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Oct 22, 2009

Endless Mike posted:

Also why the hell is Dilbert back?

This is the thread for hating terrible comic strips. Take your good, wholesome strips somewhere else! :argh:


Oct 22, 2009

~Coxy posted:

Alright, what was the 30s invention in this case that they're missing out on? Air rifles? 20 gauge youth shotguns?

"How much to put in 'em" implies that it's a pre-cartridge rifle and they put in too much gunpowder. It looks like a Springfield M1861 rifle musket.

Oct 22, 2009



Oct 22, 2009

EasyEW posted:

9 Stretch Marks Lane

:nallears: yes, Brooke, keep repeating this unjoke with all of the instruments, at least the Rose is Rose guy understands your fetish


Out Our Way (December 7-9, 1933)

:allears: this needs to be thread title, somehow

Oct 22, 2009

Pastry of the Year posted:

Arlo and Janis Classic (June 15, 1998)

I got a sudden urge to set a screensaver :corsair:

Oct 22, 2009

Haifisch posted:

Moomin said trans rights.

Tove was a good kid. She used to draw art for the monthly Garm culture magazine in 1930-50's and here's a few covers and illustrations.

This is after the war, when Nazis and Quislings are going through a Metamorphosis machine.

ah, but notice the dark Moomin going up the stairs, and the angelic Moomin on the other side?? IS THIS WHAT MOOMIN PAPPA DID DURING THE GREAT WAR??? :gonk:

Oct 22, 2009

readingatwork posted:

Robbie and Bobby (Jan 2-5, 2015)

This is the kind of mature humour that avatars are made of.

Oct 22, 2009

Being trapped on the same island with a naked, furious Modesty Blaise is probably* not the worst way to die.

*conditional because I still have very little experience of dying

Oct 22, 2009

Tiggum posted:

The first two were pretty good puzzles for children. The second two are a bit Inspector Danger. Don't you know that women always take their hats off with two hands?

Added with :biotruths: WIMMEN WOULD NEVER USE LUGER

Oct 22, 2009

Powered Descent posted:

To answer Arlo's question, Betelgeuse is over 600 light-years away, which is too far away to really affect us unless its spin axis was pointed precisely at us (and it isn't). If it goes supernova, we'd get one hell of a light show for a few months (it'd be bright to enough to see in daylight and to read by at night) and afterward the night sky would be forever changed, but that's about it. As for whether this dimming indicates that a supernova is imminent, nobody knows for sure. And even if it does... well, by star standards, "imminent" could be a million years from now.

It's always been a variable star, but never THIS variable. And nobody knows if the dimming is the new normal or if it'll go back to its usual brightness soon. Variable stars can be temperamental.

Despite all that, the sudden change in what's usually one of the brightest stars in the sky is making the entire sky look... off. Go outside tonight and look up. Betelgeuse looks rather different than in the picture above.

And that's what Arlo is doing, "what harm could it do" refers to going outside to wait for the lightshow with a blanket and a full thermos. :)

By the way, if some of you are a night sky idiot like me then download and install Stellarium, it makes it easy to understand what you can see from your location at different times! It's fun to just play with too, in case you live in a big city where stars can't be seen. And it's free!

Nenonen fucked around with this message at 19:44 on Jan 14, 2020

Oct 22, 2009

Lodin posted:

You guys want to hear something depressing? I used to read old Popeye as a kid but it was translated to Norwegian. What ever dingus did it spent zero time trying to emulate the weird speech of Popeye and the other characters and instead it was all just spelled normally. I never knew until I started checking out this thread.

No, you were reading the Swedish version!!

Oct 22, 2009

Resident Idiot posted:

For the few goons in this thread who don't read the Daily Cartoonist, I come to report that thread favourite Brother Rock has picked up a print deal:

Who could possibly want this? Oh, boomers. Right.

Oct 22, 2009

You should have read the wiki!

Oct 22, 2009

Cats lack the buds to taste sweet, so sugar would be utterly pointless from the cat's point of view.

Oct 22, 2009

Oct 22, 2009

Potsticker posted:

Just gonna wear shorts with no top and a hat to this wedding.

No shirt, no shoes and Max still gets service

Oct 22, 2009

Zereth posted:


does the Overboard guy just... not know what animals look like

because there's nothing that looks ANYTHING liked a seal, baby or otherwise, in this strip


Oct 22, 2009

ikanreed posted:

No edit today. Just your standard

Slylock Fox presents dubious race science

"the innate response involves [...] physiological processes such as fever"

An alligator fleeing anyone in a snow storm doesn't sound very likely anyway, precisely because they are cold blooded. They need a warm environment to move quickly and start hibernation when it becomes cool. Alligator is not the quickest animal on land to begin with. But I know that Bob Weber Jr did this just to raise my expectations on reading "masked bandit" and then not giving me standard raccoon racism :mad:

Oct 22, 2009

Johnny Walker posted:

Rex Morgan MD

Maybe you should have specialized on Bimbo Karate then.

Oct 22, 2009

kidcoelacanth posted:

it's also dragging up the tired ok boomer poo poo which is maybe its worst crime

That's an edit, I think.

edit: no, it's not an edit, holy poo poo 🤯

Oct 22, 2009

StrixNebulosa posted:

I really hate today's dustin because of the inherent sexism going on. Girls like all kinds of books you morons.

But dudes don't! Then you'd have to pray that they pick a sports or rap biography instead of a novel.

Oct 22, 2009

^^^^they are safe, but we get massive cyanobacteria blooming in the summer because of too much nutrients from farming

The Baltic Sea is brackish (and gets more so the further you go from Denmark) and many marine species need higher salinity levels to survive/reproduce and it additionally freezes in the winter. Jellyfish haven't evolved to live in these conditions because they're spineless wimps.

Nenonen fucked around with this message at 16:45 on Feb 12, 2020

Oct 22, 2009

Oct 22, 2009

Fingerpori, or a Lingual Tragedy in Three Acts

"Jumala loi ensin miehen, sitten naisen."
"God first created a man, then woman."
"Nai sen miehen?"
"Married the man?"
"Minä tästä lähdenkin.
"I'll be leaving now."

nainen = woman, naisen = woman in accusative (target of action ie. creation)
nai sen = married it / alternatively hosed it

So the second meaning of the first sentence in full is "God first created a man, then married/hosed it".

Thank you for listening!

Oct 22, 2009

SubNat posted:

Moomin on the Riviera

This story is great in how it contrasts the Moomin valley's easy going communist utopia to the big world's capitalist-consumerist dystopia. One major theme is how life becomes insufferable for the common Moomin if you don't have your Everyman's Rights. For some this concept might not be familiar, so allow me to moominsplain it a bit. Basically in all Nordic countries it has always been a basic right to move through forests and rivers regardless of who owns the area. And you can pick mushrooms from the property of some millioneer and sell them tax free, ie. seize the means of fungal reproduction.


In Finland, the freedom to roam and related rights are called "jokamiehenoikeus" in Finnish and "allemansrätten" in Swedish (lit. "the everyman's right"), similar to other Nordic countries. Everyone may walk, ski, ride a horse or cycle freely in the countryside where this does not harm the natural environment or the landowner, except in gardens or in the immediate vicinity of people's homes (yards). Fields and plantations, which may easily be harmed, may usually not be crossed except in the winter. It is also possible to establish outdoor recreation routes on private land, based on an agreement on the rights of use or by official proceedings in accordance with the Outdoor Recreation Act, for example.

One may stay or set up camp temporarily in the countryside, a reasonable distance from homes, pick mineral samples, wild berries, mushrooms and flowers (as long as they are not protected species). One may fish with a rod and line (only still waters), row, sail or use a motorboat on waterways (with certain restrictions), and swim or bathe in both inland waters and the sea. One can walk, ski and ice fish on frozen lakes, rivers and the sea. Income from selling picked berries or mushrooms is tax-free. Picking cloudberry may be temporarily restricted to local residents in parts of Lapland.

Oct 22, 2009

FINGERPORI where an old friend returns.

esimies kyykyttää = boss humiliates (literally makes me go on my knees)

esimieskyy kyttää = boss viper watches

Oct 22, 2009

"How do I express my disdain for DMV workers when my editor doesn't allow fangs??

...I know, I'll draw her a non-existent forehead! I'm a genius!"

Oct 22, 2009

Angular Cyrus posted:

Mark Trail, nature photographer and conservationist, kills a bunch of wolves with an axe 10/21-23/46

When did Edd Odd take Prince Valiant over???

Oct 22, 2009

Kennel posted:

What's the original source of your avatar, btw

Ed Kudlick's alter ego!

Oct 22, 2009

Green Intern posted:

All these friendly puns are great. I’m glad it didn’t turn into a peanut-measuring contest.

Pea is stored in the nuts.

Oct 22, 2009

I just saw the weirdest crossover in Political Cartoons thread.

That's a good Dog.

Oct 22, 2009

Angular Cyrus posted:

Mopsy 10/6/42

Either that is some experimental WW2 woodland camo or Mopsy is cosplaying a dryad.

Oct 22, 2009

Oct 22, 2009 Who let you into our home??? :tinfoil:

Oct 22, 2009

EasyEW posted:

Thimble Theater, in which Pappy makes an interesting first impression with the main cast. (October 6-7, 1936)

Happy International Women's Day!

edit: oh boy, shemale had quite different connotations in early 20th century...

Nenonen fucked around with this message at 17:54 on Mar 8, 2020

Oct 22, 2009

oh yes

Oct 22, 2009

Strontium posted:

Dark Side of the Horse

Time works the same way.

Oct 22, 2009

Ghostlight posted:

his dialogue says dentist but his manner and dress say nazi scientist one failure away from being executed by himmler.

The tooth he's talking about is a hollow tooth containing a cyanid ampulle.

Oct 22, 2009

Third panel's guest artist today appears to be Tim Buckley.


Oct 22, 2009

James Allen's Mark Trail is approaching Sonic the Hedgehog fan art levels

all because a goon made fun of his use of clip art on twitter

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