I playtested a game where your character got a really kickass melee weapon if they played as The Widow. Your dead husband inhabits a turbo-chainsaw and you still like, talk and hang out and stuff. Also you do chainsaw murders. So I guess that’s a romantic relationship in an RPG.
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# ¿ Feb 13, 2025 09:45 |
Joe Slowboat posted:Wait also why aren't we counting Thirsty Sword Lesbians as a horny ttrpg? It's in the title! What do dehydrated swords (regardless of their preferences) have to do with horniness?
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I don’t see what’s so hard here. Just have a Sex skill and be done with it. Need to identify a rare magical venereal disease? Sex guy probably had it once or twice. Therapy for that ogre’s performance anxiety? Sex guy. Player insists on rolling for banging that barmaid despite your clearly stated “fade to black” policy on tavern shenanigans?* Roll that sex skill and I’ll disapprovingly tell you how disappointing Grognak’s performance was. *While I am comfortable with lighthearted ribaldry myself, not everyone I run a game for is, so that’s my default policy.
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Splitalan is just supposed to be linguistic drift from hospitaller, right? Like the ye olde time knights of the Hospitallers?
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Nessus posted:It would legitimately be amazing if the people in the deliberately 'cybergoth-seasoned lovely fallout scavenger lifestyle' setting of Degenesis just suddenly had to deal with like, Metal Gear Rising cyborgs that got powered back on to take things over for Elon Musk. “Nano-memes, son!”
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Barudak posted:I can't stop thinking about the phrase "quit his job to become a wizard". Like one day an employee calls me up early and is like "sorry boss, this is my notice. I've decided to become a wizard" This is the explicit life path for a 5e D&D wizard. Your background is your old life before you decided to leave it all behind and go to fireball college. Why any wizard would actually want to go adventuring is a separate issue. Maybe they opted for field work over a thesis?
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Getting some powerful incel vibes from Nagash with those cursed women. I assume it’s an in-universe justification for models with tiddies?
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Mecha_Face posted:
The time window here before you die is far more lenient than you think. You have 6 exploration turns before dying, which should be ~60 minutes, unless this game deviates from old D&D rules for exploration. If I remember from Into the Odd correctly, you’re expected to break from combat pretty early and drag your wounded to safety, as you are never prevented from running away. E: beaten E2: Mausritter would be a big flop with my current rpg group. They all started on 5e and find the idea of even rolling your attributes to be beyond the pale. I got stared at like a crazy man when I explained that Elf used to be a character class. Pvt.Scott fucked around with this message at 18:39 on Jun 4, 2021 |
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90s Cringe Rock posted:Bastionland makes one pretty massive change to combat - multiple attacks against a single target deal the highest die of damage, even if it's the entire party with two daggers apiece getting stuck in against some poor fucker, or a dozen enemies ganging up on you and rolling 24 dice worth of of daggers. That sounds like a really positive change to me. Big beasties get to be a beefier threat by sticking around longer, and fighting a dozen orcs doesn’t immediately turn into a murder-party. Makes armor a lot more valuable, too.
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By popular demand posted:gently caress me more elves. There’s always more elves.
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That scaling dc for using psychic powers seems pretty odd. I can’t think of a similar mechanic anywhere in 5e for race or class features. If you’re proficient in Charisma saves it probably wouldn’t be too bad if you avoid picking up extra powers.
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Comstar posted:What were some of them? I am sure I picked them Toughness is a prime example. You trade a feat for 3 hit points. You were allowed to take Toughness multiple times. Toughness was also a prerequisite for some other feats. The only edge case where you might take it (other than as a feat tax on the way to something better) is as a wizard with a Con penalty. Eventually, they updated it in some book to 3 hp and 1 hp/lvl after 3rd level which still sucks hard. It was changed again to 3hp @ 1st lvl and 1hp/lvl after that (Pathfinder I think). A whopping 22 hp if you make it to level 20, but certainly better than 3 hp Pvt.Scott fucked around with this message at 22:12 on Jun 6, 2021 |
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Your City of Brass review is pretty rad so far. Frog God Games is not looking very sensitive so far, lol.
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GimpInBlack posted:That old WWII chestnut about Polish cavalry charging German tanks might have turned out different if they were steppe nomads armed with antitank rifles.... A full charge of winged hussars would’ve owned any tank. Maybe not tanks, but certainly at least the one. All it takes to injure the crew is one lance tip that causes spalling, and I’ve played enough ttrpgs to know that outcome is only a die roll away.
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Hipster Occultist posted:They just made the mistake of pissing off a skilled orator with nothing better to do. In his defense, Carthage must be destroyed.
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Panzeh posted:And yeah, a friend of mine is working on a GURPS fantasy game that could probably be done fine in Worlds Without Number but he doesn't want to go through searching for the right retroclone type fantasy game for what he wants. How does the thread feel about Kevin Crawford’s stuff, in general? I’m a fan of both Stars and Worlds Without Number, along with his older stuff like Silent Legions and Spears of the Dawn. Godbound seems cool, but I’ve never been a big fan of such powerful fantasy genres. The man is a content-generating machine from what I can tell.
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Josef bugman posted:Could someone give me a run down on the "without number" games? Maybe about 25% of the material is explicitly OSR rules, the rest is mostly system agnostic content generation tools and setting fluff. Stars Without Number has planet tags, and each tag has little blurbs about locations, complications, villains, allies, etc to give you a pile of ideas of what might be on that planet. Worlds Without Number has courts, where you can roll up details of the local power structure and their problems, etc. There’s generators for ruins and dungeons, stuff like that. There’s a faction system to run between adventures to help you simulate the local powers getting up to their own shenanigans unrelated to the players. Personally, I’d say that SWN and WWN at the core are D&D with the skill system from Traveller tacked-on, with limited class options and mild character customization.
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There’s no ethical consumption under creepitalism.
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So with Godbound’s Ancalia setting and the setting of Spears of the Dawn, did Kevin Crawford manage to set two games in Fantasy Africa without loving it up and going full-on Dark Continent poo poo? I haven’t given either more than a cursory skim, so maybe they have some bonus not-Roma making GBS threads things up.
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I can’t find the videos now, but I watched some stuff on YouTube about some relatively successful native Taiwanese leftists with anarcho-communes or whatever. There’s communities out there that make this stuff work, so it’s not all doom and gloom. I wish I had more details, but I was pretty drunk at the time.
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Loling at the thought of Space Amazon delivery rockets that crash 100% of the time if you put an extra package onboard. That’s some precision engineering, right there.
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Alter the manifest to include the stowaway, duh. The power of bureaucracy will save the mission.
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megane posted:This ruins a lot of modern "Lovecraftian" poo poo for me; the whole point of the genre was inexplicable oddities that are horrific partly because they don't follow any pattern that humans can discern. Cthulhu isn't scary because he's big and has tentacles, he's scary because his existence suggests that the safe, reasonable, rational world we think we live in is a facade*. Now you can tell Nyarlathotep's about to show up because they start playing his theme music ahead of time. Silent Legions has all the system-agnostic tools you need to conjure up an entire custom mythos! It does artifacts, cults and spells as well. If I run CoC for people familiar with lovecraft stuff, it’s what I’m using to make the baddies.
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Wapole Languray posted:Little Crocodile 1200 gp??? Lamentations is based on a silver economy (so xp is based on sp found) and 1 gold equals 50 silvers. A single crocodile hide is worth 60,000 xp, assuming that's not a typo. Those vampires won't stand a chance once the party hunts a couple dozen crocs. Hell, even if it's only 1200 sp, that's a lot of cash and xp for comparatively little risk. Pvt.Scott fucked around with this message at 00:38 on Oct 20, 2021 |
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Wapole Languray posted:Red and Pleasant Land is on the Gold Standard because Vampires so silver coinage is super rare so sadly you don't get that much XP. Also it says "in good condition" so probably that means a bunch of GM May I bullshit to kill it and get a good skin. The way around GM May I here is to roll up an Expert and put all of your skill points into Bushcraft. By level 2, you'll only fail a skinning job if you roll boxcars.
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Oh no, not Degenesis! Where will I get my post-apocalyptic dick art, now?
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I like games that are designed with the idea that players will interact with the important NPCs mechanically. Even better are games that let you explicitly BE the important NPCs, if you will. 13th Age has some mechanics tying players to the big boy NPCs if I remember correctly. I worked on a game where there were unique character options to be major faction leaders and the like. The least Forgotten Realms could do is let you pick an “Elminster’s cousin” trait that gets you a favor to call in once per session, or something.
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megane posted:What kind of weird hang-up makes people take clever, memorable characters from beloved children's stories and decide that the best way to represent them is "he can cast Power Word: Stun 2d4 times per day" It’s the same hangup that sees people statting up Batman in D&D as level 20+. At that level range, a character can and probably will punch at least a few minor gods in the mouth. Batman’s like an eighth level rogue or something. All he really does is beat up 1HD humans and make good use of his equipment list.
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Snake-neck is an unfortunate side-effect of using magic, affecting nearly 3% of all practitioners.
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Scenic Dunnsmouth would definitely benefit from all of those if/then conditions being a choice between one of two interesting options rather than all or nothing. It does seem like a good set of bones to build your own site/adventure generation tool off of, though.
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megane posted:There are more Tagers in the US (264k) than US Marines (202k). At least we know for sure that none of those Tagers are Marines.
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Deep Ones are pretty knowable, as they're really just people with a severe skin condition.
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By popular demand posted:How do I get Senpai Nyarlathotp to notice me?! I tried all the chants and slaughtered goats left and right! Nyarly-kun doesn't have time for his kouhai, as he's too busy with his club activities.
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I am genuinely sad to see that Spellpunk Cyberfight doesn't have a print option. I want it on my shelf next to my copy of The World of Synnibarr.
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Spellpunk Cyberfight so far seems to be a straight-up reskin of 5e D&D, from the stats and skills (just impenetrably renamed), to the benefits of backgrounds (roughly two skills and some contacts) and the racial bonuses and sub-races (half-space monsters are half-orcs) etc. The only real difference is using a d12 instead of a d20. It still rules tho
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Epicurius posted:Remind them there were laser pistols in D&D as far back as the 1980 module "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks". The Blackmoor supplement had the Temple of the Frog back in 1975. That has all sorts of sci-fi stuff in it. D&D is definitely best with lasers involved. If your world doesn’t have an ancient orbital weapons platform circling it, why not?
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Asterite34 posted:Truly Ultima 1 is the most accurate videogame representation of D&D That’s the one where you go to space and become an ace pilot by shooting TIE Fighters, yeah?
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Everyone posted:It is indeed. A Princess will only help a Space Ace - by telling them where her Time Machine is.. Plus, along with the medieval weapons like swords, daggers and bows and arrow, you have the Light Sword (basically a lightsaber), phaser and blaster. Richard Garriot's home D&D campaign was probably lit as gently caress.
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Tsilkani posted:I don't know if these particular models have Combat Jump Packs, but I'm sure there's some knight that does. Why are they all goofily standing on rocks like that?
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# ¿ Feb 13, 2025 09:45 |
I really hope that this Power Rangers game has rules for 1-hit enemies.
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