Pigsfeet on Rye posted:I think that the boss's teeth are amazing, and I really like the doubled stuff like screwdrivers, tobacco pipes, etc. All kinds of cool sight tags in here. A vase with a faucet on it to drain excess water. Now I wonder if they actually make those.
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# ¿ Feb 19, 2025 10:40 |
Kennel posted:The world's tallest toddler? (who can read somehow) Some folks just have a round head. He looks like my friend's dad back when we were kids; wasn't full-on Charlie Brown or anything but it looked out of place until you got used to it.
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Discendo Vox posted:I was going to post more wikipedia pages but it turns out this is major historical spoilertown! Very Cool Things ahead! It's really a shame that she tends to just show up in articles as "this movie starlet did some science on the side" because that's way underselling her.
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Savidudeosoo posted:I'm torn between really dig Ye Olde Phantom costume and puzzling over the idea of not mixing the sauce in the pan. Yes. My family would cook the pasta and the sauce separately, then everyone could help themselves to however much sauce they wanted.
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FrumpleOrz posted:Safe Havens Holbrok has gotten his strips mixed up and things sentient creatures eat each other here. Or it's a sex joke.
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Evil Mastermind posted:The Dinette Set is just a feeling it gets. This brings back memories. During monsoon season growing up I used to go out back and watch the stormwall roll up the canyon. Life was pretty boring back before internet, but it was still cool.
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Alhazred posted:Zelda In the rare times it's gotten away from a "record on the head" angle I love how they look in that hat.
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Tendales posted:I think he needs a co-writer. Randy's got great jokes and an encyclopedic knowledge of POPEYE LORE, but the voices are just off. They talk like S*P characters, not Thimble Theater characters. Randy's stuff doesn't feel like a Popeye strip to me, it feels like a loving parody done by a fan. Which is how it started, so yeah. Enjoying it though.
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A Real Horse posted:I usually gloss over a lot of the classic strips, they tend to not really grab me. This got me to go back read it. Valiant's an odd one, even reading it as a kid I'd usually skip all of the text, occasionally read a bit and go "wow this is actually cool" and then skip it again because it's difficult to read.
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FrumpleOrz posted:Ella Cinders Spoilered for a small but noticeable racist caricature in the second panel. Do they use ice in California? Let's see, the strip's in 1921... Air Conditioning had been around for about 20 years, the New England ice trade was just fading out in favor of artificial production ("just" on a global timescale, I think that was 1890s), so I'd say yes but new enough that a yokel could be expected not to know for the sake of a joke at his dimness.
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Some Guy TT posted:I wonder why it's always the Beatles. I vaguely remember Hot Tub Time Machine 2 having a plot point about a character getting rich by stealing Motley Crue songs but eh...the main problem with any plots along these lines is that the people involved obviously have no idea how music works. Just writing a good song isn't enough to be famous and music always takes place in context. Music today in general would probably be very different without the Beatles and anyone trying to sing in their style would probably come off as hopelessly quaint, the same way we might see someone who was trying to make big band music or bop. Agents of Shield had one person steal various songs from the 80s last week. A few years before they'd be released, so you avoid the "playing the music outside the moment that helped it be a hit" thing but there's still the marketing/band factor just getting glossed over. One nice touch is that the lyrics aren't exact, he's going off memory.
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FrumpleOrz posted:On The Fastrack Oh come on! At least keep them both to single digits to use that joke.
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FrumpleOrz posted:On The Fastrack Here he is! The guy looks like a bodybuilder aging into the "just fat" age bracket. The comic's about carictures and pronounced features, give some attention to the square face and protruding jaw instead of burying it in his whole body frame. ![]()
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Kennel posted:I roll my eyes whenever people say that classic Garfield is good, but this one I like. ![]()
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It still has the "(animal) has (trait)" issue but I actually like the dynamics of the early strips. Relationship dynamics of a new step-family is a very grounded thing compared to later soap opera plots. The modern stuff with the cat/rat raising his nephew hits the same notes, and can rest on that dynamic instead of drama around characters' exceptional skills and fantastical enemies.
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I think what I like most about Modesty Blaise is that while she and Willie are truly exceptional the folks they help are presented more as out of their element than stupid. There's a kindness and respect in how they interact with people, from what I've seen it only turns bitter when their skills are directly challenged. Similar stories I've read tend to have an almost-cruel (or sometimes actually cruel) vanity to the hero's skills, though for Sherlock Holmes that depends on who's interpreting the character, even the original stuff can be a bit all over the place.
Bruceski fucked around with this message at 17:59 on Jul 27, 2020 |
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Parahexavoctal posted:As I understand it, "tree law" is a big thing for homeowners? Yeah, it can be a big ol' mess. My parents had to deal with that a few years back when the neighbor's tree fell over and broke a fence and some plants, and that was with both parties cooperating and just trying to figure out the insurance forms and reimbursement. "When you hire guys to clean up the part on your side, can they take care of the part on our side too or do we need to hire them separately and you pay us back" sort of thing. Then there are issues with a healthy tree such as branches/fruit overhanging a property line, blocked views in places where people pay way too much money without thinking about how things will grow in ten years, general cleanup from fall leaves, plenty of fodder for folks who already don't get along to explode into a legal brawl.
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riderchop posted:Rae the Doe Okay Rae, ya got me.
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Alhazred posted:Zelda I need to re-watch Chak De. Sports movie where the big team bonding moment is basically this but in a McDonald's.
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MariusLecter posted:So the crooked real estate guy, who sold the warehouse by mistake, was supposed to keep the warehouse in limbo while Coney looked for hidden stash of money? My hunch is that he put his money "into" the warehouse and it was an investment.
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Powered Descent posted:Um... wow. Okay, it seems I may have done some misinterpreting of my own here, and ascribed a noble motive (to the complainers) where it wasn't warranted. If the papers that pulled the strip actually did so for being offensive to the shitheads, then I retract everything I've said, apologize to the author and throw my support behind her. Unfortunately, nobody has ever lost money betting against basic human decency.
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Julet Esqu posted:
She's a ridiculous nerd, but I can sympathize. When I've been a guest at other folks' homes (a less permanent situation but this is Bernice's first night) it feels so weird to try and anticipate their routine. Particularly when something unusual happens like a cat vomiting on you.
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My Lovely Horse posted:When I was a kid and Burton's Batman came out, I'd never heard of Batman, and this is exactly how I saw the ubiquitious symbol. Just wandering around town all the time wondering what the weird symbol with the oddly spaced round teeth was about. Back in the day there was a t-shirt design with the Bat-Signal as the Joker's mouth laughing. Couldn't find it in a quick Google search, too many other Jokers and different logo designs since then.
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Ghostlight posted:キューライス This hole was made for me-oww!
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bad posts ahead!!! posted:someone change my name to “hunk of quiet” Not "same hunk but growing"?
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Kavak posted:Change the orange one to "The world sucks" and you have me. I used to name them. Helped me cope and recognize where they came from.
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FrumpleOrz posted:Kevin & Kell Okay what the heck? Anthropomorphic animals, perfectly fine. Still making constant carnivore jokes, a bit off-kilter if you think about it too hard, but I guess. Grabbing folks off the street for the fur trade? Very macabre but an opportunistic extension of the predator dynamic. Specifically targeting this one stoat such that you're publically putting a hit out on her and yet she's no different from any other you could harvest? WTF mate? Why do they care so much?
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Kennel posted:
It's taken me a moment to get some of these but this one's a puzzler. I'm sure I'll spot it! Thanks for sharing, those were wonderful.
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Julet Esqu posted:Unfortunately I couldn't find the video I really wanted to post, but this will have to do. It was taken during the Delta Fire in northern California a couple of years back. It occurred on a stretch of I-5 that I have to drive through on my commute to work and I can tell you that the area still looks like poo poo even now, two years later. It's not the northern California fire that was the closest or the scariest to me personally, nor was it the one that hurt or killed the most people, but it's the one whose destruction I still look at multiple days a week, so I'm going with it. Back in 2000 my hometown burned from a "controlled" burn when the wind shifted (we're one of the reasons they're called prescribed burns now). My part of the county wasn't actually hit by the fire so we had homes to come back to but we were part of the evacuation and of course all the rebuilding/recovery. The evacuation is interesting because in the moment it felt very calm; two roads out of town, one was on fire, and when the other side of the county had evacuated half of them had come to us as a chance to regroup (we thought it'd be another day or so before it was called for our side) so we had a lot of people to get out through one road and everyone knew that. So it was very calm and caring and feels like it shouldn't be that big a deal, but 20 years later I'm still finding scars I didn't know were there and I wasn't even one of the folks who lost their house. It is an incredible amount of stress.
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Julet Esqu posted:Imagime seeing a fire that big and that close and thinking, "It is reasonable to assume that my girlfriend and my other girlfriend are both in there partying, blissfully unaware. Women just don't know how to behave in an emergency, right?" No. No. With a fire that big, you notice. It appears that fire was just a few inches wide across the road, while a completely different part of the fire is creeping up to the house like some B-movie burglar.
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That last panel brings back some unpleasant memories of when I started doing exercise again after a long period of... not. Got a bad blister day 1, tried to just "walk it off" day 2.
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catlord posted:Good lord. And good lord to that Jump Start. That said though, I'm glad to see Fritzi Ritz show up again, even if it's a one-off. Lio's what raised my eyebrows. Is the author saying the NIH's recommendations are a trap to make Covid worse?
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ukonvasara posted:I think it's just presenting an amusing situation in which a comically oversized coronavirus has baited a trap with something desirable to potential victims. Yeah, probably. I read too many political cartoons. In this case, "any" is too many.
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Sweaty IT Nerd posted:I don't think I'm smart enough to enjoy that comeec. It looks really good but it sure does have a lot of details. This latest one sets everything up relatively clearly, though I agree it can get chaotic and it took this one for me to pull it together: --wealthy Saudi expresses interest in juniper balls. --everything in town is upended to deliver, profiteering and graft off every side --this is all sold on the idea that it's a profitable new industry instead of a one-off job, and for that matter I'm not sure if the Saudi job is an actual contract or "once we have them the guy will totally remember he wanted them and be happy to pay us" --A bunch of folks have drastic life changes as a result through cronyism, being scapegoated/ousted for trying to stop it, or as a result of other folks buying into the dream and making promises they think they'll be able to keep. --Chickens are about to come home to roost.
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Thinking about it, I think what makes Mammila difficult to track for me is that there are enough jumps that it's easy to get confused whether things just weren't shown on-camera or aren't actually there. Until the freakout in this strip about the "next job" I thought that had all been done off-screen because clearly someone wouldn't build a new industrial direction without lining up clients, right?
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Green Intern posted:I mean yeah that’s kinda what Isopaljo and his cronies are doing. They care more about the land ownership and Business For Business’ Sake, because both of those equal money, power, and influence. That last sentence was intended to be sarcasm-slash-naivete.
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ikanreed posted:Does literally anyone know what happened in that goddamn experiment? "Evidence that lightning and electricity were the same thing" is the main one I recall. I'm not sure if the electricity they collected and did tests with was also new exploration or proof that it reacted the same as electricity from other means.
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ikanreed posted:So no. Yeah, that would've killed him, but it was a thunderstorm. Didn't similar tests in just rain not do anything? Hence the lightning extrapolation. Man, now I wanna go dig up the actual paper and see what conclusions were drawn at the time. Slow day, should be fun. Edit: http://www.benjamin-franklin-history.org/kite-experiment/ posted:Sir, That was easier than I expected, but I guess it's Franklin so I shouldn't have been surprised. Some organizations really dedicated to archiving his stuff. Bruceski fucked around with this message at 20:48 on Aug 16, 2020 |
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Alhazred posted:Zelda Well, now I know what I'm doing tonight. ![]()
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# ¿ Feb 19, 2025 10:40 |
amigolupus posted:Like gently caress you didn't plan to eject your potions laboratory! When she gave herself a permanent potion she didn't expect it. Circumstances changed. EasyEW posted:Funky Winkerbean There is a massive fire in LA, where the air currents create a stagnant cloud of pollution anyway. There is no way it's so clear.
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