- carry on then
- Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames(and can't post for 9 years!)
*megaphone screech*
very carefully! hahaha!
Jan 2, 2020 18:01
- Adbot
Feb 6, 2025 22:11
- carry on then
- Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames(and can't post for 9 years!)
they should just call it twilight 1 2 and 3
twilight, new moon, and eclipse
then breaking dawn
Dec 23, 2020 14:28
- carry on then
- Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames(and can't post for 9 years!)
no ur wrong and unhealthy
yeah, how can you expect to get an instagram following with that attitude? huh mr?
Dec 27, 2020 15:30
- carry on then
- Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames(and can't post for 9 years!)
yeah every single hyundai engine is an interference engine.
she even changed the timing belt at 60k miles and the new one popped before 100k, just insanely bad luck or major engine parts are somehow really askew.
it’s 13 years old and only worth a few grand at most if it were running so it doesn’t make a lot of sense to repair it. we are gonna scrap it and get a couple hundo to put into a 2015 prius or something for her that will actually be reliable for ~5 years.
but for this weekend its tequila shooters in memory of the 2008 hyundai accent hatchback with body damage and a shaved off passenger door handle from that time she ran it into a fence, the dome light and other interior plastic parts that just fell apart due to being a florida car, and its terminally ill 1.6L motor
thought they'd moved to chains across the board by 2008 but guess not. my 08 sonata has a chain thankfully.
Jan 10, 2021 04:26