I think you're being very charitable on One Big Happy, but I suspect I may have also said that last year
# ¿ Jan 1, 2020 20:53 |
# ¿ Jan 22, 2025 23:56 |
StrixNebulosa posted:Funky Winkerbean was spoiler-tagged for the entirety of that arc, so something was done. Additionally, an insensitive depiction of an illness isn't the same as hate speech. Ignoring isn't the best solution, either - letting hate speech go unopposed is a great way for it to push its way into a community and then get more extreme. Ghostlight posted:i think the difference is that those other comics are lovely because they're not funny and poorly written and a bit weird. dilbert is lovely because its creator uses it as a mouthpiece for his regressive political views on the validity of other people's identities and value as human beings. Purely as a comic, Dilbert is probably one of the least consistently lovely out of the lovely ones. It had one transphobic arc recently, no doubt at all that's reflecting Adams' own views, but 95% of the time it isn't. Dustin is lovely every single day. I get banning Dilbert from the thread because it's a reminder that Scott Adams is doing his thing, but a lot of comics are cut from the same cloth and it seems they get a pass because their creators are staying just below the line with overt social media statements while regularly crossing it in the actual comics.
# ¿ Jan 6, 2020 21:44 |
so remember when y'all were saying you didn't see how Fort Knox was a military strip
# ¿ Jan 7, 2020 08:23 |
Been a good while since the last time it was posted and it's a good strip.
# ¿ Jan 7, 2020 14:40 |
You know who I am? I'm Johnny Two Hats. This hat story is pretty baffling even for Billingsley but at least he's trying to make it a thing in the comic unlike the Working Daze guys with their water bottle who just put the backstory on Wikipedia. I will say, though, that the new hat makes Curtis pretty bottom heavy, visually speaking.
# ¿ Jan 8, 2020 15:26 |
Kennel posted:I had to check out. Classic Valiant was posted by GorfZaplen from November 2013 to February 2015 and we reached January 1945.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2020 06:01 |
Haifisch posted:I've decided that unless this arc is actually interesting somehow or unless there's a surprise contingent of people really into modern Tracy, I'm going to stop posting it after this arc. This isn't even bad in a fun to hate way, it's just boring. There's only so many times I can make fun of the stories getting constantly sidetracked by Flintheart bullshit before it gets old.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2020 21:15 |
Parents beware: social media will lead your children* to immoral behaviour! *adult-aged
# ¿ Jan 10, 2020 07:01 |
Harvey you couldn't have told us about that before we took you on a expedition to the harshest mountains in the world
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 16:41 |
I think you're right and I think that may have been the first reappearance of Splitface. And I also think it's possible that wasn't the first instance either.
# ¿ Jan 24, 2020 14:19 |
Darthemed posted:I'm thinking 200 DPI should be sufficient.
# ¿ Jan 24, 2020 17:17 |
Gloomy Rube posted:Dustin's artist is the creator of 'Gil', it's the author who has the crummy opinions. I think a goon got an email interview with them a couple threads ago about it. I do dimly recall that interview and that Parker came off as a reasonable guy in it, buuuut even then he's still putting himself in Kelley's service each and every day drawing his strip, and it takes a lot more than drawing a video game accurately to make up for that.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 21:39 |
Evil Mastermind posted:Working Daze honestly surprised me with this one.
# ¿ Jan 28, 2020 07:07 |
I want to say Mark Trail might look wonky now but still 1000x better than with the cliparts, but it also just looks like he got a different set.
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 21:14 |
amigolupus posted:Is...Is Billingsley entering that Batiuk Phase where everything works out well for all his characters even when it's completely unearned?
# ¿ Feb 1, 2020 07:08 |
Ashsaber posted:So, as someone who hasn't even been reading these threads for a full year, can someone give me a cliff's notes explanation of how and why there are moon people in Dick Tracy? Because suddenly, from my perspective, there's literal magic powers in the strip and you can easily acquire giant, cornucopia sized snails from the moon as a regular thing? What?
# ¿ Feb 6, 2020 09:49 |
riderchop posted:Hey, whatever happened to reboot Alley Oop, who was posting it?
# ¿ Feb 7, 2020 07:14 |
Kennel posted:Dustin
# ¿ Feb 9, 2020 16:52 |
What a fate for an innocent child.
# ¿ Feb 9, 2020 20:01 |
Evil Mastermind posted:Working Daze is...wait, is this how they're showing off a new look?
# ¿ Feb 14, 2020 06:03 |
Strontium posted:Intelligent Life
# ¿ Feb 14, 2020 07:02 |
He looks actually good in this. Like a slightly more detailed Tintin character, and I realize that's against the point of Tintin. Can someone quote the Morning Call article for us poor Europeans who are being locked out?
# ¿ Feb 14, 2020 13:44 |
Some Guy TT posted:Cheer Up Boss Dharma
# ¿ Feb 15, 2020 17:58 |
So Ed, what you're saying with that rather strained comparison is you hosed up parenting your children out of your own lack of commitment? Cause hey, sure, checks out.
# ¿ Feb 16, 2020 16:55 |
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 08:18 |
Do you think Curtis may, at some point, get new shoes? I feel like there's some panel real estate to be gained and it'll be good for three weeks of strips minimum.
# ¿ Feb 24, 2020 13:30 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail
# ¿ Feb 25, 2020 17:06 |
I'd just like to remind everyone that James Allen spent something like a week setting up an elaborate story about clowns where the punchline, such as it was, was "the phrase 'Wilhelm scream' exists", and his pride in coming up with that stellar gag oozed out of every line of artwork he retrieved from the folder. Spending a few months on a storyarc in exclusive order to, in his mind, dunk on a twitter person would seem entirely reasonable for such a man.
# ¿ Feb 28, 2020 06:12 |
oh hey it's Destruction and Barnabas
# ¿ Feb 28, 2020 17:23 |
"Why just the other day Rusty posted a picture from his arts & crafts class and was harassed about his clip art!"
# ¿ Feb 28, 2020 18:02 |
Kennel posted:Nancy
# ¿ Feb 29, 2020 12:25 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail EasyEW posted:Funky Winkerbean
# ¿ Mar 1, 2020 08:33 |
The Bloop posted:The way some of you people talk about certain strips is a but worryng. Character assassination because Team Evans had something against Bets for being a Strong Woman.... You know she's a fake shallow character that they literally invented from nothing fairly recently, right? She's literally whatever they want her to be. There's no one there to defend. It's not even like she's an established beloved character like Picard
# ¿ Mar 3, 2020 12:32 |
Crowetron posted:No one's mentioned it in awhile, but man, Zippy sucks, huh?
# ¿ Mar 4, 2020 06:54 |
Why does he even talk to him instead of locking the kids inside and going on Nextdoor to post that someone really should call the police.
# ¿ Mar 4, 2020 16:43 |
Victor here feels like he should have been part of the main cast.
# ¿ Mar 5, 2020 16:26 |
Medenmath posted:Val's kill count: 11 Like Iron Man will always have more CGI rockets and Thor may lose his hammer but it's always "Thor gets his hammer back" rather than "Thor has to come up with another plan", meanwhile this guy right here killed three men with a rope and a goose and only needed the goose for one of them and I'm rooting for him like you wouldn't believe.
# ¿ Mar 7, 2020 08:44 |
Ghostlight posted:my stalk's vowel is unrounded and slightly longer
# ¿ Mar 9, 2020 12:43 |
this is absolutely worth its own post: what the gently caress
# ¿ Mar 9, 2020 12:45 |
# ¿ Jan 22, 2025 23:56 |
The Bloop posted:Like, it's not bad art, right? It's detailed and well done, I can see that. But Anime Lottie just doesn't feel like the same person at all.
# ¿ Mar 9, 2020 13:15 |