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Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy
Any chance FFVI ever gets a vinyl release?

I have a decent 90s hip hop collection but only one video game soundtrack (Mother 2). I'd buy virtually any snes rpg soundtrack on vinyl but there doesn't seem to be much.


Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy

Detective No. 27 posted:

The TJ&E album cover is made to look like 3 Feet High and Rising.

Have you heard of Switched on SNES? His Secret of Mana album is amazing.

I've listened to it a bunch of times now. (it's on Spotify too). There's a vinyl version for $21. Highly recommended.

My #1 vinyl dream release is Brink of Time, the crazy jazz fusion Chrono Trigger album. Secret of Mana+ makes my #2.

Buying that SoM album. Thank you!

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