Strontium posted:
What the gently caress is happening out the window of panel two? I see panicked eyes and indistinct blobs of flesh
# ¿ Feb 9, 2020 16:08 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 02:44 |
goatface posted:I believe it's the classical "cherub leaning on crossed arms" by Raphael, done by someone with no artistic skill. Now that you've pointed it out, I can see it. The classic "vase vs. two faces in profile" illusion, only its "cherub vs. canned chicken"
# ¿ Feb 9, 2020 16:22 |
Chef Bourgeoisie posted:Bloom County such a pained expression code:
# ¿ Feb 11, 2020 02:24 |
Manuel Calavera posted:
This one really tickled me, I think because of the guy on the left's expression. Kennel posted:
christ TofuDiva posted:Ballard Street
# ¿ Feb 16, 2020 22:33 |
computer angel posted:Having a normal one 9 months pregnant in a hospital bed, drawing nudes of myself that my husband gets horny about. I hate his side profile, how instead of a mouth he has a semi retracted proboscis, I just picture every time he speaks it makes the sound of a suction cup pulling off something
# ¿ Feb 17, 2020 03:07 |
Haifisch posted:Origins of the Sunday Comics These always feel to me like a page out of an I Spy book, but filled with references and wit I have no hope of ever understanding
# ¿ Feb 17, 2020 16:25 |
Angular Cyrus posted:
the expression on the pianist Just making sure I'm remembering correctly, she's complaining to her friend who desperately wanted to get pregnant but couldn't, right?
# ¿ Feb 22, 2020 01:38 |
Cicadalek posted:I cannot overstate how much I loving hate the face in panel four here It's the exact same face she uses for Farley
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 21:12 |
I would gladly read a comic strip centered around Tildy and Andrzej in a post-Lockhorns dysfunctional elderly dating couple setup over the general tepid limpness that is the actual Rex Morgan comic
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 23:15 |
I also feel like I"m the only person on earth who has been Team Tildy since she was introduced into the strip, perhaps because she actually has a personality and isn't even an rear end in a top hat
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 23:16 |
Professor Wayne posted:
Pickles is the un-OBH
# ¿ Feb 24, 2020 00:43 |
I picture Shaky Trembly being played by Steve Buscemi. Some Guy TT posted:Cheer Up Boss Dharma I really liked this one. Ghostlight posted:Classic Cat 3-7-17 How is this comic so consistently good
# ¿ Feb 26, 2020 01:48 |
Green Intern posted:I don't know exactly what it is about Bogor that makes it so distasteful to me. It's just kinda the whole package I guess. protip: Give the lumberjack Arnold Schwarzennegger's voice as you read
# ¿ Feb 27, 2020 00:18 |
ikanreed posted:Also he was on the lolita express what
# ¿ Feb 28, 2020 00:21 |
The art in Zits is IMO among the better posted in this thread, but Jeremy's left thumb (?) in panel 2 is really grotesque
# ¿ Feb 29, 2020 02:13 |
That Crabgrass is hitting too close to home
# ¿ Mar 15, 2020 15:52 |
coronatae posted:Rhymes with Orange isn't my favorite but drat that one really gets it. boil an potato, NOT A RAW
# ¿ Mar 15, 2020 21:25 |
Manuel Calavera posted:
Took me a minute
# ¿ Mar 17, 2020 13:35 |
Johnny Walker posted:
Goddamn that little orphan kid looks drunk! Also everyone's head:body ratio is like half their age proportions
# ¿ Mar 17, 2020 18:06 |
Der Shovel posted:What the gently caress there's no way this is the real comic. That guy in the first panel looks like lovely fanart of CTRL-ALT-DEL or that Sports and Jocks and Videogames piece of poo poo comic. Try to put your wrist like that
# ¿ Mar 17, 2020 19:25 |
It looks off even compared to his "edge of adventure" work. It's just so bizarre.
# ¿ Mar 18, 2020 00:15 |
Pastry of the Year posted:Arlo and Janis feeling pretty doxxed
# ¿ Mar 19, 2020 21:19 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail I think if you lined up this man's front or three quarter view and his profile that his features would not align ed: Seirously all the faces in the comic right now look like there's several artists who draw different parts of the face and then an additional artist just kind of picks ones to put together without worrying too hard about proportions or placement StrixNebulosa posted:I'm torturing myself while in quarantine by reading some old foobs and holy poo poo, the child abuse is... jesus christ
# ¿ Mar 21, 2020 20:31 |
Manuel Calavera posted:Bizarro I really like this one. The talking frog's expression the way she is leaning onto the other lily pad to show the other frog
# ¿ Mar 22, 2020 17:37 |
Julet Esqu posted:
This is really good
# ¿ Mar 22, 2020 21:02 |
amigolupus posted:Okay, I take the Esther comparison back. This level of twee makes her more like Dethany instead. I predict that Dawn's next move tomorrow will be taking a moment to react as he continues to kiss her before closing her eyes and participating as she "lets go" and "gives in" to her heart etc
# ¿ Mar 22, 2020 22:30 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail So help me god, those are the old Mary Worth eyes. Does anyone else see this? Picture a white wig on that last panel Why is this happening
# ¿ Mar 23, 2020 20:59 |
I didn't even need to change the skin tone at all
# ¿ Mar 23, 2020 21:05 |
PetraCore posted:Maybe Bets should date Tiffany instead. This would actually be extremely cute and fun to explore, not just because of giving a finger to homophobes and racists but because Bets and Tiff have enough things in common and enough things different that it would be interesting to follow the ups and downs of their relationship as they get to know each other and settle down. Which is why it will never happen
# ¿ Mar 25, 2020 21:14 |
The baby is named James Allen
# ¿ Mar 28, 2020 16:25 |
Julet Esqu posted:I'm going to try something with the Junk Drawer sizes. Tell me which you prefer, if you care. (I'm leaning toward Large, myself) Really liking Junk Drawer. It reminds me a lot of F Minus but with more detail/"realism" in the art
# ¿ Mar 29, 2020 16:40 |
Evil Mastermind posted:
To boldly soon where no man has ever sont before
# ¿ Mar 29, 2020 22:28 |
The Room handled cancer more meaningfully than Luann
# ¿ Apr 1, 2020 21:58 |
Mark Trail storylines often read like a dream or stream of consciousness, where we just bip from one action to another with no flow permeating or pushing anything, no consequences, things get brought up and we just move on by like looking out the window of a bus.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2020 17:32 |
The Bloop posted:If this was your first Dustin strip it'd be funny I wish it were my last
# ¿ Apr 3, 2020 13:08 |
Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail Why this nightmarish noir style shading in that first panel??? I know we joke but it seriously looks like Rusty is taking Mop Baby to a satanic ritual site, it looks really out of place with literally every other panel of this storyline so far
# ¿ Apr 4, 2020 18:20 |
What's the first known depiction of a man (or two men) abandoned on a tiny desert island with just that one palm tree? It's such a specific yet widespread trope
# ¿ Apr 5, 2020 19:35 |
Kennel posted:This doesn't give you the answer, but it's a nice article: This really scratched that itch, thanks
# ¿ Apr 5, 2020 21:00 |
Cesar looks exactly like my hs band director
# ¿ Apr 6, 2020 14:36 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 02:44 |
Poil posted:She is on the wrong side to see the right side of his head, idiot cartoonist. On the one hand, yes On the other hand, of all the not-amazing artists in this thread, Bettwy is most likely to knuckle down and actually keep dad's hair like this for a bit and show it growing out bit by bit, week by week Idk why, he's super lazy about a lot of details, but this strikes me as the kind of thing he'd randomly want to depict realistically
# ¿ Apr 7, 2020 15:35 |