Mikl posted:Hello, I am here! I fell off the wagon sometimes around December 18 or something, but I'm back and ready for a new year! No! PuddingKnight posted:Luann and Dustin suck poo poo The current "storyline" if you can call it that is that Gunther has a girlfriend who wants to livestream their date and also the Evanses don't know how the Internet works.
# ¿ Jan 1, 2020 18:48 |
# ¿ Jan 18, 2025 00:38 |
PuddingKnight posted:Oh, I'm not blaming you or anything! The switch to the hybrids and the redraws and what not was really weird and I never found out what the deal was, and it wasn't helped by going through the autiobio takedown that Transmordiar posted last thread, where it wasn't clear if she let go and just did reruns after the hybrid was over or not! Initially the plan was that she'd redraw the whole thing, but it wasn't long before the syndicate was like, "...what? No." So now other than occasionally adjusting the strip to modern sensibilities by having an intern draw in a seatbelt or something (because it was the 80's and nobody gave a poo poo if their kid went through a windshield), it's as it originally ran.
# ¿ Jan 1, 2020 23:08 |
I am fully up for some Vintage Valiant. 100%.PetraCore posted:I hate that I have to clarify this but it's worse than a fat fetish, it's a feeder fetish, where Rose is svelte and Jimbo would deliberately stuff her with food in an attempt to fatten her up so she looked like her mother, who Jimbo identified as having a far more attractive figure. Yeah, it's explicitly Rose doesn't want to gain weight and Jimbo keeps fantasizing about her being fat and tries to get her to eat more/sneak her fattening food. The strip has backed waaaaaaaaay off that in recent years, but I am telling you that Rose's mom showing up so often is 100% so the writer could keep a fat lady in the strip to jerk it to. She looks exactly what Jimbo's fantasies of Fat Rose looked like.
# ¿ Jan 2, 2020 00:57 |
As far as I can tell, Charles Boyce is an absolute sweetie pie and even though it is fun to make fun of his technology comic in this thread, I like him a lot and hope he is always having a good time all the time.
# ¿ Jan 3, 2020 03:53 |
# ¿ Jan 3, 2020 17:11 |
goatface posted:Don't loving sit outside then. If he sits down inside his whole family will gather around to call him a lazy Millennial piece of poo poo.
# ¿ Jan 3, 2020 23:02 |
readingatwork posted:Robbie and Bobby (Dec 15-16, 2014) This comic is so good. Kennel posted:Dustin You can still say grace over your meal, Ed. People do it all the time. You can do it right now, since it's so important to you! Go ahead. We'll wait. You'll be disappointed, Bern, it's not what you're thinking. I REMEMBER WHEN PEOPLE SAID JUST GRACE OVER THEIR MEALS INSTEAD OF TAKING PICTURES OF
# ¿ Jan 4, 2020 19:12 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mary Worth "Also your doctor declared you to have menopause without doing any sort of test to confirm, and then said 'Good luck with that, you old bag, bye lol!' without offering any sort of advice or treatment to help with your symptoms, even though they seem extensive. So also don't give up on finding a different doctor!"
# ¿ Jan 5, 2020 20:13 |
computer angel posted:Sometimes Mary Worth functions as a PSA for the middle aged and senior which is why I think she has hypothyroidism. And also a reminder that doctors often dismiss the problems of their woman patients. If your doctor is acting like your real health problems don't matter, get a second opinion! Eat poo poo, Bernice. Eat poo poo, capricorn9th All Bernice (a future counselor) does is look for ways to make people feel bad about themselves. The only reason she has any friends at all is because all her friends are too young to realize that you don't have to keep being friends with an rear end in a top hat just because you were friends when you were kids. And also because Team Evans sucks at writing (intentionally) likeable characters.
# ¿ Jan 8, 2020 04:10 |
FrumpleOrz posted:On The Fastrack Guy programmed these shits. They're intentionally not following his programming. That shouldn't even be an option. He SHOULD fail his thesis. (I mean, really his thesis should be about how he invented AI, but I guess AI is no big in this universe.)
# ¿ Jan 8, 2020 05:24 |
Pastry of the Year posted:Arlo and Janis Classic (June 15, 1998) It's the 90's. He might have After Dark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSizCdfQO3Q Kennel posted:Dustin Ed, you weren't planning to take down Christmas lights on a Wednesday evening either, you shithead.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2020 04:07 |
It's just a kiss, dudes, they're not loving. I wonder who's holding the camera.
# ¿ Jan 10, 2020 04:25 |
gleebster posted:Anyway, has anyone ever posted The Heart of Juliet Jones before? It's mostly a standard soap opera story. The titular character is a sensible young woman living in the small town of Devon. She's so sensible that she was elected mayor. Most of the drama comes from her younger sister, Eve, who is more romantically inclined. But this story begins with their father, Pop Jones, who is just shutting up the office... Synthbuttrange posted:it used to be posted but I've no idea why it stopped showing up here. I used to post Juliet Jones as well as some other classic comics and it was great. I love that strip. Beautiful art. Relateable characters. Completely different from the hate-read strip I post now. The only reason I stopped is because Comics Kingdom is a garbage site that randomly stopped working for me one day. I would love to see it posted here again. It is far superior in every way to this trash: Naw, if they did Gunther would have to dump her for not being a virgin
# ¿ Jan 10, 2020 18:17 |
gleebster posted:Then why, by all that is holy, do you post it? riderchop posted:i need to be mad at the Evanses to live
# ¿ Jan 11, 2020 04:53 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail Ah, I see. Dr. Vargo thought he saw a bigfoot and made it his life's work to expose the beast just as Real Vargo thought he saw a clipart and made it his life's work to expose it. Soon they will both experience bitter humiliation when it is revealed that what they saw was some dude in a cheap costume from Party City. readingatwork posted:Robbie and Bobby (Jan 2-5, 2015) Quality content. A+. gleebster posted:Well, I'm plenty angry at this Holbrook chap, and I never read his stuff. But to each his own. It's a fine line, for sure, between a comic you love to hate-read and one you just hate. Luann hits that spot for me for sure and how it hasn't managed to tip itself into the range where I can't even enjoy hating it anymore, I don't know. I just have to read it. I have to know how lovely it's being. I know that there are plenty of people in this thread who feel this way about Holbrook's work, though I mostly skim those. But this? This poo poo? This feeds me: And no! You can't buy Luann's brilliant t-shirt on Amazon for $23! What the gently caress, Evanses, how did you miss that trick? I'm actually disappointed in you. But while looking for the hilarious Zucchini shirt I did see that there are lots of Pheobe clothes for sale. A good comic! So if you want a cute shirt or some leggings for yourself or your kid with Pheobe's unicorn on them, now you know!
# ¿ Jan 11, 2020 19:30 |
Every once in a while Zits artist likes to remind us that he has a side gig as a political cartoonist and thus has a drat fine elephant in repertoire. Manuel Calavera posted:Family Circus Holy smokes, Thel, just what were you planning to do to your baby?
# ¿ Jan 12, 2020 18:26 |
Kennel posted:Dustin WORKING THIRTEEN DAYS STRAIGHT IS A LOT, YOU LAZY BOOMER poo poo. Archyduchess posted:I'm posting these early today because I'm teaching an 8 AM class starting tomorrow and want to go to bed early tonight. I am enjoying these effortposts. I mostly skipped Barnaby and DtWoF when they were first posted in this thread, but the background info and historical context is helping me be interested. Zinkraptor posted:I used to really like the Encyclopedia Brown series as a kid and there's one that always stuck out to me. There were always some I had no chance of solving simply because they relied on things that were only true decades prior, but this one failed on every level, even undermining its own premise. Basically, it's determined that there are some crooks hiding in a restaurant. The patrons and their positions are all described, and the criminals turn out to be a couple each crossdressing as the other gender (for... some reason. Look it's been a long time. They also may have both been men, I dunno). The reason is that that the woman was sitting in the wrong spot - you see, women are supposed to sit with their backs to the wall in restaurants, and the couple had it the wrong way around, proving their deception. But the very fact that this is a mystery that needs to be solved and is presented as a puzzle relies on the fact that the reader doesn't immediately recognize that as wrong! If it's something the reader might not know, why wouldn't it be something that they didn't know? Most damningly, it's something Encyclopedia Brown himself didn't know - it's solved by another character who knows these things because such knowledge comes standard with being a girl. I am a woman. Can confirm I like to sit with my back to the wall in restaurants because then I can see what's going on in the room. Did not realize this preference was hardwired into me by my gender. Ghostlight posted:Nekonaughey Bless this wholesome content. Oh, Jesus Christ. Okay, you know what I, an adult, would do if my also adult friend was dating someone (an adult) and I was curious if they'd had sex yet? I would meet up with that friend, ask how the relationship is going, and at some point be like, "So. You two having sex yet?" Which would be nosy, but whatever, we're friends. I would not show up at the workplace of their roommate with whom they do not get along and interrogate that person like some kind of a creepy fucker. No, you dingdong, Tiffany would also just ask. Like a normal person. And then the strip would treat her like garbage for having the nerve to ask a straightforward question. This kind of thing is why we like Tiffany.
# ¿ Jan 14, 2020 04:48 |
Angular Cyrus posted:They'll Do It Every Time 8/1/46 "conglutinating" Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail Now, this flashback here? I can fully believe Jam drew this one all by himself without clipart. Oh. I guess we're reading a rejected Three's Company plot now.
# ¿ Jan 15, 2020 03:08 |
Discendo Vox posted:It's a real word! I love English
# ¿ Jan 15, 2020 05:36 |
Oh no! Two college students in a long term relationship might have people thinking they may be having sex!!! How will Bets ever find a suitable husband now?
# ¿ Jan 15, 2020 15:42 |
Vargo posted:Curtis The whole setup is about her watch and then Billingsley forgets to keep drawing it as soon as she stops talking about it.
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 17:55 |
Evil Mastermind posted:In any other story, a parent being worried about their kid practicing safe sex wouldn't be weird. But also, he's in college. This isn't even his first girlfriend. He even went to another country to be with his last girlfriend. Of all the unmarried main cast members of Luann, Gunther is the one least likely to be a virgin. (If he is, that's Team Evans' naivety talking.) She waited until now to try to have a safe sex talk? ETA: Credit where it's due; I AM glad she's telling him this in a supportive and loving way, not being judgy that her adult son might fornicate
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 18:45 |
gleebster posted:Today's (well, October 23, 1962's) Juliet Jones, in which Eve enters and immediately starts prying. I love Eve. She's the best. And it is completely appropriate that she enters the strip with a dramatic flourish toward a reading audience that she can't possibly see, but somehow instinctively knows is there. Johnny Walker posted:Am I the only one here that absolutely hates this stupid comic? I think i might be. For some reason it really gets on my nerves how the adults understand the kid and wacky hijinks ensue. A baby? Made a trapdoor? Why what will they think of next ha ha! Nah, I'm right there with you. I thought it was vaguely cute in a blah sort of way at first when I thought the premise was that the baby was babbling and the dad was making up improbable words to put in his mouth. Once it became clear that no, the baby is really and truly intending to say these improbable words and the dad can understand him somehow it became infinitely less interesting. Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail That is not the look of a man who intends to stop giving anyone a hard time. Okay, okay, I confess. That pamphlet got a genuine laugh out of me.
# ¿ Jan 17, 2020 22:17 |
StrixNebulosa posted:Retail I need you to have Martha investigate where Stuart is and find him dead in his office or something, or maybe Grumbels actually closes down, DO something with the plot please and make it interesting If it turns out he was about to be outed for embezzlement or something and shot himself in shame (or, I don't know, went on the lam or something if they don't want to go there), I will be impressed.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 03:44 |
I guess it's possible they're just moving the baby into her old nursery and she's feeling that "but I used to be the baby" thing that kids get, but if they're really expecting this child to share her bedroom with a brand new baby and have no opinion or reaction to that, that's bonkers. Even for the 80's. Johnny Walker posted:I don't think it's the worst in the thread, but it's not "ok" either. It's bad. It's a bad comic. It is bad, but inoffensive. Which puts it ahead of plenty of other strips in this thread, but which also makes it kind of boring so I skip it most of the time. Johnny Walker posted:Rex Morgan MD June hasn't seen this woman since she was a child, Rex. She knows about as much about what's usual for her as you do. We can hope that what he's angry about is that she, his supposed friend, went around gossiping and speculating about his sex life with other people rather than asking him directly. But knowing Gunther and Team Evans, it seems more likely that he's mad that she thinks he would have se...heh...heh.... and put a mark on his fair lady's honor.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 18:59 |
Haifisch posted:1978 Comics This bitch just constantly slut shaming everybody all the time
# ¿ Jan 19, 2020 23:36 |
Stultus Maximus posted:Uh, did I miss a strip explaining why a young healthy woman would need to schedule hospitalization during pregnancy? It's a high risk pregnancy. Twins sharing an amniotic sac or something, if I remember right.
# ¿ Jan 20, 2020 01:51 |
Tiggum posted:"Trust but verify" is one of the most infuriatingly dumb phrases. The two things are mutually exclusive. Trusting means not checking. If you're verifying then you don't trust. It certainly doesn't make sense in this context, where she's talking about Ed Crankshaft whom she detests and has never trusted a day in her life.
# ¿ Jan 20, 2020 05:01 |
# ¿ Jan 21, 2020 03:45 |
I liked Cats. I'm not saying it's a good movie, but it won me over. I enjoyed my time at the movie theater. And as was mentioned earlier, it's a weird play. The movie was always going to be weird. Trying to make Cats a normal movie for a normal afternoon out was never going to work. They had to go balls to the wall bonkers, and I'm glad they did. "Hey, Gunt, how you doing? How's Bets? I saw you guys goofing around on Insta, you seem to have a lot of fun together. You look super close. Is it getting serious?" OH NO SO UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!!!! And yeah, none of that straight out asks, "You guys having sex," but depending on how he's been answering the previous questions, you could pivot into it from there.
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 02:32 |
catlord posted:I had a friend who said she enjoyed it, but also noted that she went early in the morning, smoked four joints before going in, and sat in the front row in the local theatre with recliner seats. I don't think I'd call it a ringing endorsement, but you know. It's not a movie to go to if you're not up for something weird.
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 03:34 |
BigDave posted:It's been described as a bad acid trip, how far off am I?
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 04:15 |
All the times I've watched this and I still can't decide whether or not the person who did the graphics was trying to make an effort. It's amazing either way. amigolupus posted:It says a lot how lovely of a friend Luann is that she tries to pin all this on Gunther before admitting she's the one uncomfortable. That said, I'm sort of curious how the folks at Luann's comment section are taking this fight between Good Girl Luann and Incel Role Model Gunther. Part of me thinks there's huge fights blaming one or the other, but another part of me suspects they're all blaming this on Bets somehow. They are generally siding with Gunther over Luann, which is correct for them to do because she is wrong in this situation. There is, however, also a segment who blames Tiffany for blabbing. I assume these must be brand new readers, otherwise how could they not recognize the hypocrisy here, when nobody else in the strip has any hesitation in calling Tiffany a slut, even though she has never had a single boyfriend or real love interest in the many years I have been reading this strip. Ahh, NOW we can finally swing it around to it* being Bets fault for posting video and pics of her and Gunt cosplaying and having fun at a public event. (She DOES have a tendency to start streaming and posting without telling him, but he hasn't told her to give him a heads up before she hits the stream button and seems to enjoy the attention, so whatevs.) And the blame shift is now complete. * "It" being the horrors and indignity of people wondering if a young adult couple might be having sex
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 19:06 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2020 04:52 |
What a bad girlfriend. Posting A picture.
# ¿ Jan 24, 2020 19:38 |
Doomykins posted:I'm looking forward to Gunther dumping an attractive girl who shares his nerdy hobbies and finds his milquetoast personality charming in the same way I wait for the designated loser character in a comedy to blow his nose with and wad up a winning lottery ticket. "We disagree on issues of privacy! We're totally incompatible!" "I've never told you this bugs me! It's unfixable!"
# ¿ Jan 24, 2020 22:55 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail What the hell kind of tiny mountain cabin in the middle of nowhere is this that everybody in their 5 person party gets their very own room? Johnny Walker posted:Mary Worth Not cool, Mary. Don't put the responsibility for Wilbur's recovery on anybody but Wilbur. I feel like the only reason Bernice is in this comic is so that Gunther won't be the worst person in the comic.
# ¿ Jan 25, 2020 19:43 |
EasyEW posted:9 Chickweed Lane Yes, Brooke. This is exactly how elementary school-aged children kiss. Heavy lidded, open mouthed, ready for tongue. You gross old pervert.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 05:15 |
Johnny Walker posted:Rex Morgan MD Huh. I guess June doesn't read Mary Worth or else she'd know that "Old Woman" is not a legitimate medical diagnosis,.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 17:56 |
# ¿ Jan 18, 2025 00:38 |
EasyEW posted:Funky WInkerbean You know why women make an effort to look nice? To attract men, mainly. And if the men aren't showing the degree of interest that we'd like, it's so depressing! Who would purchase us then???? (gently caress you, Batuik)
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 20:38 |