RBA Starblade posted:The final twist is they're in the bad good place and need to go to the good good place The best place, weren't you listening to that ash-hole
# ¿ Oct 5, 2019 12:56 |
# ¿ Jan 13, 2025 15:37 |
Rarity posted:This is why everyone hates moral philosophy professors
# ¿ Oct 6, 2019 22:37 |
Ravenfood posted:Linguistic shift where everyone eventually starts using "fork" as profanity and the censors have to change it again. Legit heard people say heck and darn are bad words that kids shouldn't say.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2019 15:44 |
Jet Jaguar posted:The AV Club asked Michael Schur which characters in Game of Thrones that were based on Tahani. With sushi arranged in a pyramid, of course.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2019 18:32 |
Taear posted:Just to repeat, she was 11 when the book was released dammit! That's assuming she's the same age as her actor, anyway. She's talking about the show. Which I think people explained to you already? Also I was reading fantasy akin to asoiaf at age 11, what is your point? silvergoose fucked around with this message at 12:18 on Oct 20, 2019 |
# ¿ Oct 20, 2019 12:16 |
Group morale sessions with active participation and no warning are in my opinion literal torture and should never ever be done to anyone unless yeah it's the bad place I guess.
# ¿ Oct 21, 2019 00:13 |
1glitch0 posted:I don't know if you're making fun or not, but everyone involved had deadlines that had to be met within hours and we couldn't go and do our work until we finished this stupid game, while also hearing rumors that payroll wasn't going to be covered for our checks, and I'm trying to draw a camel and get people to guess it so we can all try and go back to work. The Bad Place. I'm not even remotely joking, a very close friend had something like this happen to her and she was kinda traumatized. gently caress this poo poo.
# ¿ Oct 21, 2019 01:11 |
MikeJF posted:At the end of the show Janet will remove all afterlife beings from their roles and take over reality as a new god. Janet becomes god is, I'm pretty sure, something that has already been theorized.
# ¿ Oct 23, 2019 04:04 |
The judge is a neutral burrito.
# ¿ Oct 24, 2019 15:44 |
MikeJF posted:You know, accent doesn't bother me, an Australian, because I genuinely just hear it as a bad cockney or other English accent, it's so far from being Aussie. You're going down down UNDAH
# ¿ Oct 26, 2019 14:46 |
Gaz-L posted:That's silly, no-one in the Bad Place is a motorcycle transformer pope or sapient dress with machine guns or anything. You have accepted Satan into your heart
# ¿ Oct 28, 2019 03:02 |
CarlosTheDwarf posted:In hindsight this show should have ended after the first season. The biggest problem is that it's just no longer funny. Completely false and you have wrong opinions.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2019 12:51 |
Arkhipov never gets the same credit, either.
# ¿ Nov 5, 2019 12:48 |
8one6 posted:The fact that there have been multiple "we came this loving close to nuclear Armageddon and only a single level head prevented it" events might be the best evidence for why there should be a Bad Place. "a superior officer ordered nuclear Armageddon and a single level head disobeying orders prevented it" is the real kicker, of course. Disobeying orders is negative points, presumably.
# ¿ Nov 5, 2019 13:54 |
Inspector 34 posted:Why would Shawn want everything rebooted anyway since he delights so much in tormenting the stupid humans that exist now? He's basically advocating for the judge taking away all his toys. He didn't actually seem happy about it, just gloating that Michael's plan still made him lose everything.
# ¿ Nov 16, 2019 15:23 |
ZearothK posted:Jason looks amazing in no shirt
# ¿ Nov 16, 2019 21:44 |
Terra-da-loo! posted:Started watching this on Netflix the other day. I enjoy it. Don't watch the end of the first season before the rest of it.
# ¿ Nov 17, 2019 20:23 |
Timeless Appeal posted:I mean it's obviously farting
# ¿ Nov 17, 2019 23:22 |
Mr. Powers posted:Is the person that did this still around posting in this thread? Those were fun times. Sure am!
# ¿ Nov 18, 2019 01:36 |
Taear posted:The way you consume media is the bad place Can't really argue with that.
# ¿ Nov 18, 2019 04:10 |
tarlibone posted:That's a little harsh. Maybe it's not so much the Bad Place as it is the Jeremy Bearimy.
# ¿ Nov 18, 2019 13:09 |
seaborgium posted:Netflix kind of fucks you on that, they have a very, very spoilery banner image for the show when you go to it. My favorite banner image they've had for the show has to be the three cups of froyo.
# ¿ Nov 19, 2019 03:17 |
We haven't seen a single person in the good place right? Just the staff?
# ¿ Nov 20, 2019 20:37 |
Sure but we don't know if they have
# ¿ Nov 20, 2019 21:29 |
MaxieSatan posted:Very Eternal Sunshine. gently caress, that movie gave me nightmares.
# ¿ Nov 28, 2019 17:15 |
Jerusalem posted:The moment that always stands out to me is Jason figuring out they're in The Bad Place and Michael going,"....oh this one hurts...." Same.
# ¿ Dec 4, 2019 23:56 |
Medullah posted:I really do still love the show, but I also kind of wish it'd only been one season. That twist in season one was just perfect, and everything since has been trying to live up to it. Yeah but the first few episodes of season 2 were astounding. And how could we exist without Jeremy Bearimy?
# ¿ Jan 11, 2020 23:19 |
I like the idea of the good place people being the antagonists for the last bit. Fight against the neoliberals in charge of heaven.
# ¿ Jan 12, 2020 17:44 |
This is why people hate moral philosophers. (I actually really appreciate both of those posts)
# ¿ Jan 14, 2020 13:49 |
Unkempt posted:Stupid theory: didn't they say people wouldn't have a clear memory of their past life, but would have 'a little voice' suggesting that actions might be good or bad? Isn't that a conscience? Are we living in the new system already? All of this has happened before Alternatively There are no beginnings or endings to the turning of the wheel of time
# ¿ Jan 15, 2020 12:31 |
Watermelon Daiquiri posted:But it was -a- beginning Wait, the time knife is Callandor???
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 16:03 |
I did like the text written with the time skip.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 13:24 |
tsob posted:What famous pre-15th Century people are they gonna look up once they get there? No way Chidi isn't going straight to meet some of his philosophy heroes. Yeah right, like any of them made it into the good place.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2020 23:16 |
The_Doctor posted:I feel like they’re going to find out the Good Place has slipped completely into gross debauchery, and now they’ll have to fix that. wait wait there's something wrong with this premise
# ¿ Jan 23, 2020 04:01 |
The_Doctor posted:People have lived their good life on Earth and now they get consequence-free pleasure in eternity. Janet made a bag of cocaine for Mindy, so there’s clearly no limits on what a Janet will provide. I'm objecting to the idea that there's something to fix
# ¿ Jan 23, 2020 04:15 |
That was a really uncomfortable episode, because it felt like everything was a trap. AND THEN EVERYTHING WAS A TRAP
# ¿ Jan 25, 2020 00:59 |
Consummate Professional posted:They'll kill themselves and end up in the exact same cycle, learning more and more every time. Just like Janet!
# ¿ Jan 25, 2020 05:02 |
Mordiceius posted:I feel like you could follow a train of thought in that the more of an impact you've made on the world, the longer you'd want to spend in The Good Place. Sounds like the way it worked in Coco, in that the more people who remembered you the better off your afterlife was...and when no one remembered you, poof you're gone for good.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 04:47 |
Argue posted:No, even in Coco, it was "we don't know where you go" when that happens. It's kind of funny when movies and shows about the afterlife imply the existence of an afterafterlife. Well yeah, I was mostly talking about the specific similarity with regards to fame and a better afterlife.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 06:14 |
# ¿ Jan 13, 2025 15:37 |
Khanstant posted:I would prefer if they walked through the door and just spoke directly to the audience, informing us what we owe to each other and how to be a good person. Okay yeah I'd be there for that
# ¿ Jan 27, 2020 17:27 |