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The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

rodbeard posted:

Monte Cook made a game world where the real treasure is the friends you made along the way.

After I compressed them into frorbs yes.


The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

AKA a Best-quality feather for your ridiculous fashionable hat.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

I assumed it was a gold-coloured composite material consisting of fungal fibres in a matrix of... something.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Freaking Crumbum posted:

otherwise it's trivial for an enterprising person to cook up crazy horse poo poo like "this spell turns off the sun nearest to the current planet"

Wasn't one of the martial classes able to do this at like 6th level?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Both of those are organics that could feed something, even if not a human. Could a promethean eat gravel?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Re Warhammer, do any of the editions have decent rules for playing an ogre? I just love the Maneaters.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Could you allow them to buy Strength and Toughness upgrades seperate from their Career, but at a high xp cost? So they can potentially be very strong and tough, but at the cost of being less skilled and potentially lower-tier than a human warrior.

Also, triple the cost of armor for an ogre. Should help keep them from becoming invulnerable. Similarly, a Good or Best weapon suited for an ogre should be very difficult to obtain, even successful mercenaries usually use low-quality or improvised gear.

The Lone Badger fucked around with this message at 03:47 on Sep 18, 2019

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

What if a promethean based their view of humanity on mainlining Supernatural/Hellboy/Scooby Doo/etc, so their Pilgrimage involves driving around the country in a panel van punching monsters?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

They also have a Poochie Aura that makes all other splats instinctively think they're cool and want to hang out with them.

Joe Slowboat posted:

E: Like, one result could easily be a vampire-hunting Petrificati: Prometheans have to change and grow, moving out of their current role to understand others. A Promethean who dedicated themselves to vampire hunting and didn't know when to put down the stake could easily become an automated vampire killing machine, the spark of life gone but the mission remaining. Hunters would probably love them (or at least, love their hollow-eyed walking corpse, which would then bring fellow hunters who went down back to life as more vampire-hunting automata).

I think there's room to switch up your Role while still remaining in the general dracula-punching idiom. Like instead of being the dashing young frankenstein who personally throws draculas through windows you transition into being the mysterious janitor who dispenses information and advice to people with a dracula problem, and from that to the old guy with an encyclopedic knowledge of human anatomy who's always happy to patch up dracula-related injuries without asking inconvenient questions...

The Lone Badger fucked around with this message at 10:21 on Sep 18, 2019

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Clones seem like a lot of work for not much return. Yes you create artificial life... except not really, because you had to use better artificial life as an ingredient. You're just taking an engine apart and puting it back together shittier.
If you want something with no existing mind that you can indoctrinate just use a regular human baby. It's 1/10,000th the price and will last longer.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

But for every one you've got to hunt down an elusive target who's always hiding and has supernatural powers, then capture them alive for vivisection. And do it every few years for each clone you want active.
Just take whatever resources you were using for that and assign them to whatever you were going to have the clones do.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Also Changing Breeds, but let's pretend that didn't happen. Everyone else is.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

The fact that they're appearing in Night Horrors implies they're among the worst of the worst of their kind. Like the woofs in their book.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Wolves in particular would see "looks human but wrong, and has strange powers" and leap directly to conclusions.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Demons can buy things from people. Often this is a really good deal when they buy your failing marriage or inoperable lung cancer and give you a new car or the ability to play the violin in return. Other times it's a harder sell like when they want to buy your medical degree, but they can offer some pretty good stuff for it.
The problem sets in when you decide to sell the whole enchilada. There's no apparent negative effects... until the Demon decides to cash in their marker and you abruptly stop existing.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

wiegieman posted:

Other things Demons like to buy: histories of larceny or violence, because having a Cover who does those things is very useful to them.

And excellent for the person they're buying from too. That murder you've been trying to cover up for the last 30 years? Never happened.
Or rather it did, but it was someone else who dunnit and you're completely innocent now.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

JcDent posted:

I wondet how convincing a demon must be to be able to buy abstract concepts like that.

Or are people just humoring a weirdo and then suddenly finding out that its all true?

Anonymous Caller: "I know about what you did in 2004."
Startled Man: "Wait what, how did you get this nu..."
Caller: "If you want to make this go away, I'm going to put $50,000 in nonsequential bills in a briefcase under a bush in the park."
Startled Man: "...ok I'm reasonably certain one of us has got something backwards here."

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

And once you've concluded one pact with them, preferably one that offered them a lot for very little, you're in an excellent position to start buying other things.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

It costs Willpower I think to make your end of the Pact 'happen'.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

So they can't speak Esperanto or Klingon.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Last time I read it (which was a long time ago, back before CoD), 'having a shotgun' was a surprisingly solid combat strat in NWoD. Unless someone was specifically built for combat their supernatural powers probably wouldn't give them as much of a boost as the shotgun gives you.
(Offer not valid with werewolves)

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Nessus posted:

I'm pretty sure you obtain the meal in question by going to Wendy's and exchanging currency for sandwiches and side dishes

You mean IRL, right? Purchase a meal from Wendy's and your character gets to enjoy it too!

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

If Angels use Essence, does that mean bad things could potentially happen if an angel came into contact with a void spirit?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

They use live (meta)-humans as the substrate with which to bring more insect spirits from their home to this world. The hive species want to bring a lot of other insect spirits through.

Insect shamanism, along with blood magic, is one of the few things that will make everyone in the room stop shooting each other so they can all shoot you instead.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Zereth posted:

I can't remember if they do that metaphorically, by burrowing into people's souls, or physically. Maybe both?

The new insect spirit is literally summoned into the subject, who is laid out like a sacrifice. It's similar to being Possessed, but the host and spirit get smushed together more. There are several ways it can work out depending on the strength of the host, the strength of the summoned spirit, and several other things

* Most commonly you get a 'flesh form', which is a horrific hybrid of human and insect
* If the merge favours the Spirit you get a True Form, which exists on the Astral plane like a normal spirit
* If the merge favours the Host you get a Good Merge, which closely resembles the host physically and to a certain extent mentally, but with all their desires and ambitions overwritten by the spirit's. These often pretend to be the host to infiltrate other organisations.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

In 3e it was a serious problem because to be a real cyborg you needed your backstory to explain how you got crammed with 1,000,000 nuyen worth of ware. 4e reduced it to 100K making it considerably more manageable.

(Then 5e reintroduced the problem for deckers)

The Lone Badger fucked around with this message at 03:36 on Oct 10, 2019

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Halloween Jack posted:

I've never found this convincing. This is one of those things that cropped up in the fandoms of games from the 80s and 90s--we know this is broken, we don't want to fix it for dumb reasons, so it's up to the GM to regulate it by making weird demands.

I meant that it was a problem with the game. If you wanted to be a cybered fighter then your choices re backstory would be weirdly distorted and limited. A lot of character concepts wouldn't work because they didn't explain the 'ware, impairing creativity.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Is it just me, or are the subject of this Night Horrors book generally a lot less villainous than the previous two books? They tend to be people you can understand even if you don't agree with them (even the angels), and their body counts are significantly lower.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Flail Snail posted:

I think I've probably made my feelings abundantly clear on this game. If anything, I've been more polite than some of the only other reviews you might locate. The language used makes it hard to talk about and you might look at my comments in this update regarding black people and the Japan expy and think I'm exaggerating a bit, but I'm really not.

If people want to know what the author is like, they commented on a review on RPGnet


When SJW extremists post their reviews... Personally loved the part that says classic K&L was copper (because I demanded it) when in fact it was nearly gold. And the other wild speculation that the print version of New Horizon doesn't exist. Just what the F is this poo poo? All this hating is indeed very unhealthy for you. Let's not forget the part that the writer claims I used their ideas gtfo this made me cringe. Sounds just like the typical RPGGEEK Sleezyness to me, too bad I can't reply because they banned me for being "antagonistic" go figure. Can't wait to get a real professional reviewer!

I think that paints a picture fairly succinctly.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Is Shadowrun still a hot enough property for someone else to pick it up?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

I remember that Direct combat spells (manaball etc) were hugely OP in 4E. And Quickened spells. And Possession traditions. And... magic in general.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Night10194 posted:

Oh, it gets even better: Not only will aelfir try to become immortal through the Undying process (you get your heart ritualistically removed so it can be treated regularly, which makes you undead but still conscious but cools your passions for life),

So I assume we're stealing a dude's heart from a secure medical facility (via a combination of skulduggery, a mountain of forged paperwork and several discreet murders) and using it to try and blackmail him into being an asset?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Night10194 posted:

Yeah, but that's what I mean. They push 'you're going to die screaming' really hard. Except that if you survive, you go from huddled resistance fighters plotting how to bring down a single police captain to 'drow BJ Blaskowitz, but part spider'. Which isn't quite 'you will all die screaming and alone'.

"You will die screaming, surrounded by lots of other people who are also screaming (and dieing)" ?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Everyone posted:

From what I recall of the setting, it's highly likely that other Black Robes would zap the rear end in a top hat who was deboning peasants. Deboning peasants stirs up angry peasant mobs to kill wizards, which is a Threat to Magic. So the deboner will himself be deboned.

But won't the black robes then go have to burn down an orphanage or two so they don't risk losing their Evil License?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

'Gully dwarves' are just goblins wearing fake beards, right?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Everyone posted:

I remember a guy from the Dresden Files RPG bouncing the idea of a Half-hob off of us. And my take was:

This is a Hob.

I have seen the internet. I would 100% believe that there are people out there who want to gently caress that.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

So what was Evil about Raistlin Kill-The-Gods-And-Topple-Their-Thrones?

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

oriongates posted:

So...are these really huge bugs or something? How does this work?

And small mice.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

"You have been charged with keeping one if our skeleton brothers in bondage. We will now extract the victim from your flesh so that they can testify."


The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Would it break anything to just say "only players can crit"?

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