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Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
It somehow manages to feel like the laziest strip here now in a thread where current Garfield, Working Daze, and Intelligent Life all exist.


Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Endless Mike posted:

The origin story of Curtis's hat is some Star Wars EU-tier story poo poo.

Please don't undermine Curtis's Dad's great sacrifice of having his head rained on.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Selachian posted:

Huh. I always heard the rule was that the man should walk on the outside, closest to the curb, so the woman would be protected from any splashes if someone rode/drove through street mess too fast.

The man walks on the inside from what I've heard was due to people emptying chamber pots by dumping them out the window.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
I love how Ronan was awkwardly bending his arm around behind his back to use his weapon on Spidey, instead of just holding it up and smacking him in the face with it.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

amigolupus posted:

I like Phoebe's dad, and I wish Phoebe's parents appeared more. :3:

Phoebe's parents are great. I love that the comic doesn't try to do some "only kids can see magical stuff" kinda poo poo. Her parents know she's friends with a unicorn and sometimes gets into magical shenanigans and just roll with it.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
Every time Newspaper Spiderman has characters with a "?" speech balloon, there really needs to be another tail to it that just extends out to the reader.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Pastry of the Year posted:

—and a ripple is sent forward through time, opening one thousand horrible DeviantArt accounts

and a Ren & Stimpy episode.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

FrumpleOrz posted:

Safe Havens

I really shouldn't let myself think about Holbrook comics at all, but didn't this whole "humans are bad racists for hating merfolk" arc literally begin with the martian merfolk trying to kill all humans on Earth?

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
Zebus's dad is such a good dad.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

MariusLecter posted:

Another thing, BEASTARS will show you animals killing each other. Not have it off panel and sanitized with euphemism.

There's also the theme of systemic violence and not just gags for the wacky world the animal people live in.

How much I love Beastars just makes Kevin and Kell all the more unbearable.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Drimble Wedge posted:

I think you said it perfectly. I would only add that the highbrow affectations associated with the strip and yes, its lust, is equally repellant; it's like Brooke can only sanction lust if it's appropriately cerebral (triggered by the right classical piece, for instance). I suspect that he would find the lust between say a cashier and a plumber to be disgusting.

They have no qualms about loving in a restaurant in front of the waiter because the characters(and Brooke) don't see service staff as actually people.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Megillah Gorilla posted:

TJ is a smiling piece of poo poo. He's nice to the designated 'good' characters so he's let off the hook for everything else he does.

TJ would be a dark horse candidate for worst character if he has as much screentime as Bernice typically does.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
TJ is the worst.

Also Luann's mom is going to come to the conclusion that if she lets Tiffany rent the room at their place, she can pay less rent than at her dorm and have to pick up less shifts.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

EasyEW posted:

9 "My Indifference Is Profound" Lane

Don't know why for sure, maybe because I just also read that tweet, but this one's made me angrier after reading that most of the recent 9CLs.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Kavak posted:

"The music poo poo was just to try and get laid, I've never cared about anything else"- translated from thesaurusese.

That's the actual reason, but I'm sure if he was asked he'd give an answer more like how projecting your own meanings or calling it a "language" just means you're not intellectual enough to appreciate the music itself for it's own merits.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Raskolnikov38 posted:

alright whatever hack makes this dreck strip did not draw this so where is it stolen from

It's drawn by Norman Felchie, an illustrator who does work for Marvel/DC. Apparently the Fort Knox guys commissions him to guest draw strips for various troop worship holiday strips, mainly memorial day and d-day.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
Yes, the small child who is constantly shuffled around to relatives and friends who are often openly disdainful of her presence needs to learn she can't have everything.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Bruceski posted:

Of all the things to jump on the guy for, "interdimensional species-changing portals don't work that way" is, I think, one we can let slide.

Yeah, it's dumb, but there's the whole "literally every other part of that" that's even dumber.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

The_Other posted:

According to the creators, the Lockhorn couple stays together because the sex is amazing.

They heard that make-up sex is the best sex, which is why they're taking jabs at each other constantly during the day.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

My Lovely Horse posted:

And there it is again, that whole notion of "haha moms/wives sure like their wine".

I mean, if there's wine around, I myself am gonna have a glass more often than not. Just so we're clear. But there are strips like Arlo & Janis where people just drink wine and it's no big deal, and there's strips like Tinkersons that, I guess, kind of draw attention to it, but no more or less so than to the multitude of other issues that low-key plague the Tinkersons cast, and on a whole other side of it there's all the boomer strips like Dustin and One Big Happy where it's explicitly like WINE MAKES YOUR DOMESTIC STRESS GO AWAY and it's really one of the creepiest and most sexist things packaged as just a basic fact of life that we get in comic strips.

One Big Happy is the worst because you have the loving primary school children already conditioned to the thought that "mom's stressed so she needs wine."

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Bobulus posted:

Okay, who wants to guess? Will she:
- Disappear off-screen, never to be seen again and/or be the villain in a future arc
- Run directly to George, to apologize to him, and then they fall madly in love

Porcupine woman also doesn't even give her 5 seconds to process this new information before shilling George as a romantic partner and judging her for not going for it.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

EasyEW posted:

Thimble Theater, in which Wimpy discovers the magic of meta. (January 28, 1937)

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
I was born in the late 80s and my parents still saw spanking as the proper way to do things. My Mom basically did it was a response to like anything I did that pissed her off, and continued doing it all the way up until when I was big enough that she couldn't physically stop me from just leaving the room/house if she threatened it. It probably was a big part of why I had severe anger issues as a kid and spent a lot of my teens in public shouting matches with her.

My dad only did it if I did something really dangerous/reckless, and mostly preferred "lectures" that were mostly him yelling and cursing at me for literally hours. After they got divorced he mostly did this over the phone. I'm in my 30s now and still flinch when I hear a phone ring.

Other issues aside, I think the main result of their means of discipline was me being a lot more willing to lie or do anything to get out of impending punishment. Poor grades were a common thing I'd get hit or screamed at over. The first time I got a D in a class I made it look like a B on that card and every other card for the rest of the year all the way into the final report cards that were mailed home, which I took out of the mail before my parents saw and burned it.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
The head/body ratio on Rachel is really unsettling.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

amigolupus posted:

It's always an unpleasant surprise whenever I see Dethany's head from the front.

Her hairline changes drastically at every different angle and I hate it.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
Both of those Zeldas are way too relatable and I'm now listening to Bat Out of Hell because of it.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
I have a hard time this isn't going to somehow end up loving over Tiff more, because every time she's caught any sort of break in this comic in as long as I've been (hate)reading it's just been to set her up for more failure.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
Also, catching up on past day of comics, and every time I start to think Fort Knox is maybe the shittiest thing in this thread Intelligent Life shows back up. There's a lot of garbage that gets posted in here but I think IL is the only thing that makes me angry to read every single time both for the content and the complete lack of craft.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Johnny Walker posted:

OK, I've been confused about this storyline a bit. Did Ann fake a pregnancy before she was engaged? All I remember seeing is Tiffany found a sonogram on the back of a picture frame and jumped to conclusions. Now, then when confronted with this, Ann did go along, which is weird, I'm just confused by that.

Tiffany sound the sonogram hidden in Ann's room (taped to the back of a photo I think)? Tiffany brought up the baby and Ann "admitted" to being pregnant but not telling Tom yet. While visiting Les, Tiffany found Les's old sonogram in a box of baby stuff that Les had from Ann, and realized it was identical to the one she saw earlier. When confronted about this Ann eventually gave up trying to deny it was the same one and admitted she wasn't actually pregnant.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
God that Foob is the worst and I hope that Lynn is alone and miserable in her old age.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
A lesson she should have learned long ago since this is her third kid.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
Wallace is so loving good.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Some Guy TT posted:

I'm also late to Uncle Max chat but once attention was called to his shirt I suddenly realized that he was wearing the Rocko shirt, which I had never noticed before. Was Rocko also gay? Were all the employees in that one movie theater wearing Rocko's shirt being bullied by their boss into unknowingly identifying themselves as gay?

There's an episode that ends with Rocko being chased by a mob after stating that he likes rainbows.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
That Curtis/Michelle arc reminds me of like, women posting facebook exchanges of a guy calling her cute then getting angry when the woman is complimentary of herself.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Comic Strips 2020: Disgraced Cartoonist, Trash

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Darthemed posted:

More than any number of ‘driven to gently caress by classical music’ strips, this rerun highlights for me just how detached from reality McEldowney is. Even in 2015, this would have parsed like it was written by a bot raised on hacky jokes from the ‘80s.

The movie Phone Booth, where phone booths being nearly nonexistent in modern times is part of the premise, debuted 18 years ago today.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
Guessing that the woman's head was tilted back in whatever image he traced the body from, so he just essentially copy+pasted on a different head.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Huxley posted:

This is the only comics thread I post in, so I'll throw this out there apropos of nothing. The graphic novel of Slaughterhouse Five out this week is really astounding.

It's Ryan North, but aside from a footnote or two and a couple of sight gags, it's very much a faithful representation of Vonnegut's voice. Beautifully drawn and creatively laid out. Splash pages are stunning.

I didn't even know this was going to a thing but it sounds amazing.

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

amigolupus posted:

gently caress off, Holbrook. You don't get to pretend you give a poo poo about safety when you keep ignoring or using the pandemic as a joke.

The constant "I'm not like other girls" sexism is really loving tiring


Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008

Der Shovel posted:

Here's the really hosed up thing: the two pictures are not 100% identical, although some parts like the face are. Is he just painting over his original painting of some 50s pin-up or just drawing from the same pin-up every time?

e: now slower

The face being 100% identical while the Mark Trail woman has a narrower jawline and hairline just makes it look like her face is a little too big for her head like some sort of reverse-Charlie Kirk.

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