(by Esplanade) It's 2020 and we're still here posting about an obscure art form formerly found in these things called 'newspapers'. For the unaware, this thread is for sharing newspaper comics no matter how good or bad. You'll take your Holbrooks along with your Wallace the Greats, and you'll like it. Don't think too hard about the comic's quality, . And don't worry if nobody's commenting on your comic - that likely means it's actually good, since 99% of the commentary is about terrible comics. That said, the thread rule is that any comic you post must have been published in a newspaper at some point, or else hosted by Comics Kingdom or GoComics since they're the closest things to actual newspapers we have anymore. There are a few exceptions, mostly stuff that you likely wouldn't find anywhere else, such as thread favorite Nekonaughey. Highlights and lowlights of last year include the saga of drunken Wilbur in Mary Worth, almost every comic in the thread featuring a pregnancy arc at the same time somehow, the end of Newspaper Spiderman, Funky Winkerbean attempting to do a poigniant CTE/suicide arc but making it all about Les instead of the actual victims, James Allen getting in a twitter slapfight with one of our posters and writing him into his next Mark Trail storyline just to get back at him, NuNancy (sort of) getting its groove back, Sally Forth doing the time warp again, and Dilbert getting so inexcusably bad it actually got booted off the thread. (by Luxrage) Old Thread Listing
Places to get poo poo to post Universal Uclick's GoComics - thanks Elysiume for this guide on how to get to their comics so you can upload them Transmodiar posted:Just a heads up - Elysiume's CSS no longer works - if you want to get GoComics images, add this to the style editor of your choice: King Features Syndicate's Comic's Kingdom The Houston Chronicle The Seattle Post-Intelligencer Darkgate Comic Slurper (by Hostile V) Editing Tools Paint .NET (Windows) Seashore (OSX) Pixelr (web) GIMP (by Ghostlight) Fonts Blambot comic fonts FBofW by Everett False Jane's World by Haikeeba! Luannfont by Haikeeba! Minimum Security by Haikeeba! Pearls by Haikeeba! Gamgasm by Haikeeba! Alternative Google Drive downloads (By Forktoss) And now's the time to post your favorite edits of threads gone by, and to introduce your comics for unsuspecting new readers. Angular Cyrus posted:
Drakyn posted:I scavenged up some R ubbish edits. Past Thread Titles Comic Strip Thread 2020: Weirdly, I just fled...FLED FROM THE BLOOD Comic Strip Thread 2020: Causes Goat Keen Disappointment And He Cries Bitterly Comic Strip Thread 2020: ART MUST CONTAIN TRUTH!! ART MUST CONTAIN TRUTH!! Comic Strip Thread 2020: Behold My Ceiling Star Body Comic Strip Thread 2020: we quietly mumble to ourselves "but there was sport now" Comic Strip Thread 2020: Viva! WEN-TACK Comic Strip Thread 2020: I'll Never Reveal Anything You Can Use to Hunt Nancy Comic Strip Thread 2020: Curtis' Dad Has Got It Goin' On Comic Strip Thread 2020: It's Not a LOL, But I'm Smiling Comic Strip Thread 2020: Mo Was Pretty Prescient in Being Depressed Funky Winkerbean Megathread 2020: Lisa Begins Comic Strip Megathread 2020: It's My Right! To Poop Whenever! 'Funny' Comic Strip Megathread 2020: Les, Miserable Comic Strip Megathread 2020: Your Dumb Antics Certainly Keep Me In Tears and Stitches Comic Strip Megathread 2020: Val is Calmly Drowning Him Comic Strip Megathread 2020: The Urge Comic Strip Megathread 2020: Yawps and Gasps Comic Strip Megathread 2020: God I Hope My 90 Year Old Wife Says Yes Comic Strips 2020: I Wonder If Bugs Bunny Is Able to Get and Maintain an Erection Comic Strips 2020: Betty Boop Is My IK Comic Strips 2020: I'm Just a Little Green Onion Comic Strips 2020: Well, I Got What I Wanted... Some Goon Exercise Comic Strips 2020: It's Time, Sarge. Comic Strips 2020: You've Been Playing Tag With a Tiger Comic Strips 2020: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT? Comic Strips 2020: He Was Quick to Spank That Cheek-Meat Comic Strips 2020: I Didn't Learn Anything From Any of This Comic Strips 2020: 9 Cheekmeat Lane Containment Zone Comic Strips 2020: Manga, You Philistines Comic Strips 2020: Risible and Full of Jokes Comic Strips 2020: piss off + get your own? Comic Strips 2020: A Modernistic Guy Comic Strips 2020: This is one problem you can't threesome your way out of Comic Strips 2020: Consternation and Hubbub! Astonishment and Wonder! Comic Strips 2020: What's the Big Jolly? Comic Strips 2020: The Internet Has CRASHED To Pieces Comic Strips 2020: yeah Karkat come on. please just suck me off Comic Strips 2020:But doctor... I don't know how to read!!! Comic Strips 2020:I love you, too, you gay disaster. Comic Strips 2020:Unforgivable Worm Thread Comic Strips 2020: I'm Gay. Let's Dance. Comic Strips 2020: The Neatest Lil' Biddies in Existence Comic Strips 2020: I Don't Actually Have Diarrhea, Cybil Comic Strips 2020: We're Mark Trail's Dads Now Comic Strips 2020: YAAAHH YAAAHH YAAAHHH Comic Strips 2020: Red Meets Jack Because I Got No Snake Comic Strips 2020: Always Go To Sleep Angry! Always! Comic Strips 2020: Miss Yummy Dummy of 1947 Comic Strips 2020: Move it, Plaidbod. Comic Strips 2020: A Sensuous Jack Dream Comic Strips 2020: Dick Dumbunny Shocks the Corn! Comic Strips 2020: Sumpin Arful Haifisch fucked around with this message at 23:01 on Dec 15, 2020 |
# ¿ Jan 1, 2020 05:59 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 04:03 |
Newspaper Spiderman: The sad tale of the world's least competent super hero came to an end last year, with the final comic depicted above. I've slowly been posting old strips starting from 1999, and have currently caught up to 2017. We are currently in the middle of the Rocket Raccoon arc, where Peter's space son is trying to stop Ronan from destroying poo poo. 1978 comics: I started posting 70s Spiderman because why the hell not. I've recently expanded to include 70s Mary Worth and 70s Rex Morgan since it's not any more effort and they can't be more disappointing than the modern versions, probably. The current 70s MW involves the scandal of cohabiting before marriage. 70s NSM involves Peter being involved with a terrorist's daughter, and also being extremely angry all the time. I started in the middle of this arc and I'm honestly not sure what's happening in it yet. Dick Tracy is a comic I mostly post because I keep hoping something, anything will happen. Instead we mostly get storylines that start off with a possibly interesting concept and end with a wet fart, and probably a cameo or two from some other comic because that's all Staton/Curtis know how to do. Locher Tracy is a throwback to a simpler time. A time when the stories made no loving sense, but in a way that was funny and had actual beginnings and ends to each plotline. It also features tiny arms. Origins of the Sunday Comics is a Gocomics feature where some brave soul has been curating random old Sunday comics for our enjoyment. Sometimes they post an assortment of comics, sometimes they post one comic for several strips. They're currently doing Dreams of the Rarebit fiend. Footrot Flats is a charming New Zealand comic about the realities of farm life. It doesn't sugarcoat things, so don't be surprised if you see freshly butchered headless chickens running around or the dog talking about eating a dead sheep.
# ¿ Jan 1, 2020 06:29 |
someone awful. posted:please can we not post the work of a guy who probably sexually abused his assistant or whatever, it's not really that funny EasyEW posted:Toonerville Folks (although it's not called that yet in the era I'm posting) is a cartoon panel that I've had a soft spot for over the years, so last year I just went for it. Small town characters, powerful nursemaids, and a world-famous form of public transport. (Fontaine Fox, June 2-3, 1916)
# ¿ Jan 1, 2020 23:40 |
Oh, so that's why MFAC hasn't come back. I'd love to see it come back but understand if it's too much of a hassle.
# ¿ Jan 2, 2020 03:43 |
Manuel Calavera posted:Foob SubNat posted:Yeah, I guess I'll timg it in future posts.
# ¿ Jan 2, 2020 22:17 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics With one time bonus Wizard of Id, because Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics With bonus baffling comment: Footrot Flats e: Some Guy TT posted:Should I do that? Normally I'd agree with you but the images I post are extremely vertical and much more difficult to ignore if I don't tag them. Haifisch fucked around with this message at 06:29 on Jan 3, 2020 |
# ¿ Jan 3, 2020 06:15 |
2017 Spiderman Bonus edit from techknight: 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 4, 2020 08:02 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 5, 2020 04:09 |
EasyEW posted:But last week a few too many intolerance brushfires popped up in our own backyard to ignore (you might know what I'm talking about, but you're blessed if you don't) 2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats Haifisch fucked around with this message at 04:55 on Jan 6, 2020 |
# ¿ Jan 6, 2020 03:31 |
Piping in as your local transman thread OP to say that seriously, please do not post transphobic comics by transphobic people. There's nothing even interesting about how bad it is, it's just a hateful slug spewing the same poo poo we have to deal with everywhere else. It's extra bad timing considering the, well, (gestures to the forums shitstorm happening over the past month and a half). I hate Pros and Cons for similar reasons, even though it's managed to edge away from saying the quiet part loud yet. Dustin also sucks but it provides enough edit fodder that I'm okay with it. 2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 7, 2020 01:08 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 7, 2020 22:53 |
SubNat posted:Moomin and the brigands 2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 8, 2020 19:40 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy I've decided that unless this arc is actually interesting somehow or unless there's a surprise contingent of people really into modern Tracy, I'm going to stop posting it after this arc. This isn't even bad in a fun to hate way, it's just boring. There's only so many times I can make fun of the stories getting constantly sidetracked by Flintheart bullshit before it gets old. Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 9, 2020 20:05 |
Archyduchess posted:I want to give back a bit to a thread that I've gotten a lot of education and enjoyment out of. I'm thinking about posting Cathy and Crockett Johnson's initial 1942-1946 run on Barnaby-- the former because I think it's a fascinating barometer for what a comic predicated on being "relateable" to a mainstream demographic of (white) women looked at through the 70s-aughts, and the latter because it's an exquisite comic. 2017 Spiderman Bonus edit by Snackmar 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 10, 2020 17:48 |
Julet Esqu posted:
# ¿ Jan 10, 2020 19:00 |
This was posted just in time for it to go from ridiculous(because our winter has had jack poo poo for snow) to prescient-ish(because we're due to get a winter storm soon). Also going by the signs, they're in Indiana somewhere. This is your pointless geography detail of the day. Elysiume posted:Why is he acting like Michelle doesn't generally hates Curtis?
# ¿ Jan 11, 2020 05:18 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 11, 2020 19:03 |
Strontium posted:Daddy Daze 2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics HEY GUYS JUST MAKING SURE YOU GOT THE REFERENCE Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 12, 2020 19:15 |
catlord posted:He's like Blackjack, but without the charm. Pray to whatever dieties you believe in that I can't find Curtis' fanfics. riderchop posted:i don't know how you see this Dick arc and NOT go "holy poo poo i need to see how bad this gets until the end of time"
# ¿ Jan 12, 2020 23:36 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy is...ah...hmm. Yeah I can't really defend this one. (I looked ahead, this is the worst it gets about this.) Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 13, 2020 18:26 |
While hunting for Staton/Curtis' Tracy fanfic(did you think I was joking?), I stumbled on these Minit Mysteries from the 50s. Enjoy:
# ¿ Jan 13, 2020 18:51 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy And a special feature: Staton & Curtis's Dick Tracy Fanfic! OK, it's actually a fan comic called Major Crime Squad. Hosted on Plainclothes, a Tracy fansite run by Staton/Curtis and a few others(which was also the source for the 50s Minit Mysteries from earlier), taken down around the time Staton/Curtis got involved with the real Dick Tracy strip but helpfully archived on the wayback machine. You'll get one a day until they run out. Why? Because it can't be any more tedious than their real Dick Tracy strips. site blurb posted:Artist Joe Staton and writer Mike Curtis (with inks and letters from Shelley Pleger) put the members of Chester Gould's Major Crime Squad through an adventure featuring two presumed dead criminals and the answers to "What happened to the Space Coupe?" Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats Haifisch fucked around with this message at 06:36 on Jan 15, 2020 |
# ¿ Jan 15, 2020 06:33 |
OK boomer. 2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 18:18 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad ACAB Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 17, 2020 18:26 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Police Brutality Theater Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 18:04 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 19, 2020 23:03 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 20, 2020 19:31 |
FrumpleOrz posted:Frazz gently caress off, Frazz. EasyEW posted:Dok's "Deeply Disturbing Punchline" Duck (January 21, 1913)
# ¿ Jan 21, 2020 02:03 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 21, 2020 19:38 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 17:42 |
Some Guy TT posted:I'm not sure how useful that is but it seems like a much better site than imgur, what with its constant crashes and front page loading slowing everything down. Although imgur does keep getting shittier as it tries to convince itself it's a social media site and not an image host, so alternatives are always welcome.
# ¿ Jan 23, 2020 04:50 |
I'll be gone for a few days so have today's comics early: 2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 23, 2020 07:29 |
Catchup time, part 1: The dicks tracy and 70s comics. 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 01:32 |
I was going to catchup more but then I realized everything else I post is old comics so . 2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 16:19 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 30, 2020 23:24 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Jan 31, 2020 18:37 |
2017 Spiderman 1978 Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy Origins of the Sunday Comics Footrot Flats
# ¿ Feb 1, 2020 18:20 |
2017 Spiderman 70s Comics Dick Tracy Major Crime Squad Locher Tracy I can't believe they don't realize it was Carmen Sandiego yet. Origins of the Sunday Comics, spoilered because racist caricature Footrot Flats
# ¿ Feb 2, 2020 19:57 |
riderchop posted:glanced over at modern Dick and i have zero idea what's going on Mr Roboto is a Styx reference/racist caricature that robs banks. Mysta the moon girl was playing Futura in a production of Metropolis the Flinthearts were putting on. Roboto fell for Mysta-as-Futura and has kidnapped her, and is now feeding her a giant snail. Dick Tracy himself is probably somewhere, doing something. This storyline has been going on for about a month and a half but that's all that's really happened.
# ¿ Feb 2, 2020 21:56 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 04:03 |
tl;dr: Crime man really into his robotsona, thinks moon lady should be too.
# ¿ Feb 2, 2020 22:51 |