readingatwork posted:Mine was Calvin’s dad convincing him babies come from Sears but this one is pretty good too. Telling Calvin he was a blue light special from Kmart was both funny as hell and the exact kind of thing my dad would have said.
# ¿ Jan 4, 2020 19:10 |
# ¿ Jan 20, 2025 21:58 |
Darthemed posted:Feels like someone’s gonna just go through all the comics available, looking for button-pushers like The Duplex and The Flying McCoys. Have we forgotten Oh Baby! already?
# ¿ Jan 6, 2020 23:10 |
EasyEW posted:Gripey Griperbean This is a man who truly hates his own life and the concept of life in general.
# ¿ Jan 13, 2020 04:18 |
Ghostlight posted:I absolutely loved Cats with the caveat that I saw it in a private screening with a bunch of people who were explicitly there to experience the movie as if it were a showing of The Room. It's been described as a bad acid trip, how far off am I?
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 03:42 |
Johnny Walker posted:
Diarrhea is like a storm, raging inside you.
# ¿ Feb 3, 2020 13:29 |
Johnny Joestar posted:i'm glad they're painting stuart as being a shithead and not trying to make him sympathetic, because he's the kind of creep that walks away unscathed from poo poo like that I'm just sick enough that I was hoping for a suicide or stress indused heart attack. But then again I've been reading Retail since it first ran (and bought the book!), so I've been nursing a hate for Stuart since day one.
# ¿ Feb 7, 2020 01:44 |
I've read anecdotal stories about combat medics on Pelelieu and Guadalcanal who used coconut water as a sub for blood plasma, but only in extreme circumstances where they had no choice.
# ¿ Feb 7, 2020 17:35 |
Green Intern posted:I did not know this. Neat. People like to believe that Star Wars was this carefully planned anthology, but after the first movie they took Lucas's original outline and made up the rest as they needed to. BigDave fucked around with this message at 18:44 on Feb 9, 2020 |
# ¿ Feb 9, 2020 18:24 |
Johnny Walker posted:Can't tie down a Weston. But can you tie down a banjo man?
# ¿ Feb 17, 2020 14:50 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail Here lies Dr Vargo. Thought of Mark Trail and died.
# ¿ Feb 18, 2020 15:03 |
Vargo posted:"Hello, police? I've received a death threat. Okay, so you know the newspaper comic Mark Trail..." "A comic strip artist is threatening me in a comic strip that was created by the US Department of Interior to promote the National Park Service...yes I'll hold."
# ¿ Feb 18, 2020 18:25 |
Tuxedo Ted posted:Big same. It was my title for ages from.... dang, four threads back. Ooh, don't mind if I do! I've been meaning to get a replacement for Tricky Dick for a while now.
# ¿ Feb 22, 2020 17:39 |
Evil Mastermind posted:God this is giving me life. I want another week of Stuart eating poo poo when everyone quits and he has to close the store by himself while Marla dances on his grave.
# ¿ Feb 22, 2020 21:28 |
Julet Esqu posted:Maybe not Retail, but it would be cool to read Gil again Gil is still self-syndicated in the Providence Journal, Sundays only: https://www.providencejournal.com/entertainment/gil Fan fiction: Gil's dad gets a temp job as the demo crew who guts the old Gumbels store, gets into a fight with Stuart and punches him out.
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 02:27 |
Selachian posted:
So that's it, huh? So long Retail, you will be missed.
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 17:01 |
Evil Mastermind posted:I was actually a little disappointed at first by this ending, but really it's the perfect last strip: the store closes, everyone moves on with their lives and (eventually) just pretty much stops thinking about it, and the store just...goes away. At least a strip where he realizes his orders mean nothing anymore.
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 20:22 |
Discendo Vox posted:some rexheds, a reason why I continue to like the strip: Old wrestler here for Cialis!
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 23:27 |
Selachian posted:Even if I wanted to continue Retail, it's already disappeared from Comics Kingdom and I have no desire to pay for premium to get at the archives. So heck with it. If you or anyone else wants to post it, the original archive is up on the Wayback machine. Takes you from 2006 up to 2018-ish. https://web.archive.org/web/20180224143330/http://retailcomic.com/comics/january-1-2006/
# ¿ Feb 25, 2020 01:14 |
Nenonen posted:"How do I express my disdain for DMV workers when my editor doesn't allow fangs?? DMV jokes are the hackiest jokes in existence, and I have never gotten them, at all. Every time I've been to the DMV, it's been fine. No more worse then the dentist or a doctor's office. It's like making fun of airline food, or ATMs. "What's the deal with airline food? " "It's crackers and cookies, that's it." "And these ATMs, I don't get them! Why do drive up ATMs have those Braille pads, are their blind people driving?! Someone explain this to me!" "Well, blind people can sit in the back seat and have someone drive then to the ATM." It's like, these aren't jokes! They're banal statements!
# ¿ Feb 25, 2020 14:57 |
Huxley posted:Post office jokes drive me up the wall. The USPS is a drat miracle if you think about it for even a second and every person I've ever encountered working the desk is polite and helpful. Yes! I've had a PO box for years, and I like the post office! They really have their poo poo together, it's a good institution!
# ¿ Feb 25, 2020 15:02 |
Vargo posted:No, you know what? I get to be the one to post this. I've earned it. Vargo you're gonna get name checked in James Allen last will and testament.
# ¿ Feb 27, 2020 20:47 |
Professor Wayne posted:It would be funnier if the caption said, "Please, no nut touching, ma'am!" "That is so Kafkaesque!"
# ¿ Feb 28, 2020 15:29 |
Johnny Walker posted:
...why is troubled kids in quotes? And why does that make me uncomfortable?
# ¿ Mar 4, 2020 19:19 |
There we go.
# ¿ Mar 11, 2020 03:03 |
Johnny Walker posted:
Ok wow, that is...some kind of art. Tag me too please!
# ¿ Mar 11, 2020 17:09 |
davidspackage posted:Maybe that bass is just a common trace, but I feel like I know it from a Donald Duck comic. Love how it's leaping from utterly placid water. What the hell is going on with Allen? I could have sworn it's the Bass Pro Shop logo.
# ¿ Mar 14, 2020 18:40 |
Johnny Aztec posted:You're gonna have to change it up from sears and K-mart though. Amazon and Aldi.
# ¿ Mar 21, 2020 15:01 |
Cowslips Warren posted:What is it about Jared in Mary Worth that heaves the stomach? Or it is just Dawn and anything remotely about her bloodline? The eyes make them look like those police Identikit pictures.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2020 19:27 |
Little Johnny's dad must have been sprayed with agent orange to get those kinds of birth defects.
# ¿ Mar 23, 2020 00:18 |
This is probably my favorite Far Side, thanks for posting it. Somebody fucked around with this message at 00:34 on Jul 25, 2022 |
# ¿ Mar 23, 2020 19:18 |
Evil Mastermind posted:YES WE GET IT SHE DIED AND YOU'RE SAD ABOUT IT What? No, Lisa Moore didn't slowly die of breast cancer over several years for some bizzare martyr fetish, they would have mentioned that at some point!
# ¿ Mar 24, 2020 00:38 |
Is this 'My whore of a husband is loving his assistant again' plot, or 'HAWHAW! HUSBAND MISSES BIRTH, WIFE ENDURES WITH SIMPLE CHILDREN!'
# ¿ Mar 24, 2020 13:43 |
Samovar posted:JESUS CHRIST, ARLO & JANIS. Not the first time they've brought a camera into the bedroom.
# ¿ Mar 27, 2020 12:31 |
How Wonderful! posted:If you walk into the bedroom of a man in his 30s and he has a Lolita poster front and center, pivot on your heels and march right on home on the double. Jesus Christ that is skeevy as hell.
# ¿ Mar 30, 2020 11:59 |
catlord posted:Are you suggesting that Edgar Allen Poe was murdered by ravens, Ripley. You can't prove they didn't!
# ¿ Mar 31, 2020 00:48 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail Pretty sure alarm clocks haven't looked like that since LBJ was president, guess they're still reusing old clip art.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2020 18:06 |
Alhazred posted:Zelda I think what bugs me about Zelda the most is that everyone looks like they're wearing lipstick. And good to see gay penguins in M again!
# ¿ Apr 4, 2020 12:43 |
How Wonderful! posted:I don't care to explain the Iran-Contra Scandal in detail, but it involved senior officials in the Reagan administration evading an arms embargo with Iran to sell weapons to the Khomeini government and using the proceeds to fund the right-wing Contras in Nicaragua. Oliver North was a central figure in this and was kind of a patron saint of the American right-wing of the period, and Reagan himself was implicated fairly damningly despite coming out of the whole thing comparatively unscathed. Hence Mo's evocation of "plausible deniability"-- how much did the president "know" versus how much did the president know. Don't forget the CIA helping the Contras smuggling cocaine into the US and laundering a quarter of a billion dollars. As for whether Reagan knew what was going on or not, well... "Honest Ollie" North posted:"Ronald Reagan knew of and approved a great deal of what went on with both the Iranian initiative and private efforts on behalf of the contras and he received regular, detailed briefings on both...I have no doubt that he was told about the use of residuals for the Contras, and that he approved it. Enthusiastically." Casper "The Ghost" Weinberg posted:Handwritten notes by Defense Secretary Weinberger indicate that the President was aware of potential hostage transfers with Iran, as well as the sale of Hawk and TOW missiles to what he was told were "moderate elements" within Iran. Notes taken by Weinberger on 7 December 1985 record that Reagan said that "he could answer charges of illegality but he couldn't answer charge that 'big strong President Reagan passed up a chance to free hostages'". Most of Reagan's National Security Counsel was indicted and convicted for perjury, obstruction of justice, and evidence tampering, but Bush 41 pardoned everyone involved. And you thought the Russia Investigation was a mess! BigDave fucked around with this message at 21:25 on Apr 6, 2020 |
# ¿ Apr 6, 2020 21:23 |
sweeperbravo posted:
Please don't remind me about that
# ¿ Apr 10, 2020 16:44 |
# ¿ Jan 20, 2025 21:58 |
Stultus Maximus posted:How is a 16 year old supposed to owe taxes at the end of a year? Because his writer is a independent contractor who has to file taxes quarterly.
# ¿ Apr 15, 2020 13:54 |