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Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

VideoGames posted:

They have actually been in purgatory and absolutely everything they have been doing is actually working off their sins for either reincarnation or entry into the real good place.

Hey VG it looks like a post of yours from 2005 got lost in the system. Don't worry, it's come through now :)


Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

VideoGames posted:

Hahah you are everywhere I post! :)

Sorry is this an old theory I am regurgitating? I am always behind.

The theory that we are the same person grows in credulance :thunkher:

It's a Lost joke :ssh:

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Chidi would have a field day with this

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Neon Noodle posted:

The Christian theological parallels are pretty abundant in this show, though I don’t think they’re necessarily intentional. Just stuff about philosophy that results from the historical and philosophical legacy of Christianity and Christian Neoplatonism.

The idea of salvation through grace, for example, as being necessary because following all the commandments is not possible, is right out of Paul. Also the themes of incarnation and powerful beings limiting themselves to reach our cosmos. The amoral demiurge vs. the human-identified savior figure.

This season so far they can’t help but make Eleanor into a Christ figure because of her dual nature, fully human but also with foreknowledge of others and command of godlike powers. But the subjects have to repent freely.

The framework is more Christian than anything else, to me, because of the lack of earthly reincarnation as central to moral development; the use of heaven/hell as have been passed down from Christian culture as opposed to other religions’ afterlife constructs.

I really want to read a thorough theological analysis of this show, or alternatively try and write one.

This is why everyone hates moral philosophy professors

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Regy Rusty posted:

I can't believe people are still on this.

Oh, this is the Bad Place!

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

curiousCat posted:

I'm really glad we got a Tahani-heavy episode.

She did what 6 out of the 8 Game of Thrones characters based on her would do!

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
The guy on the railroad is Donkey Doug

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
That episode :vince:

Love that they addressed all the different theories without letting them drag out all season

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Tahani watched the show and identified with a whole bunch of characters so being self-centred she assumed they were based on her. She doesn't even know the books exist.

There, solved it.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
The key is intention and action together it's not that difficult

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Turns out Simone's fatal flaw is that she's a huge New Kids on the Block fan.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
This experiment is so gonna fall apart when Simone realises they're in the Bad Place

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Zedd posted:

I always took it as the Bad Place making her get into an "accident".

They don't need to, she'll always be dead by the time the Bad Place needs her because Jeremy Bearimy

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Regy Rusty posted:

The Selection also contradicts this as they consider sending someone only to be reminded that they're "still alive". :v:

Yeah but Jeremy Bearimy, innit

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

BioEnchanted posted:

I don't think Chidi is going to be very happy with Simone when all is said and done. She may have scuppered that entire relationship for eternity by abandoning Chidi, knowing he'd try to help on his own.

I mean, she already scuppered it when she said they weren't soulmates

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

team overhead smash posted:

From the description to the final episode that I read I'm imagining everything major plotwise and the new status quo of the Good/Bad Places is going to play out next episode. The final episode will then be a Park and Recs style goodbye to all the characters that shows or indicates how they'll spend the rest of their afterlives (Which a quick wiki shows is what also seemed to happen for The Office US finale - Schur's other notable show).

There's like another 6 episodes

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Well goddam Chidi scruffs down real good I would let him crush me with his thighs any day:stwoon:

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Well now

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Andrew_1985 posted:

RIP Disco Janet.
You were outta sight.

Keep on trucking :patriot:

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Bobbin Threadbare posted:

The real question is how this system will handle young children and adults who, due to mental disabilities, are incapable of making true moral decisions.

Like every other show on TV it will conveniently forget that disabled people exist

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Andrew_1985 posted:

I hope they mention Mindy St Clare gets to go through the new process. I imagine her challenge will be NOT to do cocaine.

Such a shame that after all that time as the best human she'd end up in the Bad Place :(

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
I feel really :unsmith: about Vicki getting a happy ending and still in absolute bits at that ending

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
That coulda been the finale and I'd think it was a very satisfactory ending. No idea what they could do with next week's ep but very excited to see it.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Oh hey the finale is out let me just load up Netflix and see how it wa...


Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Out of all the beautiful things about this episode I think the best is Jason spending his final thousand Bearimys in meditative contemplation bringing him all the way back to when we met Jianyu in episode 1 :cry:

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
The extent they went to for deep cut cameos was real impressive.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
There is not nearly enough love in this thread for Tahani turning it back around on Eleanor :allears:


Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Just when I thought I couldn't love her enough Jameela Jamil came out as queer on Twitter :swoon:

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