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Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Joe Slowboat posted:

Or play Geist. Which afaict is not angsty.

You do have this total weirdo in your head with strong opinions about the oddest things, though.


Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

What's an Ochema? Mage monster?

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Also about Geist: everything in the underworld haaaaaaates mages, so mages will ask them to help with underworld things.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

What an absolute waste of a human life, to spend it all homebrewing dnd 1e.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

I am told nVamp is also extremely better than oVamp. Basically, that nWoD is better in every way (except Beast because we live in the worst timeline.)

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

The one eternal truth about the furries is that there's a whole ton of disposable income to squeeze out of them. Any profit motivated company will hold their nose and sell what they want.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

JcDent posted:

Wait, wot's a soul pact? How do fallen demons construct their cover anyways?

They make demonic pacts for parts of people's lives, hence the name.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Other things Demons like to buy: histories of larceny or violence, because having a Cover who does those things is very useful to them.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Demon parties are absolutely supposed to be gripped by cold war spy paranoia. It's a feature, not a bug.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Can Infrastructure cause Silent Hill poo poo just by leaking magic waste heat out or does it have to be deliberate?

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Is the cup size specified? Or the coin size? I'm thinking giant novelty coins and tiny kid's cup.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

I thought the whole point of the thread was for people to review whatever they want? How about everybody gently caress off with telling people what they can and can't write about?

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Lord Entropy positively reeks of a bad character the author is too in love with.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Rand Brittain posted:

I mean, he's an important character in that he's pretty much the only Imperator in 2e who has a defined setting role, where every other Imperator of importance is player-defined.

Just God, bigger than all the other Gods, not a big deal.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

psudonym55 posted:

Has any edition of Shadowrun fixed the problem with having to sit there and watch your hackers hack things for 30 min to 1hr without being able to do anything?
My main memories of Shadowrun was that happening a lot.

I find the hacking in 5th ed to be fine. You get marks and then you can do things, though I agree that you should just be able to do the things right off the bat.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Usually the cyber comes from the job you had before you were a runner. Corps and governments get that stuff way cheaper.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Deptfordx posted:

Incidentally, I mention it here because pretty much everyone in traditional games hangs out in this thread.

For Glorantha-philes. Sixth Age. The semi-sequel to the legendary King of Dragon Pass finally got it's Steam release today.

Six Ages. You're crossing a wire with the 13th ate glorantha product.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

The reason you're a Shadowrunner should be part of your character's backstory. All runners are tough, established experts, so how did your character get their skills and why aren't they working for a government or getting paid a ton of money by a corp? Usually it's because they have serious issues preventing it, but it's up to you.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Johnson usually isn't trying to betray you (he has a rep too, and needs people to work with him) but he is absolutely trying to scalp you because he gets to keep the part of the budget that's leftover.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

hyphz posted:

This is why I wondered if you could do a cyberpunk game where a “run” is a single move, and the question is how they change the city/world over time.

Isn't that the Android boardgame?

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Hell, you could get a cybernetic that removed the need to brace heavy weapons. What I'm saying here is that Black Crusade is great.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

40k rpg is in this weird place right now where everyone who still plays it is familiar with all the nooks and crannies of the systems and can make the different games work together. I think part of the reason W&G failed is that their target audience has so much inertia with this weight of d100 stuff.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Yeah, this reeks of stuff that makes me want to stay away from the game. Don't tell me you're all about the narrative freedom of the mythic characters and then go on a tear about how I'm not allowed to leave your walled garden.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

If you're the God of Cutting, why shouldn't you be able to Cut away someone's Fortune or Beauty or Sickness?

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Night10194 posted:

Also all these games with 150+ skill lists gotta get on Disco Elysium's level and make all those weird skills actually do something. People wouldn't make fun of weird huge skill lists if they genuinely felt most of the skills did something instead of like they were being made to pay points to say their character knew a lot about their hobbies or had a background as a carpenter.

Disco Elysium also has multiple skills that can apply to the same situation, usually all at the same time and talking over each other.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Night10194 posted:

I admit I'm doing this partly so I can tell people about the Inksmith, who has now joined the Knights of the North Docks as one of the PCs I simply must play some day.

The expansion added a pulp fiction wizard whose magic lets them do things like knock people out with one punch without seriously hurting them. Because that's how it works in stories!

I would expect nothing less from the game that lets you ignore bad things because you're so good looking that bad things just don't happen to you.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Healthy people do not join the Ministry. Shrines to Our Hidden Mistress are red string murderboards. You're going to die, badly, because of this organization.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

You're definitely fighting the good fight, it's just that you're doing it against very rough odds. People really only do that when they're been pushed out of the realm of the civilian with their head down. The Aelfir have maintained their hegemony for a reason; they are bad news people who are not just willing but eager to see how much you can be hurt before you die. They have to take drugs in order to be able to feel sad.

And it's not like you're completely doomed, a player class can become so good looking that bad things just don't happen to them and another can die over and over for The Revolution, because They Are the Revolution.

wiegieman fucked around with this message at 03:23 on Nov 23, 2019

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

There are other resistance groups, they're just going to get a lot of people killed for not much gain.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Who the gently caress is raistlin and why does he have such a stupid name?

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Fate does social combat quite well. You have a social stress track just like anything else and when it fills up you get arrested.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

a computing pun posted:

Yeah, but Fate doesn't do social combat with any degree of gameplay depth. It does narratively compelling social combat, but that's not the same thing as mechanically deep or tactically interesting. And the reason it can do it so well is precisely because it doesn't try to mechanically represent anything about the unique nature of communication and debate as a medium of conflict.

Well, it treats a social conflict the same way it treats any other conflict. You can cause Social stress or consequences by having your stealth person sneak into the bad guy's mansion and steal his secret plans to destroy the community center so you can distribute them to various news outlets, and you can tag him with negative aspects by using your own social skills to show him up at that same party in front of the movers and shakers. He can fire back at you by using his own social abilities (probably augmented by stunts representing large amounts of money and lawyers) to mess with your life and get you foreclosed on or something.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

PurpleXVI posted:

Okay, so if hitpoints only defines the kind of hitpoints you don't like, what separates hit points from some other numeric estimation of your character's physical health?

Hit points are a binary metric. Either you're fine (whether that be at 100 hp or 1 hp) or you're in negatives bleeding out, which doesn't map to the idea of a desperate swordfight. Systems like 7th sea use Flesh Wounds and Dramatic Wounds to track damage, and systems like Fate use the stress tracks to track minor cuts and bruises and Consequences to track damage that matters.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Prism posted:

Aren't the necromancers good, too? Just really into keeping their ancestors around. They're certainly better than the corporate elves...

Hell, IIRC Deathless run on positive energy so they don't even default to evil.

You can run on positive energy and still be a racist, imperialist rear end in a top hat.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Wait until you hear what "antilus" is slang for!

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

As far as jumping through the window, rolling on a table, and stabbing a guy, shouldn't that just be a single Tumble check? With a bonus to your attack roll if you succeed?

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Libertad! posted:

This is part of why I like the video game Actraiser. The point was that you were an angel/god helping civilization thrive by going around and fighting the big monsters mere mortals could not hope to defeat on their own while engaging in Sims-style domain development. While it may not be a friendly setting for "mortal PCs" it answers the common "what have the gods done for us" dilemma in D&D settings where they're active.

Arx Fatalis, too. It's why you can level up, someone cast Planar Ally.

poo poo, we need an Arx sequel. There's even a hook built into the end.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Libertad! posted:

Y'all must be prophetic, because the first country I'm going to cover in my next War of the Lance post is a fantasy counterpart Aztec one.

RPG writers love making Not-Aztecs almost as much as they love getting the Aztecs completely wrong.

Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

Their barebones approach to the law is lauded as a model of efficiency.


Apr 22, 2010

Royalty is a continuous cutting motion

It's kind of weird how 50-75% of dragonlance seems to revolve around people being horny for this lady in blue armor.

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