why are we worried about serial killer RL
# ¿ Jan 2, 2020 02:13 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 03:08 |
Okay that new!nancy is the worst yet, it's so boomer-esque in its complaining
# ¿ Jan 2, 2020 21:40 |
gently caress you. I do not want to read works by transphobes, bigots, and fuckers. gently caress off.
# ¿ Jan 5, 2020 13:19 |
That would be a solid way to tackle my backlog, hmm....
# ¿ Jan 5, 2020 13:56 |
Garfield - January 21, 2001 "Strix, this comic elicits only a faint smile and appears to be copy-pasted. Why is it noteworthy to you?" Because when I was a kid (I was around ten when this comic came out) my brother and I picked up on it immediately and began doing it to each other all the time. My parents were annoyed, we were delighted, and Garfield really struck a chord loud enough to make me remember it nearly twenty years later.
# ¿ Jan 6, 2020 11:38 |
There are countless lovely comics in here and I'm fine with seeing them, but I absolutely refuse to read something that's openly transphobic. gently caress Dilbert. e: You know what? I'm actually really bothered that you keep telling us to ignore the transphobic comic. I'm not putting them on ignore. I'm going to keep complaining. Discrimination has no place in the newspapers, or in this thread.
# ¿ Jan 6, 2020 19:12 |
Transmodiar posted:I'm sorry if I've bothered you, but the general sentiment in this thread when people complain that a strip offends them is to get bent. I was told to suck it up when Funky Winkerbean went into its 10-week long circle jerk about Bull's CTE, so I know how it feels. Still, if you don't like the content someone shares, ignore is the best solution. Hell, feel free to put me on ignore, if you like. Funky Winkerbean was spoiler-tagged for the entirety of that arc, so something was done. Additionally, an insensitive depiction of an illness isn't the same as hate speech. Ignoring isn't the best solution, either - letting hate speech go unopposed is a great way for it to push its way into a community and then get more extreme.
# ¿ Jan 6, 2020 21:05 |
Have another Garfield. From Jul 7, 2002, this one is notable to me because the coloring is kind of gross and because uh, that is some horrifying cartoon anatomy.
# ¿ Jan 6, 2020 23:55 |
Footrot Flats: oh my goodness that's a perfect portrait of my dog whenever my dad gets home. Now it'd be a portrait of me and my mom as well but we're suckers who bend down and greet the good boy back
# ¿ Jan 7, 2020 01:13 |
Pigman and lady comic is back to the beginning! It's fascinating but not very funny.
# ¿ Jan 7, 2020 11:39 |
Garfield from November 7, 2004. If I have to look at it, so do you.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2020 22:10 |
What's a Buni joke doing in my Andertoons?
# ¿ Jan 13, 2020 14:22 |
No, Holbrook! No! I do not want the bird and the rat to have children! gently caress off!
# ¿ Jan 14, 2020 02:34 |
Zinkraptor posted:I used to really like the Encyclopedia Brown series as a kid and there's one that always stuck out to me. There were always some I had no chance of solving simply because they relied on things that were only true decades prior, but this one failed on every level, even undermining its own premise. Basically, it's determined that there are some crooks hiding in a restaurant. The patrons and their positions are all described, and the criminals turn out to be a couple each crossdressing as the other gender (for... some reason. Look it's been a long time. They also may have both been men, I dunno). The reason is that that the woman was sitting in the wrong spot - you see, women are supposed to sit with their backs to the wall in restaurants, and the couple had it the wrong way around, proving their deception. But the very fact that this is a mystery that needs to be solved and is presented as a puzzle relies on the fact that the reader doesn't immediately recognize that as wrong! If it's something the reader might not know, why wouldn't it be something that they didn't know? Most damningly, it's something Encyclopedia Brown himself didn't know - it's solved by another character who knows these things because such knowledge comes standard with being a girl. This cracks me up because it's so profoundly out of date that my dad - who grew up in the 70s - certainly didn't subscribe to it. Whenever we go to a restaurant he wants his back to the wall so he has a commanding view of the room. And he cared about this so much he'd make child!me move if I took the spot he wanted. I vaguely remember my grandpa doing the same thing - gotta sit like you're worried about gangsters coming into the restaurant.
# ¿ Jan 14, 2020 03:08 |
god I love Boondocks. It was a simpler time.
# ¿ Jan 15, 2020 17:47 |
This is the funniest possible thing to come out of a twitter beef
# ¿ Jan 15, 2020 18:19 |
Dykes to Watch Out For makes me feel oddly happy. Thank you for posting it.
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 10:31 |
Curtis' new hat looks so drat tiny, how does it fit on his head
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 16:08 |
Vargo! Condolences on your leg!
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 16:57 |
Samovar posted:Idgi. What's a Hobson? Hobson is a character, not sure why he doesn't like him but this pooch is very particular about his friends e: aha Darlene "Cheeky" Hobson Wal's girlfriend. She is the proprietor of La Parisienne Hairdressing Salon in Raupo. Cheeky is despised by the Dog, who is always looking for ways to come between her and Wal. She has two younger sisters, Belinda (Book 10) and Avril (Books 14 and 24), also both disliked by the Dog. Near the end of the strip's run, Cheeky and Wal become engaged, much to the dismay of the Dog and Aunt Dolly, but at the last minute Cheeky dumps Wal to move to Los Angeles with a male stripper. She is first mentioned in Wal's mini-biography at the start of Book 1 (September 1978), but does not appear until Book 3 (July 1980).
# ¿ Jan 17, 2020 21:16 |
Retail I need you to have Martha investigate where Stuart is and find him dead in his office or something, or maybe Grumbels actually closes down, DO something with the plot please and make it interesting
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 01:31 |
FrumpleOrz posted:Safe Havens Let the kid stay there. We know she's okay because she's a time traveler! I am trying to emulate the panel 2 expression with my mouth and it's not working. I make a "OH NO" face and it exposes my top row of teeth and covers the bottom, not vise-versa.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2020 03:07 |
amigolupus posted:This self-awareness that the sharks are eating sentient creatures and making fun of them for it is what's lacking in Kevin and Kell's hellworld. Overboard is a heartwarming comic! Then you get the strips about Raymond the cat, who is a serial killer and the mice treat him as the terrible monster he is.
# ¿ Jan 20, 2020 13:59 |
She's like a horny Mopsy
# ¿ Jan 20, 2020 22:31 |
Would Dykes stop doxxing me!!!!! (hi I'm a bisexual writer)
# ¿ Jan 21, 2020 03:44 |
The production of Cats as a stage play that's on DVD is one of my most cherished childhood films. I watched that thing so many times and still hum the songs. Everyone in that production is 1000% into being a cat and singing fun songs and it shows. Here's Skimbleshanks from that production, enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEIiqhx3BSk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10XhZrhqXyM
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 14:04 |
Judging from the cats I have had, no. They will never be good. They will be adorable always but they will never hesitate to murder a mouse AND THEN FLIP ITS BLOODY CORPSE ONTO MY LAP THANKS
# ¿ Jan 24, 2020 13:30 |
god I still love Dykes to watch out for so much. Thank you for introducing me to it.
# ¿ Jan 27, 2020 11:01 |
Crabgrass accurately depicting how children are bloodthirsty animals
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 14:48 |
Johnny Walker posted:Are the ships in Overboard on land or in the sea? Or maybe they do both? Those look like they're propped up on land, but I remember past ones where it at least appears they're sailing. During winter they're iced in
# ¿ Jan 30, 2020 19:39 |
readingatwork posted:I edited my previous post with the correct Crabgrass strip for those following it. Thank you!
# ¿ Jan 31, 2020 15:32 |
As a former poster of Ballard Street: yes please I will never get tired of it
# ¿ Feb 6, 2020 02:30 |
I have 100% done this with my little brother
# ¿ Feb 6, 2020 15:03 |
Vargo! Condolences on your..... juvenile diabetes?
# ¿ Feb 8, 2020 11:47 |
rest in pieces Vargo: savaged by juvenile diabetes, never loved by a woman, was a cyborg
# ¿ Feb 10, 2020 12:45 |
I really hate today's dustin because of the inherent sexism going on. Girls like all kinds of books you morons.
# ¿ Feb 10, 2020 20:30 |
I don't get today's garf. Normally it's just vanilla but today it's confusing and bland
# ¿ Feb 11, 2020 19:19 |
riderchop posted:Garfield First: don't feed your dog any scraps from your dining place. Don't. Do this even once and there's a good chance your dog will go "aha it worked" and come back for more. Second: ignore, ignore, ignore. If you did it once and need to stop it, it's going to take a long time but seriously ignore them. Attention only encourages bad behavior. Third: consider putting them in their kennel or in another room while eating if it bothers you that much alternatively, do what I do and feed them scraps in the kitchen while I'm cooking, so they learn to beg in the kitchen instead of at the table (seriously though I love apollo, his method of begging is standing silently and looking and it's so polite compared to a whine or nosing at me)
# ¿ Feb 12, 2020 18:58 |
.... am I being too cynical or is Mark Trail being ableist here? Losing a leg changes your life sure but it doesn't.... it doesn't cause yeti-delusions or a crippling addiction to social media
# ¿ Feb 13, 2020 01:36 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 03:08 |
holy poo poo Vargo I didn't know you were so badass! Look at you going on cool adventures!
# ¿ Feb 14, 2020 20:18 |