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Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I've collected the orbs with all the thoughts Monte Cook had while he was working on Invisible Sun right here:


Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
thank god "C" isn't for "catgirl".

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Yeah, Roko's Basilisk The Tabletop Game Encounter is a little too on-the-nose for me.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I am the sort of person who would absolutely leave my weapon open to hacking if it meant I could change its color whenever.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

90s Cringe Rock posted:

the new ares predator gyg-x comes with integral smartlink and underbarrel dungeon

It's just like I'm playing Disgaea all over again!

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I really appreciate the attempts to add more player safety to Monsterhearts, given my first exposure to it was through people who saw 'you can't decide what turns you on' and decided that meant they could go full magical realm on the game and everyone had to cater to that.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
It feels like they're going for more troubled bad boy (or girl) who's in too deep but wants to save other people from the Bullshit they're wrapped up in than 'girls can't play dnd'.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
The Sasquatch definitely hews a little closer to the not great experiences I had with the game than I'd like (written around a fetish, 'yes your character is turned on by this fetish', etc).

The Wyrm is super cool.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
It's an interesting coincidence that each post you've made from the expanded list has one skin I'm super into and cool with and another I'm pretty ??? about.

Thank you for continuing to post these, btw.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Joe Slowboat posted:

I'm genuinely uncertain whether I'm enthused or concerned about both the Cuckoo and the Unicorn - which was super appealing, and which was ??? ? If you don't mind elaborating.

Unicorn was the appealing and I was kind of unsure about Cuckoo. I like the idea of playing a character with very fierce beliefs that are almost absolutely going to get them in quite a lot of trouble, and I like the support for other players angle. Cuckoo didn't really gel for me, I guess?

e: I'm also glad the unicorn can be about what it's about and also not be weird about virginity yes

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

SunAndSpring posted:

gently caress I got no idea how to summarize skills and mechanics in an interesting way

Briefly summarize the ones that aren't interesting ('you got your standard skills for notice stuff good, sneak good, play with animals good') and highlight the ones that are different or have dumb uses/interactions, like that one rpg and the trained bird death squads.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Honestly I feel like kitsune would be fine as a reflavoring of either werewolf or fae, depending if you wanted to go 'vicious, human-hunting beast' or 'creature that aids humans when it feels like it and repays its debts'.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
The biggest hangup about kenders:

1) child race, pure and innocent and anyone who hates a kender is bad, and the writeup goes to great lengths to hammer this in
2) incorrigible, constant thieves
3) despite being pure and innocent they know what a thief is, that it's bad, and that they should get mad and defend themselves if someone calls them a thief (they even have a list of favored retorts, most about as effective as 'I was just borrowing it')
4) oh also they will steal your poo poo

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Night10194 posted:

I admit I'm doing this partly so I can tell people about the Inksmith, who has now joined the Knights of the North Docks as one of the PCs I simply must play some day.

The expansion added a pulp fiction wizard whose magic lets them do things like knock people out with one punch without seriously hurting them. Because that's how it works in stories!

yess please let me play a drow fanfiction writer wizard

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
oh god it's literally fanfiction wizard, this class is the absolute best thing

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Today I found out that more than one person in the world played hit video game Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Teleporno, son of Ufoporno

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Look up 'Fursona', 'Black Tokyo', 'Otherverse America', and Psi-Watch' on the F&F website. Or don't, that'd probably be a better use of your time.

e: also Guide to the Known Galaxy, home of SPACE DONG

Leraika fucked around with this message at 00:07 on Nov 28, 2019

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
4e was bear lore tho

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

wdarkk posted:

I remember in one of the short story collection there's a little bit where the narrator mentions that some Paladine-worshipping knight must be really cross with his god for not bailing him out.

The narrator in question was a dragon who had hired the knight, among others, to bust into his lair as a test of his security mechanisms, then immediately killed them all because he's an evil dragon and the are looting his hoard and all.

Some of those short stories were interesting, like the white dragon that turns out to be a silver with a scale condition. Although that one really had a lot of "Just say what you mean and it might actually work out ok."

I vividly remember the white dragon story as the only DL story I've ever read.

Knight ganks the eeeevil white dragon that's basically minding its business, realizes too late WHOOPS it was a silver dragon instead (he uses the breath weapon to determine it), and takes in the baby dragon he just orphaned as penance.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I'm definitely interested in Wild Lands just from the premise and one illustration.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Welp, there goes my enthusiasm.

Grain's smaller than nut's smaller than berry.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Giant slugs do rule. Too bad about the rest.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I like the idea of a wizard con artist.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
The professional grave robber owns. I'd love to play Leverage But With Wizards with her as a patron.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I like the Greek setting in theory, but hey that's way too much* temptress woman uses magic whammy to bind character she's into.

*more than 0

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Night10194 posted:

Boy you're going to love the upcoming Warhams adventure!

By love I mean hate.

Yeah I heard hellwombs and got that distinct impression. :sigh:

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Aethyron posted:

um hello I'm new (longtime lurker, this thread is amazing btw)

Anyway so the other day I came across Night10194's excellent Hunter: the Reckoning review. I was a big Hunter fan back in the day, as a teenager (I suspect now that I loved the version of the game that existed in my head more than anything) and it inspired me to actually crack open some of the Hunter books I still have like 15-20 years later, and uhhhh

So now I'm wondering if people would be interested in a review of the Hunter: the Reckoning Player's Guide (the book with, among other things, an excitingly bad set of Merits & Flaws)?


Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
At least WW was kind enough to shunt the 'this character option is actually almost impossible to use in a functioning party' things out of the main book.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I am perfectly fine with people coming up with reformed skinhead characters on their own (I guesssss?), but I don't think they need to be an example character for anything or even given page space at all.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I love random charts; this is great.

e: speaking of random charts, would anyone be interested in a one-post writeup of the lifepath system from Star Light Brigade? I couldn't do the whole game because it's in a language I don't read, but the lifepath system has been translated and it's just such a good encapsulation of the genre it's meant to emulate (mecha anime) that I'd love to share it.

Leraika fucked around with this message at 04:24 on Apr 19, 2020

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
The forelimb on that pony flying a plane is somehow very frightening to me.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
John Dracula who was Vlad Draculas brother was one day in an office typing on a computer.

(sorry, that's the first thing I thought of)

Leraika fucked around with this message at 18:43 on May 1, 2020

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Any idea why there's such a big emphasis on the soulbond not being able to have children?

It reads to me like going WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE THESE ARE FANTASY SPACE MARINES but gently caress if I know enough about warhammer to actually make that call; it just seems a little weird.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
let the man tell his story, geez

edit: specifically directed at Everyone

Leraika fucked around with this message at 16:00 on May 11, 2020

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
What a ride. :allears:

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

I have no idea how that'd work.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

OvermanXAN posted:

What's that from? It looks distinctly like Skaven.jpg. (Not enough Warpstone I guess)

Pyre, I think?

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Robindaybird posted:

And as I mentioned, as it doesn't have a "Need another +1" treadmill like D&D, you can really use the flavor text of "This sword belonged to my mother and the only thing I have left of her", or "This shield and the charge on it is proof of my character" or hell newlyweds with matching daggers instead of candlesticks.

Elegant, AND practical!


Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Dawgstar posted:

I did not expect Autocthonia overall to be so thirsty. I mean, it's fine, I'm just saying.

It's Exalted.

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