rapeface posted:How long till the new ep airs? I'm dying for some new Good Place.
# ¿ Sep 26, 2019 09:01 |
# ¿ Jan 26, 2025 02:20 |
pwn fucked around with this message at 12:24 on Sep 26, 2019 |
# ¿ Sep 26, 2019 12:18 |
Bobulus posted:Switching Michael!!! Bobulus posted:Oh, geez, I'm slow on the uptake today. Linda's first request after waking up was to ask if there was a fitness center in the Good Place. Of course That One Demon wanted to go to the gym...
# ¿ Sep 28, 2019 03:07 |
Koalas March posted:Wild rear end guess: If it is Vicki, she is totally method and ends up understanding Michael while trying to inhabit her character and becomes the second demon they manage to change and then even if the overall experiment technically fails, it succeeded because it made a another demon become a better "person" Another point is the number of times we see a reaction shot of Michael. I almost feel like the writers want us all to figure out “the twist,” only to have the rug pulled out by revealing that yes it’s Vicki but she’s come over to The Good Side. I love theorycrafting! (-2,108 points)
# ¿ Oct 5, 2019 04:36 |
Baller Ina posted:So on the "micheal got swapped" theory I didn't see anyone mention this but when Michael admits he faked his breakdown Eleanor says to him "you tricky devil!" and they cut to Michael kinda frowning. It's probably an over-analyzation (and I'm not some big proponent of either side of the theory) but it caught my eye. The only hitch is how could they switch if he went on the train with Janet? But I’m positive that can be answered.
# ¿ Oct 7, 2019 19:53 |
Xelkelvos posted:So it did about as well as Abby's Place Also, Sunnyside and Abby’s were just shows with Schur’s stamp as producer, right? Not mainline joints like B99 and TGP.
# ¿ Oct 16, 2019 20:09 |
I wish there was a way to find such data, an “engine,” if you will, wherein such information could be searched (it’s Kalpen Suresh Modi) On a talk show recently, he recalled how he got his stage name: His college buddies were helping him get acting work, and suggested a catchier name. They landed on turning his first name into two. They also supposedly suggested Kal Pacino and Kalista Flockhart.
# ¿ Oct 17, 2019 21:45 |
Bored posted:So this is why I have Hulu. I'm too lazy to read the thread, but the poorly drawn childhood horse looked like something straight from 2008 somethingawful. Are there any goons working on the show?
# ¿ Oct 20, 2019 21:04 |
1glitch0 posted:The Good Place Season 4 - Chekhov’s wind chimes.
# ¿ Oct 20, 2019 21:08 |
SpiderLink posted:To be fair, she's drunk.
# ¿ Oct 22, 2019 18:22 |
Sloth Life posted:Reincarnation is the end game. All those resets for Team C and Janet, maybe Genny will decide that we all get a few do overs before being consigned to the dump of the afterlife. I could have been The Rightest Poster, the One Who Called It. But I let decorum and fear of a fun thread keep me quiet. Don’t make the same mistake. Post your crazy theories
# ¿ Oct 23, 2019 04:56 |
END CHEMTRAILS NOW posted:If hell is other people, then maybe heaven is too. My crazy theory is that when they reform the afterlife, they create a bunch of medium place neighborhoods that are similar to Michael's original "good" place. Humans are sorted into groups in a way similar to the original 4. Then it's up to the humans if they'll work together to become better or make each other miserable.
# ¿ Oct 23, 2019 19:09 |
Assless Chaps posted:Not to be pedantic (OK, yes, to be pedantic), but that martini was made of a white Christmas tree ornament, not an onion. When he took a bite out of it, it shattered/crunched. The AV Club reviewer made the same mistake!
# ¿ Oct 25, 2019 18:03 |
The extended episodes for past seasons have been uploaded either near the end or after the end of the season
# ¿ Oct 28, 2019 02:37 |
Coatlicue posted:Do we know how many eps are left? What I can tell you, is the the names of next three episodes! 11.07 Help is Other People 11.14 The Funeral to End All Funerals 11.21 The Answer Enjoy them, because there looks to be a six-week break between episodes after that. *One of the podcast (I don’t remember which) stated that the show’s contract stipulates short, 13-episode seasons, with an option to add 2 more episodes, IIRC. I may not, in fact, RC, so if anyone knows anything, feel free to pipe up
# ¿ Nov 3, 2019 19:28 |
Taear posted:Eternity is a LONG time to be tortured for even if you killed 6 million people tbh. Also those six million went to The Bad Place forever. What a great system!
# ¿ Nov 4, 2019 00:07 |
BioEnchanted posted:If Michael really wanted Brent's book, he could have just asked Janet for $60. Maybe he trying not to overtax her given how much strain the neighborhood has put her under already though.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2019 10:03 |
boo_radley posted:Outside bet on season ending
# ¿ Nov 9, 2019 21:49 |
I just had a terrible thought. Fred Armisen is a guest star on tonight’s episode of Superstore, because of course he is; Fred Armisen is sitcom cancer, every series I’ve watched in the past decade, he eventually shows up. His life’s mission is to appear on every show except the one with a band which he ostensibly leads. He’s going to end up being God or some poo poo on The Good Place, isn’t he.
# ¿ Nov 15, 2019 01:35 |
The committee is so neoliberal, goddamn
# ¿ Nov 15, 2019 02:35 |
BigBallChunkyTime posted:The Good Place is run by decorum Democrats!
# ¿ Nov 15, 2019 02:58 |
FactsAreUseless posted:Disco Janet looks like Liz Lemon She is a lot
# ¿ Nov 15, 2019 20:51 |
MikeJF posted:The judge locked off the portals with one of those old car steering wheel locks after she closed them to stop Janet reopening them and letting more in.
# ¿ Nov 16, 2019 06:47 |
seaborgium posted:Netflix kind of fucks you on that, they have a very, very spoilery banner image for the show when you go to it. I’m trying to get a friend to watch the show and obviously want to avoid Big Spoiler
# ¿ Nov 19, 2019 05:43 |
And I’ve posted about the break at least twice in this thread and the prior one, for all the good it does.pwn posted:We don’t know for sure, yet; the previous schedule showed that there were three eps in November and 1 on December 5. The December show has since been removed from the schedule. Meaning, instead of a minimum of 4 episodes left to air when the show returns on January 9 (we assume,) there will be 5. And possibly 6, or even a maximum of 7*. But we really have no way of knowing, until a final schedule is released for January and beyond. Now the schedule is confirmed: New episodes January 9, 16, 23, and 29, airing in the new time of 8:30/7:30c, with the 29th being a 90-minute finale, the last 30 minutes of which will be an aftershow panel interview by Seth Meyers.
# ¿ Nov 21, 2019 20:16 |
Mokinokaro posted:Makes me wonder if the schedule shifted slightly and last week's was meant to be the hiatus start. It would've been one heck of a good (and torturous) cliffhanger.
# ¿ Nov 23, 2019 02:36 |
Marbelize whichever Janet of whose Void she’s currently inside After everything’s sorted out, she’ll be freed when the Janets get un-marbelized, and the Janet Hivemind controls all
# ¿ Nov 25, 2019 05:03 |
Mordiceius posted:The final four episode titles are: Final episode titles— 2020.01.09 You’ve Changed, Man 2020.01.16 Mondays, Am I Right? 2020.01.23 Patty 2020.01.30 Whenever You’re Ready
# ¿ Dec 22, 2019 11:20 |
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 23:06 |
Thranguy posted:The Meta ending: they walk through the door and it's Mike Schur sitting in a chair, and they have a little chat.
# ¿ Jan 27, 2020 07:58 |
Rabbi Raccoon posted:No, it's the new Animal Crossing
# ¿ Jan 28, 2020 00:04 |
Promo that ran during this weekend's SNL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmknVK0_ntQ
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 09:58 |
Despite most cast members making the talk show circuit this week, all clips shown were from prior episodes. And this is the official episode summary: Vagueposting until the bitter end
# ¿ Jan 30, 2020 21:43 |
Timings for tonight’s broadcast Thought people watching live might find this handy for knowing how long the breaks will be. Also note that the show ends at 67 minutes, not 53. Assuming that the live post show starts immediately after the sixth break, the running time of the finale, without commercials, is 47:58. pwn fucked around with this message at 23:36 on Jan 30, 2020 |
# ¿ Jan 30, 2020 23:25 |
And away we go...
# ¿ Jan 31, 2020 01:30 |
Jfc derek
# ¿ Jan 31, 2020 02:20 |
# ¿ Jan 31, 2020 02:40 |
They’re in Conan’s old studio
# ¿ Jan 31, 2020 02:43 |
# ¿ Jan 31, 2020 03:14 |
# ¿ Jan 26, 2025 02:20 |
Lutha Mahtin posted:yikes bro
# ¿ Jan 31, 2020 03:38 |