Always needed any extra kick in the rear end. Probably get caught up again by the 2020 date anyway
# ¿ Sep 10, 2019 01:31 |
# ¿ Jan 19, 2025 05:39 |
Halloween Jack posted:I don't really understand why the body-hopping shenanigans of Saulot, Tremere, and Tzimisce play such a big role in Gehenna. Tremere had the most lore-central position because being the Wizard-like clan in a roleplaying game gave them huge appeal for writers and readers, and the 'history' (as was told to me) was that all Tremere were actually just Tzimisce that ate their way up to Saulot so all three clans get circled around. The body-hopping part mostly feels like a way to keep the players from just offing the physical body with numberwang before going through the riddle of how to 'kill the soul'.
# ¿ Sep 20, 2019 18:06 |
GimpInBlack posted:It's a geist whose arms have been broken in like a dozen places. Probably in whatever horrific incident killed them in the first place. Is there a factional trait associated there, where this Giest is the Grimmist Reaper of Falling On Your Face With Your Hands Out, or are these echoes of their demise just a fun flavor trait?
# ¿ Sep 26, 2019 17:14 |
Night10194 posted:The lack of interest in that is the bigger problem, yes. It's something I notice in a lot of games, not just CoD: There's not much consideration of what victory would look like or what people could be working towards. The God Machine suffers in the same way that most RPG setting antagonist suffers: there is no writing out of the arcs and themes of what a campaign should look like by publishers. Those books only sell to a fraction of the consumer base and risk being prescriptive enough to be metaplot. e: quote for new page Gerund fucked around with this message at 19:01 on Oct 2, 2019 |
# ¿ Oct 2, 2019 18:58 |
But Purple, you're suggesting a universal Humanity as being 'good' or 'evil' versus a mix of different cultural norms wherein one can become dominant over others because of material circumstances. God Machine is a metaphor for the underlying culture of Capitalism.
# ¿ Oct 2, 2019 20:29 |
Tuxedo Catfish posted:By comparison one of my favorite personal theories about the nWoD is that True Fae are a branch of especially successful Abyssal infiltrators, given their tremendous narcissism, their tenuous hold on existence held together by bargains and theatrical performances that will literally kill them if they break a promise or fall out of character, their desire to transform human beings into playthings and reflections of their own reality, and their power over dreams. So does the accumulation of new titles and need for Wyrd-fueled opposition, and the suggested need for reality to exist by their continuing creation of Changelings, represent a way in which the Abyssal nihilism has been perverted to being locked into the current reality wherein changelings can escape to?
# ¿ Oct 15, 2019 20:28 |
Howard only disliked civilization because he was pro-lynching of black men and had issue with courts preventing that.
# ¿ Nov 8, 2019 00:31 |
LeSquide posted:Ooof. I don't doubt you, but do you have a source for this? 'One Who Walks Alone' by Novaline Pryce
# ¿ Nov 8, 2019 07:04 |
# ¿ Jan 19, 2025 05:39 |
I'm like 1500 posts behind but the daily fun of reading through RPG writer's weird choices, and how games reacted to them, has been a joy.
# ¿ Jun 24, 2020 17:34 |