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Oct 22, 2009

Those are not led bulbs, Tinkerson you idiot!


Oct 22, 2009

readingatwork posted:

Spare Underpants Dolphin is truly the hero we need.

Oh key snake, where art thou when I need my keys???

Oct 22, 2009

I like Zelda because I can trust that Alhazred posts it like ten times a day until a week later when the stock has run out.

Oct 22, 2009

This is such a great visual pun!

Oct 22, 2009

Angular Cyrus posted:

They'll Do It Every Time 10/28/46

Christian Jensen sounds like a real fun work mate!

As a Fingerborg moment, In Swedish 'gift' means either poison or marry (English 'gift' comes from the latter, a Germanic word meaning to give the bride to the husband). It's really hard for me to tell which one the airplane banner is proposing to Anna.

Oct 22, 2009

Calaveron posted:

Why...why did he bring an old timey alarm clock to a camping trip? Did he also bring a hat rack and polio?

To build a bomb. Mark Trail lives in the Lost Forest because he and his family belong to FBI Most Wanted list's domestic terrorist group The Shining Trail.

Oct 22, 2009

amigolupus posted:

It's really lovely when someone goes "You can't be more [X] than me, I was doing it longer than you!" It's invalidating someone else's opinions for a really stupid reason.

Y-yes? :thejoke:

Oct 22, 2009

Kennel posted:

Probably not too common in the 1970s rural towns (but I'm too young to know for sure).

My hunch is that in the country it just wasn't done. Country veterinarians had enough work with farm animals to not bother them with pets unless it was a valuable hunting dog. A rural cat, not so much.

Oct 22, 2009

EBB posted:

Thank you so much for posting old Valiant. I had no idea how much Hal Foster had influenced media I've been consuming my entire life.

Hal Foster deserves all credit for his creativity and imagination, but in art history you could *almost* always point to earlier masters who had similar visions. Not absolutely always though, it would be hard to think eg. ancient Egyptians depicting a king in this manner (or perspective).

(Charles Buchel, 1900)

Oct 22, 2009

LazyQ posted:


As a side note, they are at a dance pavilion and back then many dance places also had their own slammers for kids who'd taken too much of the sauce. Alcohol wasn't allowed at the pavilion and you couldn't slip outside to drink (not without re-paying for entrance) so obviously the correct strategy was to empty your flask outside the gate in one go, get in and black out.

Here's a traditional dance jail in Syvälahti pavilion. This is unusually sturdy as it's in the basement, usually they were just shacks.

Oct 22, 2009

StrixNebulosa posted:

In the spirit of Dykes and queer history, here's another piece:

I'm curious what the original context was here. I'm guessing racism because that seems like a safe bet for the era.

Oct 22, 2009

Lodin posted:

While it's really well drawn it's so bloody wordy. Since when do people in Finland speak so much?

It's Sauli Pylvänäinen, he's way too enthusiastic about the local athletics club. Notice that Leevi Pikkula speaks three times and is reserved each time. Sauli is quiet in one panel that he's in, Leevi is quiet in five.

This reflects the scientific fact that 90% of Finns do 10% of all talking and 10% of Finns do 90% of all talking.

Oct 22, 2009

Oct 22, 2009

EBB posted:

Seeing somebody drink from a teacup saucer is one of those super weird old-timey things

:actually: it's a coffee cup saucer, and check his mouth, he's drinking through a sugar lump, a Scandinavian tradition.

Oct 22, 2009

Tiggum posted:

Why is Arlo wearing a domino mask?

He's shooting porn and hasn't figured out how to pixelate faces in editing.

Oct 22, 2009

Johnny Walker posted:

Ah, yes. The Condovirus.


I was also going to ask WTF is up with Odie's mouth, we need one of those cartoon x-ray diagrams.

Oct 22, 2009

Yay, Mustapukuinen mies! A classic from childhood :neckbeard:

Oct 22, 2009

manero posted:

Arlo ran out of TP on the can and he texted Janis

I'm also reading a joke about corona toilet paper hoarding.

The solution is to run your belt through two or more rolls so you ALWAYS have TP with you.

Oct 22, 2009

LazyQ posted:

Hurriganes was a Finnish rock band, considered to be a pioneer in Finnish rock scene and the first to really get attention abroad. Their music is pretty straightforward rock 'n roll, often with nonsense lyrics, and generally non-threatening which contributed to their mainstream acceptance.

How dare you call this Remu masterpiece nonsense? Might as well be one of Shakespeare's sonnets.


Just a sweet Carolina, just a rockin' little mama
Just leave my baby in old Alabama
Rockin' in the evenin' when the sun goes down
Mean guitar, that's a swingin' old town
Rockin' and a-rollin' just a little while
Ain't got no rollin', ain't got no holdin'

Get on, get on baby, get on
Get on, get on baby, get on
Well, let me be, rock and roll with me

Well, old Alabama, just a sweet Carolina
Just a-rockin' and rollin' may leave town
Got to be a scoogie, lay on my boogie
Let me hear you say you got my hole around
Got to be a scoogie, bing bong bang
Ain't got no rollin', ain't got no holdin'

Get on, get on baby, get on
Get on, get on baby, get on
Well, let me be, rock and roll with me


Oct 22, 2009

amigolupus posted:

What are Pitex-Materials? I've tried Googling it or checking if it's translated into anything, but I haven't seen any result so far. The warning sign that it's made of certain materials and that it's built on what looks to be a ditch makes me think this is Mämmilä's version of Groverhaus. :v:

Pitex is a fictional brand for what looks to me like asbestos/fibre cement tiles which were in fashion for facades in 1970s. The warning sign is because of construction work, the home extension has turned the whole lot into a warzone and trees have been felled, compare to the old photograph. The Pitex sign is not a warning, it's advertisement! Who wouldn't want a fire-safe, durable, economical asbestos cladding for their home? Or in Eino's case, interior ceilings too.

Nenonen fucked around with this message at 16:30 on Apr 28, 2020

Oct 22, 2009

Parahexavoctal posted:

In this installment of Keeping Up With the Joneses, I have to wonder if the stereotypical "lie detector detects lies about its own capacities" gag was any more original in 1920. Does it count as a "lie" if you sincerely believe it?

Full name is Polly Graf, I presume :dadjoke:

Oct 22, 2009

curtadams posted:

Why would people try to duplicate something that tastes like that? "Enh, I like it with more boiled snail flavor." :raise: :confused:

Have you even tried boiled snail?? YUM YUM!!!

But really you can use just about anything to spice something up as long as it doesn't become dominant. I love cinnamon buns but if you left out sugar and butter no one would eat them because cinnamon tastes like poo poo by itself.

Oct 22, 2009

How Wonderful! posted:

Styrofoam was a tentpole issue for environmentalists in the 80s, largely I think because it was visible. The hole in the ozone could be difficult to explain to laypeople, just like the effects of global warming and difficult to convey the urgency of to skeptics today, but litter and waste is immediate and eye-catching. Berkeley banned styrofoam food containers in 1987 and Suffolk Count, NY followed suit in 1988. Since then it's been a bit of a push and pull with some states and counties passing more or less strong laws but I'm in Philly and I'm pretty sure the Mexican takeout I had for dinner last night was in styrofoam containers. It's something I remember being very acutely concerned with when I was in elementary school but that time and ennui kind of made me blase about.

CFC was used in polystyrene but it has been replaced with butane, production of freons was banned in 1994.

Oct 22, 2009

My Lovely Horse posted:

:eng101: Having a water fight on Easter Monday is a tradition in Poland and other Eastern European countries! This guy's not just being an rear end in a top hat for the hell of it.

I refuse to believe this. Jucika's hard nipples tell me that this is just a Hungarian mating ritual where the female makes a display of her ample eggs and then a male shows his virility by wetting the female and her eggs. Afterward they climb up to a birch tree and copulate for six hours after which the female stays in the tree and the male brings her bell peppers to eat until the end of pregnancy.

Oct 22, 2009

amigolupus posted:

Is it implying that he's cheating with Eino, or Eino's wife?

No, with both of them. did notice that they have a teenage daughter who will graduate next spring? The hicks should be a clear clue.

Oct 22, 2009

Kennel posted:

This will probably confuse someone, so here's my interpretation: In comics things get usually abstracted, so "a coat hanger" and "a coat hanger with clothes" have different physical properties.

I took it as "he's got no shoulders to speak of, so he also uses a coat hanger that fits his body shape".

Oct 22, 2009

Kennel posted:

Here's clips I used

Oct 22, 2009

Evil Mastermind posted:

Hell, Funky barely matters and the comic's named after him! He's supposed to be the main character!

The only important Batyuk-yuk character was John Darling, and you can tell because he was let go easy.

Oct 22, 2009

Tendales posted:

This, at least, is covered in the text, you just have to turn your head sideways to get it. The landmine not going off immediately was a fluke.

It still doesn't make sense. It's a time fuse, it doesn't care if you lift your foot or not. If the fuse didn't activate yet then it's either dud or could fire any second, in either case the only thing you can do is run to cover and hope it was a dud.

To actually hit it hard is the dumbest course of action though.

Oct 22, 2009

My Lovely Horse posted:

Imagine a parallel universe in which Holbrook did the cancer arc

Cancer is an actual crab.

Oct 22, 2009

Kennel posted:

Man in Black

Those are personal ads and I had forgotten that they had those in non-tabloids. I checked that weekend's (May 1989) paper and it had about 50 of them. Mostly awkward lonely middle-aged people, few that are probably prostitutes, also a group of witches looking for recruits.


Oct 22, 2009

Pigsfeet on Rye posted:

This is so good, what a nice way to have a negotiating hold over the banker.
Also, kicksleds seem pretty cool.

I want to also emphasize the original pun(ch)line here: "to get on someone's sled" means the same as getting on the :bandwagon: in English

Oct 22, 2009

Julet Esqu posted:

Do they do the Daylight Savings thing in England? I would have thought that was a specifically American piece of madness.

Yes. EU is actually just transitioning out of it in 2021 (each country can decide which time to follow), it's one of those things where it helps that everyone makes the switch in cooperation to not gently caress international timetables. Britain is currently not planning on following this, because who cares about Northern Ireland or anything for that matter.

Oct 22, 2009

Oct 22, 2009

His Divine Shadow posted:

Ah the good Madsen.

He deffo shouldn't have built that submarine

Oct 22, 2009

Some Guy TT posted:

As much as I like cat guy and his love interest he really does need to spay his drat cat already.

It just wasn't done in the 1970's, drowning unwanted kittens was the usual contraception as seen in a previous comic.

Oct 22, 2009

SubNat posted:

I've seen it come up a couple times: Our Sulo, our Pekka.
Is this a current, or kinda old-fashioned way of referring to family members? I've seen it pop up a couple times before, and it seems to often be while people are referring to close relatives.

It's mom talk for the apple of their eye. It's shorter to say 'our John' than 'our son John' and still clearer than just 'John'.

Oct 22, 2009

Glad to know we still have some Viet Nam Uncles active in the thread :allears:

Chalk another notch in the 'gently caress you Dustin guy' calendar.

His Divine Shadow posted:

The best moomin mug

The best Moomin towel

Oct 22, 2009

Loving the origin story of birch trees. This is canon for me now!


Oct 22, 2009

Darthemed posted:


I think I might take a break from posting Ripley's. This is just getting sad.

Next up: 'Donald Trump' is anagram of 'dump lard ton'!

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