mystes posted:Every comment on this story about Latin is complete nonsense: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21578345 guy just openly admitting that he doesn't know Rust
# ¿ Nov 20, 2019 05:15 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 15:14 |
alexandriao posted:also notice how nobody in that thread mentions spices or herbs lmao something something i showed your mom what cumin is iykwim
# ¿ Dec 1, 2019 20:26 |
uncurable mlady posted:don't practice sanitation on the same level (non homeless folks) That imo is true and we shouldn't ignore it. But why? people without regular access to showers don't take a lot of showers. what could cause this? and how could it be fixed with an app?
# ¿ Dec 28, 2019 22:11 |
Xik posted:Porn site to pay $12.7m to women who didn't know videos would be posted (theguardian.com) quote:
let's play "guess the gender of that hn poster"
# ¿ Jan 4, 2020 04:40 |
Jeffrey Epstein and MIT: FAQs (mit.edu)quote:This is besides the point of the article, but the link is in HTTP (no TLS but available with a correct certificate), and the report site which has the information linked in the article is also in HTTP (but has a bad TLS certificate). U.S. alcohol-related deaths have doubled, study says (npr.org) 85 points by pseudolus 9 hours ago | hide | past | web | favorite | 96 comments quote:rjkennedy98 7 hours ago [-] quote:
quote:Shivetya 6 hours ago [-] Best Bi Geek Squid fucked around with this message at 02:54 on Jan 11, 2020 |
# ¿ Jan 11, 2020 02:50 |
fuckputer yosposter fuckdditor
# ¿ Jan 30, 2020 20:36 |
# ¿ Jan 30, 2020 20:38 |
how could they violate the terms and conditions of use without the developer's consent?
# ¿ Feb 5, 2020 00:16 |
eschaton posted:isn’t that basically today? it’s not like anyone programs in BLISS or PL/I or Pascal any more, the other C-equivalent systems languages have gone to eternal rest, it’s basically the only language in its niche now you forgot about javascript
# ¿ Feb 6, 2020 20:32 |
gonna write a song about writing my own personal custom program by smuggling it out of the office one code snippet at a time in my lunchbox. and it didn't cost me a dime
# ¿ Feb 18, 2020 21:08 |
Maximo Roboto posted:If you have a buddy who tosses around this kind of cash, your options are different from the options available to the overwhelming majority of us.
# ¿ Feb 19, 2020 15:38 |
fritz posted:kragen 3 hours ago [-] this is why you never let the nerds interact with the customer
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 06:49 |
4. Bill Gates's eyes are portals to a dimension of pure force, giving him the ability to blast infected zones. 5. Bill Gates is so strong that he could probably beat up my dad. No way he'd get Corona virus
# ¿ Mar 14, 2020 02:53 |
Antigravitas posted:Firm wielding Theranos patents asks judge to block coronavirus test I think that I do, op
# ¿ Mar 17, 2020 18:38 |
lancemantis posted:maybe they just have the 'POS-brain; the real pandemic
# ¿ Mar 27, 2020 19:34 |
i legitimately saw a mushroom agitprop film a little while back. it was this hour-or-so long movie about how mushrooms are literally magic and how this one dude (whose portfolio of patented fungi strains would certainly not make him a lot of money if consumption went up and psyclosybin was legalized) was so cool and had his life literally changed by mushrooms. The group showing the film had employees there handing out magazines stuffed with ads for dudes mushrooms and mushroom accessories
# ¿ Mar 30, 2020 05:29 |
Oneiros posted:seph-reed 5 hours ago [-] quote:hack her libido
# ¿ Apr 8, 2020 06:44 |
Suspicious Dish posted:For women: perhaps a drug that makes them simultaneously aroused and hyper-critical? the poster likes his dommy mommy
# ¿ Apr 8, 2020 20:19 |
Mr.Radar posted:sametmax 10 hours ago [-] I like how the guy just throws up his hands at the end and is like "yeah I actually have no loving idea what I'm talking about, I just wanted to feel my mouth move" after making readers wade through paragraphs of bullshit
# ¿ Apr 14, 2020 22:55 |
Conversations with a six-year-old on functional programming My six-year-old son walked up to me yesterday. “What are you reading?” At the time, I was reading part of Janis Voigtländer’s habilitation thesis. Unsure where to even start, I decided to just answer straightforwardly: “I’m reading a very long story about free theorems.” He persisted. “What are free theorems?” Never one to shrink from a pedagogical challenge, I thought for a moment, then began: “Do you know what a function is?” He didn’t. “A function is like a machine where you put something in one end and something comes out the other end. For example, maybe you put a number in, and the number that is one bigger comes out. So if you put in three, four comes out, or if you put in six, seven comes out.” This clearly made sense to him, so I continued, “The type of a function machine tells you what kinds of things you put in and what kinds of things come out. So maybe you put a number in and get a number out. Or maybe you put in a list of numbers and get a number out.” He interrupted excitedly, “Or maybe you could put words in??” “Yes, exactly! Maybe you can put words in and get words out. Or maybe there is a function machine where you put other function machines in and get function machines out!” He gasped in astonishment at the idea of putting function machines into function machines. “So,” I concluded, “a free theorem is when you can say something that is always true about a function machine if you only know its type, but you don’t know anything about what it does on the inside.” This seemed a bit beyond him (and to be fair, free theorems are only interesting when polymorphism is involved which I definitely didn’t want to go into). But the whole conversation had given me a different idea. “Hey, I have a good idea for a game,” I said. “It’s called the function machine game. I will think of a function machine. You tell me things to put into the function machine, and I will tell you what comes out. Then you have to guess what the function machine does.” He immediately liked this game and it has been a huge hit; he wants to play it all the time. We played it while driving to a party yesterday, and we played it this morning while I was in the shower. So far, he has correctly guessed [Math images omitted] I tried  but that was a bit tough for him. I realized that in some cases he may understand intuitively what the function does but have trouble expressing it in words (this was also a problem with ), so we started using the obvious variant where once the guesser thinks they know what the function does, the players switch roles and the person who came up with function specifies some inputs in order to test whether the guesser is able to produce the correct outputs.  was also surprisingly difficult for him to guess (though he did get it right eventually). I think he was just stuck on the idea of the function doing something arithmetical to the input, and was having trouble coming up with some sort of arithmetic procedure which would result in  no matter what you put in! It simply hadn’t occurred to him that the machine might not care about the input. (Interestingly, many students in my functional programming class this semester were also confused by constant functions when we were learning about the lambda calculus; they really wanted to substitute the input somewhere and were upset/confused by the fact that the bound variable did not occur in the body at all!) After a few rounds of guessing my functions, he wanted to come up with his own functions for me to guess (as I knew he would). Sometimes his functions are great and sometimes they don’t make sense (usually because his idea of what the function does changes over time, which of course he, in all sincerity, denies), but it’s fun either way. And after he finally understood , he came up with his own function which was something like  inspired, I think, by his kindergarten class where they were learning about pairs of numbers that added up to . Definitely one of my better parenting days
# ¿ Apr 22, 2020 15:26 |
quote:JamesG124 11 hours ago [-]
# ¿ Apr 24, 2020 21:55 |
that last one could be a deece thread title
# ¿ Apr 24, 2020 21:56 |
Zamujasa posted:this is the kind of thinking that's going to drive an ai to murder us all it'd really just be the kind thing to do
# ¿ Apr 26, 2020 06:15 |
NihilCredo posted:danicgross 3 hours ago [–] holy poo poo
# ¿ May 18, 2020 20:10 |
Triplebyte is a YC company and HN is a YC site, so economic interests are aligned with nuking highly critical comments reply dang 2 days ago [–] That's a natural assumption, but if you think a step further it's not hard to see why it's false: you shouldn't optimize for local optima, especially if doing that would ruin your global optimum. When you have a goose that lays golden eggs, don't risk the goose for an egg. YC's economic interest in HN is having it be a happy, thriving community. That dominates all other considerations put together. A fast way to ruin that would be to destroy the community's good faith by suppressing negative posts about YC or YC startups. In addition to being wrong (we wouldn't want to belong to such a community ourselves), it would be dumb. If anyone wants more explanation there are posts about HN vis-à-vis YC's business interests going back years: https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=false&qu.... See also https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que..., which describes the simple way we try to optimize this (simple in principle, though not in execution). And see https://blog.ycombinator.com/two-hn-announcements/ from 2015 about HN's editorial independence. (Edit—because I've been wanting to write about this for some time and this may as well be the place:) The above is the answer I always give to questions of how HN serves YC's business, because it's true and it's solid economics. It's the right answer to give to anyone who's looking at the question through a cynical economic lens (as we all have been trained to do) since the answer is, basically, "we can be even more cynically self-interested by not doing that". However, I also always feel a little bad after giving that answer because it's not the deeper truth. The deeper truth is that we just feel this way. HN and YC grew up together. In a way they are siblings, and one doesn't exploit one's sibling. Or, to switch metaphors: because HN and YC grew together, the connections between them are complex and organic, like the connections between brain hemispheres. If you get in there and start snipping and moving things around, you're likely to end up with a self-lobotomy. If you want a hard-nosed business reason for how HN makes money for YC, one is: it leads to people starting startups that wouldn't otherwise exist, and it leads to YC funding startups that it wouldn't otherwise get to fund. That's how HN adds to YC's core business (edit: but see [1] below). I use that reasoning to explain to people why we don't need to sell ads on HN or do other things to monetize it or drive growth. Again, though, it doesn't capture how I (and I think most at YC) really think and feel about HN. The deeper truth is the two have always been together and we can't imagine them otherwise. In other words, the value of HN to YC is intangible. That affects how we operate HN. If the value were tangible, then snipping things and moving them around and generally being bustling and managerial would probably be the way to go, or at least the most likely thing that people inside a business would do. But since it's intangible, all that kind of thing gets supplanted by a general feeling of "this is good, don't gently caress it up". Since the main indicator of whether we're loving it up or not is the community, the way HN can most add value to YC is by keeping the community happy. Happiness means two things here: interest (because HN is supposed to be interesting) and trust (because a community can't exist without trust). This is not a mystical paradise that will last forever—it's a historical accident that an internet forum ended up in a sweet spot vis-à-vis the company that owns it, where the business is better off optimizing for the forum being good and happy than by banner ads or growth hacking. But we all know that it's an honor to get to be stewards of a community in that way, and while nothing lasts forever, we want to keep it going as long as possible, and maybe longer than anyone would have thought possible. [1] edit: for some reason I forgot to mention the three formal things that HN also gives to YC: job ads for YC startups, Launch HN posts for YC startups, and displaying YC founder usernames in orange to other YC founders. See https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23293437 for more.
# ¿ May 26, 2020 05:40 |
uncurable mlady posted:i can't tell if this is stupid or genius. ill give you a hint it's not the second one
# ¿ Jun 6, 2020 06:45 |
quote:How the ‘Magic: The Gathering’ Color Wheel Explains Humanity holy poo poo what's wrong with people
# ¿ Jun 9, 2020 06:35 |
im in the criminal phase
# ¿ Jun 10, 2020 20:52 |
fritz posted:lazyjones 1 day ago [–] lol he didn't even qualify it my saying "it's kinda like" or something. just straight up saying that the libs are doing what Nazis et all did. does this guy think that stalin just called people out on twitter and called it a day? e: in Soviet Russia, culture cancels you!
# ¿ Jul 18, 2020 02:03 |
fdschoeneman 2 hours ago [–] According to the Ars piece, the outsourced fact checkers claimed an opinion piece was false because all of the facts in it were cherry picked: "The researchers found that the post by the CO2 Coalition was based on cherry-picked information to mislead readers into thinking climate science models are wrong about global warming." This is not a logical argument. Facts are correct or incorrect, whether they're cherrypicked or not. reply
# ¿ Jul 21, 2020 19:39 |
trivially insightful thought: my experience teaches me that I don't fit in at a lot of organizations minor insightful thought: although I reflexively blame other people for this, it is possible that my own attitudes and reactions play a role in my inability to fit in galaxy-brain insightful thought: I will get a PhD so that I can keep acting in the same problematic ways, not grow as a person, and won't get in trouble
# ¿ Aug 19, 2020 01:58 |
fritz posted:colinmhayes 2 hours ago [–] please let there be a version of this post except they say that it is immoral to donate to anything other than the EFF and FSF
# ¿ Aug 20, 2020 20:30 |
exactly backwards - the entire classical distinction between independent contractor and employee is based on a near-medieval employment model (the law of master and servant) that we have tried with increasing difficulty to graft onto 21st century realities. it is uber and lyft that want to continue to apply this hoary old model to the 21st century. AB5 actually uses a much more modern test that is based in part on the actual economic realities prevailing between employers and their subordinates, be they classically "employees" or not.
# ¿ Aug 20, 2020 21:59 |
gently caress uber and lyft one good thing is that the court of appeals set a very accelerated briefing schedule while the stay is active. Plus there was this interesting bit: quote:On or before September 4, 2020, each defendant shall submit a sworn statement from its chief executive officer confirming that it has developed implementation plans under which, if this court affirms the preliminary injunction and Proposition 22 on the November 2020 ballot fails to pass, the company will be prepared to comply with the preliminary injunction within no more than 30 days after issuance of the remittitur in the appeal. 5. Should Lyft or Uber fail to comply with these procedures, the People may apply to this court to vacate this stay.
# ¿ Aug 20, 2020 22:14 |
"it's just a prank, bro!" I yell as a federal judge sentences me to ten years
# ¿ Sep 13, 2020 03:38 |
I think that poster literally might not understand that spotify can play music that is not on your local machine gonna be a real shock when someone tells him about netflix
# ¿ Oct 13, 2020 05:40 |
PaulHoule 1 hour ago [–] I have gotten into the hobby/habit of printing at least one "thing" a day with artistic intent. That could be: * an anime character printed with a thermal receipt printer * a 4x6 card with an information graphic I rendered with CSS Grid * a shutterfly envelope to family in New England, etc. most of the time I am starting with an image somebody else made, but there is a lot of judgement involved with fitting the image to paper and process -- it is a bridge between the world of digital images that I work and play in and the real world. I go through printers the way rock stars go through guitars and what to do with the e-Waste is already part of the product. I am amazed the the HP Officejet 6600 which just failed on me -- despite the expensive ink, the quality of the work it could do is astonishing. It stopped picking up paper because something (like a little plastic gear) broke in the drive chain for the pick roller. To be fair all the rollers looked pretty worn -- the printer had been heavily used by a college professor. It's possible we could have fixed it but considering the cost of the next ink refill, I chose to get another printer. If I were going to salvage the old printer I think I would go for the stepper motors, which would be great for robotics and other mechatronic projects. --- I badly want to hack an inkjet printer to print white ink onto transparencies and then put it into a second printer to take a PNG with alpha like https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:793Nihilego.png and make a sticker that could go in a window. Commercial kits to do this cost about as much as a good DSLR lens and they are a business expense to people who are making large quantities of swag. It's a good market case for the "open source 2d printer" however. It's one thing to get white ink compatible with the printer, it's another thing to get the transfer function between "75% transparent" and a certain amount of ink into the printer's brain
# ¿ Oct 15, 2020 16:55 |
I can't get a gf but it's because of my personality not because you can't get away with saying the n-word in public 🤷♂️
# ¿ Oct 18, 2020 04:43 |
tfw one of america's main cities is not actually in america also, I wonder why that poster singles out the chicago and says it isnt part of western culture?
# ¿ Dec 29, 2020 01:16 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 15:14 |
mods plz rename me to "the ultimate hedonist" and give me a hedonism bot av, tyia
# ¿ Dec 30, 2020 19:51 |