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Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

juggalo baby coffin posted:

i'd like it if it was actually like that but the tone of beast the game ruins it. its not 'gleefully being a monster' like something like Black Crusade, its playing as the edgy anti-hero of some bad teenage fanfiction. you, the player, are supposed to buy that beasts are good guys somehow. it ruins the potential fun of being an actual monster.

what the beasts actually are is also very poorly conveyed, so its not clear if you're a human who has special powers, a monster who looks like a human and can shed your human form for a bit to do monster things, or if other people can see you doing monster things. the fiction in the book seems to vary between 'you actually turn into a giant' or 'you have a jojo-style stand that nobody but you can see'

and there's a world of difference in the black crusade's RIP AND TEAR, and Beast where canon examples includes a beast who purposely drops off lone women in the bad parts of town with the expectations they'll get assaulted or worse, or again the ones who basically wage a campaign of terror and gaslighting over a couple of pieces of candy,

And note - the Beasts look at True Fae and go "Hey you're my kind of people!" - the True Fae who kidnaps people to turn into novelty lamps and pets and basically a stand in for every type of abuse you can think of.


Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Yeah... Changing Breeds would be less dire if it didn't completely have a side bar about how loving your dog is kosher in CB society. It'd still be a terrible splatbook of sparkledog mary sues, but without Brucato's brand of sexual weirdness, it'd be laughable.

While Beast is just terrible execution, muddied concept, and pure 100% justifying abuse.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Neopie posted:

Persona is homophobic just, all over the place, constantly, and often kind of weird and sexist too.

yeah, it's especially glaring in P5 where the themes would be against such things, but it's clear the director Hoshimoto still clung to homophobic and sexist jokes that other anime and video games had abandoned a decade ago.

Thankfully a different director will be helming the series.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Night10194 posted:

It is a pretty bizarre series of adventures, and the main characters are JoJos, so it's pretty descriptive.

That's pretty much it.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Yeah, I don't get the vibe we're suppose to sympathize with Liam - understand why he's so messed up, but not sympathize.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

To be fair, from what can be gathered, Egyptian women did in fact go topless in certain periods, but the illustrations are definitely more for 'artist is horny' than 'historical accuracy' reasons. My own theory on Set is the Set-Beast is a species that had gone extinct over time.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

that's frankly far more interesting and less skeevy than the actual Giovanni Clan (where they only embraced members of their family, and often practice incest and/or necrophilia)

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Mors Rattus posted:

...wait, does he think he's tabletop RPG Big Boss or tabletop RPG Liquid Snake in this analogy

and he misses the point Outer Heaven was basically an extreme and lunatic fringe response to a real issue.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Vampire's weaknesses in both the oWoD and nWoD/CD is definitely down to being the first in the line, and not wanting to really expanding the scope of the Vampire world for one reason or another.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Gotta say, as eye-rolling as sex-moves can be, some of y'all reactions are just as immature.

Yea, they're better served by calling them Intimacy or Bonding moves.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

pretty much and giving options on the scale of catharsis - it's very different beating up some weird mask-wearing aliens than it is to punch rear end in a top hat McExploiter in the dick

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

I'm a fan of Ravenloft jank and all, but yeah it's kind of mix - like TSR should have asked if they could use Soth, but Weis and Hickman sure did not handle it with any sort of grace.

Though there's a certain sense of irony that Soth escapes Ravenloft by the virtue of being so loving self-absorbed/apathetic about the whole thing that none of the Dark Powers' ironic tortures even phases him.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Unfortunately a lot of early darklords just aren't that compelling, or a loving mess, so Soth ends up being one of the interesting ones by default in 2e. Though again, the thought of Azalin Rex hearing Soth got out by just not giving a gently caress, and just loving flipping over his lab table in a fit of rage is never not funny.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Seatox posted:

These early Dragonlance modules kind of explain why certain SSI Gold Box games had so much horrible endless cannonfodder encounter bullshit - they were being completly faithful to their source material. At least with a computer game, you don't have to run the packs of thirty goblins on paper...

I remember trying to play the gold box Dragonlance games, and just dragonmens everywhere, and being utterly encumbered by the sheer amount of platinum from all those fights while I was trying to figure out where the hell I was suppose to go next.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Terrible Opinions posted:

Honestly if an RPG is going to go in on half races it really should just go full Galaxy Quest. Yes he is aware that his girlfriend is a squid, not a woman with squid costume items, and everyone is just okay with that.

there is very unfortunately a 3.5e splat book that's all that, it's very much peak "Because you can make a splat book of it, doesn't mean you should"

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

SirPhoebos posted:

I remember from old articles of Dragon Magazine that Ed Greenwood expanded his dumb "Elminster hangs out in my living room" stories to "Elminster, Mordenkainen, and Raistlin hang out in my living room". Except at a certain point Raistlin gets replaced with some other Dragonlance mage that even setting fans were writing in asking "wait, who is this person?"

At the time I assumed the reason was some metaplot nonsense. As I learn more about Raistlin, my headcanon is now that Ed got sick of writing for him. And if Ed Greenwood thinks your super-wizard is a tool, you've reached new levels of shame.

or the Weiss and Hickman objected to Greenwood writing Raistlin.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Warthur posted:

Not only that, but it's one of the few movies I've encountered where the CGI is so cheap you can see the framerate visibly drop at points.

it was so atrocious looking, the non-cgi characters look like the dregs of 80s fantasy cartoons (I mean DL is pretty 70s-80s but it doesn't have to look like it's been animated in that era) and the CGI from the mid-90s.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

feedmegin posted:

Let me tell u about the Mongols

If they don't have any interest in securing their conquered cities (or decide to just raze the place to the ground), armies can move quite swiftly once they get a momentum going.

A typical army in the medieval times can march about 10 miles a day, an army that's primarily mounted can almost double or triple that amount.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

there are some absolutely massive beetles - some of them can be six and a half inches long, large enough the smaller varieties of mice could conceivably ride on, but they're more tropical critters.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Yeah, remember lot of the original sourcebooks are B&W printing as color printing was ridiculously expensive and the quality isn't the best, so they're going to try to make everything as distinctive as possible.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Everyone posted:

Corrected that for you.

I would. While Vecna and Acererak appeared in various modules and supplements, Soth appeared the in Dragonlance and Ravenloft novels as well as various modules. He might be more well known in wider fantasy circles.

granted, I think the 'Head of Vecna' story is pretty much spread in the gaming circles and is almost up there with the Gazebo in infamous gaming stories.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

and no sense of private property also should mean they're willing to share what they don't need 'hey, hungry? I got extra bread' since, hey ownership? what's that? Just use what you need, hoarding things is silly.

but players and a lot of write ups don't think of this, and go into 'thieving little magpies'.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Everyone posted:

I doubt you have it or could find it, but I'd love to see somebody do a review of Ravenloft's Gothic Earth setting.

I actually have that. Not sure if I have the energy to properly review it

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

and fantasy in general.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Xiahou Dun posted:

They spent hundreds of words on how good those potatoes are, but the actual recipe is basically "make it in the same room as a spice rack and sometimes look at it longingly like your Mormon god hadn't forbid flavors".

honestly, that's... not too far off the mark when it comes to the kind of food you'd find in keep Mormon territory. the most flavorful thing is funeral potatoes, the legit good is what's known as Utah Scones (a kind of fry bread, which is pretty loving hard to mess up)

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

no surprise Brucato thinks Aleister Crowley known poo poo-stirrer and general blowhard to be the prime example for partying skills.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Desiden posted:

If they start babbling about libertine philosophy and vague allusions to tantric magic, he figures they're full of poo poo and mostly the kind of creepers who lurk around occult/pagan circles looking to get laid.

which sounds exactly like a description of Brucato - he's That Guy.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

TDE does partially explain why Shadowrun took off like it did in Germany.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Everyone posted:

While I could easily see Keres as a deadly threat to a cabal, I could also see her as a potential ally. I already like her more than Mr. "Let's gently caress with people's lives and see what happens."

Same, Gwyndion is always unpredictable - Keres can have potential to be a temporary ally or source of information if she thinks they might help dig up who killed her buddies.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Now there's someone worse than Wannabe Trickster, because boy I wanna punch this guy.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

What is it about the tech industry that attracts this kind of ridiculous culty nonsense?

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Or make it an explicit goal for the PCs to overthrow the system.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Yeah, Minotaur and Sophia are kind of the 'I can get where they're coming from' - and frankly, in Sophia's case, love really does make one stupid and it's really the extreme take of how people can convince themselves that bad things don't exist, that if they just keep trucking on the bad things will disappear.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

I'll loving defend Ravenloft as a setting, but there's honestly no defending the 1e modules - they're best used to cannibalize neat ideas and trash the rest.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Again, there's no reason for Skaven to keep kept hidden/unacknowledged given how many threats the Empire has - having the Skaven revealed and then underestimated as 'they're just a bunch of rats' imho works better story-wise.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

What always puzzles me about GW systems is how highly lethal / character-destroying their systems are on top of how involved character gen / upgrade is.

WH40k is pretty much rocket tag, WHF has completely ruinous mutations.

I feel like the more likely your character gets taken out of play, the simpler the character gen should be.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

I suspect they're finding they have to force players because the player testers are sick of the bullshit they get for trying to engage with the game.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

Froghammer posted:

40K is, most importantly, a fictional universe created by human beings who made the conscious choice to make justify fascism by making all of the alternatives worse than fascism, and that's a creative decision I'm just kind of over in 2020

That is the big one, the only reason Fascism works and is the Best option is because The Writers Say So - Fascist governments always ends up eating itself or collapse from incompetence.

Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

I can see the potential, but it needs more avenues for player input - but Clue and Murder by Death esque farces are very very difficult to pull off.


Aug 21, 2007

Neat. Sweet. Petite.

I don't like the "All X are Y" styles of roleplaying advice, it sets back precedents (For example Kenders are 'fearless children who takes everything not nailed down'), and the more hidebound grognards would get after people for 'not playing to type' causing some drama.

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