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Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
Had a good weekend riding and spectating in Yorkshire - weather turned out good on Saturday in the end, and I got a discarded bidon too. Drove up to Kidstone on Sunday, got wet for 20 minutes, then watched the rest in the pub.

also turns out this bridge they worked so hard to repair didn't get used in the end lol


Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
I think they're doing the coverage from home, no money in having the usual Bath studio for a week, or even a shared recording booth somewhere

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
Well apparently Cav found out he wasn't on the squad via... Instagram

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
lol @ the image of Caleb Ewan (5'5") sprinting against the rider next to him, Jonathan Milan (6'4")

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play

goatface posted:

That'll be a jaunt for him. Can't imagine he'll have much help.

Every other team needs to be lucky for all 19 stages. Cav only needs to be lucky once.

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
I've found both the Eurosport Player and its bloated replacement don't allow you to skip backwards more than 10-20 seconds, which is most annoying if you tune in late.

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
Yeah that was it, which considering I only ever watch Eurosport by casting it to my TV, is very annoying.

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play

serious gaylord posted:

Do you have the annoying issue with the audio being 5-10 seconds ahead of the video when casting too?

No, haven't had that issue - found the audio/video quality to still be pretty good.

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
Adam Blythe on Eurosport reckoned Cav's gears were screwed and he couldn't get into the 11, and watching the replay it does look like some chain slip. The mechanic is about to get an earful.

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
Pro Cycling - The Assassination of Mark Cavendish by the Coward Jasper Philipsen

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
Darth Vader's broken mask looking rear end helmet

Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
It's already been phased out into the general Eurosport app, it costs the same but you get a load of useless news stories with spoilers appearing when you open the app, instead of just showing you the live/on-demand videos.


Apr 1, 2005

Don't press play
Is that one of those fake criteriums with predetermined winners, or is it a real one where they let him win it anyway?

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