FrumpleOrz posted:On The Fastrack I legit enjoyed both of these strips. Huh. Alhazred posted:Zelda lmao "I don't run a hetero crisis center" ![]() Mikl fucked around with this message at 11:30 on Apr 30, 2020 |
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# ¿ Feb 18, 2025 05:58 |
I'm really enjoying Zelda. (The strip, the character is still a poo poo but she's gradually getting better now that she's dumped the dead weight that was Cesar.) Nova in particular I find to be a really good character: she's successful because she puts in a whole lot of work, but people think she gets ahead just on being pretty. And she's a fundamentally insecure person who just wants her friends to acknowledge her. Thank you for posting it.
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Kennel posted:Surgeon's Tales That's a pretty good "Oh, it's on now, bitch" face there.
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FrumpleOrz posted:Safe Havens Don't, Holbrook. Please.
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Alhazred posted:Zelda Oh, this hit a bit too close to home ![]() (In the past on several occasions I was basically the two ladies on the left, making someone feel bad about themselves. I know better now, but it doesn't change the fact that I was a poo poo to some good people.) Mikl fucked around with this message at 12:08 on May 7, 2020 |
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Maigius posted:Comics from Grandma's Scrapbook, circa 1939 I enjoy these. And I really like the girl's style in that last comic.
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Honest question: why? Why would Doom want to mess with Spider-Man to such an extent? Alhazred posted:Zelda lmao Zelda's the best Medenmath posted:Prince Valiant I will forever love that everyone who meets Val instantly realises that he's a big meatheaded idiot ![]() Mikl fucked around with this message at 10:38 on May 10, 2020 |
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Quoting from a few pages back, but among all the cancercancercancer THIS strip stood out. gently caress YOU, LES MOORE. First of all, you do not humiliate a student like that. You take away their phone, and give it back at the end of the day. That's it. Second, the dermatologist's appointment is likely confidential medical information, so doubleplusfuckyou.
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uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh That felt quite a bit transphobic, is it just me?
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Good A&J vibe from this comic. I approve.
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Transmodiar posted:Modesty Blaise Hold up, Modesty is 26?? I know she's young, but I had her pegged for mid-thirties at the youngest.
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LazyQ posted:Mämmilä Lovely ❤
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quote:Comic Strip Megathread 2020: Les, Miserable Hahaha, who did this? ![]()
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Medenmath posted:Vintage Valiant (May. 14, 1939) Just for the record, this one strip dates exactly when Valiant is happening pretty firmly; though Attila never actually conquered Rome itself (that was Alaric, king of the Visigoths), he was making his merry way through Europe in 450-451, and he died in 453, his empire quickly disintegrating after that. So this Valiant strip must be happening between 450 and 453, maybe plus a year or so (to allow for news of the Hun invasion to travel to Britain). But of course Valiant is a fantasy comic strip which has only the most tenuous link to real life, so... ![]()
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Medenmath posted:The story suggests that the Huns have all the supplies they need, but in a real siege all of the food within dozens of miles might well have been moved inside the castle already. Anyway, as far as the story goes, the Huns here are supposed to be an immediate deadly threat and they might not seem very imposing if they were content to just sit down and wait it out. Or at least that would be a slower and very different sort of threat. The Huns simply leaving the castle alone means the soldiers inside can come bother them in the future, so that's a security risk. Yeah but on the other hand, not all the Huns need to be there. If there's an unconquerable castle, a smart commander would just plop enough troops at the place to keep the siege going so the defenders can't leave, and have the rest of their army move on.
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Medenmath posted:
Val, hold on. Dude. Are you... Are you sleeping on the corpse of an enemy? ![]() (Seriously, in the penultimate panel, that's a hand sticking out from behind Val's back. Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?)
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Julet Esqu posted:We don't see Tiff's Dad's face for the same reason we didn't see Luann's date's face that one time she made the shameful decision to date somebody she did not intend to marry: Team Evans thought it would be cool. You know, after a certain point, no one would convict Tiff. Just sayin'.
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Medenmath posted:Vintage Valiant (Jul. 23, 1939) lmao "Val is calmly drowning him" ![]()
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Powered Descent posted:Comic Strip Megathread 2020: Val is Calmly Drowning Him Mods, please ![]()
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Kennel posted:Dustin gently caress RIGHT off.
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How Wonderful! posted:Dykes to Watch Out For #69 (1989) I'm in an entirely different country, and most queer folks here aren't out except to a close group of friends. Because in tyool 2020 most LGBTQ+ people over here are still the butt of jokes, and if they're visible they're given the side-eye at best. Hell, I found out one of my best and oldest friends is gay like a year before coming out as trans myself; we'd known each other for literally our whole lives, and he'd just never mentioned it. And believe me, visibility is exhausting. Now I can pass quite well, fortunately, and besides specific situations (e.g. when I'm doing activism) I just don't mention I'm trans, at all. Because the cishets start looking at you and treating you differently once they learn you're queer, their whole demeanor changes. Plus, often when they know they define you by that, and honestly I'm getting real loving tired of always being "the trans girl" to everyone I meet.
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Samovar posted:Is it different throughout Italy? Are some places more accepting than others? Uh, you don't need to answer this, since you've already pointed out the exhaustive-ness of it all; it is just curiosity on my part. Nah, I don't mind people asking honest questions. As long as they're not Just Asking Questions, that is. It differs from area to area. Generally speaking, the North is more tolerant than the South, and big cities are more tolerant than small towns. This is probably because folks in the South tend to a. be more religious than those in the North, and b. give more importance to the concept of "family respectability". Most of the problems with queer folks from their family is "what will the neighbours think." This of course is just a rule of thumb, not a hard-and-fast axiom.
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RandomPauI posted:I'm surprised Holbrook hasn't had someone be born a cyborg yet. A finger on the monkey paw curls...
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Medenmath posted:Prince Valiant A mob of untrained villagers versus a really angry woman, a knight of the Round Table, and a literal warrior queen. Oh, those poor bastards.
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Medenmath posted:Vintage Valiant (Aug. 27, 1939) Look at Val in the last panel. Look at him. Goddamn, the art is so expressive in this.
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They're going to berate Michael for giving the baby honey aren't they. (You're not supposed to give honey to a baby because it could cause botulism.)
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Samovar posted:In today's Corto Maltese: Itxaygix (a real name) is cynical for his years, or Waka may not have been as effective as Jack made her out to be..., or Well, let's hope that she DIDN'T end up like up like Waka Boy did that escalate quickly.
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Yvonmukluk posted:Bobbins lmao
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Comic Strips: I wonder if Bugs Bunny is able to get and maintain an erection
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Kennel posted:Dustin Okay for once I'm on Dustin's dad's side here: gently caress off with your fat shaming. Unless someone is morbidly obese, body size and shape don't correlate to health very well; there are plenty of fat people who are healthy, and plenty of thin people who are unhealthy. "Being fat" is not a diagnosis. gently caress off.
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Johnny Walker posted:The Phantom ...Dude, have you seen how Heloise handled that?
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FrumpleOrz posted:On The Fastrack You always treat her like poo poo! You regularly call her "freak"! You even did it at the very beginning of this phone call where you're asking for her help! Why the hell should she help you???
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FrumpleOrz posted:Safe Havens 1. Holbrook what the gently caress is it with you and pregnancy??? Holy poo poo??? 2. There are plenty of AMAB folks who would gladly carry a baby to term if they could, so doubleplusfuckyou.
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FrumpleOrz posted:Kevin & Kell The question I ask every time I post this strip. Miranda is a rabbit, first introduced in the strip in 2015 as one of Rudy's gardening team team-mates. She then met Edgard the lion while helping with the college drama club, and they hooked up; at the time Edgard was dating Leona (the lioness who has recently married Carl the rhino), and him and Miranda hooking up caused Edgard and Leona to break up, and Edgard and Miranda started dating. Besides her dating a lion, she's one of the Easter Rabbits, the identities of whom are a closely-guarded secret in rabbit society. Oh, and she has two dads.
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FrumpleOrz posted:Kevin & Kell Okay, so, do you need cosmetics and stuff to disguise yourself as another species? Or are pheromones enough, as has been shown until now? Which is it?
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Kennel posted:Surgeon's Tales Yeah sure guys, let's insult the literal King of Sweden who has just marched into the room and is clearly within earshot, why not.
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How Wonderful! posted:Yeah that's precisely the age bracket my parents are in, and they both definitely grew up in households where corporal punishment was absolutely normalized. My mom in particular went through horrid poo poo. I believe she also went to Catholic school at a time when corporal punishment was the norm there too. It's horrifying that within living peoples' memories it was totally accepted that children misbehaving merited physically striking them. Even look at the changing representation of that poo poo in media-- I think that if the Simpsons were to debut in 2020 you definitely wouldn't see jokes about Homer strangling Bart, for instance. Kinda same. My parents (late sixties) never raised a finger against either me or my sister, mostly because of my mum I think, she's a teacher. Often when my dad sees / hears about young people "misbehaving" he says "see, they weren't beaten up enough when they were kids" to which my mum tells him "do not say that even as a joke".
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Alhazred posted:Zelda Oooooof ![]()
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FrumpleOrz posted:Kevin & Kell Rachel the rhino first showed up in 2003, and her initial purpose was to make Corrie the sheep jealous because her boyfriend, Bruno the (herbivorous) wolf was in the same class as Rachel; she had the "gimmick" that she was very near-sighted, and thus would charge at everything she found to be unfamiliar. She saved Bruno from some wolves who wanted to punish the "species-traitor", and then she joined the local high school's hunting team. After graduating, she went to college and roomed with Lindesfarne the hedgehog; she was one of the bridesmaids at Lindesfarne's wedding to Fenton the bat, and after graduating she started working as an elementary school teacher and volunteering at a summer camp. In 2014 she married Joan the horse. Joan the horse showed up in 2005 for exactly one strip, as Rachel's date to their high school prom. She then disappeared until their wedding in 2014, and has made very few appearances since, with the punchline in every one of them being "she's a fashion designer! ![]() I'm posting Kevin and Kell lore and there's nothing you can do to stop me ![]()
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# ¿ Feb 18, 2025 05:58 |
FrumpleOrz posted:Kevin & Kell No new characters in this strip, so lemme just clear a bit of backlog. Greta Garter the garter snake was introduced in 2015 as Fiona the half-fox-half-fennec's new college roommate, after her previous one (Leona the lioness) had moved out. Greta's vain. And self-absorbed. And likes make-up and makeovers. That's... Pretty much the extent of her character, really. She was a pre-med student when she was rooming with Fiona (whether she actually graduated is unknown), and you best believe there were caduceus jokes. Also, many of the punchlines involving her include her body taking the shape of whatever she swallows, like so: ![]() That, or moulting. Moulting is a common joke when she's around. Greta was one of Leona's bridesmaids when Leona married Carl the rhino. Greta is dating Todd the toad. Todd the toad was introduced in 2016 as Greta's boyfriend, "a turtle who never emerges from his shell." Like, he literally looked like a headless turtle, with only the arms and legs sticking out. This went on for a while, until he gets exposed as a toad after tackling Greta out of the way of a falling object, moving much faster than a turtle is capable of. But how did Greta and Todd start dating, you may ask? Well, they matched on Tinder. Kinda. Sorta. Look, it's best if I just post the strips. ![]() ![]() After Todd's identity is exposed they decide to keep dating, and Todd decides to keep wearing the turtle shell, because it feels comfortable. No other reason, really.
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