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Good Dog
Oct 16, 2008

Who threw this cat at me?
Clapping Larry
Welcome to the pro cycling thread, the only place on the internet where people talk like this:

serious gaylord posted:

Proper riding that.


Good Dog
Oct 16, 2008

Who threw this cat at me?
Clapping Larry

Literally Lewis Hamilton posted:

Do you? Everyone yells at me because I provide no draft. Suckers.

Even with Tobin on my wheel I provide more draft to the guy behind Tobin than he does. When I ride people can ride two abreast behind me.

I guess it makes sense that a bad team would need to dope or skirt rules to stay relevant more than a good team, but still laughing at Arkea getting dead last in prize pool and then the next day a doping scandal emerges.

Good Dog
Oct 16, 2008

Who threw this cat at me?
Clapping Larry
I respect his "always be posting" lifestyle. He totally didn't have to post a video about how he pisses in bottles while riding on the trainer and accidently drank it but he posted it anyways for the culture.

Good Dog
Oct 16, 2008

Who threw this cat at me?
Clapping Larry

serious gaylord posted:

I know its dirty dirty triathlon but this was mental.

They pulled in some of the best 100m Time trialists from the UK plus Dowsett and Dan Bigham.

Put this in a grand tour.

Kristian's group nearly crashes out. Later drops him. His support bike on the run portion crashes. One of the women in the sub8 group chose to ride a road bike because she wasn't comfortable in the draft.

It was a proper poo poo show and even more pointless than the sub2 event that Kipchoge and Nike put on.

Good Dog
Oct 16, 2008

Who threw this cat at me?
Clapping Larry

He's got masters crit dad body but is the reigning world champion in full distance ironman and also the reigning Olympic gold medalist.

He's on his way to being the GOAT but still only 28.

Good Dog
Oct 16, 2008

Who threw this cat at me?
Clapping Larry
Yeah Wellens probably would have been better off letting the wheel go through the last corner and using Pog as a reverse leadout, jumping on a chaser's wheel.

Good Dog
Oct 16, 2008

Who threw this cat at me?
Clapping Larry
Want to get turned inside out in the Mt Baldy themed room.


Good Dog
Oct 16, 2008

Who threw this cat at me?
Clapping Larry

serious gaylord posted:

There's going to be an absolutely massive pile up at that corner. If you're in the wrong position there you're going to have to burn 1000w to catch up

Look at this loving mess

It seems like it would be possible to enter the Arenberg via a right hand turn coming from the east on D313. I don't know what challenges this route would create but it certainly seems less hosed up than what chicane. Maybe theres more hosed up narrowing road furniture this way but still seems better than slamming riders into a 90-180-90 situation. It looks like there used to be a connection along this road but isn't anymore, I wonder if they considered what it would take to make this rideable.

Good Dog fucked around with this message at 22:39 on Apr 3, 2024

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