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Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

I can't believe it. The internet has CRASHED to pieces, and just after I got my favourite rapper's M.E.W.


Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

I love this because Curtis' dad is laughing at the joke like a real person instead of the usual comic strip thing of looking worried or doing a Jim from the Office face at the camera.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Angular Cyrus posted:

I figured this would happen sooner or later, so I recently went through the gocomics archive and saved everything. Here's a rar.


Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Green Intern posted:

Every comic in that week sucks incredible amounts of poo poo for different reasons.

The first comic after that week long "tribute to Ernie Bushmiller" is five close up panels of Aunt Fritzi in a bikini, and the Boomer comment underneath is about how socialism is bad.

So, yes, that week sucked poo poo, plus the decade or so either side of it.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

I'd say someone should tell this man about internet pornography so he doesn't have to jack off to newspaper comics anymore but I'm quite sure he took a bath with the toaster the day he saw Olivia Jaimes' Aunt Fritzi.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Mikl posted:

Classic Kevin and Kell (September 30 - October 4, 1996)

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Slammy posted:

And He Boob. (July 17, 1917)

This comic is just anti water propaganda.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Slammy posted:

Outbursts of Everett True (September 28, 1917)

This is wonderful. Look how happy he was at a chance to read some rude words. I love these Mr & Mrs True strips. I hope there's more as good as the holiday series.

somepartsareme posted:

these two have been in a loveless relationship for at least 34 years

It's always interesting how miserable everyone else in the Lockhorns is. The party guests, the houseguests. Miserable.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

EasyEW posted:


loving HELL how many strips can they wring out of "there sure are a lot of fields on this driving licence form"

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Sweaty IT Nerd posted:

What's up with these tripartite monitors? What kind of cabling is that?


Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Dear car companies, you can abandon all your market research and focus groups. This is the only car we want to buy:

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Sweaty IT Nerd posted:

Let's go over this one more time.

They got a hit on the hot list.

From the department store sweater drone live feed. It's all very simple and plausible.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

^^ edit: looks like this strip was the boring straw that broke the camel's back

Johnny Walker posted:

Rex Morgan MD

The most offensive thing to me about these strips is the size of the artists signature. You should be ashamed to put your name on this uninspired, bland, MS Paint bucket fill tool art in a strip that takes a millennium to tell a boring story. The Sunday strips are even worse, because they have the jaunty lettering in the title card which lulls you into thinking there might be a morsel of entertainment to follow, but oh, no, it's seven panels of a guy on the phone discussing gently caress all.


Horace fucked around with this message at 17:29 on Oct 7, 2020

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Johnny Walker posted:

I periodically consider dropping RMMD from my regular posts, but in the end I figure it's not that much effort to continue to include it, and someday something interesting might happen.

(Nothing interesting has happened since Sarah got run over and that was 4 years ago.)

Please do not interpret my ranting as a demand for you to stop posting anything. I like seeing the comics I don't like - sometimes they surprise me, more often I enjoy marvelling at the continued existence of the banal.

FrumpleOrz posted:

I'm gonna say it. Old Cathy is pretty good and I like it.

I'd never actually seen Cathy, only heard the "chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, ACK" jokes in other media so I was quite surprised how much I've liked the strips in this thread.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

nobody had to do this, but here it is

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

amigolupus posted:

Your son's close friend got caught by a bunch of thugs who wants to ruin her life and your first concern is for the car? The gently caress is wrong with you? :argh:

gently caress you, Batiuk.

Oh, come on, "Adeela's been arrested by thugs and is being deported" "Oh poo poo, where's the insulated pizza bag?" is funny. That was probably the first Winkerbean strip I've ever actually enjoyed.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Johnny Walker posted:

That reminds me: I gotta get out to the Keyboards In Different Shapes kiosk today. They're having The Sale.

It's next to the APP stand, where they sell the physical product APPS, and often advertise the new APP.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Are there panels missing from this? Specifically panels which include any components of a joke at all?

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

The Bloop posted:

There's a joke. It's mean-spirited and not very funny, though

You see, the common phrasing would be "what did I do now" indicating that the speaker has done something wrong

Dustin has instead asked what he has NOT done, subverting the usual formulation and implying that since he is lazy he is more commonly criticized for not doing things than for doing things incorrectly


oooooooooh yeah. I missed the word "not". I take back my previous comment and wish to commend Dustin or Zits, whichever one that was, for being the best comic ever made.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

EasyEW posted:

Fuckyou Winkerbean

Okay, if this doesn't turn out to be a dream sequence, I'm going to put my head through the wall.

Place your bets now!
- It's a dream
- It's pizzagate
- The Clinton impersonator who ate at Montoni's 30 years ago went senile and now thinks he actually is Bill Clinton, he's talking to Moviefone in the above strip
- Clinton fixes everything, so there's no need to worry about ICE and the immigration system it's fine really, see?

Johnny Walker posted:

Mark Trail

Cut back on the tongues, Jules.

"They're my spirit animal, but that's appropriation so now I say they're my favourite" is a powerful combination of virtue signalling and having your cake and eating it too!

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

RandomPauI posted:

stepping on some toes here but I need to hear other people yell gently caress you at Tom besides just myself in my head.

what the fuuuuuuuuuck

no really,

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

No, don't do it! That's going to gently caress up the stock levels!

Horace fucked around with this message at 14:19 on Oct 25, 2020

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

skeleton warrior posted:

* The boss decided to call Bill Clinton because Clinton had eaten there decades ago and never returned but would surely remember them and be willing to do them a favor

Bill Clinton had the number of a pizza place he visited decades ago and never revisited saved on his iPhone 4.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

I love this so much. Beautiful.

Kavak posted:

I would have the last panel be everyone sitting down for pizza with a photo of Funky/Montoni or whoever and Epstein in the foreground. You could slip it past the censors, it's been a while and they might not immediately recognize him.

Genuinely I can't believe anyone would, in 2020, make a connection between a pizza place and the Clintons that ISN'T a reference to Pizzagate/Epstein.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

~Coxy posted:

Born Thirty Years Too Soon

lol, this also works with the "time on the VCR/Microwave/Clock" strip.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Resident Idiot posted:

Precinct 45?

Real subtle, Skelley.

Glad it wasn't just me that jumped out at.


Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Vargo posted:

Jules has stated multiple times that the plan (with the editors' blessing) is to try to pick up new webcomic-audience readers with the logic that most of the oldheads will still stick around to complain. Not sure if it'll work or if it's a good strategy, but there is a strategy there, I guess.

You can just call it Nancying.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Parahexavoctal posted:

In this installment of The Timid Soul, it feels odd that Caspar's not wearing a helmet.

Look at the detail on that bike. You can actually see the nozzle on the tire on the front wheel. Similarly, you can just barely see the pedal beneath Caspar's left foot. Notice how Caspar's tie and jacket are both flapping in the wind.

Look at those trees in the background. Look at the woman on the billboard.

Caspar would definitely wear a helmet, so I looked it up. Bike helmets are one of those 'much more recent than you'd think' items. Certainly, much later than I assumed. They didn't really exist in any form until the mid 70s, and weren't much cop until the early 90s when the modern type with a thin plastic shell debuted.

Selachian posted:

Edge of Concealment

What's she wearing, spray on asbestos?


Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

ikanreed posted:

Maybe, but it's thinner, and the wood is blackened too.

The coach is a matchbook match, I guess because you don't see them much anymore, indicating he's old.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

amigolupus posted:

I didn't realize until now that the furkini is supposed to be backless. The strap is around her neck and it doesn't have an elastic band so I'm not sure how she's supposed to take her clothes off, especially since the material doesn't look that flexible.

It's spray on asbestos insulation, so she probably takes her clothes off with a metal scraper while wearing a suitably rated respirator.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'


Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Strontium posted:

Daddy Daze

This comic's artwork strongly reminds me of 1990s internet books. I feel like Daddy here should be walking me through setting up a email address or teaching me how to send a message to a usenet group.

Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

Slammy posted:

And He Died! (October 11, 1917)

Usually people die in this strip because they ate an apple on a Wednesday or they drank water while facing east, so it's nice to see someone who really should have known better.


Apr 17, 2007

Gone Skiin'

StrixNebulosa posted:

Cathy - Feb 11+12 1977


Bet you could make much better bogroll bouquets in the 70s when you could still get that coloured toilet paper.

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