading because it uses the noble d66. It's a good size for a table! Easy to roll, not as small as a d20 and you get to roll multiple dice, but not as bloated as a d100 table.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
d666 for that sweet sweet 216 result table and whiff of sulphur.

90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
Esoteric Enterprises has a lot of issues, but it's got so much heart I can't not overlook them. Oh god Emmy put that away there's blood everywhere where did you even get it, etc.


90s Cringe Rock
Nov 29, 2006
They're not a great empire, but I don't think they're all villains.

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