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Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
I read about half of this thread before skipping to the end, did Heart of the City stop getting posted? I was gonna comment that I don't know why the art got so much hate, it's not a conventional comic strip style but it's hardly the ugliest thing that gets posted in this thread.


Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

Caphi posted:

It changed writer/artist before it got dropped.

Yeah, I only ever saw the reboot, so maybe some of the criticism was from comparing it to the original. Like I didn't have strong feelings about it either way other than that, as more of a webcomic reader than a newspaper comic reader, it was nice to see a style I was more familiar with. But I didn't understand why some people seemed to really harp on it

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

EasyEW posted:

Pearls Before Swine


Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

FrumpleOrz posted:

The Lockhorns

these two have been in a loveless relationship for at least 34 years

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

Mikl posted:

"Yukari of Gensokyo, Japan"


:laffo: could this be the first touhou reference in newspaper comics

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

EasyEW posted:

Is there any reason ICE wouldn't have just raided Montoni's? I thought that was the standard procedure, and they had no way of knowing who the driver was going to be.

the only reasonable explanation is the guy who got her to deliver the pizza in his stead was in on it

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

Very relevant right now with the Depressed Unreleased League of Legends Character asking for emotional support on Twitter.

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
Today's Nancy just needs a pointless or incorrect Translator's Note and it would be perfect

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

Evil Mastermind posted:

Super-Fun-Pak Comix

Heh, hate to burst your bubble but several communities are already feeling the catastrophic impacts of climate change while the more privileged world remains unaware :smug:

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
The only thing that can make me more irrationally angry than 9CL normally does is when it does the same exact "joke" for a week in a row

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
America (and France) exist in Kellworld?

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
Yeah I think the really strained looking grins are intentional for the most part

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
I hope someone is keeping a running tally of all the "dressed as coronavirus/the year 2020 for halloween" comics

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

somepartsareme posted:

I hope someone is keeping a running tally of all the "dressed as coronavirus/the year 2020 for halloween" comics

I forgot to add "social distanced candy giving".

Also, I appreciate Holbrook starting a new wedding arc in one comic as one ends in another.

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
why does the one dog in overboard talk and wear clothes but the other one doesnt

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
hard to get invested in this drama when we know it's probably going to skip to some other plot line with no resolution. i still want to know how that vegetable soup turned out drat it

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place


Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

EasyEW posted:

Funky Winkerbean

wheelchair accessibility makes me so horny

Ghostlight posted:

edda delphine


Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
Everyone's talking about vintage Holbrook but no one has mentioned today's on the fastrak being about the boss making her employees go back to work in an office in a pandemic while she stays in her mansion because she can create a hostile work environment them from home

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
Rose is Rose's "leaning" fetish feels like something highly specific to the author that they think is a universal experience

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
Isn't Zelda a semi-autobiographical comic that also had a long hiatus in real life?

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
I think you can generously interpret it that the kid was secretly keeping puppies(?) in the unused furnace, and he got nervous because he was about to get found out by his dad. It might just be dark as gently caress though

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

Johnny Aztec posted:

Jesus, Caspar really does have extreme anxiety.

weirdly this is the caspar comic i have related to the most

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

Strontium posted:

Dark Side of the Horse

nyan cat was a decade ago

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
Fully agree with the hate on Mother Goose and Grimm and also extend it to Pearls Before Swine. Honestly the only acceptable strip with talking animals is Overboard, and that only gets a pass because it's so bizarre

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place

goatface posted:

Reindeer are just dogs in skate shoes.

The coloring also kind of dropped the ball on Rudolph there

Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
Calvin really doesn't seem as likable as he did when I was a kid


Mar 10, 2012

Diggle Hell is a Real
(Swingin') Place
The Rose is Rose "oooh i have a secret badass side that likes Jalapenos" thing is maybe the most aggravating recurring thing in that comic, and that's saying a lot

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