Kennel posted:Yeah. I was a bit unsure, but it seems that cogs <=> teeth is common enough that it's understandable in English without explanation. I thought it was a circular saw blade. If so, they're called teeth in English. On second thought, gears have teeth too. Safety Dance fucked around with this message at 15:03 on Jun 20, 2020 |
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# ¿ Feb 17, 2025 21:21 |
Darthemed posted:
Everybody knows you climb up onto the shelf and just start throwing boxes down. Savidudeosoo posted:I'm torn between really dig Ye Olde Phantom costume and puzzling over the idea of not mixing the sauce in the pan. It varies from family to family. I grew up putting spaghetti on my plate and ladling sauce from a pot on top of that. I've definitely upgraded to mixing the sauce in the pan.
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I had the same thought. https://www.stokke.com/USA/en-us/strollers/stokke-trailz/5676.html
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How Wonderful! posted:I 100% am too stupid to figure this out myself but if anyone is interested in heroically backing up the comic strip threads here's a tool that was linked in the mod thread to be shared around: I'll start messing with this. Should I mess with the waffleimages-era threads?
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Safety Dance posted:I'll start messing with this. Should I mess with the waffleimages-era threads? This thread alone has 6.5G of images. It takes forever to load in one page. I'll mess with it some more tomorrow.
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It is you, James Allen, who has been playing tag with a tiger this time!
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readingatwork posted:At this point I may as well just make a bot that automatically posts “Wallace continues to be the best” every time Vargo posts. It should also include the latest tweet by James Allen if there's a new one.
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The new Mark Trail artist? All of BYOB, working together.
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amigolupus posted:But in your examples, the screenwriters were inspired by something they read in an article and then came up with an idea for a movie script on their own. This Mark Trail story makes it sound like they're straight up adapting an article Mark wrote: Into the Wild was really just "Death of an Innocent" from a 1993 edition of Outside Magazine.
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Selachian posted:
Has it ever been covered why his hat is tied to his nose? I thought it was to remind him to buy a costume that one time, but it's just never come up.
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amigolupus posted:
I think she's been living at her boss's mansion. Don't know how that jives with her visiting her fiance, but whatever it's a holbrook comic and any continuity is accidental.
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How Wonderful! posted:Amos and Edna have given their children away to the Fair Folk and it's in everybody's best interest to not speak their names aloud ever again. Beware... I don't think that'll make them get over the whole hexing the moon thing.
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Green Intern posted:Moony Uni is clearly some extreme for-profit scam school. Of course they make the RAs pay for their rooms. My interpretation is they decided to do away with having RAs altogether in order to cut costs.
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Julet Esqu posted:I have no clue what the joke is supposed to be, but I can tell you that that is a computer mouse. People feel uncomfortable walking into a bank wearing a mask because in 2019 and before you'd risk being shot by a jumpy rent-a-cop for doing something like that. PainterofCrap posted:Ces is old & thus has lost his interest in rutting. Just wants to be left alone...but is aware that he becomes pet food if he's too obvious about it. I could have sworn Ces was very young and either improperly weaned from his mother or, like someone else said, was raised as a pet.
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readingatwork posted:Calvin and Hobbes (Dec 17-18, 1987) This Calvin and Hobbes did a number on me as a kid because I didn't read it CIA, I read it Cia, which I imagined to be something akin to Voodoo but more sinister. Evil Mastermind posted:Super-Fun-Pak Comix is not the years, it's the mileage. I know we've seen this before because this is the second time I've posted that there's no rutile in Sierra Leone.
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Yeah all right good point. I'll remember that the next time Super-Fun-Pak Comix talks about rutile.
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Johnny Walker posted:
CW: low effort raine dog ![]()
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LazyQ posted:Mämmilä Remind me, all this fuss is because one Arab businessman said he wanted to buy a million juniper beads?
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I agree with you about thinking the deal is a misunderstanding.
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goatface posted:Oh I do so enjoy doing this thing that I'm doing for the first time ever and have yet to discover the end or outcomes of. I don't know, I've thoroughly enjoyed it every time I got to enjoy a morning to myself regardless of where I was or who was sleeping in. Haifisch posted:Dick Tracy I appreciate that Staton and Curtis are writing a more interesting Dethany than Holbrook ever could.
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FrumpleOrz posted:Sanrio says she's just a British school kid. Sanrio has walked that one back some. quote:When Kotaku called Sanrio's Tokyo headquarters today and asked whether or not Hello Kitty was indeed a cat, a spokesperson explained, "Hello Kitty was done in the motif of a cat. It's going too far to say that Hello Kitty is not a cat. Hello Kitty is a personification of a cat." Alhazred posted:Zelda How common, in regular speech, is the 10km mile in Scandinavia? Safety Dance fucked around with this message at 03:01 on Aug 14, 2020 |
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Mr. Boop is also a case of an author starting with a ridiculous concept and seeing how far he can take it, while the Chickweed author thinks he's writing Literature.
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Alhazred posted:Has he really been that deadly? All he's done is to steal some motor oil. Whenever the US steals some motor oil it winds up being quite deadly
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amigolupus posted:Mmmm, yes, because it's so romantic presenting your partner the skin of one of the people betrayed and killed by your company. Do you, uh, know how wool works?
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EasyEW posted:Funky Winkerbean This might be a dumb question but I'm not from a place that experiences wildfires often: wouldn't going in the cave be safer than hanging around gawping at it? You're insulated by cool rock, and there's (ostensibly) nothing flammable in there.
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amigolupus posted:I just remembered something stupid about this. One of the idiot crew mentions that travelling back to Earth will still take them four months. While Holbrook must have looked up that a mouse can survive being in space, mice are also known to suffer from rapid loss of muscle and bone mass from prolonged stays in space. Any by prolonged, I mean as little as twelve days. Humans also suffer from loss of muscle and bone mass in space. In a zero gravity environment, your body goes "oh, I don't need to maintain all this expensive structure". Astronauts on the ISS are constantly working out on exercise machines to prevent some of that loss. It's hard to convince a mouse to use an exercise machine. The Fastrack ship has a rotating ring in the space ship that simulates gravity, however. That should stave off the effects of living in zero gravity.
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Hostile V posted:I have a feeling Tinkerdad just got ding dong ditched by the still-escaped serial killer lady. I hope he and that US Marshal get wings afterwards.
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Manuel Calavera posted:Family Circus Hungry Jupiter looms large in the sky, its gravity well drawing Earth inexorably in.
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EasyEW posted:
Pig could probably lump losing healthcare in with losing his job, which would leave Thursday open for either ecological collapse or the rise of authoritarian nationalism worldwide.
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Pastry of the Year posted:Arlo and Janis Being blond, intensely pedantic about SARS-CoV-2, and really hating paining? I feel called out
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Bruceski posted:Salvaging shipwrecks used to be a lucrative practice for coastal villages, but as far as I know stories of intentionally causing wrecks with false lights were just for drama to make the looters active participants. I believe that in some cases survivors were eliminated, though. From the bridge of an older freighter, the horizon might be only 12 miles away. Let's say you're sailing from south to north, trying to enter a harbor at night. Your charts might indicate that there's a beacon on the north edge of that harbor. So you see a light, assume that's the light you're looking for, and you initiate the turn -- right into some rocky shoals. You'd have no idea that you're 15 miles south of where you needed to be. Evil Mastermind posted:
I'm very excited for the Pangolin arc
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Horace posted:It's always interesting how miserable everyone else in the Lockhorns is. The party guests, the houseguests. Miserable. Except for women about 20 years younger than Mr. Lockhorn, who always seem to be perfectly happy to be dancing with him
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His best work is cat-centric
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Alhazred posted:Zelda What was the original last panel here? «I dag har jeg dritt kaffetørst!» or something like that?
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Doll House Ghost posted:Worst thing about Edge of Adventure is how inconsistent (nonexistent?) the character designs are. Jam wanted to make this character an everyman, so he borrows some features from every man.
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Good Listener posted:I'm trying to figure out the moral and legal issues of dating someone's future self who is a baby in the present. It's very..concerning and definitely hosed up? If you met a time traveler and the two of you hit it off and later you realized that a friend's newborn was the time traveler's past self, why is that concerning and hosed up? It's not significantly more odd than dating a time traveler in the first place. BigglesSWE posted:Bill Clinton is a very easy mark for a caricature, so the fact that Baituks Clinton looks nothing like him is very funny to me. The weird thing is, he drew a halfway decent Bill Clinton in the photograph! Just... draw that some more!
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ikanreed posted:Hot cross buns I used this tactic, playing exactly this song, to annoy my dad into letting me not take band in high school.
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Rahonavis posted:I wasn’t in band either but at the school concert, the recorder kids played this exact song and the teacher called it “Hot Cross Buns”. Three Blind Mice has a bit about getting their tails chopped by the farmer's wife, while hot cross buns has the "one-a-penny two-a-penny" bit that's just 8th notes. Nancy's musical notation looked like it had the "one-a-penny two-a-penny" bit and not the farmer's wife bit.
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# ¿ Feb 17, 2025 21:21 |
Jeremy, you dress like Kurt Cobain every day. Just admit you were trying to find the least smelly black tee.
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