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Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
That orb money thing boggles is a very large pile of ???. Who taxes it? And why this, instead of literally anything else?
But the worst is, it's boring. "Our money is memories! worth 3.14 dollar each. Nothing special about it besides that". Like ABR said - it's whimsy for the sake of whimsy.
Y'know, I'm reminded of that old D&D "gold = XP". This is the version that says "this is true, in-verse!" and then failing to do anything interesting in it, also with child labour cause WTF.
And while "knowledge is power" -> "in wizard-society, we use knowledge and memories as money" could be a neat concept... not like this.



Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Flail Snail posted:

Since the Matrix is just a bunch of dead technomancers, I suppose it could make sense.


Overdone jokes aside, what? Since when?

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

JcDent posted:

Speaking of Guardsmen, is there an RPG where you actually control a squad/squadleader instead of a single dude?

IIRC, Albedo? There's a F&F of it in the archives.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
...You guys are not kidding about Teleporno's name.


PurpleXVI posted:

Not Chris Fields-level bad, I'm pretty sure menstrual cycles have no mentions at all in the books.

PurpleXVI posted:

Then I'm going to go through the entire canon adventure module path.

And I'm dragging you fuckers with me.
"playing" the modules, or just going over?
(Also, no need to drag, you'll need to ask to not come along)

PurpleXVI posted:

(the only ones who manage to serve as a roadbump to their economic dominance are the cutesy, random innocent kender who organize massive market manipulation and threaten to crash the continent's economy until Istar makes them tax-exempt.).

Bieeanshee posted:

Aquatic elves got a malus to Wisdom, because 'living underwater leads to two-dimensional thinking'.

...Are you pulling our legs?

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
About the HP debate - Y'know, a high level ranger follow a mouse's 3 days old trail, and shoot a sparrow from 200 meters. A rogue can rob fort knox at a brisk walking pace, without anybody noticing.
Even the fighter should be able to butt head with giants, and win.
So... Isn't an appropriate answer to "that damage could have killed a rhino - how you are not dead?" is that yes, you are just that tough, you tanked it with your face, and stopped being "just a normal human" a long time ago?

PurpleXVI posted:

Original Species Do Not Steal

They didn't steal. They got no idea how it got into their pockets, they swear...

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Libertad! posted:

Some of the PCs are poorly built with sub-optimal choices, usually reflective of situational incidents from the books: Tika's built around improvised weapons due to a frying pan scene in the books, and Caramon has Improved Unarmed Strike despite being a sword-wielder also due to one scene where he knocks out a pair of baddies by conking their heads together.

Did something once, may not be that good in it (relatively speaking) ; Therefore, let's put one of your limited "these are my tricks" on that!

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Y'know, if you were to ask "how could be such thing as too much good", "it could lead to genocide!" is not the answer I expect.

Libertad! posted:

leading genocidal purges not just against goblins and monsters but also against kender

As far as the meme goes, the moral question here - is it worth it to sacrifice the goblins, just to get rid of the kender?
(on a more serious note, "not just against"... oh, so if they stopped here, it'll be okay?")

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Loxbourne posted:

I cannot be the only person who can't read this name aloud with a straight face.

Just seeing it on the page gives me a massive attack of the giggles.

Fist & ants -guy.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

PurpleXVI posted:

To be fair, Dragonlance is some incredibly bottom-of-the-barrel poo poo, though.

So, naturally, it's one of the more well-known/popular settings (I think? Not top 3, tho?)

(Also, nice new avatar. How come?)

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

PurpleXVI posted:

I hate to slander two authors I don't really know that well, but considering the intense goblin racism in the 2E DL core book, I feel like Weiss and Hickman didn't really intend to consider the goblins to have human rights.

I mean, they're not human. Why should they?
Humanoid rights, however...
Okay, two thing aside -one why humanoid? Feel like an elf or a dwarf would throttle you for this.
Second, so dragons have no rights? Fey, magical beasts?

megane posted:

Apparently the average dungeon now has a background lethality of almost 150 mRa. Won't someone think of the wizards?

...That be 0.15 Ra, or 2.25 HP damage.
Nod good, but not terrible.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Moldless Bread posted:

@ Cooked Auto:

Woops, thanks for the heads up.

On another note, I need an image in my next update. Could someone take a look at this post and tell me why the picture isn't showing up?

Cause you didn't link to an image. Should be (shown above)

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Re - that Dragonlance elf-thing:
Y'know the fantasy cliche that elves are better than you, are always right, can't argue with 'em, and so on?
This would be like a vicious parody of that, but it's serious.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Night10194 posted:

You know Gygax's response to the 'classic' 'orc children' question was to use the quote 'nits make lice', right? Which is quoting a 19th century war criminal (someone the *US* acknowledged as a war criminal, who managed to outrage even 19th century America) and what he said when ordering the deaths of children at the Sand Creek Massacre?

E: Though the fact that that ever became a gaming 'dilemma' (what do you do with the children and non-combatants of an orc camp you defeated or whatever) is a big part of why D&D constantly struggles to write 'Good' when you think about it.

How many kids are really gonna be at a war camp? And why didn't they evacuate when it's clear they lost (and "we need to buy time for 'em to run" can be a reason for the orcs to fight to the death ; most tend to break first) ?

E: my point is, you're right ; and also, this is silly

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Looking at the "slash & burn order" - ain't the system trying to represent a battle, rather than an extended campaign?

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Althalin posted:

This particular subsystem, yes. I'll touch on it in more depth when I go over House Management, but that order in particular is absolutely broken to all hell.

I appreciate the intent in including it, as it fits in thematically with roving armies intent on recreating Sherman's March to the Sea, but reducing resources is incredibly punishing to the recipient.
Yeah, but it's still outside the scope of the minigame. I mean, you said that a round is a minute?
Also, considering that this order is there (mass combat), I'm guessing there isn't rules for war (where such order belongs)?

Everyone posted:

Notice I'm not making moral/ethical objection because this is Game of Thrones.

The fact that other people will hate you, and if you win you gotta watch 'em lest they rebel, is absolutely in line with the books, and should be the moral objection.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

The Lone Badger posted:

So what was Evil about Raistlin Kill-The-Gods-And-Topple-Their-Thrones?

The taking their place part? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Re - Dragonlance;
Did anyone playtest these modules?
Also, Paladine - there's a reason that a number fantasy setting with gods have 'em not interfering much in the way of mortals, priests aside. I mean, your're here, and you help* - why ain't you just solving the problem, man?


Covok posted:

RE: Song of Ice & Fire, do the campaign rules have systems to support dropping 90% of the plot points and having everyone be wildly out of character in the last 2 sessions?

Their opening post says it's based on the books, and not the show, sooo

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Kaza42 posted:

Composite Longbow has a maximum range of 1100 feet (110 range increment, 10 range increments), but suffer a -20 penalty to hit from there. The longest non-unlimited range spells are Long range, which is 400 feet + 40/level. These spells are pretty commonly available, with one or two per level that a player could grab. In order to match the 1000 range limit on a longbow, you'd need to be level 18 though, at which point flight becomes trivially accessible.

If you follow the more reasonable restriction that you can only use a shortbow on horseback, that's a maximum range of 700 (70 range increment on composite shortbow), which still requires level 8. More reasonable, but again Fly is available at level 5

Thing is, if your'e going to try and take these only nat 20 shots, you'll run out of ammo before your enemies run out of HP.
So, if you are trying to actually hit something...depends on our assumptions:
But let's say we are shooting at an average person (AC 10. Also, they forgot about total defence action) - we got a level 1 fighter, 14 dex and a masterwork bow (sounds reasonable for a mook - or even a good one). Equals +4 to-hit. Say we're aiming at one hit outta four - this gives us a -9 to-hit allowed, so...
about 400-500 feet away? Still in fireball range.
(I feel I either forgot something about the calculation, or made a wrong assumption.)

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Libertad! posted:

Minotaur wizard snip
Feeling that your magical feats are unappreciated in Minotaur society? Do you want respect, and to be in charge like you deserve?
Come to Nighon! Always on the lookout for talented warlocks. Thriving Minotaur society, with strong bounds to other underground creatures to serve as minions in your armies. We even have dragons to help in your conquests*!
Join today, and you'll get to invade nations tomorrow! What are you waiting for?

*dragons are not guarantee.

...I'll regret this in the morning, I think.

Libertad! posted:

Kender l Some kender conspiracy theorists have claimed that there’s an Order-wide effort to prevent them from learning magic.

"conspiracy theory" implies it's secret.

Maxwell Lord posted:

It’s a shame how much of Wild Lands is determined to just be D&D.

Ain't that half the examples of a heartbreaker?

(also, enjoy yer holidays [or lack thereof], y'all)

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

PurpleXVI posted:

But the dragon is, uh, also not a dragon? Which is weird because the dragon is an illusion, but it's covering up another illusion? Like in one case it's an illusion of a dragon that's actually a polymorphed illusion of one of the party members.

It's like either* a "yo dawg, I heard you like..." meme, or "we need to go deeper" from Inception.

*like either, or either like?

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Libertad! posted:

Also as much as I love covering Dragonlance stuff, I'm thinking of reviewing something different after this one finishes if only to give myself some breathing room.

Sure. What games to examine are you considering?

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Libertad! posted:

Aquatic Dragons...Their diets are similar to whales, eating small sea creatures filtered through their mouths.

Only some whales - namely, Baleen whales. Filter feeder, this method's called. By no means exclusive to them - to name but one, whale shark eat like that as well.

As for the other : toothed whales - as per their name, do have teeth, and feed on thing other than plankton (from fish, to other whale young). Orcas, sperm whales and narwhal, for instance.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Moldless Bread posted:

We spend 100 GP on our stats - well, up to 100 GP, but since stats are incredible expensive to raise in play and the starting values determine the stat caps, we really want to spend all possible points here.
Does different point-buy for chargen and advancement works here, or it screws these who ain't experts in the system?

Moldless Bread posted:

Does anyone have a character concept they want to see? Don’t feel limited by the cultures and professions I brought up so far, I’m kind of curious how resilient the system is when somebody just comes up with a concept without having the Aventurian baggage in their mind.

A mercenary, who uses air magic to aid their martial skills.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Selling weapons in a grocery store? Just like in america!

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Toughness got a use in 1st level wizards, who want to not die from a stray shot.
Aside from that... it's a joke / punchline? dunno.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Xiahou Dun posted:

And if your level 1 wizard dies big whoop, make another.

I did specify "want to not die", didn't I?


Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Mors Rattus posted:

Why can’t a cis man be a princess seriously?

Mr. Maltose posted:

Hyphz stands mightily upon the hill of the essential gender binary, ready to fight and ready to die.

Analogy; Say we got a job titled "seaman". You can be a woman with this job; but you're still a seaman, rather than a seawoman.
(Or, for that matter - a sailor).
Their issue is that restriction.

Note : got no opinion on this debate, or the game ; I just think you're talking past each other.

Mors Rattus posted:

It's only strange because usually we use the masculine as default.
By we, you mean "English speaking people". Y'all not realize how good you got it, as far as gender-neutrality goes. Over 'ere, "masculine as default" is not just a 'usually', but also 'properly' (if you ain't strict, you can ignore it, and use feminine as default. "can I choose neither", however, is still a 404 error. Sadly, I might add).

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